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By Kennedi Sembiring
Reading TOEFL
Ditujukan untuk menguji kemampuan kamu dalam
memahami serta menganalisis teks bacaan
mengenai berbagai macam topik.
Pertanyaan yang terdapat dalam setiap bacaan
biasanya menanyakan mengenai informasi yang
terdapat dalam teks, baik informasi yang tersirat
maupun tersurat.
TOEFL Reading
Question Types
1Passage: 5-7
paragraphs 20
minutes per
12-14 questions per
1. Factual
3. Reference
4. Vocabulary
5. Inference
6. Sentence
7. Sentence Insertion
8. Rhetorical Purposes
9. Summarization
2.Negative Factual (Negative
Section Time Limit Questions Tasks
3656 questions
Read 3 or 4 passages from academic texts and answer
3451 questions
Listen to lectures, classroom discussions and conversations,
then answer questions.
Break 10 minutes  
Speaking 20 minutes 6 tasks
Express an opinion on a familiar topic; speak based on
reading and listening tasks.
Writing 50 minutes 2 tasks
Write essay responses based on reading and listening tasks;
support an opinion in writing.
Not only
reading skills
, but
Every single subject
-Biology, space science,
botany, zoology, earth
science, chemistry, physics
Social studies
-All types of history :
autobiography, science,
origin of industry.
Literature & philosophy
Archaeology, anthropology
Psychology, behavioral
science etc
How to skill
1. Each question types have
some skills to drill out
(exceptions though)
2. Read as many
passages, articles,
magazine articles, and
whatever as possible.
3. Skimming &
4. Outlining
5. Answer
Get used to Question
Types Read as many
as possible Wise &
smart reading
So where do
we go from
Get smarter, get better
1. Drill question types each
2. Review test (we are so
3. Getting used to
4. Answer
6. Reading
Teknik Membaca
Diperlukannya teknik membaca yang baik dalam sesi
ini, jika kamu ingin mengerjakan dengan baik serta
mendapat hasil yang maksimal. Terdapat dua teknik
membaca yang bisa kamu gunakan, yaitu:
teknik Skimming, dan Scanning.
Skimming adalah membaca cepat sebuah teks guna
mendapatkan gagasan pokok, ide pokok, atau isi
bacaan secara tepat. Tidak perlu mencari informasi
yang spesifik, carilah ide pokoknya saja sehingga tidak
perlu membaca seluruh bagian bacaan.
Scanning adalah membaca cepat sebuah teks untuk
mencari informasi tertentu tanpa membaca yang
lainnya atau secara keseluruhan.
1. Main Idea
Yang pertama adalah pertanyaan tentang suatu gagasan utama (Main
Idea). Yang dimaksud Main Idea disini adalah pokok pikiran sebuah
paragraf yang memuat suatu keterangan, penjelasan, uraian atau
pendapat dari si penulis tentang pokok bahasan. Gagasan utama
merupakan penjelasan untuk judul dari topik yang menjelaskan dari sudut
pandang si penulis, maka akan lebih panjang dan berupa kalimat yang
Berikut adalah contoh pertanyaan gagasan utama :
1.what is the text talking about ?
2.what is the main idea of this passage ?
3.what is the author main idea of paragraph 3?
4.what is the subject of this passage ?
Tips atau strategi yang bisa kamu gunakan :
carilah topik dari paragraf tersebut
perhatikan setiap kata-kata yang mengembangkan topik
perhatikan juga setiap kesimpulan pada setiap paragraf
biasanya main idea terdapat pada dua kalimat utama
biasanya kamu akan menemukan jawabannya di kalimat pelengkap
2. Topic
Selanjutnya adalah pertanyaan mengenai topik atau tema suatu bacaan. Topik
disini merupakan subjek utama suatu bacaan, tentang apa saja bacaan itu. Topik
atau tema bisa berupa inti dari isi tulisan atau judul tulisan. Tak jarang topik
merupakan salah satu hal yang hampir bisa dipastikan keluar dalam setiap tes
Berikut contoh pertanyaan tentang topik :
1.what is the main topic of this passage ?
2.the text is mainly talking about ?
3.the passage is about ?
