Tutkija Anni Matikan esitys,
tilaisuudessa "Pohjalaisten nuorten hyvinvointi Kouluterveyskyselyn valossa ja tulosten suunnitelmallinen hy旦dynt辰minen", 11.3.2014
Business Plan - Analysis of a Patent opportunities Paolo Balasso
Market Analysis, Strategy Identification, Competitive Analysis of a firm holding a patent related to a localizer designed for bicycles. An economic financial analysis has been conducted in order to figure out the reliability and a possible gain of this business.
El documento describe c坦mo crear formularios en HTML utilizando la etiqueta <form> para agrupar los diferentes elementos de entrada como cuadros de texto, botones y listas desplegables. Incluye dos ejemplos de formularios, uno m叩s simple con diferentes controles de entrada y otro m叩s complejo con una tabla que contiene los campos para registrar datos de empleados. Finalmente, pide crear un formulario m叩s complejo de registro de clientes utilizando todas las etiquetas vistas hasta el momento.
This document summarizes Doosan equipment used by two large infrastructure contractors, Branch Highways and H&E Equipment. It describes how Branch Highways relied on Doosan excavators to handle an increased workload of 35-40 projects in 2015, praising the machines' versatility, reliability, and productivity. It provides details on two specific Doosan excavators used on large highway and bridge projects in Virginia. The summary highlights how H&E Equipment was impressed by the performance of initial Doosan machines, leading them to purchase additional Doosan equipment to meet jobsite needs.
The document discusses several topics:
1) People's eating habits have become less healthy due to the popularity of fast food, which is high in ingredients that cause weight gain but is convenient.
2) The tourism industry brings profits to countries but also has negative environmental and economic impacts.
3) An introduction and outline argues that increased violence in society is not solely due to television and movies, but also factors like parenting, internet access, and lack of restrictions on violent media content. Education, internet popularity, and restrictions on movies are proposed as additional influences on societal violence.
Doosan has introduced four new crawler excavator models to its lineup - the DX140LCR-3, DX420LC-3, DX490LC-3 and DX530LC-3. The new excavators provide improved power, performance, operator comfort and speed. They are equipped with interim Tier 4 engines to reduce emissions. The article provides specifications and details on features of the new excavators such as work modes, operator comfort improvements, and an optional straight travel feature. It also explains Doosan excavator model naming conventions.
Este documento analiza los cambios en la organizaci坦n pedag坦gica del aula debido a la introducci坦n de nuevas tecnolog鱈as. Las computadoras han redefinido el aula como un espacio m叩s personalizado que rompe con la linealidad tradicional. Otros factores como nuevas pedagog鱈as, celulares y la fusi坦n de lo escolar con lo no escolar tambi辿n influyen. El aula ya no se define por los l鱈mites del espacio y tiempo, y el conocimiento t叩cito gana importancia. El docente debe adaptarse a estas nuevas realidades y
Business Plan - Analysis of a Patent opportunities Paolo Balasso
Market Analysis, Strategy Identification, Competitive Analysis of a firm holding a patent related to a localizer designed for bicycles. An economic financial analysis has been conducted in order to figure out the reliability and a possible gain of this business.
El documento describe c坦mo crear formularios en HTML utilizando la etiqueta <form> para agrupar los diferentes elementos de entrada como cuadros de texto, botones y listas desplegables. Incluye dos ejemplos de formularios, uno m叩s simple con diferentes controles de entrada y otro m叩s complejo con una tabla que contiene los campos para registrar datos de empleados. Finalmente, pide crear un formulario m叩s complejo de registro de clientes utilizando todas las etiquetas vistas hasta el momento.
This document summarizes Doosan equipment used by two large infrastructure contractors, Branch Highways and H&E Equipment. It describes how Branch Highways relied on Doosan excavators to handle an increased workload of 35-40 projects in 2015, praising the machines' versatility, reliability, and productivity. It provides details on two specific Doosan excavators used on large highway and bridge projects in Virginia. The summary highlights how H&E Equipment was impressed by the performance of initial Doosan machines, leading them to purchase additional Doosan equipment to meet jobsite needs.
The document discusses several topics:
1) People's eating habits have become less healthy due to the popularity of fast food, which is high in ingredients that cause weight gain but is convenient.
2) The tourism industry brings profits to countries but also has negative environmental and economic impacts.
3) An introduction and outline argues that increased violence in society is not solely due to television and movies, but also factors like parenting, internet access, and lack of restrictions on violent media content. Education, internet popularity, and restrictions on movies are proposed as additional influences on societal violence.
Doosan has introduced four new crawler excavator models to its lineup - the DX140LCR-3, DX420LC-3, DX490LC-3 and DX530LC-3. The new excavators provide improved power, performance, operator comfort and speed. They are equipped with interim Tier 4 engines to reduce emissions. The article provides specifications and details on features of the new excavators such as work modes, operator comfort improvements, and an optional straight travel feature. It also explains Doosan excavator model naming conventions.
Este documento analiza los cambios en la organizaci坦n pedag坦gica del aula debido a la introducci坦n de nuevas tecnolog鱈as. Las computadoras han redefinido el aula como un espacio m叩s personalizado que rompe con la linealidad tradicional. Otros factores como nuevas pedagog鱈as, celulares y la fusi坦n de lo escolar con lo no escolar tambi辿n influyen. El aula ya no se define por los l鱈mites del espacio y tiempo, y el conocimiento t叩cito gana importancia. El docente debe adaptarse a estas nuevas realidades y
PPT kelompok 1 Sistem Informasi Manajemenyandiistiyono
Sosial media adalah situs yang memungkinkan komunikasi dan berbagi informasi. Media sosial hadir dalam berbagai bentuk seperti forum internet, blog, jejaring sosial, dan lainnya. Pesan dapat disebarkan ke banyak orang secara cepat tanpa gatekeeper. Facebook, Twitter, dan Path adalah contoh populer dengan ratusan juta pengguna.
