This document provides an overview of physics engine usage for game physics programming. It introduces key concepts in physics such as kinematics, calculus, and numeric solutions. It also summarizes the Box2D and PhysX physics engines, including collision detection methods, constraints, joints and example code reviews. The goal is to provide background information for implementing physics in games without focusing on specific implementation details.
This document discusses hierarchical level of detail (HLOD) techniques for improving graphics performance and optimization in large 3D scenes. HLOD allows grouping different 3D objects based on distance from the camera and rendering them as a single batch to reduce draw calls. The document explains how HLOD works, provides examples of baking HLOD trees, and compares the performance and memory usage of HLOD to traditional static batching and level of detail techniques.
This document discusses hierarchical level of detail (HLOD) techniques for improving graphics performance and optimization in large 3D scenes. HLOD allows grouping different 3D objects based on distance from the camera and rendering them as a single batch to reduce draw calls. The document explains how HLOD works, provides examples of baking HLOD trees, and compares the performance and memory usage of HLOD to traditional static batching and level of detail techniques.
LPV (Light Propagation Volume) is a technique that approximates global illumination in real-time. It involves several steps: 1) Downsampling RSM textures and injecting point lights and blocking potential into LPV volume textures, 2) Propagating light through volume textures in an iterative manner, 3) Rendering indirect lighting using the final volume textures. The key aspects are approximating lights using spherical harmonics for efficient storage in volume textures and accumulating light using additive blending to simulate light propagation.
Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) is a technique that reduces aliasing by combining the current frame image with past frame images. It has the advantage of achieving anti-aliasing with low cost compared to other AA methods, but can produce blurred images when combining frames. TAA works by jittering the scene position each frame, combining the rendered image with past frames stored in a history buffer, and copying the result to the frame buffer. While effective for static scenes, it can cause ghosting artifacts in dynamic scenes where past frame images no longer align due to camera or object motion.
6. Volumetric Fog 6
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Beer-Lambert 覯豺
Beer-Lambert 覯豺襷れ煙螻朱螳覯豺. 企豺螻殊壱螻殊譯殊伎覦レ
蠍一 磯螻狩′朱覃瑚. 願規覦螳 螳.
Beer-Lambert 覯豺Ubisoft覦襭れ螻手貊襯殊螻給.
T(A B) = e 硫 (x)dx
硫e 硫e
7. Volumetric Fog 7
蠏碁SIGGRAPH 2015Frostbite螳覦Physically Based and Unified Volumetric Rendering in Frostbite磯ゴ覃伎
磯螻 螳貉れ磯殊覦讌蟆誤給. Frostbite螳蠍壱碁れ覩誤谿瑚蠍磯
: 覲朱エれ蟾讌蟾(= 襷れ觜企蟇磯Μ)
: 磯螻狩′襯狩豺覃瑚(= 蟲貊覦)
: 磯譟磯
覦レ豺企殊豺螳蟾願崖襾手崖朱企覃磯. 讀覲朱エれ蟾0覿一蟆.