Tips atau strategi yang bisa kamu gunakan :
fokuslah pada bacaan di kalimat utama dan terakhir pada
temukan kata kunci pada setiap bacaan (biasanya berupa
sinonim atau persamaan kata)
jika pertanyaan mengenai topik, maka biasanya jawaban
berupa satu kata atau berbentuk frasa.
3. Detail Information
Merupakan sebuah pertanyaan yang menanyakan suatu informasi spesifik
yang terdapat didalam teks bacaan. Pertanyaan yang menanyakan fakta-
fakta dalam bacaan (who,what, where,when, dan how ). Tipe pertanyaan ini
menanyakan tentang sebagian kecil dari bacaan, bukan bacaan secara
menyeluruh dan juga bertanya mengenai infomasi tersurat yang
diungkapkan dalam bacaan. Contoh pertanyaan detail information :
1.According to the passage .
2.It is stated ..
3.It is indicated that .
4.Which of the folllowing is NOT supported by .
5.The passage states that .
Tips atau strategi yang bisa kamu gunakan :
Jawaban dari tipe pertanyaan ini umumya dapat langsung ditemukan
dalam teks bacaan
Jawaban atas pertanyaan akan diberikan secara berurutan didalam teks
Dalam pertanyaan tipe ini, kamu akan dituntut untuk memilih jawaban
yang merupakan parafrasa atau pengungkapan ulang intonasi yang sama
tetapi dengan kata-kata yang berbeda
4. Vocabulary Question
Suatu pertanyaan yang menanyakan sinonim atau mencari padanan kata
yang maknanya paling dekat dengan kata yang ditanyakan. Menjawab
pertanyaan ini memang harus ditebak berdasarkan konteks kalimatnya.
Jangan hanya menebak hanya dengan mengandalkan pengetahuan tanpa
memperhatikan kalimat bacaan. Bacalah kalimat yang dimana sebuah kata
ditanyakan secara utuh, lalu tebaklah berdasarkan konteks kalimat
Contoh pertanyaan Vocabulary Question :
1.What is the meaning of  . in line 3 paragrraph 1 ?
2.The word  .. in line 4 can be replaced by
Carbon tetrachloride is a colorless and inflammable liquid that can be
produced by combining carbon disulfide and chlorine. This compound is
widely used in industry today because of its effectiveness as a solvent as well
as its use in the production of propellants.
Despite its widespread use in industry, carbon tetrachloride has been banned
for home use. In the past, carbon tetrachloride was a common ingredient in
cleaning compounds that were used throughout the home, but it was found
to be dangerous: when heated, it changes into a poisonous gas that can cause
severe illness and even death if it is inhaled. Because of this dangerous
characteristic, the United States revoked permission for the home use of
carbon tetrachloride in 1970. The United States has taken similar action with
various other chemical compounds.
1. The main point of this passage is that
A. carbon tetrachloride can be very dangerous when it is heated
B. the government banned carbon tetrachloride in 1970
C. although carbon tetrachloride can legally be used in industry, it is not allowed in home products.
D. carbon tetrachloride used to be a regular part of cleaning compounds
2. The word widely in line 2 could most easily be replaced by
A. grandly
B. extensively
C. largely
E. Hugely
3. The word banned in line 4 is closest in meaning to
A. forbidden
B. allowed
C. suggested
D. instituted
4. According to the passage, before 1970 carbon tetrachloride was
A. used by itself as a cleanser
B. banned in industrial use
C. often used as a component of cleaning products
D. not allowed in home cleaning products
5. It is stated in the passage that when carbon tetrachloride is heated, it becomes
A. harmful
B. colorless
C. a cleaning compound
E. Inflammable
6. The word inhaled in line 7 is closest in meaning to
A. warmed
B. breathed in
C. carelessly used
D. blown
7. The word revoked in line 8 could most easily be replaced by
A. gave
B. granted
C. instituted
D. took away
8. It can be inferred from the passage that one role of the U.S. government is to
A. regulate product safety
B. prohibit any use of carbon tetrachloride
C. instruct industry on cleaning methodologies
E. ban the use of any chemicals
9. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses
A. additional uses of carbon tetrachloride
B. the banning of various chemical compounds by the U.S. government
C. further dangerous effects of carbon tetrachloride
D. the major characteristic of carbon tetrachloride
1. Factual Information Questions
 Focus on facts details, definitions or other information
presented by the author
 Asks you to identify specific information that is typically
mentioned only in the part of the passage
 Do not generally ask about general themes that the
passage as a whole discusses
 Often, the relevant information is in one or two sentences
 To answer  information is in the passage
1. Factual Information Questions
 According to the paragraph, which of the following is true of X?
