Customer engagement in pharmaceutical communicationQAP INT
The document discusses components of an effective sales enablement solution, including real-time information, connectivity, and a good user experience. It also discusses using customer insights to increase engagement digitally through a cost-effective strategy that combines traditional and digital approaches. The document promotes an eDetailing cloud product called eWizard that allows brand and product managers to create and share content like presentations with no programming skills needed in around 2-3 hours of creation time and 30 minutes of editing on average.
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From the first sight, marketing of regulated products is usually limited to point of sales only. Traditionally, when referring to products with limited marketing communication freedoms, one thinks about tobacco and alcohol. While looking a bit wider to the world out there, more and more industries become regulated. These include pharma, many of food categories, financial services etc. This presentation delivered at Higer School of Communication in Kyiv, Ukraine addresses some of the emerging issues associated with this topic.
In Russian: The Digital Metamorphosis of the Pharma Industry Len Starnes
Russian translation of a presentation first given at the Pharma Digital Marketing Summit, Istanbul, February 2012. This translation was made possible by the kind and generous help of Oxana Kolosova, Managing Partner of iVrach: