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Pedro Luis Palomino IV
(520) 777-3687 or (786) 999-5730
DOB: 1978-07-05
SSN: 766-03-8966
Clearance: DoS Secret/SCI Active. DoD Secret/SCI Inactive
Work Experience and Qualifications:
US Standard Training / Academi 40  60hrs per wk. (Jan 2011  Present)
 As a Protective Security Specialist (PSS) I am a Shift Leader in the supervision of
14 PSS personnel. I perform the day-to-day protective security functions as
specified in daily post and detail orders. I am responsible for maintaining a
protective formation position during the principals walking movements and
participated in advance security preparations. I carry and operate assigned
weapons as specified in daily post and detail orders, or upon orders from the
Detail Leader. I am utilized in various positions to include acting Personal
Security Officer and Advance Team Leader. When tasked to the Advance Team
Leader I lead a four man advance team where I am responsible for gathering
intelligence on specific venues, conducting advance operations, creating site
surveys, and giving site reports.
 In addition, I am currently assigned to the US Ambassador Protection detail in
Kabul Afghanistan; other protective details included, Ambassador Todd,
Ambassador Einkenberry, Ambassador Richard Olson, and USAID mission
directory Ken Yamashita, all in Kabul Afghanistan. I have also provided
protection details to several high level DOD and DOS VIPs, to include CODELs,
and the Secretary of State. I have served in every position in my assigned
protection detail, and served US Ambassador Crocker as PSS, limo driver, and
Shift Leader
 Clearance: DoS Secret SCI.
Triple Canopy Inc. 40  60hrs per wk. (Jun 2010  Dec-2011)
 Bravo Shift supervisor (Site Lead) Baghdad, Iraq
 Manage and supervise TCN (third country nationals) security force
 Conducted up to date training for guard force ( 30 )
 Transport TCNs (Ugandans) to and from FOB to their duty stations.
 Do to the sensitive nature of this previous position; any other details can be
discussed upon request.
 Clearance: DoD Secret SCI.
Arizona Army National Guard, Recruiting NCO (Feb 2005  Jul 2011)
 Established and maintained contacts for the Army National Guard
 Interviews and advises civilian personnel to obtain qualified applicants for
enlistment into the Army National Guard
 Trained and managed a platoon size element (20-30 RSP soldiers) on skill level
one tactics and techniques prior to basic training ship dates
 Established liaisons with the local radio, television, and newspapers agencies to
distribute information regarding the military
 Helped new enlistees set goals for their career in the military.
 Performed occupational, educational, psychological, and criminal background
 During this period I received 1 ARCOM, 5 AAM, NG Recruiting Ribbon,
Mission maker awards for three year in a road (FY07 100%, FY08 117%, FY09
157%), Recruiter Basic, Senior, and Master Badge, and several Misc job related
 Clearance: DoD Secret SCI
US Army Infantryman/Enlisted 60hrs per wk. (Oct 2002  Dec 2006) (Deployed 12/2003
 Supervised an Infantry fire team/ squad/ platoon in combat operations and
intelligence information gathering during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004 and in
 Performed PSD/PSS missions operating out of Fob Mckanzie(Ad-duluyah, Iraq) I
was a member of a US Army PSD team (1/4th Cav, 1st ID) responsibilities
included, VIP Security Detail, Civil affairs Officer Security Escort, high ranking
Iraqi local government officials.
 During the Iraqi government transition June 2004, I conducted several Security
escort missions, the escort of high ranking US Military officials, US civilian
officials, and Iraqi Government officials.
 Ensured area and perimeter security for principal during town meetings, room
clearing and identified and managed threats when they arised.
 Other duties included, managing the QRF (Quick Reaction Force) for the FOB,
and also performed roaming patrol around the FOB
 Performed several combat patrols, route recon, IED recon, highway patrol duties
on MSR Tampa, raids, cordon searches, hunter killer teams (Bradleys and
Abrams), Samarra offensive, and several misc missions.
 Managed ING soldiers (20-30) during combat patrols, ING building security,
Civil Affairs security missions along with ING Soldiers
 During this period I received the following awards: Combat Infantry Batch (CIB),
ARCOM, AAM (x2), Iraqi Campaign Medal, Armed Forces Reserves Medal with
M device, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism
Expeditionary Service Medal, Order of the Spur Cert, 30th Brigade Combat Patch
NCARNG, and the 1st Infantry Division Combat Patch.
