[PandoraCube] 이야이야이야이야기PandoraCube , Sejong University2019.05.28 판도라큐브 세미나
제작자: 기획 파트 김종성
코멘트: 야 재밌는 이야기 좀 해봐라
비고: 없음
판도라큐브는 세종대학교 소프트웨어융합대학 소속의 게임 제작 동아리입니다.
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프로그래머에게 사랑받는 게임 기획서 작성법Lee Sangkyoon (Kay)IGC2015 에서 강연한 자료입니다. 프로그래머와 게임 기획자(Game Designer) 양쪽을 모두 이해하는 입장에서 기획서를 다루는 조금 파격적인 방법론과 프로그래머와 소통하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다.
What's Your Story? Creating Effective NarrativesmarinaboohEffective storytelling is vital for compelling content, no matter how that content is delivered. Learn how to strengthen your narratives with reporting and writing tips, then hear how to apply those strategies in print, online, broadcast and mobile formats. Presented by Joy Jenkins & Marina Hendricks at the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Fall Conference, 11/12/16, Indianapolis, IN.
World2016_T5_S7_TeradataFunctionalOverviewFarah OmerMicroStrategy and Teradata have a long partnership in providing business intelligence capabilities. MicroStrategy is optimized to run on Teradata and leverages many Teradata features and extensions for performance and scalability. These include multi-pass SQL, bulk inserts, Teradata indexing, functions, and syntax. MicroStrategy also integrates with Teradata tools and provides additional functionality like middle-tier computations and caching.
SHS Student SurveyScottsbluff Public SchoolsThe student opinion survey report from Scottsbluff High School summarizes feedback from 640 students. Overall, students reported positive views of their teachers and feeling safe at school. However, fewer students agreed that their classmates show respect for each other. The report provides percentages and numbers of student responses to individual questions about their experience at the school.
Friends United Ministries 2011Kelly KellumFriends United Meeting (FUM) oversees various ministries around the world aimed at evangelism, education, and community development. These include schools and hospitals in Belize, Ramallah, and various locations in Kenya. In Kenya specifically, FUM supports the Africa Ministries Office, Kaimosi Hospital, Lugulu Hospital, Friends Theological College, the Friends Church Peace Team working in conflict areas, and development projects among the Samburu and Turkana peoples. FUM also oversees Lindi Friends Primary School in the Kibera slum in Nairobi.
Physical Properties Labjmori1This document contains a science class schedule and assignments for the coming weeks, including a physical properties lab, progress notices, tests on matter and the metric system, and notes related to identifying substances and mixtures. It provides due dates for various papers, assignments, and tests and describes the roles and directions for a physical properties lab where students will observe and record details of unique items.
Shifts in the music industrysadieolenThe digital revolution has transformed the music industry. Artists can now independently create and distribute their music using online tools and services, without relying on major record labels. This allows smaller artists to avoid getting lost in the priorities of large labels. While labels once provided financial support, digital distribution services now enable artists to succeed without huge investments. However, the music industry risks being in big trouble if it does not adapt by investing in these new digital distribution methods and maintaining control over music distribution in the changing industry.
English iii rules powerpointafitzgee95This document outlines the rules and requirements for an English 3 class. It states that respect must come before everything in the classroom. Students must get permission before talking and use "12 inch voices" if talking is allowed. Pencil sharpening must occur before class, and all papers must be written in black ink with correct spelling. Fancier vocabulary words from the required thesaurus should be used in papers to make them more lively. The class requires specific supplies like pens, a binder with dividers, paper, and a dictionary and thesaurus. This year's reading includes the books Mythology and The Crucible, with the midterm focusing more on Mythology.
Smsvideoconferencing slideshareEleanor SchusterThis document discusses how Skyping in schools can connect students to content and conversations around the globe. It provides examples of schools that have used Skype, such as connecting to schools in China and Italy. It also lists potential Skype partners like NASA, museums, and zoos. The document outlines the benefits of Skype and provides tips for setting up Skype conferences, troubleshooting issues, and emphasizing that the focus should remain on teaching rather than the technology.
Film opening lessons sep 2013NShuttleThe document discusses various conventions used in film openings. It describes common elements like production logos to promote the studio, titles to display key names and entice audiences, and establishing the genre through visuals, music and other cues. Examples are provided for how openings introduce main characters, set the location and hint at themes. Both non-diegetic and diegetic sound are used to set the scene. Enigma is also important to intrigue viewers and make them want to watch more. In general, openings aim to attract audiences and give a sense of what to expect through credits, titles and signifiers based on genre conventions.
OapKompella KashyapThis document summarizes market research conducted for a shopping cart optimization project in Germany. Surveys were conducted with supermarket managers and customers to understand pain points and opportunities. The German shopping cart market is estimated at 70 million USD annually. Most managers and customers expressed frustration with long checkout lines and wanted improvements to cart design and functionality to make shopping easier. Common suggestions included reducing cart weight and width, improving wheels, and adding features like a phone holder or shopping list organizer. The research indicates customer demands could influence stores to update outdated cart systems.
Let them eat fish.ver2csussmanThe document discusses different types of organizational capacity including programmatic capacity, operational capacity, and adaptive capacity. As organizations grow and mature, they typically develop greater specialization, formal procedures, and an outward focus. However, capacity building can be hindered by underinvestment, aversion to business practices, and forgiving accountability. Additionally, an organization's ability to deliver services depends not just on its own capacity but also the supportive resources and structures in the external environment, known as systemic capacity.
