The document discusses the history of distance education from its origins in the 1840s with Sir Isaac Pittman mailing texts to students in England. It then covers the establishment of correspondence programs at the University of London in 1858 and extensions of education through satellite colleges in the 1890s under William Rainey Harper. Distance education expanded further in the 1900s through night schools and to provide individualized education for rural students. The document also summarizes the establishment and operations of open university programs in the Philippines beginning in 1995.
Physical quantities can be divided into base quantities and derived quantities. The base quantities are the fundamental quantities like mass, length, time, etc. that other quantities are derived from. Derived quantities are quantities that can be calculated from the base quantities, such as area, density, velocity. Measurement is an important part of scientific investigation. There are different types of errors like systematic error and random error that need to be considered when taking measurements to ensure accuracy and consistency. Proper analysis of data through identifying variables and presenting them in tables and graphs is also important in scientific investigation.
The document describes the various keys found on a computer keyboard. It discusses the typical typewriter keys like character keys, shift key, caps lock key, tab key, enter key, space bar, control and alt keys, and backspace key. It also covers the function keys, numeric keypad, arrow keys, and other computer-specific keys like print screen, scroll lock, insert, delete, home, end, page up, page down, pause, and escape keys. The keyboard allows users to type letters, numbers, and symbols similarly to a typewriter but also enables additional computer functions through specialized keys.
The survey found that:
1) Most students exercise regularly, eat breakfast 3 times a week, and follow aspects of the Mediterranean diet such as using olive oil.
2) About half the students eat readymade meals 1-2 times a week and read ingredients lists sometimes.
3) Three quarters of students will consider growing their own plants in the future and only buy necessary grocery items.
The document outlines the history and development of the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) model for program evaluation. It describes the model's introduction in the 1960s and its refinement over several installments between 1966-1972 to include the four parts of context, input, process, and product evaluation. The current version from 2002 further aims to develop a coherent theoretical framework to guide evaluation.
Strategic Intervention Material in Mathematics Grade 7Arlene Callang
This document contains lesson materials on adding integers, including:
- An activity card with examples of using balls to represent integers and add them.
- An assessment card with problems to practice adding integers without visuals.
- An enrichment card with more practice problems, as well as finding missing integers in addition problems.
The materials aim to build students' skills in representing and calculating the addition of integers through visual and numerical problems.
1. Drogi czytelniku,
oto 5 ksi??ek J. Korczaka,
które powiniene?
Z pewno?ci? Ci si?
2. 1. Kiedy znów b?d? ma?y
Utwór jest o nauczycielu,
którego marzenie o ponownym
byciu dzieckiem spe?ni?o si? z
dnia na dzieo. Ksi??ka ukazuje
ró?nice pomi?dzy ?wiatem dzieci
a ?wiatem doros?ych. Je?eli
chcesz byd ju? szybko doros?y
ten utwór poka?e Ci jak cenne s?
m?ode lata. Jest to równie?
lektura dla doros?ych, którzy
maj? problemy ze zrozumieniem
dzieci. Ksi??ka jest naprawd?
warta Twojej uwagi!
3. 2. Bankructwo ma?ego D?eka
Ksi??ka opowiada o bardzo
ambitnym ch?opcu, który
zamierza prowadzid szkoln?
form? sklepu. Utwór tak?e
opiera si? na
porównywaniu ?ycia
doros?ego z dzieci?cym.
Je?eli lubisz przygodowe
ksi??ki pisane prostym i
?atwo przyswajalnym
j?zykiem jest ona
stworzona specjalnie dla
4. 3. Król Maciu? Pierwszy
Jest to powie?d nie tylko
dla najm?odszych.
Ch?opiec mimo swojego
m?odego wieku posiada
wiele cech prawdziwego
w?adcy. Opowiada o
ró?nych reformach w
paostwie. Utwór jest
bardzo przyjemny,
dlatego mo?esz
po?wi?cid jej chwilk?
5. 4. Prawid?a ?ycia
Pi?knie ukazane
prawid?owe postawy w
?yciu. Ksi??ka ukazuje, ?e
pomimo utwór zosta? ju?
dawno napisany, to
prawid?a s? wci?? takie
same. Wspania?a ksi??ka
dla osób lubi?cych
rozwa?ania nad moralnymi
postawami cz?owieka.
6. 5. Kajtu? czarodziej
Jest to powie?d dla dzieci.
J. Korczak ukazuje w tej
ksi??ce postaw? dziecka
w bardzo doros?y sposób.
Chce w ten sposób
ukazad, ?e
niewa?ne sprawy dzieci
maj? podobn? wag? jak
sprawy doros?ych.