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Information Technology Group
                                            Opus Global Solutions
                                                  Marketing Services Coupon Success Stories

                                                  The Sales Accelerator Solutions Project

                                                                                                  Opus Global Group is a global
                                                                                                  strategy management
                                                                                                  consultancy firm specializing in
"We entrusted Opus Global                                                                         the delivery of service solutions
Group to manage our mission                                                                       in the domains of IT Strategy,
critical IT PMO. With OGGs IT                                                                    Management Consulting,
specialist, we were able to                                                                       Business Performance
enhance our IT service delivery                                                                   Management and Advisory
model with higher utilization rates                                                               Services. Together with our
while significantly reducing our                                                                  clients and partners, we design
total cost of ownership!"                                                                         long-term strategies to achieve
Vice President, Fortune 1000                                                                      the most advantageous high
CPG Company                                                                                       impact enterprise performance.

"The OGG Business Advisors

created unique insights into our      The Project Charter                                 Our Challenge
technology valuation and
                                      Learn how OGG helped a Fortune 100 and              Our client has historically provided their
integration strategies for our                                                            clients with fixed marketing solutions,
                                      US market leader in Marketing Services
M&A pre/post merger. Our target       Coupons for dining rewards programs                 and over the years did not respond to
                                      accelerate their sales revenue, when their          the customization for their specific client
merger involved complex
                                      continuous efforts failed to identify and           and their end user customers business
strategic valuations of financial
                                      build a new Daily Deal coupon product for           needs for the Daily Deal model.
significance that could have          the US marketplace. The client had a 15%
                                      market share loss in18 months and rapid             The senior management team
negatively impacted our capital
                                      revenue loss of advertisement revenue               attempted to create and deploy new
return on investment."                while losing overall top-line sales and             Daily Deal products with white label
Vice President, Premier Mid-          customers in the lucrative premium coupon           capabilities, however the client failed
                                      rewards markets to their US competitors.            holistically to integrate the sales and
Market Retailere                                                                          marketing leads generation into their
                                                                                          global sales force leads intelligence
                                      Our Role                                            program management team. This
                                                                                          resulted in major sales closing
                                      OGG consultants provided business                   inefficiencies and opportunity loss of the
                                      process redesign and re-engineering for             creative marketing group under the
                                      sales commissions, leads, marketing,                existing marketing services coupon
                                      contract setup, market penetration, client          program.
                                      market response and acceleration of
                                      coupon rates programs.

                                                                Accelerate Your Business Performance

                                                             Opus Global Group
                                                                     Strategy and Management Consulting

                                          Project Achievements

                                          With our OGG business process redesign experts and laser financial driven results
                                          we helped our Fortune 100 client and trading partners to master the complexities of
                                          the Daily Deal, E-commerce, Brand Building and Sales Force Integration.

                                          Here are the four major performance achievements experienced by our client as the
    "It gives me great pleasure to tell   Fortune 100 and US market leader:
    you how much I have enjoyed

    working with Opus Global Group                   Sales Revenue & Strategic Growth: The Houston and Cleveland test
    and the wonderful team. I am
                                                      markets are estimated to provide $600 - $800K of 2010 revenue.
                                                      Pending test results will to roll out to 10+ markets prior to end of year.
    impressed with the effort you and                 With 22 Daily Deals per month, at an average of $12.50 per purchase, a
    your team made to understand                      market is worth approximately $1,650,000 per year.
                                                          o Market estimate for 2011 Daily Deal revenue is $24,750,000
    our IT problems and to design a
                                                          o Re-invest in opportunities to accelerate growth, including growing
    solution. Your team helped me                             sales headcount, and developing and implementing the new Daily
    understand the issues and the                             Special product in multiple metropolitan markets.
                                                          o Growth in restaurant count of 3.4% to 10,541, the highest number
    proposed solution."                                       of restaurants since 2004, and 6 year accelerator.
    Devi Purra                                            o Second quarter revenues grew 4.9% YTD and gross profit grew
                                                              10.4% YTD, reflecting accelerated revenue growth for
    CEO, VIP Developers

                                                     Cost Reductions: Total operating costs have been reduced by 25% due
                                                      to increased efficiencies, new operational processes that eliminate steps
    "We have found OGG to be
                                                      or add value, while reducing manual intervention.
    flexible, IT Strategic consulting                      o Cost reduction was estimated by calculating the person hours
    superior and most importantly
                                                               saved per month or year average cost of employee (using $75/hr
                                                               as default).
    strictly dedicated to our                              o An Internal Sales Representative (ISR) position was added to
    company."                                                  exclusively focus on Daily Deals in the Midwest.
    Galit Kornwald
                                                     Customer Retention: The total operational and processes re-engineering
    COO, Lux Productions                              improvements significantly improved customer service in the areas such
                                                      as response time, quality, and the availability of informational resources.
                                                          o Client brand elevation was increased to new market awareness to
                                                              reach new levels of total customer satisfaction.

