The document discusses the importance of crane safety training. It notes that as the lifting industry changes, training must also change to keep crane operators informed of new regulations and technologies. Crane manufacturers are developing more training programs to educate both new and experienced operators. Regular refresher courses help operators stay up to date on standards and prevent accidents. The document emphasizes that training is key to continuing to reduce injury and fatality rates in the industry. It also stresses the importance of engaging younger generations in training programs to ensure the future safety of crane operations.
Performance Comparison of Dimensionality Reduction Methods using MCDRAM Publications
The recent blast of dataset size, in number of records and in addition of attributes, has set off the improvement of various big data platforms and in addition parallel data analytic algorithms. In the meantime however, it has pushed for the utilization of data dimensionality reduction systems. Mobile Telecom Industry competition has become more and more fierce. In order to improve their services and business in the competitive world, they are ready to analyse the stored data by several data mining technologies to retain customers and maintain their relationship with them. Mobile Call Detail Record (MCDR) comprises diversity and complexity information containing information like Voice Call, Text Message, Video Calls, and other Data Services usages. It is proposed to evaluate and compare the performance of different dimensionality reduction methods such as Chi-Square (Chi2) Method, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Information Gain Attribute Evaluator, Gain-Ratio Attribute Evaluator (GRAE), Attribute Selected Classifier (ASC) and Quantile Regression (QR) Methods.
5 en 1 - De com treballar per Projectes - La volta al m¨®n del Sagrada FamiliaJuanfra ?lvarez Herrero
5 temes en una mateixa presentaci¨®
Com treballar per projectes - La setmana de projectes - La volta al m¨®n del Sagrada Familia - Idees i suggeriments
The document discusses the importance of crane safety training. It notes that as the lifting industry changes, training must also change to keep crane operators informed of new regulations and technologies. Crane manufacturers are developing more training programs to educate both new and experienced operators. Regular refresher courses help operators stay up to date on standards and prevent accidents. The document emphasizes that training is key to continuing to reduce injury and fatality rates in the industry. It also stresses the importance of engaging younger generations in training programs to ensure the future safety of crane operations.
Performance Comparison of Dimensionality Reduction Methods using MCDRAM Publications
The recent blast of dataset size, in number of records and in addition of attributes, has set off the improvement of various big data platforms and in addition parallel data analytic algorithms. In the meantime however, it has pushed for the utilization of data dimensionality reduction systems. Mobile Telecom Industry competition has become more and more fierce. In order to improve their services and business in the competitive world, they are ready to analyse the stored data by several data mining technologies to retain customers and maintain their relationship with them. Mobile Call Detail Record (MCDR) comprises diversity and complexity information containing information like Voice Call, Text Message, Video Calls, and other Data Services usages. It is proposed to evaluate and compare the performance of different dimensionality reduction methods such as Chi-Square (Chi2) Method, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Information Gain Attribute Evaluator, Gain-Ratio Attribute Evaluator (GRAE), Attribute Selected Classifier (ASC) and Quantile Regression (QR) Methods.
5 en 1 - De com treballar per Projectes - La volta al m¨®n del Sagrada FamiliaJuanfra ?lvarez Herrero
5 temes en una mateixa presentaci¨®
Com treballar per projectes - La setmana de projectes - La volta al m¨®n del Sagrada Familia - Idees i suggeriments
This short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare by stating it provides inspiration. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by clicking a button labeled "GET STARTED".
- Tenint present el nostre context escolar:
- Potenciar la llengua oral anglesa a partir de la m¨²sica.
- Millorar la seva compet¨¨ncia ling¨¹¨ªstica
- Cicle Superior:
- Cinqu¨¨: compositors cl¨¤ssics (Bach, Beethoven, Mozart i Chopin) i els
seus estils musicals.
- Sis¨¨: les diferents m¨²siques del m¨®n (asi¨¤tiques, africanes i sud
americanes) i les diferents ¨¨tnies.
- D¡¯aquesta manera, al mateix temps, tamb¨¦ s¡¯estar¨¤ treballant i potenciant la
pr¨°pia cultura de l¡¯alumnat del nostre centre.
- Utilitzar la llengua anglesa com a vehicle de comunicaci¨®, com una eina per transmetre
coneixements i no com una finalitat en ella mateixa, utilitzant recursos no verbals abans de la
traducci¨® al catal¨¤.
- Millorar la qualitat i la quantitat de llengua anglesa (input) rebuda pels alumnes, introduint en
angl¨¨s, una part del curr¨ªculum de m¨²sica dins d¡¯aquest ¨¤rea.
- Con¨¨ixer millor les diferents cultures europees i les seves tradicions en general, a trav¨¦s de la
- Utilitzar diverses metodologies per treballar els compositors i els seus instruments.
- Escoltar audicions de m¨²sica cl¨¤ssica de compositors europeus que siguin apropiades per a
cicle superior de prim¨¤ria.
- Aprendre tradicions de les diferents cultures ¨¨tniques que siguin adequades per als/a les
alumnes de cicle superior.
- Incrementar l¡¯¨²s de les noves tecnologies.
- Aprendre vocabulari espec¨ªfic sobre els instruments musicals, nom de les notes, ritmes, etc.
- Recon¨¨ixer, diferenciar, descriure, anomenar i classificar els diferents instruments musicals.
- Tenir curiositat, inter¨¨s i respecte per la cultura musical d¡¯arreu del m¨®n.
Al llarg d¡¯un trimestre, s¡¯ampliaria una hora m¨¦s de llengua oral anglesa
per treballar
diferents tem¨¤tiques.
A cinqu¨¨:
- 3 + 1 hora (al llarg d¡¯aquest trimestre que es portar¨¤ a terme el
A sis¨¨:
- 2+ 1 hora (al llarg d¡¯aquest trimestre que es portar¨¤ a terme el projecte)
- Cohesionar el grup utilitzant la m¨²sica i la llengua anglesa.
- Recon¨¨ixer els instruments treballats a l¡¯aula.
- Aprendre unes estructures b¨¤siques en llengua anglesa per tal poder utilitzar-
les oralment.
- Identificar el compositor amb la seva obra musical.