Akustikhane Sponsor DosyasıakustikhaneProgramımız 23 Eylül 2010'dan bu yana sırasıyla Skyturk , Cnnturk ve tekrar Skyturk'te 39 farklı müzisyenle tekrarları dahil yaklaşık 200 kez yayınlandı. Bugüne kadar Ferhat Göçer'den Manga'ya , Mor ve Ötesinden Moğollar'a, İlhan Ersahin ve Istanbul Sessions'tan Leman Sam' a kadar pek çok farklı müzisyeni konuk etti. Facebook istatistiklerine göre videoları haftada 60000'den fazla izlenilen ve 5milyona yakın bir ağa hitap eden bir müzik platformu.Akustikhane temelde canlı müziği albüm kalitesinde kaydeden ve mix-mastering uygulayarak sese yatırım yapan bir iş. Dolayısıyla yapılan kayıtlar bundan seneler sonra da çok değerli olacaklar. 4. Sezona başlarken sizin de desteğinizi istiyoruz.
e-mail: ibrahimcakmak@akustikhane.com
Treatment sheet 2norwich city sixth formThe document provides details for a music video shoot, including the artist and track name, contact information, production crew, planned shooting locations, equipment needs, and stylistic influences. It plans to film band performance scenes and a narrative storyline within 4 hours at Watton Airfield using a camera, tripod, fake guns, instruments, and suits. The equipment will be needed from October 24th-29th. Influences include films by Quentin Tarantino, The Matrix, and film noir genres.
Evaluation: Question 1LiamDiffordThis document analyzes how the author's media portfolio tasks for a music video and two ancillary pieces support and challenge conventions of the ska-pop genre. The music video aimed to use vibrant colors, smart costumes, bright lighting, and quick cuts like real ska-pop videos. However, some shots had dull lighting and one scene lasted 7 seconds, challenging conventions. Ancillary tasks also aimed to portray a fun image through bright colors and lighting, supporting genre conventions. The school location both supported and challenged location conventions of ska-pop videos.
Youmeatsix ResearchGreenshaw High SchoolThis document summarizes and analyzes the music video for the song "Save It For The Bedroom" by the band Youmeatsix. The video features the band playing various characters on a parody of a reality TV show, with frequent costume changes. It represents the band as unconventional, challenging norms. Near the end, the band destroys the TV set to show they do not take things too seriously. The video stands out through its unique style compared to other bands in the genre.
Develop Challenge Use PresentationHannahLenaneThe document discusses how the media product uses and challenges conventions of the British social realism or "Brit Grit" film genre in its opening titles, camerawork, mise-en-scene, and sound design. Specifically, it keeps the simplistic white title design over black background of films like Football Factory but varies the positioning. Camera movement is minimal except for one tracking shot to involve the audience. Costumes and locations portray working-class characters and settings recognizably. Music and a voiceover introduce themes aggressively as in Rock n Rolla to set expectations for the film's sex, drugs and violence while critiquing modern life.
Target Audience c09harrisonWe have chosen 16-22 year olds as our target audience. This age range matches the members of similar bands and will allow us to reach a large number of potential fans. Promoting the band on college radio stations and Facebook will help generate interest from students and young adults. Creating fun music videos that our target audience can relate to is another way to engage them and promote the band.
Acts 3b Be bold; don't miss an opportunity.Gospel Baptist TabernaclePeter and John healed a lame man at the Temple gate. The man was able to walk, leap and praise God, which amazed all who saw him. They recognized him as the lame man who had begged there for over 40 years. When questioned about the healing, Peter reminded the people that it was through faith in Jesus, who they had denied and crucified, that the man was healed. He urged them to repent of their sins so they could be forgiven.
Evaluation 4c09harrisonThe document discusses the use of media technologies in the planning, construction, and evaluation of three projects: a music video, CD digipak, and CD advertisement.
For research, the internet was used extensively, particularly YouTube to research music video conventions and iTunes for researching digipak designs. Photoshop and graphic tablets were used to design the digipak and draw ideas.
A variety of cameras, including a Sony HVR camcorder, were used to film the music video. iMovie was used to capture footage and Final Cut Pro for advanced editing of the music video, including adding filters, speed adjustments, and jump cuts.
