Groupon was offering deals that didn't interest the document's author, like spa treatments and sushi, without understanding their preferences. This led to low purchase rates as customers lost interest in irrelevant offers. The proposed solution is a marketplace called "LeCoconut Island" that allows buyers to request desired products, and gives retailers structured customer data to use in targeting organized groups of buyers with customized offers. This social shopping approach aims to better match customers with relevant deals to drive higher purchase rates.
Dokumen ini membahas penggunaan aplikasi Aurasma untuk memperkaya pembelajaran peribahasa di kalangan pelajar. Tujuannya adalah meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterlibatan pelajar dengan menggabungkan teknologi digital. Hasil kajian menunjukkan peningkatan minat pelajar dan pemahaman peribahasa melalui pendekatan ini.
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Siggraph15 A Novel Sampling Algorithm for Fast and Stable Real-Time Volume Re...?? ?
The document discusses various sampling methods for real-time volume rendering. It proposes pinning samples to reduce aliasing from camera motion. Pinning involves constraining sample motion to lie on a slice parallel to the camera image plane. Forward motion pinning is simple to implement but rotational or general motion requires adapting sample positions through advection. The document also describes using an adaptive 1/z sampling density to provide detail near the viewer while supporting a large render range.
This document discusses wrapped diffuse shading. It is used in Team Fortress 2 to provide a more subtle reflectance by wrapping a hemisphere around the shading model. Wrapped diffuse is similar to half Lambert shading and is commonly used to represent subsurface scattering and particle lighting. The wrapped function uses half Lambert to sample values from a 1D wrapped diffuse texture. Team Fortress 2 implements this by precomputing lighting calculations in a texture to improve performance. Code examples are provided for specular fresnel, primary specularity, rim fresnel, upward ambient rim, and mixing the components for the final shading result.
4. Flimic Tone Mapping
A = Shoulder Strength
B = Linear Strength
C = Linear Angle
D = Toe Strength
E = Toe Numerator
F = Toe Denominator
Note: E/F = Toe Angle
John Hable? Blog? ???, Fixed ? ????? ??.
Gamma ??? ????? ?? (pow(x, 1/2.2))
7. Color Grading
? ?? (HDR to LDR ??) ? ?? ?? ? ?? (LDR color to color ??) ??? ?? Color Grading by LookUpTexture (?? ???? by LUT)
11. 256x16 LUT? ?? ShaderCode from Unreal3
float3 CalcLUT( sampler InLUT, float3 InColor )
// requires a volume texture 16x16x16 unwrapped in a 2d texture 256x16
// can be optimized by using a volume texture
float2 Offset = float2(0.5f / 256.0f, 0.5f / 16.0f);
float Scale = 15.0f / 16.0f;
// Also consider blur value in the blur buffer written by translucency
float IntB = floor(InColor.b * 14.9999f) / 16.0f;
float FracB = InColor.b * 15.0f - IntB * 16.0f;
float U = IntB + InColor.r * Scale / 16.0f;
float V = InColor.g * Scale;
float3 RG0 = tex2D( InLUT, Offset + float2(U
, V) ).rgb;
float3 RG1 = tex2D( InLUT, Offset + float2(U + 1.0f / 16.0f, V) ).rgb;
return lerp( RG0, RG1, FracB );
16x16x16 3D VolumeTexture? ??? ??
float3 CalcLUT( sampler InLUT, float3 InColor )
return tex3D( InLUT, InColor * 15.f / 16.f + 0.5f / 16.f ).rgb;
12. Image Sharpening
???? ???? ?? ??
Simply lerp between low-res blurred image with original image by a ratio bigger than 1
Sharp = lerp(blurred, orig, bigger than 1 ratio)