HRM & selectionChinmoy GhoshThis document provides an overview of human resource management and selection processes. It discusses key aspects of staffing like manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement and orientation. Selection techniques and processes at organizations like BRAC Bank are outlined, including screening applicants, written tests, interviews and making hiring decisions. Limitations of selection processes are noted around predicting future performance and potential for discrimination. The document aims to introduce concepts in human resource management and staffing.
Eulatylermodule6 webquesteulabtylerThis document discusses strategies for differentiating instruction in a diverse third grade classroom to meet the needs of all students. It recommends arranging students in a circular configuration with whiteboards to facilitate learning. Specific strategies are provided for students with ADHD, auditory disabilities, mild learning disabilities. Assistive technology and instructional practices for each group are outlined. The document emphasizes educating students in inclusive, least restrictive environments according to their individual needs and abilities.
Raport z czytania ebookówlegimiCzytać, nie czytać? Dla osób, które zgodziły się wziąć udział w naszym
internetowym badaniu odpowiedź jest prosta. Na papierze i na ekranie – książki są
nieodłącznym elementem ich życia. Niniejszy raport prezentuje postawy tej grupy czytelników,
która wg wielu wcześniejszych badań stanowi może i niewielki odsetek społeczeństwa, ale z
punktu widzenia branży wydawniczej zawiera w sobie potencjalnie najatrakcyjniejszych
konsumentów lub (jak kto woli) odbiorców kultury. Zapraszamy
ODMedia presentation 2013ODMediaODMedia was founded in 2004 and has established itself as an industry-leading partner in content mastering, digitizing, archiving, enterprise encoding, video on demand and broadcast services.
ODMedia provides a one-stop-shop service covering the entire video content value chain between content owners and telecom, cable & iptv operators. Our services enable video on demand, linear tv and catch-up tv.
Innovación para la educación en ciencia y tecnologíaMaria Dl Angeles OrtizEl documento describe la implementación de un taller de robótica en una escuela rural para enseñar habilidades de software y electrónica básica a niños de 10 años. El taller usa materiales Lego y tutoría de un liceo para resolver dudas sobre el software. La metodología enseña a los niños a desarrollar programas computacionales y usar internet para investigar, exponiéndolos a la tecnología y conectándolos con un mundo globalizado. La importancia radica en dar acceso a la tecnología a niños rurales y permit
Progressive Oil And Gas PresentationtimlairdThis document summarizes the services provided by Progressive Global Oil & Gas, a recruitment firm specializing in the oil and gas industry. They place over 3,000 permanent employees annually and have a global network of offices. They offer contingent, headhunting, and retained recruitment services tailored to clients' needs. Key services include exclusive access to candidates, managed interview days, and ongoing support during and after placements. Consultants have deep expertise in specific oil and gas technical specializations and leverage an internal network and database to source top talent globally.
VarioselizabethmunEste documento presenta una introducción a la psicoterapia evolutiva constructivista en niños y adolescentes. Explica que este enfoque integra los conceptos de la epistemología piagetiana con los conceptos evolutivos para orientar los cambios terapéuticos. Su meta es el desarrollo humano a través de la transformación de las estructuras psíquicas. Describe que la psicoterapia guiada por este enfoque busca facilitar procesos como la descentración y objetivación para promover el movimiento del desarrollo.
DDD e ValidazioneAndrea CanegratiQuando un'entità può essere considerata valida? Come effettuare la validazione? Lo scopo della sessione è quello di illustrare e condividere alcune considerazioni relative a diversi approcci, facendo distinzione tra validazione "costante", quindi strettamente legata alle entità, e quelle che invece sono le validazioni appartenenti ad un contesto specifico. Verrà presentato l'approccio "always-valid" e messo a confronto con il classico metodo "IsValid()".
Eulatylermodule6 webquesteulabtylerThis document discusses strategies for differentiating instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners in an inclusive third grade classroom. It recommends arranging students in a circular configuration with whiteboards to facilitate learning. Specific strategies are provided for students with ADHD, auditory disabilities, mild learning disabilities, and hearing impairments. The document emphasizes educating students in their neighborhood school regardless of disability, with necessary supports provided. References on inclusion, ADHD, learning disabilities, and assistive technology are also included.
La amistadEva ChimbolemaEl documento habla sobre la amistad y el amor, y cómo a veces las malas amistades pueden nublar la verdadera amistad. Contiene imágenes que representan la amistad.
Dental caries and anomalies in radiographRiyan_DSThis document discusses various dental caries and anomalies that can be seen in dental radiographs, including early enamel lesions, proximal caries in susceptible zones, rampant caries, recurrent or secondary caries, restoration appearances, radiation caries, genetic conditions like amelogenesis imperfecta and dentinogenesis imperfecta, attrition from grinding teeth, dental floss injuries, and internal and external tooth resorption.
HRM & selectionChinmoy GhoshThis document provides an overview of human resource management and selection processes. It discusses key aspects of staffing like manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement and orientation. Selection techniques and processes at organizations like BRAC Bank are outlined, including screening applicants, written tests, interviews and making hiring decisions. Limitations of selection processes are noted around predicting future performance and potential for discrimination. The document aims to introduce concepts in human resource management and staffing.
Eulatylermodule6 webquesteulabtylerThis document discusses strategies for differentiating instruction in a diverse third grade classroom to meet the needs of all students. It recommends arranging students in a circular configuration with whiteboards to facilitate learning. Specific strategies are provided for students with ADHD, auditory disabilities, mild learning disabilities. Assistive technology and instructional practices for each group are outlined. The document emphasizes educating students in inclusive, least restrictive environments according to their individual needs and abilities.