Blogger was used throughout to document the process by uploading
Akustikhane Sponsor DosyasıakustikhaneProgramımız 23 Eylül 2010'dan bu yana sırasıyla Skyturk , Cnnturk ve tekrar Skyturk'te 39 farklı müzisyenle tekrarları dahil yaklaşık 200 kez yayınlandı. Bugüne kadar Ferhat Göçer'den Manga'ya , Mor ve Ötesinden Moğollar'a, İlhan Ersahin ve Istanbul Sessions'tan Leman Sam' a kadar pek çok farklı müzisyeni konuk etti. Facebook istatistiklerine göre videoları haftada 60000'den fazla izlenilen ve 5milyona yakın bir ağa hitap eden bir müzik platformu.Akustikhane temelde canlı müziği albüm kalitesinde kaydeden ve mix-mastering uygulayarak sese yatırım yapan bir iş. Dolayısıyla yapılan kayıtlar bundan seneler sonra da çok değerli olacaklar. 4. Sezona başlarken sizin de desteğinizi istiyoruz.
e-mail: ibrahimcakmak@akustikhane.com
Treatment sheet 2norwich city sixth formThe document provides details for a music video shoot, including the artist and track name, contact information, production crew, planned shooting locations, equipment needs, and stylistic influences. It plans to film band performance scenes and a narrative storyline within 4 hours at Watton Airfield using a camera, tripod, fake guns, instruments, and suits. The equipment will be needed from October 24th-29th. Influences include films by Quentin Tarantino, The Matrix, and film noir genres.
Evaluation: Question 1LiamDiffordThis document analyzes how the author's media portfolio tasks for a music video and two ancillary pieces support and challenge conventions of the ska-pop genre. The music video aimed to use vibrant colors, smart costumes, bright lighting, and quick cuts like real ska-pop videos. However, some shots had dull lighting and one scene lasted 7 seconds, challenging conventions. Ancillary tasks also aimed to portray a fun image through bright colors and lighting, supporting genre conventions. The school location both supported and challenged location conventions of ska-pop videos.
Youmeatsix ResearchGreenshaw High SchoolThis document summarizes and analyzes the music video for the song "Save It For The Bedroom" by the band Youmeatsix. The video features the band playing various characters on a parody of a reality TV show, with frequent costume changes. It represents the band as unconventional, challenging norms. Near the end, the band destroys the TV set to show they do not take things too seriously. The video stands out through its unique style compared to other bands in the genre.
Develop Challenge Use PresentationHannahLenaneThe document discusses how the media product uses and challenges conventions of the British social realism or "Brit Grit" film genre in its opening titles, camerawork, mise-en-scene, and sound design. Specifically, it keeps the simplistic white title design over black background of films like Football Factory but varies the positioning. Camera movement is minimal except for one tracking shot to involve the audience. Costumes and locations portray working-class characters and settings recognizably. Music and a voiceover introduce themes aggressively as in Rock n Rolla to set expectations for the film's sex, drugs and violence while critiquing modern life.
Target Audience c09harrisonWe have chosen 16-22 year olds as our target audience. This age range matches the members of similar bands and will allow us to reach a large number of potential fans. Promoting the band on college radio stations and Facebook will help generate interest from students and young adults. Creating fun music videos that our target audience can relate to is another way to engage them and promote the band.
Acts 3b Be bold; don't miss an opportunity.Gospel Baptist TabernaclePeter and John healed a lame man at the Temple gate. The man was able to walk, leap and praise God, which amazed all who saw him. They recognized him as the lame man who had begged there for over 40 years. When questioned about the healing, Peter reminded the people that it was through faith in Jesus, who they had denied and crucified, that the man was healed. He urged them to repent of their sins so they could be forgiven.
Evaluation 4c09harrisonThe document discusses the use of media technologies in the planning, construction, and evaluation of three projects: a music video, CD digipak, and CD advertisement.
For research, the internet was used extensively, particularly YouTube to research music video conventions and iTunes for researching digipak designs. Photoshop and graphic tablets were used to design the digipak and draw ideas.
A variety of cameras, including a Sony HVR camcorder, were used to film the music video. iMovie was used to capture footage and Final Cut Pro for advanced editing of the music video, including adding filters, speed adjustments, and jump cuts.
Blogger was used throughout to document the process by uploading
Initial ideasKayleighSorbyThis document discusses planning a music video project for a rock/metal genre. The group chose to do the genre because they are fans and understand the target audience. They selected the Avenged Sevenfold song "Nightmare" because the lyrics describe being in a nightmare, allowing room for interpretation. The group's initial plan is to include a section of the band playing in the woods to make it spooky like a nightmare and fit with the genre's stereotypes of isolation. Scouting locations and using effects to make the woods look darker and colder will help the video look professional and of high quality.