 The authors description of X mentions which of the following?
 According to the paragraph, X occurred because
 According to the paragraph, X did because
 According to the paragraph, why did X do Y?
 The authors description of X mentions which of the following?
2. Negative Factual Information Questions
 Asks you to verify what information is true and what information is
NOT true or not included in the passage based on the information
 To answer:
1. Locate the relevant information in the passage
2. Verify three or four TRUE answers
 According to the passage, which of the following is
NOT true of X?
 The authors description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT
3. Inference Questions
 Measures the ability to comprehend an argument or an idea that
is strongly implied but explicitly stated in the text
 If an effect is cited, the cause might be asked
 If comparison is made, comparison may be inquired
 Important  explicit meaning of the authors words, but the
logical implication of such words
3. Inference Questions
 Which of the following can be inferred about X?
 The author of the passage implies that X
 Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about
 To answer  Choose an answer that is important or true and that
is inferable from the passage
4. Rhetorical Purpose Question
 You are asked WHAT and information an author presented
 You are asked WHY the author has presented a particular
information in a place or manner
 The author discusses X in paragraph 2 in order to
 Why does the author mention X?
 The author uses X as an example of
 To answer  focus on logical links between sentences and
5. Vocabulary Question
 Asks you to identify the meanings of individual WORDS or
PHRASES as they are used in the passage
 Remember  a word might have more than one meaning but
only one meaning would be relevant in the passage
 In TOEFL IBT, words are unusual, technical or have special
meanings in the context
5. Vocabulary Question
 The word X in the passage is closest in meaning to
 In stating X, the author means that
 To answer  identify the expression(s) as it is used in the
6. Reference Questions
 Asks you to identify referential relationships between the
words in the passage
 Often, relationship is between a pronoun and its antecedent
 Sometimes, other kinds of grammatical reference are tested
 The word X in the passage refers to
 To answer  the word or expressions chosen could perfectly be
substituted to the choice
7. Sentence Simplification
 Asks to choose a sentence that has the same essential
meaning as a sentence that occurs in the passage
 Which of the following best expresses the essential information in
the highlighted sentence?
 To answer  should not contradict the main argument of the
paragraph in which the sentence occurs, or the passage as a
8. Insert Text Questions
 Given a new sentence & asked where in
the passage it would best fit
 Look at the four squares () that indicate
where the following sentence could be added
to the passage:
 To answer:
 Structure should be fit
 Logical connection should be ensured
8. Insert Text Questions
 To answer:
 Structure should be fit
 Logical connection should be ensured
 Frequently used connecting words:
 On the other hand
 For example
 On the contrary
 In contrast
 Furthermore, or Further
 In other words
 As a result
9. Prose Summary Questions
 Will be asked to pick the choices that best
express the most important ideas in a
 Will be asked to recognize the major ideas
by distinguishing them from minor ideas
 Will be asked to understand the relative
importance of information in a passage
(very critical to this activity)
9. Prose Summary Questions
 An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the
passage is provided below. Complete the summary by
selecting the THREE answer choices that express the
most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do
not belong in the summary because they express ideas
that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in
the passage.
This passage discusses fundamental differences between
applied-art objects and fine-art objects.
10. Fill-in Table Questions
 Measures the ability to conceptualize and
organize major ideas and other
important information across the
passage and place them in appropriate
 Requires the ability to understand rhetorical
functions such as cause-effect
relationships, compare-contrast
relationships, arguments and the like
 Questions are more likely to be abstract
concepts based on the passage phrases
or information
10. Fill-in Table Questions
 To answer  Pick the choices that are slightly more detailed outline; Correct
answers represent major ideas and important supporting information in the
 Complete the table below to summarize information about the two types of art
discussed in the passage. Match the appropriate statements to the types of art with
which they are associated.
