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LIA Intl Conference 2015, April
29  May 1, Yogyakarta 1
Ferry Antoni
LIA Intl Conference 2015, April
29  May 1, Yogyakarta
Students English
 Common fixed phrases or expressions
(CP) vs creative language (CL)
 Lower-order thinking language
functions vs higher-order thinking
language functions
 Acquiring, picking vs learning, creating
LIA Intl Conference 2015, April
29  May 1, Yogyakarta
 CP  thought-provoking, own gadget, their
own gadget, people have their own gadget,
who doesnt know alcohol?
 CL  imagination burst out, makes
imagination burst out, makes my imagination
burst out (Phrases and expressions taken
from Antoni and Radiana 2001 and Antoni
2009, and students current works);
Innovative Your Mood Living (A slogan of a
furniture business in Cimareme, Padalarang)
5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April
29  May 1, Yogyakarta
Nature of Creative Language:
 Building blocks of language, phrases,
expressions, creative language, collocation
 Chomsky (1965 and 1966): the creative aspect
of language
 Creative language, collocation: a group of
words students create which belong together
and which are accepted to be common and/or
English-sounding as judged by native speakers
of English or as used by a majority of users
LIA Intl Conference 2015, April
29  May 1, Yogyakarta 5
 Common fixed phrases or expressions (CP)
 Common idioms (CI)
 Expressions prompted by local pragmatic
norms and cultural values (EP) (Antoni and
Gunawan 2005 and Antoni 2010)
 CL (Examples taken from Antoni and
Radiana 2001 and Antoni 2009, and
students current works)
5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April
29  May 1, Yogyakarta
 CP  obvious
 CI  obvious
 EP  Where are you going?, I want to thank God for
the opportunity given to me to present this essay, I
am sorry if I made mistakes in my presentation.
Mistakes are from me, the truth is from God (Antoni
and Gunawan 2005 and Antoni 2010)
 CL  make the information as a motivator, refresh
our mind, make our motivation higher, disavowing
Gods existence, marry the same gender, disobey the
limit (Antoni and Radiana 2001 and Antoni 2009)
5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April
29  May 1, Yogyakarta
Students CL: More Examples
- Do criminal activity; they get drunk and do criminal
- Prepared my mentality; I had prepared my mentality
since my mother told me
- The awesomeness of the temple; the awesomeness
of the biggest temple; we couldnt feel the
awesomeness of the biggest temple Borobudur
- My imagination burst out; makes my imagination
burst out
- Take a pray; in the morning after take a pray
- The taste is delicious
5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April
29  May 1, Yogyakarta
Verification: How Students CL Is
- Intelligibility
- Native speakers assessment
- Commonnessits coinage and use by
others  Google fixed phrase search
e.g. professional hypocrisy, awakening
dormant customers
5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April
29  May 1, Yogyakarta
Verification: How Students CL Is
Acceptable (Cont.)