International Warehouse Services, Operation Manager 40hrs per wk. (Jun 2001  Oct
 In charge of managing warehouse shipping and receiving operations during shift
 Making weekly schedules and manage 20-25 warehouse employees during shift
 I overseeing the training, orientation, and machinery training for new employees
 Managed the shipping and receiving of product for several accounts, ensured
product receiving and shipping was conducted to company standard
 Responsible for the management of product, stocking, repackaging, inventory,
and loss prevention.
 This was a bonded warehouse at Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale Florida, I
ensured that all product requiring US Customs inspection was ready and available
for US Customs officer to inspect when required
 Ensured that all incoming container had proper US Customs seals, and any
Customs documentation was done to US Customs standards
 Responsible for reporting any delivered of illegal product, tampered containers,
and suspicious cargo to Customs officials
Education and Training:
 Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society (March 2012  Present)
 American Military University, Oct 2011  Aug 2012 (BA Intelligence Studies 
Terrorism Studies. Graduated September 19, 2012)
 Columbia College, Columbia Missouri, Jan 2010- Oct 2011 (Graduated,
Associates in General Studies)
 Basic Non Commissioned Officer Course, Conversion Course (Apr 2009)
 Basic Non Commissioned Officer Course, phase 1 (Oct 2007)
 Warrior Leader Course (Nov 2004)
 Recruiting and Retention NCO Course (Apr 2005)
 AT4 Training, US Army (Dec 2003)
 Combat Infantry School, US Army (Sep 2003)
 Combat Life Saver Course (2003  2010)
 Miami Beach Senior High School, Florida (May 1997)
 Fluent in Spanish (speak, read, and write), born in Lima, Peru with a grade level
Spanish Castilian style education)
 Fluent in English (speak, read, and write), Naturalized U.S. Citizen since 2004.
U.S. high school, college, and university education.
 Familiar with Portuguese (able to carry conversation)
 SFC Rolando Martinez (FLARNG) 786-423-6923
 SSG Bryan Acton (AZARNG) 520-449-3103
 MSG Jeffrey Lund (AZANG) 520-306-1731
Palomino_Pedro_Resume 20121105

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Palomino_Pedro_Resume 20121105

  • 1. Pedro Luis Palomino IV PedroLuisPalomino@Gmail.com (520) 777-3687 or (786) 999-5730 DOB: 1978-07-05 SSN: 766-03-8966 Clearance: DoS Secret/SCI Active. DoD Secret/SCI Inactive Work Experience and Qualifications: US Standard Training / Academi 40 60hrs per wk. (Jan 2011 Present) As a Protective Security Specialist (PSS) I am a Shift Leader in the supervision of 14 PSS personnel. I perform the day-to-day protective security functions as specified in daily post and detail orders. I am responsible for maintaining a protective formation position during the principals walking movements and participated in advance security preparations. I carry and operate assigned weapons as specified in daily post and detail orders, or upon orders from the Detail Leader. I am utilized in various positions to include acting Personal Security Officer and Advance Team Leader. When tasked to the Advance Team Leader I lead a four man advance team where I am responsible for gathering intelligence on specific venues, conducting advance operations, creating site surveys, and giving site reports. In addition, I am currently assigned to the US Ambassador Protection detail in Kabul Afghanistan; other protective details included, Ambassador Todd, Ambassador Einkenberry, Ambassador Richard Olson, and USAID mission directory Ken Yamashita, all in Kabul Afghanistan. I have also provided protection details to several high level DOD and DOS VIPs, to include CODELs, and the Secretary of State. I have served in every position in my assigned protection detail, and served US Ambassador Crocker as PSS, limo driver, and Shift Leader Clearance: DoS Secret SCI. Triple Canopy Inc. 40 60hrs per wk. (Jun 2010 Dec-2011) Bravo Shift supervisor (Site Lead) Baghdad, Iraq Manage and supervise TCN (third country nationals) security force Conducted up to date training for guard force ( 30 ) Transport TCNs (Ugandans) to and from FOB to their duty stations. Do to the sensitive nature of this previous position; any other details can be discussed upon request. Clearance: DoD Secret SCI. Arizona Army National Guard, Recruiting NCO (Feb 2005 Jul 2011)