Type Statements
Major Topic Statement 1
Statement 1
Statement 1
Thank You

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  • 2. Reading TOEFL Ditujukan untuk menguji kemampuan kamu dalam memahami serta menganalisis teks bacaan mengenai berbagai macam topik. Pertanyaan yang terdapat dalam setiap bacaan biasanya menanyakan mengenai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks, baik informasi yang tersirat maupun tersurat.
  • 4. Reading Question Types 1Passage: 5-7 paragraphs 20 minutes per passage 12-14 questions per passage 1. Factual (Detail) 3. Reference 4. Vocabulary 5. Inference 6. Sentence Simplification(Paraphr ase) 7. Sentence Insertion 8. Rhetorical Purposes 9. Summarization 2.Negative Factual (Negative Detail)
  • 5. TOEFL OVERVIEW Section Time Limit Questions Tasks Reading 6080 minutes 3656 questions Read 3 or 4 passages from academic texts and answer questions. Listening 6090 minutes 3451 questions Listen to lectures, classroom discussions and conversations, then answer questions. Break 10 minutes Speaking 20 minutes 6 tasks Express an opinion on a familiar topic; speak based on reading and listening tasks. Writing 50 minutes 2 tasks Write essay responses based on reading and listening tasks; support an opinion in writing.
  • 6. Not only reading skills , but background knowledge Every single subject matters Science -Biology, space science, botany, zoology, earth science, chemistry, physics Social studies -All types of history : autobiography, science, origin of industry. Literature & philosophy Archaeology, anthropology Psychology, behavioral science etc
  • 7. How to skill up reading? 1. Each question types have some skills to drill out (exceptions though) 2. Read as many passages, articles, magazine articles, and whatever as possible. 3. Skimming & scanning 4. Outlining 5. Answer justification Get used to Question Types Read as many as possible Wise & smart reading
  • 8. So where do we go from here? Get smarter, get better score 1. Drill question types each week 2. Review test (we are so forgetful) 3. Getting used to topics 4. Answer Justification 5. Outlining 6. Reading Comprehension 7. ENJOY!
  • 9. Teknik Membaca Diperlukannya teknik membaca yang baik dalam sesi ini, jika kamu ingin mengerjakan dengan baik serta mendapat hasil yang maksimal. Terdapat dua teknik membaca yang bisa kamu gunakan, yaitu: teknik Skimming, dan Scanning. Skimming adalah membaca cepat sebuah teks guna mendapatkan gagasan pokok, ide pokok, atau isi bacaan secara tepat. Tidak perlu mencari informasi yang spesifik, carilah ide pokoknya saja sehingga tidak perlu membaca seluruh bagian bacaan. Scanning adalah membaca cepat sebuah teks untuk mencari informasi tertentu tanpa membaca yang lainnya atau secara keseluruhan.
  • 10. 1. Main Idea Yang pertama adalah pertanyaan tentang suatu gagasan utama (Main Idea). Yang dimaksud Main Idea disini adalah pokok pikiran sebuah paragraf yang memuat suatu keterangan, penjelasan, uraian atau pendapat dari si penulis tentang pokok bahasan. Gagasan utama merupakan penjelasan untuk judul dari topik yang menjelaskan dari sudut pandang si penulis, maka akan lebih panjang dan berupa kalimat yang lengkap. Berikut adalah contoh pertanyaan gagasan utama : 1.what is the text talking about ? 2.what is the main idea of this passage ? 3.what is the author main idea of paragraph 3? 4.what is the subject of this passage ?
  • 11. Tips atau strategi yang bisa kamu gunakan : carilah topik dari paragraf tersebut perhatikan setiap kata-kata yang mengembangkan topik perhatikan juga setiap kesimpulan pada setiap paragraf biasanya main idea terdapat pada dua kalimat utama biasanya kamu akan menemukan jawabannya di kalimat pelengkap
  • 12. 2. Topic Selanjutnya adalah pertanyaan mengenai topik atau tema suatu bacaan. Topik disini merupakan subjek utama suatu bacaan, tentang apa saja bacaan itu. Topik atau tema bisa berupa inti dari isi tulisan atau judul tulisan. Tak jarang topik merupakan salah satu hal yang hampir bisa dipastikan keluar dalam setiap tes TOEFL. Berikut contoh pertanyaan tentang topik : 1.what is the main topic of this passage ? 2.the text is mainly talking about ? 3.the passage is about ?
