Presentation from Sport & Recreation Alliance 2014 by Georgia Park of Cascade Coaching.
Presentation is on building a values driven organisation and the role of leadership in this process.
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Después de hacer un collage de noticias del New York Times, asistir a eventos de innovación en Manhattan y una que otra desvelada, aquí está el reporte que inspirará a tu marca y a tu startup para tomar ventajas. ?Disfrútalo y comparte!
Using IATI datasets for communication: Where can we improve?Marten Schoonman
IATI can have value in many different ways. One of them is to share and pro-actively show the work you are doing publicly.
- How can you do this best?
- How can you make use of the standard’s fields and which information would you like to add and how?
- How can this relate to your existing communication channels (e.g. website) and fundraising?
Marten shares how Akvo’s ‘Really Simple Reporting’ platform is set up and will facilitate an exploration with you how you can make IATI work for your organisation’s communication.
2016 Connected Care and the Patient ExperienceSurescripts
Annual survey of 1,000 Americans reveals increased dissatisfaction with data availability and innovation, even though the technology exists today for a safer, more convenient and connected healthcare experience.
Before They Enter the Classroom: Positive Classroom Management StrategiesJulie Connor, Ed.D.
You need more than desire and education to teach a successful lesson; you need a plan. Use these tips to create clear procedures and classroom management strategies that work.
Upfront State of the VC & Tech Industry 2017Mark Suster
Upfront Ventures publishes its annual "State of the VC Industry" along with predictions on what to expect in 2017 funding
Propositions et actions du medef pour le numériqueAdm Medef
Le MEDEF présente ses propositions et ses actions
pour la digitalisation de l’économie fran?aise
Le MEDEF a défini une stratégie en faveur de la transformation numérique de l’économie fran?aise autour de 5 axes, déclinés en propositions de réformes et en actions :
- Axe 1 / Filière technologique : faire de la France la ? Silicon Valley ? de l’Europe autour des technologies et des plateformes de la filière IoT (Internet of Things, c’est-à-dire l’Internet des objets) ;
- Axe 2 / Ecosystème industriel : créer un écosystème attractif et compétitif en France autour du prototypage, de la préindustrialisation et de la fabrication de solutions IoT ;
- Axe 3 / Entreprises : Accompagner 100.000 TPE PME et ETI fran?aises dans leur transformation vers la ? Smart economy ? : le Programme METAMORPHOSE (sensibilisation, formation, accompagnement et financement)
- Axe 4 / Attractivité : rendre la France ? business friendly ? pour attirer les investisseurs et favoriser la croissance de nos start-up et PME en ETI et en grandes entreprises ;
- Axe 5 / Communication : mettre en place une stratégie de communication internationale autour de notre vision et de notre stratégie ? smart economy ?.
Design Principles: The Philosophy of UXWhitney Hess
The visual principles of harmony, unity, contrast, emphasis, variety, balance, proportion, repetition, texture and movement (and others) are widely recognized and practiced, even when they aren’t formally articulated. But creating a good design doesn’t automatically mean creating a good experience.
In order for us to cultivate positive experiences for our users, we need to establish a set of guiding principles for experience design. Guiding principles are the broad philosophy or fundamental beliefs that steer an organization, team or individual’s decision making, irrespective of the project goals, constraints, or resources.
Whitney will share a universally-applicable set of experience design principles that we should all strive to follow, and will explore how you can create and use your own guiding principles to take your site or product to the next level.
Advanced search and Top-k queries in Cassandra - Cassandra Summit Europe 2014Andrés de la Pe?a
This document discusses advanced search and top-K queries in Cassandra. It proposes integrating Lucene indexes with each Cassandra node to enable more expressive queries like range queries, multi-variable searches, and top-K queries. The integration would allow each node to index its own data with Lucene while supporting distributed queries. The document also describes how Stratio's tools like Deep and Crossdata can help integrate Lucene indexes with Spark for large-scale querying and analytics across Cassandra and other data stores.
Sage Gold plans to generate cash from production of the existing resources on Clavos and Lynx through project financing, joint venture or sale.
*Permits in place to mine the Clavos gold deposit
-Located in prolific Timmins Mining camp (>100 million ozs gold)
Existing infrastructure - underground ramp and levels every 25m to the 300m level
-NI43-101 Resource Study and PEA completed
-Low initial Capex required for potential production … $8.0 million
-Joint venture; Sage 60%, St Andrew Goldfields 40%
Clavos is located in close proximity to several operating mills
Natural Gas pipeline on Clavos Property – Potential Fuel and Power savings
-Exploration Potential – deep (400-600m);
2 deep holes: 65.3g/t over 4.2m & 17.4g/t over 1.5m
AltaVault by NetApp provides cloud backup and recovery solutions that enable customers to reduce costs and complexity while improving recovery capabilities. It supports all major cloud storage providers and platforms, and allows customers to easily move data between cloud providers. AltaVault offers end-to-end data encryption and flexible deployment options including physical, virtual, and cloud-based options on AWS or Azure. It is compatible with all leading backup software and can have customers up and running within 30 minutes.
