This newsletter provides information about upcoming events and important dates in March for a preschool program. It reminds parents about swimming dates, tuition due dates, field trips to a museum and park, and visits from giraffes and other guests. It also lists holidays and teacher in-service days when the preschool will be closed, and encourages bringing hooded towels for swimming. The newsletter updates on the preschool's bottle cap recycling collection and celebrates their Dr. Seuss birthday event.
The document describes a school project where students researched the clothing traditions of their ancestors. They gathered old photos, clothing items, and accessories from family members. The class was divided into groups, each researching a different aspect of historical dress. The groups presented their findings in an exhibition that showcased traditional clothing for different occasions and regions. The project helped students develop pride in their local heritage and cultural traditions while encouraging teamwork and research skills.
This document summarizes two projects carried out by students at a Lower Secondary School in Krzeszow, Poland to promote English language learning.
The first project created an English language website and Facebook page to provide students vocabulary, quizzes, cultural information and photos related to British festivals. An English contest was held with results posted on the website.
The second project addressed low knowledge of everyday English words by students. For a month, vocabulary words were distributed daily for students to learn and translate. This culminated in an English word and culture competition with information posted on the first project's website. Winners received prizes.
The document summarizes spring activities at a school in Slovakia. Students go on walks in parks and nature, plant vegetables in gardens, and play games in the park. They created Easter cards and spring posters for friends. The school also made an international collage of Easter cards. Students enjoy the warmer weather and spring traditions of the season.
Two groups of students from the Lower Secondary School in Krzeszow, Poland carried out projects to encourage their peers to learn English. One group created an English website and Facebook page to share information about British culture and hold quizzes and contests. The other group distributed English vocabulary words daily to students and organized a competition that was publicized on the first group's website. Both projects aimed to motivate the school community to learn English in fun ways using online resources.
Gymnasium No1 in Novogrudok has been recognized as a leader in educational quality in the district, having won awards from 2013-2016. It has over 600 students taught by 57 highly qualified teachers. The school offers students opportunities to develop their skills through various academic and extracurricular programs, and many have achieved success at regional and national competitions. Gymnasium No1 aims to provide a creative and inspiring environment for learning through its distinctive traditions, facilities, and emphasis on developing each student's talents.
This document summarizes the activities of Al-Huda International's community education and social welfare project in Kachi Basti, Pakistan. It provides education programs for children and women, including weekly classes in the local school and homes. It also organizes community cleaning activities, Eid gift distributions, medical camps, and has started a new community school to provide free, complete education. The school is located near F-11 Markaz in Islamabad.
"Cultivating life skills through Land Art" - eTwinning project - Our Art housesTheodora Chandrinou
裡僚竜粒留溜留 裡凌了竜溜僚 留 了留溜旅留 僚 虜留旅隆竜旅虜ホ 凌粒留亮亮略僚 竜旅硫留了了凌僚旅虜流 虜留溜隆竜侶. 旅 亮留慮侶劉 侶 裡略両侶 凌 3凌 隆侶亮凌旅虜凌 凌了竜溜凌 竜虜侶 虜留旅 凌 1凌 隆侶亮凌旅虜凌 凌了竜溜凌 竜虜侶 僚竜粒略龍凌僚留旅 虜留旅 留了了侶了竜旅隆凌僚, 亮竜 留凌亮流 凌 劉粒凌 凌 旅劉虜凌僚留 Antoni Gaudi.
The pupils of grade 6 of the 1st and 3rd primary Schools of Pefki, Athens, Greece, get inspired from the creation of the Spanish Architect Antoni Gaudi and react through Art. They collaborate and share the results of their effort!
CATCO offers acting classes, school matinee performances, and summer camps for children and teens. Classes range from $75 for a week of audition training to $250 for a 10-week performance program. Summer camps are available at various price points from $25 for a 50-minute session to $350 for an intensive two-week program.
The Columbus College of Art and Design provides art classes and workshops on Saturdays for students of all ages for $50-250. Their student exhibitions may interest high schoolers.