  • 13. Tips atau strategi yang bisa kamu gunakan : fokuslah pada bacaan di kalimat utama dan terakhir pada paragraf temukan kata kunci pada setiap bacaan (biasanya berupa sinonim atau persamaan kata) jika pertanyaan mengenai topik, maka biasanya jawaban berupa satu kata atau berbentuk frasa.
  • 14. 3. Detail Information Merupakan sebuah pertanyaan yang menanyakan suatu informasi spesifik yang terdapat didalam teks bacaan. Pertanyaan yang menanyakan fakta- fakta dalam bacaan (who,what, where,when, dan how ). Tipe pertanyaan ini menanyakan tentang sebagian kecil dari bacaan, bukan bacaan secara menyeluruh dan juga bertanya mengenai infomasi tersurat yang diungkapkan dalam bacaan. Contoh pertanyaan detail information : 1.According to the passage . 2.It is stated .. 3.It is indicated that . 4.Which of the folllowing is NOT supported by . 5.The passage states that .
  • 15. Tips atau strategi yang bisa kamu gunakan : Jawaban dari tipe pertanyaan ini umumya dapat langsung ditemukan dalam teks bacaan Jawaban atas pertanyaan akan diberikan secara berurutan didalam teks bacaan Dalam pertanyaan tipe ini, kamu akan dituntut untuk memilih jawaban yang merupakan parafrasa atau pengungkapan ulang intonasi yang sama tetapi dengan kata-kata yang berbeda
  • 16. 4. Vocabulary Question Suatu pertanyaan yang menanyakan sinonim atau mencari padanan kata yang maknanya paling dekat dengan kata yang ditanyakan. Menjawab pertanyaan ini memang harus ditebak berdasarkan konteks kalimatnya. Jangan hanya menebak hanya dengan mengandalkan pengetahuan tanpa memperhatikan kalimat bacaan. Bacalah kalimat yang dimana sebuah kata ditanyakan secara utuh, lalu tebaklah berdasarkan konteks kalimat tersebut. Contoh pertanyaan Vocabulary Question : 1.What is the meaning of . in line 3 paragrraph 1 ? 2.The word .. in line 4 can be replaced by
  • 17. Carbon tetrachloride is a colorless and inflammable liquid that can be produced by combining carbon disulfide and chlorine. This compound is widely used in industry today because of its effectiveness as a solvent as well as its use in the production of propellants. Despite its widespread use in industry, carbon tetrachloride has been banned for home use. In the past, carbon tetrachloride was a common ingredient in cleaning compounds that were used throughout the home, but it was found to be dangerous: when heated, it changes into a poisonous gas that can cause severe illness and even death if it is inhaled. Because of this dangerous characteristic, the United States revoked permission for the home use of carbon tetrachloride in 1970. The United States has taken similar action with various other chemical compounds. TOEFL READING 1
  • 18. 1. The main point of this passage is that A. carbon tetrachloride can be very dangerous when it is heated B. the government banned carbon tetrachloride in 1970 C. although carbon tetrachloride can legally be used in industry, it is not allowed in home products. D. carbon tetrachloride used to be a regular part of cleaning compounds 2. The word widely in line 2 could most easily be replaced by A. grandly B. extensively C. largely E. Hugely 3. The word banned in line 4 is closest in meaning to A. forbidden B. allowed C. suggested D. instituted Question
  • 19. Question 4. According to the passage, before 1970 carbon tetrachloride was A. used by itself as a cleanser B. banned in industrial use C. often used as a component of cleaning products D. not allowed in home cleaning products 5. It is stated in the passage that when carbon tetrachloride is heated, it becomes A. harmful B. colorless C. a cleaning compound E. Inflammable 6. The word inhaled in line 7 is closest in meaning to A. warmed B. breathed in C. carelessly used D. blown
  • 20. Question 7. The word revoked in line 8 could most easily be replaced by A. gave B. granted C. instituted D. took away 8. It can be inferred from the passage that one role of the U.S. government is to A. regulate product safety B. prohibit any use of carbon tetrachloride C. instruct industry on cleaning methodologies E. ban the use of any chemicals 9. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses A. additional uses of carbon tetrachloride B. the banning of various chemical compounds by the U.S. government C. further dangerous effects of carbon tetrachloride D. the major characteristic of carbon tetrachloride
  • 22. 1. Factual Information Questions Focus on facts details, definitions or other information presented by the author Asks you to identify specific information that is typically mentioned only in the part of the passage Do not generally ask about general themes that the passage as a whole discusses Often, the relevant information is in one or two sentences To answer information is in the passage
  • 23. 1. Factual Information Questions Examples: According to the paragraph, which of the following is true of X? The authors description of X mentions which of the following? According to the paragraph, X occurred because According to the paragraph, X did because According to the paragraph, why did X do Y? The authors description of X mentions which of the following?