ScriptHannahLenaneThe document is a script that tells a story through a series of shots and scenes. It begins with establishing shots of a location by the sea and a man holding a necklace. The story then flashes back to show the man driving alone, thinking of the girl and the necklace. Flashbacks show the man and girl happy together in the past, with her wearing the necklace. In the present, the man walks around lost in memory, mistakenly thinking he sees the girl. The script uses flashbacks and a recurring motif of the necklace to convey a story of loss, memory, and longing for the past.
Ms2 intertext researchkate-vowlesThis double page spread in NME features an interview with Lily Allen. The article title references her unique style compared to other pop stars. The structured layout follows magazine conventions. Lily Allen's name and the byline are in red to signify this is a special, personal interview going "behind the headlines". The main image takes up half the page with the article continuing in columns on the opposite page.
Coloured Storyboardc09harrisonThe storyboard for a music video only showed the beginning due to wanting to decide which clips worked best. The artist drew computer-generated images of the band based on descriptions from the lead guitarist and photos found on Facebook to depict the equipment, clothing, and shots planned for the video. Creating the drawings took time and faced some challenges in accurately drawing the band members' faces.
Music Video AnalysisMaria_6681The music video for Young Guns' song "Bones" has contradictory visuals that do not relate to the lyrics. The video shows the band playing in an empty warehouse, as well as shots of a female character dancing or alone in abandoned buildings. While the visuals are initially unrelated to the lyrics, some shots later amplify the lyrics by showing images that are similar but not exact to the words, like a character looking up at the night sky when the lyrics refer to it. Overall, the video emphasizes the band and instruments but introduces unrelated character shots that sometimes amplify the mood or theme of the lyrics through analogous imagery.
Task 10 - reasearch new albumCheree JessupThe document summarizes research on Paramore's new single "Ignorance" from their upcoming album "Brand New Eyes". It discusses how the song was written about the band almost breaking up, but singing it helped the members understand each other. The album is set for release on September 29, 2009 with "Ignorance" as the lead single. The document also provides links to interviews with Paramore promoting the new album and single, as well as information on upcoming performances and previous album releases.
Digipak AnalysisPeter JonesThis album cover depicts the band members reaching for the "Pick of Destiny" against a cloud backdrop in a pose resembling classical depictions of gods. The title is in flames, suggesting the item's importance. The band names are in bold text on gold slabs, implying their high self-worth. A third fiery hand reaches from below, possibly representing the devil trying to claim the pick. The cover continues the theme and imagery onto the back.
General Quiz 1 by Quiz Club IITJ held on 22/08/13Quiz Society IIT Jodhpur Stephen Hawking's autobiography titled "My Brief History" was published in September 2013, around 25 years after his first major publishing success. The book details Hawking's life and career without need for co-authoring, though he received some assistance from Intel. Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, which was also the 300th anniversary of Galileo's death.
Media EvaluationVictoria-Louise SweetVictoria-Louise Sweet analyzed how her music video product challenged and developed conventions of real music videos in the pop-punk genre. She researched many popular music videos to identify conventions around editing, camerawork, narrative/performance structure, costumes, lighting and more. While copying some conventions like intercutting and close-ups of the singer, she also challenged conventions by having her video begin with establishing shots instead of the protagonist sleeping, using diegetic sound at the beginning, and ending with a "dip to black". For her ancillary tasks, she similarly copied conventions like band names on the digipak but challenged opacity by using 70% skull masks instead of full images. Overall, her analysis demonstrated thorough research of conventions in
Evaluationadam200The target audience for the magazine would be young males and females aged 13 to 29 interested in alternative/punk rock music. This is evident from the magazine's dark color scheme featuring grey, red, white and blue which connote death, rebellion and mystery associated with rock genres. All six people profiled would appeal to the target audience as they display characteristics like tattoos, piercings, dyed hair and dark clothing that align with rock genre conventions. Their social media presence further confirms their interest in rock bands.
2. Livestream Nedir? Livestream web üzerinden yayın yapılabilen bir paylaşım sitesidir. Canlı olarak yayınları takip edebilir yada kendi canlı yayın kanalınızı oluşturabilirsiniz. Bu sitede birden fazla kamera ile yayın yapabilir izleyenlere farklı bir deneyim ile bilgi aktara birsiniz. Online dersler ve uzaktan eğitim için kullanılabilir.
3. Livestream Avantajları Sadece video izlemek isteyenler için “watch” seçeneği yayın yapmak isteyenler içinde “Broadcast” olmak üzere iki farklı üyelik şekli bulunur. Herkesin üye olabileceği ücretsiz bir üyelik olması. Çektiği videoları paylaşmak isteyenler için paylaşım sitesi.
4. Nasıl üye olunur? www.livestream.com girdikten sonra sağ üst köşeden Sing Up ‘ a tıklarız.