                                                     Operations: Operational improvements were constructed establish new
                                                      internal benchmarks and scorecards to better manage operational
                                                      efficiency and measure employee value added (EVA).
                                                           o New Matrix/Quad Framework: Sales, Marketing, Website, ISR
                                                           o Enterprise Risk Management Documentation
                                                           o Real-time Interactive Management Reports
                                                           o Financial and Operational Road Maps

                                                   OGG, LLP | 3600 N Lake Shore Suite 2608, Chicago, IL. | Tel: 773.935.3583 | Fax: 973.201.9379 |
                                                               | sales@opusglobal.net | blog.opusglobal.net | www.opusglobal.net |

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Opus Global Group -Sales Accelerator Solutions Project 2010 Success Story

  • 1. Information Technology Group Opus Global Solutions Marketing Services Coupon Success Stories The Sales Accelerator Solutions Project Opus Global Group is a global strategy management consultancy firm specializing in "We entrusted Opus Global the delivery of service solutions Group to manage our mission in the domains of IT Strategy, critical IT PMO. With OGGs IT Management Consulting, specialist, we were able to Business Performance enhance our IT service delivery Management and Advisory model with higher utilization rates Services. Together with our while significantly reducing our clients and partners, we design total cost of ownership!" long-term strategies to achieve Vice President, Fortune 1000 the most advantageous high CPG Company impact enterprise performance. "The OGG Business Advisors created unique insights into our The Project Charter Our Challenge technology valuation and Learn how OGG helped a Fortune 100 and Our client has historically provided their integration strategies for our clients with fixed marketing solutions, US market leader in Marketing Services M&A pre/post merger. Our target Coupons for dining rewards programs and over the years did not respond to accelerate their sales revenue, when their the customization for their specific client merger involved complex continuous efforts failed to identify and and their end user customers business strategic valuations of financial build a new Daily Deal coupon product for needs for the Daily Deal model. significance that could have the US marketplace. The client had a 15% market share loss in18 months and rapid The senior management team negatively impacted our capital revenue loss of advertisement revenue attempted to create and deploy new return on investment." while losing overall top-line sales and Daily Deal products with white label Vice President, Premier Mid- customers in the lucrative premium coupon capabilities, however the client failed rewards markets to their US competitors. holistically to integrate the sales and Market Retailere marketing leads generation into their global sales force leads intelligence Our Role program management team. This resulted in major sales closing OGG consultants provided business inefficiencies and opportunity loss of the process redesign and re-engineering for creative marketing group under the sales commissions, leads, marketing, existing marketing services coupon contract setup, market penetration, client program. market response and acceleration of coupon rates programs. Accelerate Your Business Performance
  • 2. f Opus Global Group Strategy and Management Consulting Project Achievements With our OGG business process redesign experts and laser financial driven results we helped our Fortune 100 client and trading partners to master the complexities of the Daily Deal, E-commerce, Brand Building and Sales Force Integration. Here are the four major performance achievements experienced by our client as the "It gives me great pleasure to tell Fortune 100 and US market leader: you how much I have enjoyed working with Opus Global Group Sales Revenue & Strategic Growth: The Houston and Cleveland test and the wonderful team. I am markets are estimated to provide $600 - $800K of 2010 revenue. Pending test results will to roll out to 10+ markets prior to end of year. impressed with the effort you and With 22 Daily Deals per month, at an average of $12.50 per purchase, a your team made to understand market is worth approximately $1,650,000 per year. o Market estimate for 2011 Daily Deal revenue is $24,750,000 our IT problems and to design a o Re-invest in opportunities to accelerate growth, including growing solution. Your team helped me sales headcount, and developing and implementing the new Daily understand the issues and the Special product in multiple metropolitan markets. o Growth in restaurant count of 3.4% to 10,541, the highest number proposed solution." of restaurants since 2004, and 6 year accelerator. Devi Purra o Second quarter revenues grew 4.9% YTD and gross profit grew 10.4% YTD, reflecting accelerated revenue growth for CEO, VIP Developers shareholders. Cost Reductions: Total operating costs have been reduced by 25% due to increased efficiencies, new operational processes that eliminate steps "We have found OGG to be or add value, while reducing manual intervention. flexible, IT Strategic consulting o Cost reduction was estimated by calculating the person hours superior and most importantly saved per month or year average cost of employee (using $75/hr as default). strictly dedicated to our o An Internal Sales Representative (ISR) position was added to company." exclusively focus on Daily Deals in the Midwest. Galit Kornwald Customer Retention: The total operational and processes re-engineering COO, Lux Productions improvements significantly improved customer service in the areas such as response time, quality, and the availability of informational resources. o Client brand elevation was increased to new market awareness to reach new levels of total customer satisfaction. Operations: Operational improvements were constructed establish new internal benchmarks and scorecards to better manage operational efficiency and measure employee value added (EVA). o New Matrix/Quad Framework: Sales, Marketing, Website, ISR o Enterprise Risk Management Documentation o Real-time Interactive Management Reports o Financial and Operational Road Maps OGG, LLP | 3600 N Lake Shore Suite 2608, Chicago, IL. | Tel: 773.935.3583 | Fax: 973.201.9379 | | sales@opusglobal.net | blog.opusglobal.net | www.opusglobal.net |