  • 2. Established and maintained contacts for the Army National Guard Interviews and advises civilian personnel to obtain qualified applicants for enlistment into the Army National Guard Trained and managed a platoon size element (20-30 RSP soldiers) on skill level one tactics and techniques prior to basic training ship dates Established liaisons with the local radio, television, and newspapers agencies to distribute information regarding the military Helped new enlistees set goals for their career in the military. Performed occupational, educational, psychological, and criminal background checks During this period I received 1 ARCOM, 5 AAM, NG Recruiting Ribbon, Mission maker awards for three year in a road (FY07 100%, FY08 117%, FY09 157%), Recruiter Basic, Senior, and Master Badge, and several Misc job related awards. Clearance: DoD Secret SCI US Army Infantryman/Enlisted 60hrs per wk. (Oct 2002 Dec 2006) (Deployed 12/2003 01/2005) Supervised an Infantry fire team/ squad/ platoon in combat operations and intelligence information gathering during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004 and in 2006. Performed PSD/PSS missions operating out of Fob Mckanzie(Ad-duluyah, Iraq) I was a member of a US Army PSD team (1/4th Cav, 1st ID) responsibilities included, VIP Security Detail, Civil affairs Officer Security Escort, high ranking Iraqi local government officials. During the Iraqi government transition June 2004, I conducted several Security escort missions, the escort of high ranking US Military officials, US civilian officials, and Iraqi Government officials. Ensured area and perimeter security for principal during town meetings, room clearing and identified and managed threats when they arised. Other duties included, managing the QRF (Quick Reaction Force) for the FOB, and also performed roaming patrol around the FOB Performed several combat patrols, route recon, IED recon, highway patrol duties on MSR Tampa, raids, cordon searches, hunter killer teams (Bradleys and Abrams), Samarra offensive, and several misc missions. Managed ING soldiers (20-30) during combat patrols, ING building security, Civil Affairs security missions along with ING Soldiers During this period I received the following awards: Combat Infantry Batch (CIB), ARCOM, AAM (x2), Iraqi Campaign Medal, Armed Forces Reserves Medal with M device, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Service Medal, Order of the Spur Cert, 30th Brigade Combat Patch NCARNG, and the 1st Infantry Division Combat Patch. International Warehouse Services, Operation Manager 40hrs per wk. (Jun 2001 Oct 2002)
  • 3. In charge of managing warehouse shipping and receiving operations during shift Making weekly schedules and manage 20-25 warehouse employees during shift I overseeing the training, orientation, and machinery training for new employees Managed the shipping and receiving of product for several accounts, ensured product receiving and shipping was conducted to company standard Responsible for the management of product, stocking, repackaging, inventory, and loss prevention. This was a bonded warehouse at Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale Florida, I ensured that all product requiring US Customs inspection was ready and available for US Customs officer to inspect when required Ensured that all incoming container had proper US Customs seals, and any Customs documentation was done to US Customs standards Responsible for reporting any delivered of illegal product, tampered containers, and suspicious cargo to Customs officials Education and Training: Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society (March 2012 Present) American Military University, Oct 2011 Aug 2012 (BA Intelligence Studies Terrorism Studies. Graduated September 19, 2012) Columbia College, Columbia Missouri, Jan 2010- Oct 2011 (Graduated, Associates in General Studies) Basic Non Commissioned Officer Course, Conversion Course (Apr 2009) Basic Non Commissioned Officer Course, phase 1 (Oct 2007) Warrior Leader Course (Nov 2004) Recruiting and Retention NCO Course (Apr 2005) AT4 Training, US Army (Dec 2003) Combat Infantry School, US Army (Sep 2003) Combat Life Saver Course (2003 2010) Miami Beach Senior High School, Florida (May 1997) Languages: Fluent in Spanish (speak, read, and write), born in Lima, Peru with a grade level Spanish Castilian style education) Fluent in English (speak, read, and write), Naturalized U.S. Citizen since 2004. U.S. high school, college, and university education. Familiar with Portuguese (able to carry conversation) References: SFC Rolando Martinez (FLARNG) 786-423-6923 SSG Bryan Acton (AZARNG) 520-449-3103 MSG Jeffrey Lund (AZANG) 520-306-1731