Liberty Medicare is here to help you learn and enroll in a Medicare Plan or Individual Health Insurance Plan thats right for you. We provide simple solutions for all your healthcare needs
The document discusses new products from Doosan, including new articulated dump trucks and expanded excavator attachments. Doosan introduces two new hydraulic breakers and details its 48-hour parts guarantee. The magazine provides construction equipment field test results, success stories from Doosan customers, and specifications for Doosan articulated dump trucks, excavators, wheel loaders, and log loaders.
The document provides information about new products from Doosan, including two new crawler excavators - the DX63-3 and DX85R-3. It also introduces the new heavy-duty DX300LL-3 log loader. The excavators feature improved arm and bucket forces, fuel efficiency, and operator controls. The log loader is designed for powerful and precise performance in challenging forestry conditions. The document contains details about features and specifications of the new machines.
Oppivat koulut -hanke-esittely辰 osana It辰-Suomen Sivistysfoorumi II:a (2015) pohjustavaa infoa ja keskustelua It辰-Suomen rehtori- ja johtajuusp辰ivill辰 Siilinj辰rvell辰 5.9.2014
eAMK webinaari: My旦t辰tuulta opintoihin - opinnollistamisen monet mahdollisuudeteamkhanke
Ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijat opinnollistavat opintojaksoja kasvavissa m辰辰rin. Webinaarissa pureuduttiin siihen, mit辰 opinnollistaminen k辰yt辰nn旦ss辰 tarkoittaa ja mit辰 hy旦ty辰 siit辰 on korkeakouluille. Lis辰ksi jaettiin kokemuksia ja hyvi辰 k辰yt辰nteit辰 erilaisten opintojaksojen opinnollistamiseen.
Webinaari on suunnattu erityisesti korkeakoulujen opettajille ja opinto-ohjaajille, mutta mukaan ovat tervetulleita my旦s kaikki opinnollistamisesta kiinnostuneet.
Webinaarissa esiintyiv辰t Annu Niskanen Jyv辰skyl辰n ammattikorkeakoulusta, Jaana Liukkonen ja Katri Hemminki Sein辰joen ammattikorkeakoulusta sek辰 Heidi Varpelaide ja Johanna Kero Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulusta.
Videotallenne l旦ytyy YouTubesta: https://youtu.be/YfkJfHBj1UM
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Oppimateriaaleihin, menetelmiin ja sovelluksiin tutustuminen 17.3.25Matleena Laakso
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Ammatillisten perustutkintojen ja valmentavien koulutusten perusteiden uudistaminen vaikuttaa toteutustapaan ja pedagogiikkaan
1. 4/5/13
Ammatillisten perustutkintojen ja
valmentavien koulutusten perusteiden
vaikuttaa toteutustapaan ja pedagogiikkaan
Leena M辰kel辰
2. Tutkintoj辰rjestelm辰n
Ammatillisten perustutkintojen
perusteet muuttuvat 1.8.2014 alkaen
Osaamispisteet k辰ytt旦旦n (ECVET)
Perustutkinto 180 op ennen 120 ov
Toteuttamisen tapoja ei s辰辰dell辰
Ty旦ss辰oppimista kuitenkin v辰hint辰辰n 30 op
Opetus / oppiminen voi toteutua,
l辰hiopetuksena, et辰n辰, verkossa, itse
opiskellen jne.
Kaikki opiskelijat siirtyv辰t kerralla
uusien lain, s辰辰nn旦sten ja m辰辰r辰ysten
Erilaiset valmentavat ja valmistavat
koulutukset yhdistyv辰t - VALMA
Yhteiset tutkinnon osat 35 op
Viestint辰- ja vuorovaikutus-osaaminen
11 op
Matemaattinen ja
luonnontieteellinen osaaminen 9
Yhteiskunnassa ja ty旦el辰m辰ss辰
tarvittava osaaminen 8 op
Sosiaalinen ja kulttuurinen
osaaminen 7 op
3. Oppijan osaaminen keski旦ss辰
Muualla opitun tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen keskeist辰
Miten oppilaitoksessakin toimitaan kuten ty旦el辰m辰ss辰?
Tiimity旦, oman ty旦n johtaminen, digitaalisuus jne.?
Toteuttaminen eri tavoin, mm. 2+1 -malli, enemm辰n
ty旦ss辰oppimista, projektit, osuuskunnat,
Aito mahdollisuus valita tutkinnon osia, mm. lukio-opinnot,
yritt辰jyysopinnot, tutkinnon osa toisesta tutkinnosta
Yksil旦lliset opintopolut
Opiskelijan omien vahvuuksien, tavoitteiden ja
kokemusten hy旦dynt辰minen ja niiden pohjalta oman
opintopolun rakentaminen
Lis辰辰 tietoa
perustutkintojen ja
koulutusten perusteiden
Editor's Notes
#3: Ammatillisten perustutkintojen kanssa samaan aikaan 1.8.2015 on tarkoitus k辰ynnist辰辰 uudistettuina my旦s ammatilliseen peruskoulutukseen valmentava koulutus sek辰 itsen辰iseen el辰m辰辰n ja ty旦h旦n valmentava koulutus. Ne korvaavat nykyiset valmistavat ja valmentavat koulutukset.
ECVET eli ammatillisen koulutuksen opintosuoritusten eurooppalainen siirtoj辰rjestelm辰 (European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training).