The Columbus Museum of Art offers school tours focusing on critical thinking and free admission on Sundays. They provide teacher professional development through their Creativity Institute.
Sanni introduces themselves and describes their school in Laajalahti, Finland. The school has over 300 pupils from ages 6 to 13 across 14 classes. It is a "Kiva school" which means there is no bullying, and it offers many after school clubs. The school also focuses on sports and physical activities. Sanni enjoys music, math, and PE classes and plays the piano in their free time.
Within an Erasmus+ project called "Help the Earth: reduce, reuse, recycle", students at a school in Torun, Poland:
1) Organized various environmental activities like a logo contest, building a mock-up city, testing water from the Baltic Sea and Vistula River, and cleaning up local forests.
2) Created and maintained a school garden that involved students both in the Erasmus program and outside of it.
3) Conducted experiments to analyze properties of different types of water.
4) Held two "Erasmus nights" featuring video calls with partner schools and activities like making the mock-up city.
5) Participated in organizational meetings in Finland
Newsletter 2 - 1st Exchange of pupils in Istanbul, TurkeyFCS project
The document summarizes the first short-term exchange of students and teachers that took place in Istanbul, Turkey from February 16-20, 2015 as part of the Erasmus+ project "FAMILY, COMMUNITY, SCHOOL: The Troika of My Values!". Students and teachers from 7 countries participated in cultural activities and workshops to learn about each other's values and traditions. Key events included visiting historic sites in Istanbul, selecting the official project logo, learning about Turkish culture through art and dance, and building relationships across countries. The exchange laid the foundation for future collaboration within the project.
eTwinning project: Cultivating life skills through Land Art - friendshipTheodora Chandrinou
e-Twinning project: Cultivating life skills through Land Art 3rd and 1st primary Schools of Pefki, Athens Greece.
Students of the 6th grade present their work about Friendship, School year 2016-2017.
The document summarizes the activities from a student exchange program in Xanthi, Greece. The exchange involved students from multiple countries getting to know each other through cultural activities like traditional dancing, volunteering in the community, and nature activities. Students also learned about technology tools that can be used in the classroom and visited local authorities. By experiencing Greek culture together, the students gained friendships and a sense of cultural unity rather than differences.
This document provides information about Islip Middle School, including its mission, philosophy, and essential elements. It outlines the school's focus on facilitating students' academic, emotional, and social growth to become lifelong learners. It also announces various clubs, activities, and other school announcements such as fitness tips, recycling initiatives, and reminders about school policies.
Presentation made by E-twinning students at Publiczne Gimnazjum im. Orla Bialego, Jablonna, Poland, for their partners at I.E.S. Ibaialde-Burlada in Spain. Here they show who the management of their school are, and then also the teachers, premises, and a little bit more of information about the school
Volunteer students organized a clean-up event in their neighborhood on May 6th as part of a project to raise environmental awareness. The goal was to educate students and the local community about environmental problems and encourage daily actions to improve the local environment. The students developed a new respect for their community and sense of pride after cleaning up. Volunteering helps improve lives and communities while also giving volunteers a greater sense of belonging. Keeping cities clean is important for public health, tourism, and future generations. Effective ways to do so include proper trash disposal and educating others.
This document summarizes a school project to raise awareness about addiction in their local community. [1] Students at KRS school in Madurai, India felt it was important to address rising alcoholism in nearby suburbs. [2] They organized an awareness campaign with activities at their school and in a nearby village, including rallies, plays, and speeches. [3] The campaign successfully educated over 200 people and the village president welcomed future programs, showing it created a positive impact.
This document provides 5 questions for a tech support person to ask a customer experiencing computer problems: 1) Did you try turning the computer off and on? 2) Did you run an antivirus scan? 3) What were the actions before the problem occurred? 4) Is this the first time the problem happened? 5) Does an image appear on the screen when powering on?
Este documento proporciona instrucciones en 3 pasos para registrarse en 1) ingresar a la p叩gina de inicio de, 2) hacer clic en "sing in", y 3) completar los datos de registro requeridos.
