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Kind of re-presentation of Professor
Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017
Assessing Intercultural
Capability in English Learning
Ferry Antoni
Kind of re-presentation of Professor
Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017
Original Presentation
Assessing Intercultural Capability in
Languages Education
Professor Anthony J. Liddicoat
University of Warwick
University of South Australia
Kind of re-presentation of Professor
Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017
Terms used interchangeably
All taken to mean the same thing:
- Intercultural competence
- Intercultural capability
- Interculturality
- The intercultural
Kind of re-presentation of Professor
Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017
Definition and Operationalization (DaO)
Intercultural capability in communication is the
ability to understand, tolerate, and accept how
and why a person or your interlocutor/partner thinks (1),
speaks (2), behaves (3), and/or acts (4) the way he does with
reference to his own culture  simply an observer towards
an observee in a given culture (5); really one person of a culture
towards another person of another culture in contact (6)
Habermas (1983) terms it communicative action,
that is, communication with the aim of developing
mutual understanding  this referring to the above latter more
Kind of re-presentation of Professor
Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017
DaO Cont.
Liddicoat and Scarino in L. Sercu and
A. Paran (2010):
The interpersonal and interactional nature of the
intercutural requires that the language user is able
to decentre from his/her cultural and linguistic
framework in order to see the world from
alternative perspectivesKim (2001) terms this
third culture perspective
Kind of re-presentation of Professor
Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017
DaO Cont.
Intercultural incapability  stereotyping
(7), prejudice (8), etc. which may all
potentially lead to racism
Kind of re-presentation of Professor
Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017
The Construct of the Intercultural
1. Factual, objective knowledge removed from
people as constructors and users of that
knowledge  cultural knowledge (an observer
towards an observee) (9)
2. Contextual and personalized  intercultural
engagement (one person of a culture towards
another person of another culture in contact)
Approaches to Assessing Interculturality
1. Assessment of intercultural communicative behaviors:
Common formats include role-plays and simulations, which
are used to test norms of interaction (Crozet, 1996; Liddicoat &
Crozet, 2001), pragmatic norms (Hudson, Detmer, & Brown,
1992; Kasper & Dahl, 1991), and some linguistic and
paralinguistic phenomena (Liddicoat & Crozet, 2001); cross-
cultural mediation tasks (Kordes, 1991; Meyer, 1991); and
discourse completion tasks, which assess control of
pragmatic norms and the accuracy of learners understanding of
native speakers language use and the accuracy of their
pragmatic choices (Kasper & Dahl, 1991)  Constructs 1 and 2
Kind of re-presentation of Professor
Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017
Approaches cont.
2.Elicitation of the learners intercultural
dispositions or understandings. Paige, Jorstad,
Siaya, Klein, & Colby (1999) examine three
different types of such models as potential
approaches for the assessment of intercultural
skills: 1. attitudinal tests; 2. culture assimilator
tests; and 3. cultural awareness tests 
Construct 1 (this sidelined)
Kind of re-presentation of Professor
Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017
Approaches cont.
3.Elicitation: involves not just seeking to draw out
learners understanding of intercultural experiences
as observers of others participation in
interaction, but most importantly, drawing out
learners understandings of themselves as
participants in learning and using language(s)
in the context of culture(s), that is, in learning
and using languages as actual intercultural
experiences  Approach 1 put in construct 2 
then learner reflection and learner response (12)
Kind of re-presentation of Professor
Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017
Question(s) I Asked
Is it possible that in reality intercultural communication
and intercultural (in)capability produce not only
(mis)understanding but also fun and laughter as
depicted in the British comedy series
'Mind Your Language'? 