- In the absence of native speakers
assessment  intelligible and common
to a degree, i.e., Google fixed phrase
search results (as of the time they were
 refresh our mind (32,200), make
our motivation higher (4), disavowing
Gods existence (5,260),
5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April
29  May 1, Yogyakarta
Verification: How Students CL Is
Acceptable (Cont. 2)
marry the same gender (23,000), disobey
the limit (20,700), (they) do criminal
activity (3,200), prepared my mentality
(9,650), the awesomeness of the temple
(5), take a pray (61,500), the taste is
delicious (140,000). When moderated,
use the information as a motivator (6), let my
imagination burst out (10)
5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April
29  May 1, Yogyakarta
Implication on Teaching
- Teach CP
- Moderate students CL or collocations
- Encourage extensive reading
- Fixed the grammar
I have to take my mother to the hospital  I
had to take my mother to the hospital; I am
flu  I am having a flu (Antoni and Gunawan
2005 and Antoni 2010)
5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April
29  May 1, Yogyakarta
Students CL should be encouraged in
such a way that it is only intelligible and
acceptable dwelling on the criteria just

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Presentation on students' creative language partly known as collocation

  • 1. 5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April 29 May 1, Yogyakarta 1 STUDENTS CREATIVE LANGUAGE IN ACTION: TO WHAT EXTENT IS IT ACCEPTABLE COLLOCATION? By: Ferry Antoni
  • 2. 5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April 29 May 1, Yogyakarta 2 Students English Common fixed phrases or expressions (CP) vs creative language (CL) Lower-order thinking language functions vs higher-order thinking language functions Acquiring, picking vs learning, creating
  • 3. 5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April 29 May 1, Yogyakarta 3 Examples CP thought-provoking, own gadget, their own gadget, people have their own gadget, who doesnt know alcohol? CL imagination burst out, makes imagination burst out, makes my imagination burst out (Phrases and expressions taken from Antoni and Radiana 2001 and Antoni 2009, and students current works); Innovative Your Mood Living (A slogan of a furniture business in Cimareme, Padalarang)
  • 4. 5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April 29 May 1, Yogyakarta 4 Nature of Creative Language: Collocation Building blocks of language, phrases, expressions, creative language, collocation Chomsky (1965 and 1966): the creative aspect of language Creative language, collocation: a group of words students create which belong together and which are accepted to be common and/or English-sounding as judged by native speakers of English or as used by a majority of users
  • 5. 5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April 29 May 1, Yogyakarta 5 Categories Common fixed phrases or expressions (CP) Common idioms (CI) Expressions prompted by local pragmatic norms and cultural values (EP) (Antoni and Gunawan 2005 and Antoni 2010) CL (Examples taken from Antoni and Radiana 2001 and Antoni 2009, and students current works)
  • 6. 5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April 29 May 1, Yogyakarta 6 Examples CP obvious CI obvious EP Where are you going?, I want to thank God for the opportunity given to me to present this essay, I am sorry if I made mistakes in my presentation. Mistakes are from me, the truth is from God (Antoni and Gunawan 2005 and Antoni 2010) CL make the information as a motivator, refresh our mind, make our motivation higher, disavowing Gods existence, marry the same gender, disobey the limit (Antoni and Radiana 2001 and Antoni 2009)
  • 7. 5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April 29 May 1, Yogyakarta 7 Students CL: More Examples - Do criminal activity; they get drunk and do criminal activity - Prepared my mentality; I had prepared my mentality since my mother told me - The awesomeness of the temple; the awesomeness of the biggest temple; we couldnt feel the awesomeness of the biggest temple Borobudur - My imagination burst out; makes my imagination burst out - Take a pray; in the morning after take a pray - The taste is delicious
  • 8. 5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April 29 May 1, Yogyakarta 8 Verification: How Students CL Is Acceptable - Intelligibility - Native speakers assessment - Commonnessits coinage and use by others Google fixed phrase search e.g. professional hypocrisy, awakening dormant customers
  • 9. 5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April 29 May 1, Yogyakarta 9 Verification: How Students CL Is Acceptable (Cont.) - In the absence of native speakers assessment intelligible and common to a degree, i.e., Google fixed phrase search results (as of the time they were searched): refresh our mind (32,200), make our motivation higher (4), disavowing Gods existence (5,260),
  • 10. 5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April 29 May 1, Yogyakarta 10 Verification: How Students CL Is Acceptable (Cont. 2) marry the same gender (23,000), disobey the limit (20,700), (they) do criminal activity (3,200), prepared my mentality (9,650), the awesomeness of the temple (5), take a pray (61,500), the taste is delicious (140,000). When moderated, use the information as a motivator (6), let my imagination burst out (10)
  • 11. 5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April 29 May 1, Yogyakarta 11 Implication on Teaching - Teach CP - Moderate students CL or collocations - Encourage extensive reading - Fixed the grammar e.g. I have to take my mother to the hospital I had to take my mother to the hospital; I am flu I am having a flu (Antoni and Gunawan 2005 and Antoni 2010)
  • 12. 5/3/2015 LIA Intl Conference 2015, April 29 May 1, Yogyakarta 12 Conclusion Students CL should be encouraged in such a way that it is only intelligible and acceptable dwelling on the criteria just proposed