  • 24. 2. Negative Factual Information Questions Asks you to verify what information is true and what information is NOT true or not included in the passage based on the information stated To answer: 1. Locate the relevant information in the passage 2. Verify three or four TRUE answers Examples: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of X? The authors description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT
  • 25. 3. Inference Questions Measures the ability to comprehend an argument or an idea that is strongly implied but explicitly stated in the text If an effect is cited, the cause might be asked If comparison is made, comparison may be inquired Important explicit meaning of the authors words, but the logical implication of such words
  • 26. 3. Inference Questions Examples: Which of the following can be inferred about X? The author of the passage implies that X Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about X? To answer Choose an answer that is important or true and that is inferable from the passage
  • 27. 4. Rhetorical Purpose Question You are asked WHAT and information an author presented You are asked WHY the author has presented a particular information in a place or manner Examples: The author discusses X in paragraph 2 in order to Why does the author mention X? The author uses X as an example of To answer focus on logical links between sentences and paragraphs
  • 28. 5. Vocabulary Question Asks you to identify the meanings of individual WORDS or PHRASES as they are used in the passage Remember a word might have more than one meaning but only one meaning would be relevant in the passage In TOEFL IBT, words are unusual, technical or have special meanings in the context
  • 29. 5. Vocabulary Question Examples: The word X in the passage is closest in meaning to In stating X, the author means that To answer identify the expression(s) as it is used in the passage
  • 30. 6. Reference Questions Asks you to identify referential relationships between the words in the passage Often, relationship is between a pronoun and its antecedent Sometimes, other kinds of grammatical reference are tested Example: The word X in the passage refers to To answer the word or expressions chosen could perfectly be substituted to the choice
  • 31. 7. Sentence Simplification Asks to choose a sentence that has the same essential meaning as a sentence that occurs in the passage Examples: Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? To answer should not contradict the main argument of the paragraph in which the sentence occurs, or the passage as a whole
  • 32. 8. Insert Text Questions Given a new sentence & asked where in the passage it would best fit Examples: Look at the four squares () that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage: To answer: Structure should be fit Logical connection should be ensured
  • 33. 8. Insert Text Questions To answer: Structure should be fit Logical connection should be ensured Frequently used connecting words: On the other hand For example On the contrary Similarly In contrast Furthermore, or Further Therefore In other words As a result Finally
  • 34. 9. Prose Summary Questions Will be asked to pick the choices that best express the most important ideas in a passage Will be asked to recognize the major ideas by distinguishing them from minor ideas Will be asked to understand the relative importance of information in a passage (very critical to this activity)
  • 35. 9. Prose Summary Questions Examples: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This passage discusses fundamental differences between applied-art objects and fine-art objects.
  • 36. 10. Fill-in Table Questions Measures the ability to conceptualize and organize major ideas and other important information across the passage and place them in appropriate categories Requires the ability to understand rhetorical functions such as cause-effect relationships, compare-contrast relationships, arguments and the like Questions are more likely to be abstract concepts based on the passage phrases or information
  • 37. 10. Fill-in Table Questions To answer Pick the choices that are slightly more detailed outline; Correct answers represent major ideas and important supporting information in the passage Examples: Complete the table below to summarize information about the two types of art discussed in the passage. Match the appropriate statements to the types of art with which they are associated. Type Statements Major Topic Statement 1 Statement 1 Statement 1