3. 衛署醫器製壹字第003774號 工廠登記證:81-100015-00
? The process of turning appropriate biological
discoveries into drugs and medical devices
that can be used in the treatment of patients.
Basic Research
Clinical Treatment
Basic Research
CommercilizationClinical Treatment
11. 衛署醫器製壹字第003774號 工廠登記證:81-100015-00
? Hippocrates used a person’s physique
and the seasons to personalize
treatments for his patients. The modern
scientific industry hopes to use your
-- Pray, L. (2008) Personalized medicine: Hope or hype? Nature Education
18. 衛署醫器製壹字第003774號 工廠登記證:81-100015-00
? “Personalized medicine” refers to the tailoring
of medical treatment to the individual
characteristics of each patient.
? It does not literally mean the creation of drugs
or medical devices that are unique to a patient
but rather the ability to classify individuals
into subpopulations that differ in their
susceptibility to a particular disease or their
response to a specific treatment.
19. 衛署醫器製壹字第003774號 工廠登記證:81-100015-00
? Preventive or therapeutic interventions can
then be concentrated on those who will
benefit, sparing expense and side effects for
those who will not.
--President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) “Priorities
for Personalized Medicine”September 20081