This document discusses changing consumer trends and their impact on non-commercial foodservice. It notes that healthcare foodservice is projected to grow at the highest rate due to factors like an aging population and increased healthcare spending. Younger generations like Millennials are gaining spending power while facing challenges saving for retirement. There is increasing demand for healthier, locally-sourced, sustainable food options. Social media is influencing food trends which spread rapidly. Non-commercial foodservice must adapt menus and service models to meet evolving consumer expectations around choice, wellness and dining experiences.
Gymnasium No1 in Novogrudok has been recognized as a leader in educational quality in the district, having won awards from 2013-2016. It has over 600 students taught by 57 highly qualified teachers. The school offers students opportunities to develop their skills through various academic and extracurricular programs, and many have achieved success at regional and national competitions. Gymnasium No1 aims to provide a creative and inspiring environment for learning through its distinctive traditions, facilities, and emphasis on developing each student's talents.
This document summarizes the activities of Al-Huda International's community education and social welfare project in Kachi Basti, Pakistan. It provides education programs for children and women, including weekly classes in the local school and homes. It also organizes community cleaning activities, Eid gift distributions, medical camps, and has started a new community school to provide free, complete education. The school is located near F-11 Markaz in Islamabad.
"Cultivating life skills through Land Art" - eTwinning project - Our Art housesTheodora Chandrinou
裡僚竜粒留溜留 裡凌了竜溜僚 留 了留溜旅留 僚 虜留旅隆竜旅虜ホ 凌粒留亮亮略僚 竜旅硫留了了凌僚旅虜流 虜留溜隆竜侶. 旅 亮留慮侶劉 侶 裡略両侶 凌 3凌 隆侶亮凌旅虜凌 凌了竜溜凌 竜虜侶 虜留旅 凌 1凌 隆侶亮凌旅虜凌 凌了竜溜凌 竜虜侶 僚竜粒略龍凌僚留旅 虜留旅 留了了侶了竜旅隆凌僚, 亮竜 留凌亮流 凌 劉粒凌 凌 旅劉虜凌僚留 Antoni Gaudi.
The pupils of grade 6 of the 1st and 3rd primary Schools of Pefki, Athens, Greece, get inspired from the creation of the Spanish Architect Antoni Gaudi and react through Art. They collaborate and share the results of their effort!
CATCO offers acting classes, school matinee performances, and summer camps for children and teens. Classes range from $75 for a week of audition training to $250 for a 10-week performance program. Summer camps are available at various price points from $25 for a 50-minute session to $350 for an intensive two-week program.
The Columbus College of Art and Design provides art classes and workshops on Saturdays for students of all ages for $50-250. Their student exhibitions may interest high schoolers.
The Columbus Museum of Art offers school tours focusing on critical thinking and free admission on Sundays. They provide teacher professional development through their Creativity Institute.
Sanni introduces themselves and describes their school in Laajalahti, Finland. The school has over 300 pupils from ages 6 to 13 across 14 classes. It is a "Kiva school" which means there is no bullying, and it offers many after school clubs. The school also focuses on sports and physical activities. Sanni enjoys music, math, and PE classes and plays the piano in their free time.
Within an Erasmus+ project called "Help the Earth: reduce, reuse, recycle", students at a school in Torun, Poland:
1) Organized various environmental activities like a logo contest, building a mock-up city, testing water from the Baltic Sea and Vistula River, and cleaning up local forests.
2) Created and maintained a school garden that involved students both in the Erasmus program and outside of it.
3) Conducted experiments to analyze properties of different types of water.
4) Held two "Erasmus nights" featuring video calls with partner schools and activities like making the mock-up city.