Raport z czytania ebookówlegimiCzytać, nie czytać? Dla osób, które zgodziły się wziąć udział w naszym
internetowym badaniu odpowiedź jest prosta. Na papierze i na ekranie – książki są
nieodłącznym elementem ich życia. Niniejszy raport prezentuje postawy tej grupy czytelników,
która wg wielu wcześniejszych badań stanowi może i niewielki odsetek społeczeństwa, ale z
punktu widzenia branży wydawniczej zawiera w sobie potencjalnie najatrakcyjniejszych
konsumentów lub (jak kto woli) odbiorców kultury. Zapraszamy
ODMedia presentation 2013ODMediaODMedia was founded in 2004 and has established itself as an industry-leading partner in content mastering, digitizing, archiving, enterprise encoding, video on demand and broadcast services.
ODMedia provides a one-stop-shop service covering the entire video content value chain between content owners and telecom, cable & iptv operators. Our services enable video on demand, linear tv and catch-up tv.
Innovación para la educación en ciencia y tecnologíaMaria Dl Angeles OrtizEl documento describe la implementación de un taller de robótica en una escuela rural para enseñar habilidades de software y electrónica básica a niños de 10 años. El taller usa materiales Lego y tutoría de un liceo para resolver dudas sobre el software. La metodología enseña a los niños a desarrollar programas computacionales y usar internet para investigar, exponiéndolos a la tecnología y conectándolos con un mundo globalizado. La importancia radica en dar acceso a la tecnología a niños rurales y permit
Progressive Oil And Gas PresentationtimlairdThis document summarizes the services provided by Progressive Global Oil & Gas, a recruitment firm specializing in the oil and gas industry. They place over 3,000 permanent employees annually and have a global network of offices. They offer contingent, headhunting, and retained recruitment services tailored to clients' needs. Key services include exclusive access to candidates, managed interview days, and ongoing support during and after placements. Consultants have deep expertise in specific oil and gas technical specializations and leverage an internal network and database to source top talent globally.
VarioselizabethmunEste documento presenta una introducción a la psicoterapia evolutiva constructivista en niños y adolescentes. Explica que este enfoque integra los conceptos de la epistemología piagetiana con los conceptos evolutivos para orientar los cambios terapéuticos. Su meta es el desarrollo humano a través de la transformación de las estructuras psíquicas. Describe que la psicoterapia guiada por este enfoque busca facilitar procesos como la descentración y objetivación para promover el movimiento del desarrollo.
DDD e ValidazioneAndrea CanegratiQuando un'entità può essere considerata valida? Come effettuare la validazione? Lo scopo della sessione è quello di illustrare e condividere alcune considerazioni relative a diversi approcci, facendo distinzione tra validazione "costante", quindi strettamente legata alle entità, e quelle che invece sono le validazioni appartenenti ad un contesto specifico. Verrà presentato l'approccio "always-valid" e messo a confronto con il classico metodo "IsValid()".
Eulatylermodule6 webquesteulabtylerThis document discusses strategies for differentiating instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners in an inclusive third grade classroom. It recommends arranging students in a circular configuration with whiteboards to facilitate learning. Specific strategies are provided for students with ADHD, auditory disabilities, mild learning disabilities, and hearing impairments. The document emphasizes educating students in their neighborhood school regardless of disability, with necessary supports provided. References on inclusion, ADHD, learning disabilities, and assistive technology are also included.
La amistadEva ChimbolemaEl documento habla sobre la amistad y el amor, y cómo a veces las malas amistades pueden nublar la verdadera amistad. Contiene imágenes que representan la amistad.
Dental caries and anomalies in radiographRiyan_DSThis document discusses various dental caries and anomalies that can be seen in dental radiographs, including early enamel lesions, proximal caries in susceptible zones, rampant caries, recurrent or secondary caries, restoration appearances, radiation caries, genetic conditions like amelogenesis imperfecta and dentinogenesis imperfecta, attrition from grinding teeth, dental floss injuries, and internal and external tooth resorption.
3. LIVESTREAM NE İŞE YARAR Livestream tüm dünyada insanların istediği dilde canlı yayın yapmamızı sağlayan ve daha önceden çekilen yayınları sunmamızı sağlayan sosyal paylaşım sitesidir. Gelişmiş özellikleri bulunan canlı yayın yapabileceğimiz çok yararlı bir sitedir. ßu sitede birden fazla kamera ile yayın yapabilir izleyenlere farklı bir deneyim ile bilgi aktarabilirsiniz.
4. AVANTAJLARI? Sadece video izlek istiyenler için “Watch” aynı zamanda yayında yapmak isteyenler için “Broadcast” olmak üzere iki farklı üyelik şeklinin bulunması. Çektiği videoyu paylaşmak isteyen insanlar için paylaşım sitesi. Herkesin üye olabileceği ücretsiz bir üyelik versiyonununda bulunması.
5. UZAKTAN EĞİTİMDEKİ YERİ Uzaktan eğitimde konuları bir ders kitabında sıkıcı bir şekilde öğrencilere aktarmak yerine da oluşturulacak bir canlı yayın ile daha zevkli hale getirilebilir.
11. Üyelik Formunu Doldurduktan sonra Sadece webcam yayını için “Webcasting” hem webcam hem masaüstü yayını için “Procasting” gelişmiş webcam ve masaüstü yayını için “Studio” seçeneklerinden birini seçiyoruz. Ben livestream prodcaster” seçeneğini seçtim.
13. Allow buttonuna tıklayıp izin verdikten sonra kameramız devreye girecektir. Canlı yayın yapmak için GO LIVE buttonuna tıklamamız yeterli olacaktır. Burada Channel Page: kısmındaki adresi yayınımızı izlemek istediğimiz bir kişiye veya kişilere vererek yayınımızı izletebiliriz.