프로그래머에게 사랑받는 게임 기획서 작성법Lee Sangkyoon (Kay)IGC2015 에서 강연한 자료입니다. 프로그래머와 게임 기획자(Game Designer) 양쪽을 모두 이해하는 입장에서 기획서를 다루는 조금 파격적인 방법론과 프로그래머와 소통하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다.
What's Your Story? Creating Effective NarrativesmarinaboohEffective storytelling is vital for compelling content, no matter how that content is delivered. Learn how to strengthen your narratives with reporting and writing tips, then hear how to apply those strategies in print, online, broadcast and mobile formats. Presented by Joy Jenkins & Marina Hendricks at the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Fall Conference, 11/12/16, Indianapolis, IN.
World2016_T5_S7_TeradataFunctionalOverviewFarah OmerMicroStrategy and Teradata have a long partnership in providing business intelligence capabilities. MicroStrategy is optimized to run on Teradata and leverages many Teradata features and extensions for performance and scalability. These include multi-pass SQL, bulk inserts, Teradata indexing, functions, and syntax. MicroStrategy also integrates with Teradata tools and provides additional functionality like middle-tier computations and caching.
SHS Student SurveyScottsbluff Public SchoolsThe student opinion survey report from Scottsbluff High School summarizes feedback from 640 students. Overall, students reported positive views of their teachers and feeling safe at school. However, fewer students agreed that their classmates show respect for each other. The report provides percentages and numbers of student responses to individual questions about their experience at the school.
Friends United Ministries 2011Kelly KellumFriends United Meeting (FUM) oversees various ministries around the world aimed at evangelism, education, and community development. These include schools and hospitals in Belize, Ramallah, and various locations in Kenya. In Kenya specifically, FUM supports the Africa Ministries Office, Kaimosi Hospital, Lugulu Hospital, Friends Theological College, the Friends Church Peace Team working in conflict areas, and development projects among the Samburu and Turkana peoples. FUM also oversees Lindi Friends Primary School in the Kibera slum in Nairobi.
Physical Properties Labjmori1This document contains a science class schedule and assignments for the coming weeks, including a physical properties lab, progress notices, tests on matter and the metric system, and notes related to identifying substances and mixtures. It provides due dates for various papers, assignments, and tests and describes the roles and directions for a physical properties lab where students will observe and record details of unique items.
Shifts in the music industrysadieolenThe digital revolution has transformed the music industry. Artists can now independently create and distribute their music using online tools and services, without relying on major record labels. This allows smaller artists to avoid getting lost in the priorities of large labels. While labels once provided financial support, digital distribution services now enable artists to succeed without huge investments. However, the music industry risks being in big trouble if it does not adapt by investing in these new digital distribution methods and maintaining control over music distribution in the changing industry.
English iii rules powerpointafitzgee95This document outlines the rules and requirements for an English 3 class. It states that respect must come before everything in the classroom. Students must get permission before talking and use "12 inch voices" if talking is allowed. Pencil sharpening must occur before class, and all papers must be written in black ink with correct spelling. Fancier vocabulary words from the required thesaurus should be used in papers to make them more lively. The class requires specific supplies like pens, a binder with dividers, paper, and a dictionary and thesaurus. This year's reading includes the books Mythology and The Crucible, with the midterm focusing more on Mythology.
Smsvideoconferencing slideshareEleanor SchusterThis document discusses how Skyping in schools can connect students to content and conversations around the globe. It provides examples of schools that have used Skype, such as connecting to schools in China and Italy. It also lists potential Skype partners like NASA, museums, and zoos. The document outlines the benefits of Skype and provides tips for setting up Skype conferences, troubleshooting issues, and emphasizing that the focus should remain on teaching rather than the technology.
Film opening lessons sep 2013NShuttleThe document discusses various conventions used in film openings. It describes common elements like production logos to promote the studio, titles to display key names and entice audiences, and establishing the genre through visuals, music and other cues. Examples are provided for how openings introduce main characters, set the location and hint at themes. Both non-diegetic and diegetic sound are used to set the scene. Enigma is also important to intrigue viewers and make them want to watch more. In general, openings aim to attract audiences and give a sense of what to expect through credits, titles and signifiers based on genre conventions.
OapKompella KashyapThis document summarizes market research conducted for a shopping cart optimization project in Germany. Surveys were conducted with supermarket managers and customers to understand pain points and opportunities. The German shopping cart market is estimated at 70 million USD annually. Most managers and customers expressed frustration with long checkout lines and wanted improvements to cart design and functionality to make shopping easier. Common suggestions included reducing cart weight and width, improving wheels, and adding features like a phone holder or shopping list organizer. The research indicates customer demands could influence stores to update outdated cart systems.
Let them eat fish.ver2csussmanThe document discusses different types of organizational capacity including programmatic capacity, operational capacity, and adaptive capacity. As organizations grow and mature, they typically develop greater specialization, formal procedures, and an outward focus. However, capacity building can be hindered by underinvestment, aversion to business practices, and forgiving accountability. Additionally, an organization's ability to deliver services depends not just on its own capacity but also the supportive resources and structures in the external environment, known as systemic capacity.