5) Participated in organizational meetings in Finland
Newsletter 2 - 1st Exchange of pupils in Istanbul, TurkeyFCS project
The document summarizes the first short-term exchange of students and teachers that took place in Istanbul, Turkey from February 16-20, 2015 as part of the Erasmus+ project "FAMILY, COMMUNITY, SCHOOL: The Troika of My Values!". Students and teachers from 7 countries participated in cultural activities and workshops to learn about each other's values and traditions. Key events included visiting historic sites in Istanbul, selecting the official project logo, learning about Turkish culture through art and dance, and building relationships across countries. The exchange laid the foundation for future collaboration within the project.
eTwinning project: Cultivating life skills through Land Art - friendshipTheodora Chandrinou
e-Twinning project: Cultivating life skills through Land Art 3rd and 1st primary Schools of Pefki, Athens Greece.
Students of the 6th grade present their work about Friendship, School year 2016-2017.
The document summarizes the activities from a student exchange program in Xanthi, Greece. The exchange involved students from multiple countries getting to know each other through cultural activities like traditional dancing, volunteering in the community, and nature activities. Students also learned about technology tools that can be used in the classroom and visited local authorities. By experiencing Greek culture together, the students gained friendships and a sense of cultural unity rather than differences.
This document provides information about Islip Middle School, including its mission, philosophy, and essential elements. It outlines the school's focus on facilitating students' academic, emotional, and social growth to become lifelong learners. It also announces various clubs, activities, and other school announcements such as fitness tips, recycling initiatives, and reminders about school policies.
Presentation made by E-twinning students at Publiczne Gimnazjum im. Orla Bialego, Jablonna, Poland, for their partners at I.E.S. Ibaialde-Burlada in Spain. Here they show who the management of their school are, and then also the teachers, premises, and a little bit more of information about the school
Volunteer students organized a clean-up event in their neighborhood on May 6th as part of a project to raise environmental awareness. The goal was to educate students and the local community about environmental problems and encourage daily actions to improve the local environment. The students developed a new respect for their community and sense of pride after cleaning up. Volunteering helps improve lives and communities while also giving volunteers a greater sense of belonging. Keeping cities clean is important for public health, tourism, and future generations. Effective ways to do so include proper trash disposal and educating others.
This document summarizes a school project to raise awareness about addiction in their local community. [1] Students at KRS school in Madurai, India felt it was important to address rising alcoholism in nearby suburbs. [2] They organized an awareness campaign with activities at their school and in a nearby village, including rallies, plays, and speeches. [3] The campaign successfully educated over 200 people and the village president welcomed future programs, showing it created a positive impact.
This document provides 5 questions for a tech support person to ask a customer experiencing computer problems: 1) Did you try turning the computer off and on? 2) Did you run an antivirus scan? 3) What were the actions before the problem occurred? 4) Is this the first time the problem happened? 5) Does an image appear on the screen when powering on?
Este documento proporciona instrucciones en 3 pasos para registrarse en 1) ingresar a la p叩gina de inicio de, 2) hacer clic en "sing in", y 3) completar los datos de registro requeridos.
This document discusses changing consumer trends and their impact on non-commercial foodservice. It notes that healthcare foodservice is projected to grow at the highest rate due to factors like an aging population and increased healthcare spending. Younger generations like Millennials are gaining spending power while facing challenges saving for retirement. There is increasing demand for healthier, locally-sourced, sustainable food options. Social media is influencing food trends which spread rapidly. Non-commercial foodservice must adapt menus and service models to meet evolving consumer expectations around choice, wellness and dining experiences.
The document summarizes various events that took place at a school in Poland from September to December 2009, including:
1) The beginning of the school year ceremony in September and the selection of the student government.
2) An exchange program with a school in Spain where Spanish students visited Poland and experienced the culture.
3) An environmental cleaning event and a health campaign organized by students.
4) Various holidays celebrated over the months like Independence Day, Rights of the Child Day, and Christmas.
The school aims to provide life-long learning that meets students' information and social needs while developing them into tolerant, involved citizens. It has 54 qualified teachers and excellent material resources like classrooms, labs, and gyms. Students participate enthusiastically in extracurricular activities like an English drama festival, volunteering club, and environmental projects. The school places emphasis on sports competitions and produces an award-winning student magazine on various topics.
