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Budget planner
By Azal Nadeem
Manage your money effectively
 The finance programme is about producing a material for a new website 'your finances', this will provide young people with support and
guidance on financial matters, the website is designed to be attracting to young people who are planning to go to university or in the work
world,the report will be 1.00 to 3.00 mins
 My idea is about managing your money effectively, this idea is based on students who are going to start university and should be informed
about the struggle toms age between desire and need for example you need to invest in books and educational needs rather the next I
phone.this idea came from a discussion between friends, as we discussed our independency may effect our use of money and that were
more likely to spend on desirable items , this is because we have more control on our money and no one can really stop us the most advise
your going to be from your closed ones
 My report is for students who have just entered the big world where compromises need to be made between needs and wants, as it's
important to save money when your in university, this is because a lot of people end up in debt by the end of the journey which can be
depressing, my report will be helpful as it will provide them with information on how to save money and use it effectively . My main target
audience is 18-20 year old students .
 Audience research findings helped me see facts and figures the debt amount reached to 53,000 in 2014 which. Is the double amount it
was in previous years , the push university guide suggested the rise of students in debt has risen to 6.4% . These facts show a high amount
of students in debt which was the reason behind my article as it looks important to inform people with as much information as possible to
stop them from getting debt as its very hard to pay off .
 My audience research showed that a lot of students are likely to use online banking as a way of shopping which can mean your likely to
spend money because of the website show off their products, also the amount they have spent as much 贈100,贈600 and in some cases
贈1000, this clearly shows how without even noticing your likely to spend more, this research helped me see because of the busy life of
students your likely to spend a lot on online than normally, this is understand able but only so much should be spent.
Location: Salford university
My logo design
Programme structure
 The programme is going to be in a form of report, it will use slow music
when I will be interviewing some one telling their experience and the
negative effects of being in debt, the main lighting is going to be day
light although I may add effects black and white when telling
someone's experience, to make it exciting I will use have music which
would bring more live to the report, leaving everyone with positive
 The presenter is going to be me and the actors are the people I
interview also some much older people who have been through the
process, this would help students reflect on what's rights and wrong if
they hear it from people who have been in there shoes.
 The key locations I will be using are college and a university.
Piece of the the script
 Me : what year of your education are you in
 Persons interviewed .
 Have you found it easy to manage your money
 What were the struggles
 Did you have to move away from home and was the effective
 Do you think you spend a lot of money and have difficulties managing
between you needs and wants.
 What would be your advise to first year students ?
0-4Secs Mid shot This is the logo at the
beginning of the
report with The title
and the Solomgan
'Tadaaann' music sound 際際滷 in, the money is
going to be thrown in
randomly and It's
going to spell finance
and the hand is going
to have the 'budget
planner '.
4-15 sec Side, middle ,
This is going to be
footage of a different
news reports from
news channels on
finance, student and
The music is going to be a
music used for headlines, it's
mainly going to be the news
reporters talking
The screen is going to
be filled with different
footages with the
reporters talking
15 -60 secs Side shot and front
This is going to be in
the common room
with sofas, which we
are going to pretend is
going to to be a studio
with two re presenters
on talking about some
facts and figures and
the effect on student
being in debt
It's just two people speaking
one of them is the presenter
and the other is someone
who is going to pretend that
they work with people who
gather information with
surveys and this person is
going to also give tricks and
ways of saving money
There's going to be
cut aways, of facts and
figures and while she
says these, there's
going to be a screen
that would diagrams
showing how to plan
out your budget.
60- 2mins Side and middle
Uni students who
are at least in their
second year, being
asked about their
experience and
advise to give
I won't really use
music on this part
it will have just
background music.
Fox pops of uni Stevens being
asked few questions on what
year they are in how there
experience has been
2mins  20 secs Middle shot Back to the
common room
with the presenter
thanking the
students for talking
and telling the
viewers to visit
certain sites for
more help
Ending news music Ashton's at the bottom

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  • 2. Manage your money effectively The finance programme is about producing a material for a new website 'your finances', this will provide young people with support and guidance on financial matters, the website is designed to be attracting to young people who are planning to go to university or in the work world,the report will be 1.00 to 3.00 mins My idea is about managing your money effectively, this idea is based on students who are going to start university and should be informed about the struggle toms age between desire and need for example you need to invest in books and educational needs rather the next I phone.this idea came from a discussion between friends, as we discussed our independency may effect our use of money and that were more likely to spend on desirable items , this is because we have more control on our money and no one can really stop us the most advise your going to be from your closed ones My report is for students who have just entered the big world where compromises need to be made between needs and wants, as it's important to save money when your in university, this is because a lot of people end up in debt by the end of the journey which can be depressing, my report will be helpful as it will provide them with information on how to save money and use it effectively . My main target audience is 18-20 year old students . Audience research findings helped me see facts and figures the debt amount reached to 53,000 in 2014 which. Is the double amount it was in previous years , the push university guide suggested the rise of students in debt has risen to 6.4% . These facts show a high amount of students in debt which was the reason behind my article as it looks important to inform people with as much information as possible to stop them from getting debt as its very hard to pay off . My audience research showed that a lot of students are likely to use online banking as a way of shopping which can mean your likely to spend money because of the website show off their products, also the amount they have spent as much 贈100,贈600 and in some cases 贈1000, this clearly shows how without even noticing your likely to spend more, this research helped me see because of the busy life of students your likely to spend a lot on online than normally, this is understand able but only so much should be spent.
  • 5. Programme structure The programme is going to be in a form of report, it will use slow music when I will be interviewing some one telling their experience and the negative effects of being in debt, the main lighting is going to be day light although I may add effects black and white when telling someone's experience, to make it exciting I will use have music which would bring more live to the report, leaving everyone with positive thoughts. The presenter is going to be me and the actors are the people I interview also some much older people who have been through the process, this would help students reflect on what's rights and wrong if they hear it from people who have been in there shoes. The key locations I will be using are college and a university.
  • 6. Piece of the the script Me : what year of your education are you in Persons interviewed . Have you found it easy to manage your money What were the struggles Did you have to move away from home and was the effective Do you think you spend a lot of money and have difficulties managing between you needs and wants. What would be your advise to first year students ?
  • 7. 0-4Secs Mid shot This is the logo at the beginning of the report with The title and the Solomgan 'Tadaaann' music sound 際際滷 in, the money is going to be thrown in randomly and It's going to spell finance and the hand is going to have the 'budget planner '. 4-15 sec Side, middle , up,down This is going to be footage of a different news reports from news channels on finance, student and debts The music is going to be a music used for headlines, it's mainly going to be the news reporters talking The screen is going to be filled with different footages with the reporters talking 15 -60 secs Side shot and front shots This is going to be in the common room with sofas, which we are going to pretend is going to to be a studio with two re presenters on talking about some facts and figures and the effect on student being in debt It's just two people speaking one of them is the presenter and the other is someone who is going to pretend that they work with people who gather information with surveys and this person is going to also give tricks and ways of saving money There's going to be cut aways, of facts and figures and while she says these, there's going to be a screen that would diagrams showing how to plan out your budget.
  • 8. 60- 2mins Side and middle shots Uni students who are at least in their second year, being asked about their personal experience and advise to give juniors. I won't really use music on this part it will have just background music. Fox pops of uni Stevens being asked few questions on what year they are in how there experience has been 2mins 20 secs Middle shot Back to the common room with the presenter thanking the students for talking and telling the viewers to visit certain sites for more help Ending news music Ashton's at the bottom