Kind of re-presentation of Professor
Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017
Application in LB LIA classes:
1. Construct 1, approaches 1 and 3
2. Construct 2, approach 3
Kind of re-presentation of Professor
Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017
English learning and contact in the Indonesian
context specially LB LIA classes comprises
homogeneously Indonesian students. As such,
though students intercultural capability can still be
assessed through both constructs
construct 1, approaches 1 and 3 (fellow Indonesian)
and construct 2, approach 3 (fellow Indonesian);
S-S interaction can be devised for students doing
the given activities for the assessment purpose
Kind of re-presentation of Professor
Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017

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Assessing intercultural capability

  • 1. 10/2/2017 Kind of re-presentation of Professor Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017 1 Assessing Intercultural Capability in English Learning By: Ferry Antoni
  • 2. 10/2/2017 Kind of re-presentation of Professor Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017 2 Original Presentation Assessing Intercultural Capability in Languages Education Professor Anthony J. Liddicoat Affiliations: University of Warwick University of South Australia
  • 3. 10/2/2017 Kind of re-presentation of Professor Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017 3 Terms used interchangeably All taken to mean the same thing: - Intercultural competence - Intercultural capability - Interculturality - The intercultural
  • 4. 10/2/2017 Kind of re-presentation of Professor Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017 4 Definition and Operationalization (DaO) Intercultural capability in communication is the ability to understand, tolerate, and accept how and why a person or your interlocutor/partner thinks (1), speaks (2), behaves (3), and/or acts (4) the way he does with reference to his own culture simply an observer towards an observee in a given culture (5); really one person of a culture towards another person of another culture in contact (6) Habermas (1983) terms it communicative action, that is, communication with the aim of developing mutual understanding this referring to the above latter more
  • 5. 10/2/2017 Kind of re-presentation of Professor Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017 5 DaO Cont. Liddicoat and Scarino in L. Sercu and A. Paran (2010): The interpersonal and interactional nature of the intercutural requires that the language user is able to decentre from his/her cultural and linguistic framework in order to see the world from alternative perspectivesKim (2001) terms this third culture perspective
  • 6. 10/2/2017 Kind of re-presentation of Professor Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017 6 DaO Cont. Intercultural incapability stereotyping (7), prejudice (8), etc. which may all potentially lead to racism
  • 7. 10/2/2017 Kind of re-presentation of Professor Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017 7 The Construct of the Intercultural 1. Factual, objective knowledge removed from people as constructors and users of that knowledge cultural knowledge (an observer towards an observee) (9) 2. Contextual and personalized intercultural engagement (one person of a culture towards another person of another culture in contact) (10)
  • 8. Approaches to Assessing Interculturality 1. Assessment of intercultural communicative behaviors: Common formats include role-plays and simulations, which are used to test norms of interaction (Crozet, 1996; Liddicoat & Crozet, 2001), pragmatic norms (Hudson, Detmer, & Brown, 1992; Kasper & Dahl, 1991), and some linguistic and paralinguistic phenomena (Liddicoat & Crozet, 2001); cross- cultural mediation tasks (Kordes, 1991; Meyer, 1991); and discourse completion tasks, which assess control of pragmatic norms and the accuracy of learners understanding of native speakers language use and the accuracy of their pragmatic choices (Kasper & Dahl, 1991) Constructs 1 and 2 (11) 10/2/2017 Kind of re-presentation of Professor Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017 8
  • 9. Approaches cont. 2.Elicitation of the learners intercultural dispositions or understandings. Paige, Jorstad, Siaya, Klein, & Colby (1999) examine three different types of such models as potential approaches for the assessment of intercultural skills: 1. attitudinal tests; 2. culture assimilator tests; and 3. cultural awareness tests Construct 1 (this sidelined) 10/2/2017 Kind of re-presentation of Professor Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017 9
  • 10. Approaches cont. 3.Elicitation: involves not just seeking to draw out learners understanding of intercultural experiences as observers of others participation in interaction, but most importantly, drawing out learners understandings of themselves as participants in learning and using language(s) in the context of culture(s), that is, in learning and using languages as actual intercultural experiences Approach 1 put in construct 2 then learner reflection and learner response (12) 10/2/2017 Kind of re-presentation of Professor Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017 10
  • 11. Question(s) I Asked Is it possible that in reality intercultural communication and intercultural (in)capability produce not only (mis)understanding but also fun and laughter as depicted in the British comedy series 'Mind Your Language'? 10/2/2017 Kind of re-presentation of Professor Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017 11
  • 12. Recommendation Application in LB LIA classes: 1. Construct 1, approaches 1 and 3 2. Construct 2, approach 3 10/2/2017 Kind of re-presentation of Professor Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017 12
  • 13. Conclusion English learning and contact in the Indonesian context specially LB LIA classes comprises homogeneously Indonesian students. As such, though students intercultural capability can still be assessed through both constructs construct 1, approaches 1 and 3 (fellow Indonesian) and construct 2, approach 3 (fellow Indonesian); S-S interaction can be devised for students doing the given activities for the assessment purpose 10/2/2017 Kind of re-presentation of Professor Liddicoats talk at Asia TEFL Yogya 2017 13