Using IATI datasets for communication: Where can we improve?Marten Schoonman
IATI can have value in many different ways. One of them is to share and pro-actively show the work you are doing publicly.
- How can you do this best?
- How can you make use of the standard’s fields and which information would you like to add and how?
- How can this relate to your existing communication channels (e.g. website) and fundraising?
Marten shares how Akvo’s ‘Really Simple Reporting’ platform is set up and will facilitate an exploration with you how you can make IATI work for your organisation’s communication.
2016 Connected Care and the Patient ExperienceSurescripts
Annual survey of 1,000 Americans reveals increased dissatisfaction with data availability and innovation, even though the technology exists today for a safer, more convenient and connected healthcare experience.
Before They Enter the Classroom: Positive Classroom Management StrategiesJulie Connor, Ed.D.
You need more than desire and education to teach a successful lesson; you need a plan. Use these tips to create clear procedures and classroom management strategies that work.
Upfront State of the VC & Tech Industry 2017Mark Suster
Upfront Ventures publishes its annual "State of the VC Industry" along with predictions on what to expect in 2017 funding
Propositions et actions du medef pour le numériqueAdm Medef
Le MEDEF présente ses propositions et ses actions
pour la digitalisation de l’économie fran?aise
Le MEDEF a défini une stratégie en faveur de la transformation numérique de l’économie fran?aise autour de 5 axes, déclinés en propositions de réformes et en actions :
- Axe 1 / Filière technologique : faire de la France la ? Silicon Valley ? de l’Europe autour des technologies et des plateformes de la filière IoT (Internet of Things, c’est-à-dire l’Internet des objets) ;
- Axe 2 / Ecosystème industriel : créer un écosystème attractif et compétitif en France autour du prototypage, de la préindustrialisation et de la fabrication de solutions IoT ;
- Axe 3 / Entreprises : Accompagner 100.000 TPE PME et ETI fran?aises dans leur transformation vers la ? Smart economy ? : le Programme METAMORPHOSE (sensibilisation, formation, accompagnement et financement)
- Axe 4 / Attractivité : rendre la France ? business friendly ? pour attirer les investisseurs et favoriser la croissance de nos start-up et PME en ETI et en grandes entreprises ;
- Axe 5 / Communication : mettre en place une stratégie de communication internationale autour de notre vision et de notre stratégie ? smart economy ?.
Design Principles: The Philosophy of UXWhitney Hess
The visual principles of harmony, unity, contrast, emphasis, variety, balance, proportion, repetition, texture and movement (and others) are widely recognized and practiced, even when they aren’t formally articulated. But creating a good design doesn’t automatically mean creating a good experience.
In order for us to cultivate positive experiences for our users, we need to establish a set of guiding principles for experience design. Guiding principles are the broad philosophy or fundamental beliefs that steer an organization, team or individual’s decision making, irrespective of the project goals, constraints, or resources.
Whitney will share a universally-applicable set of experience design principles that we should all strive to follow, and will explore how you can create and use your own guiding principles to take your site or product to the next level.
Advanced search and Top-k queries in Cassandra - Cassandra Summit Europe 2014Andrés de la Pe?a
This document discusses advanced search and top-K queries in Cassandra. It proposes integrating Lucene indexes with each Cassandra node to enable more expressive queries like range queries, multi-variable searches, and top-K queries. The integration would allow each node to index its own data with Lucene while supporting distributed queries. The document also describes how Stratio's tools like Deep and Crossdata can help integrate Lucene indexes with Spark for large-scale querying and analytics across Cassandra and other data stores.
Sage Gold plans to generate cash from production of the existing resources on Clavos and Lynx through project financing, joint venture or sale.
*Permits in place to mine the Clavos gold deposit
-Located in prolific Timmins Mining camp (>100 million ozs gold)
Existing infrastructure - underground ramp and levels every 25m to the 300m level
-NI43-101 Resource Study and PEA completed
-Low initial Capex required for potential production … $8.0 million
-Joint venture; Sage 60%, St Andrew Goldfields 40%
Clavos is located in close proximity to several operating mills
Natural Gas pipeline on Clavos Property – Potential Fuel and Power savings
-Exploration Potential – deep (400-600m);
2 deep holes: 65.3g/t over 4.2m & 17.4g/t over 1.5m
AltaVault by NetApp provides cloud backup and recovery solutions that enable customers to reduce costs and complexity while improving recovery capabilities. It supports all major cloud storage providers and platforms, and allows customers to easily move data between cloud providers. AltaVault offers end-to-end data encryption and flexible deployment options including physical, virtual, and cloud-based options on AWS or Azure. It is compatible with all leading backup software and can have customers up and running within 30 minutes.