This document summarizes an Erasmus+ KA1 project called "Empowering teachers for innovative and student centered learning environment" taking place at the oldest and largest primary school in Pirot, Serbia called "Vuk Karadzic". The school has over 1000 pupils from ages 7 to 15 who attend classes in two shifts. The vision of the school is to modernize and internationalize and move away from traditional teaching towards collaborative and active learning. It outlines the school's facilities, activities, awards, and 10 staff members participating in the mobility program with the goal of upgrading skills to make the school more international and enable pupils to obtain functional knowledge to prepare for the future.
Our school offers a variety of activities throughout the year to encourage student participation and development of skills. Activities include academic competitions, sporting events, celebrations of holidays, and clubs focused on health, community support, and environmental sustainability. The school aims to promote healthy lifestyles, help those in need, and cultivate environmental stewardship among students. It has been recognized for its green practices with consecutive Eco-School Green Flags.
This document provides information about Primary School "Vuk Karadzic" in Pirot, Serbia. It discusses that the school has over 1000 pupils from ages 7-14 across its main and village schools. It operates in two shifts and has a vision of modernization, teacher development, and active student and community participation. It highlights strong areas like its long tradition, skilled teachers, inclusive education, and awards. It provides details about school facilities, daily activities, celebrations, projects, technology use, and mobility participants which include the principal, psychologists, teachers of various subjects who are dedicated to empowering students.
This document provides information about a kindergarten located in Salaspils, Latvia. It offers a high quality curriculum to develop children's communication skills, ability to learn and solve problems, and leadership qualities. The kindergarten's philosophy is that dedicated teachers make a difference in student development and that every child is special and unique. It works to provide knowledge and enrich children's emotional world through festivals. The kindergarten also cooperates with parents through events like "Open Door Days" and seasonal exhibitions. It is involved in an international Comenius project called "Art for Learning, Art for Peace, Art for Nature, Art for Life" with eight other European kindergartens. The kindergarten has its own traditions
This document provides information about a kindergarten located in Salaspils, Latvia. It offers a high quality curriculum to develop children's communication skills, ability to learn and solve problems, and leadership qualities. The kindergarten's philosophy is that dedicated teachers make a difference in student development and that every student is unique and can do their best. It works by providing knowledge to children, enriching their emotional world through festivals, and cooperating with parents through events like "Open Door Days." The kindergarten also participates in an EU partnership project called "Art for Learning, Art for Peace, Art for Nature, Art for Life" that involves 8 other European kindergartens.
This document provides information about the Kelms "K笛lverstuko" nursery-kindergarten. It established in 1982 and currently has 201 children and 26 teachers. The nursery-kindergarten focuses on developing the children through educational projects, international partnerships, and promoting healthy lifestyles. It is unique in the district for providing education and care for disabled pre-school children.
This document provides information about Primary school Dr. J叩nsky no 2 貼iar na Hronom in Slovakia. It is the oldest primary school in the industrial town of 貼iar nad Hronom, celebrating its 50th anniversary. The school has 598 pupils aged 6-15 and is led by headmaster Mgr. Marek Bal叩転. The document then goes on to discuss various aspects of the Slovak primary education system and life at the school, including curriculum, teachers, facilities, activities and partnerships with other countries.
This document summarizes the activities of the "Healthy Young People of Today are the Future of Europe Tomorrow" project. It describes 17 international mobility events across 9 European countries where students participated in activities promoting healthy eating and exercise. Example activities included a harvest day to learn about homegrown vegetables, a porridge day to learn about different types of porridge, and an Olympics day to encourage exercise. The document outlines the educational and social benefits students gained from participating in the international project.
IBSB PTF Social Events 2015 2016 REVIEWClaudia Marta
The document summarizes events organized by the IBSB PTF (Parent, Teacher, Friend organization) for the 2015-2016 school year. It describes cultural celebrations for holidays like Diwali, Hannukah, Chinese New Year, and World Book Day. It also outlines social events such as a Halloween party, St. Nick Brunch, sports day, and a pool party that were organized to support students and enhance their education through extracurricular activities. Sponsorship from organizations helped make these events possible for the school community.
Mati Bolgaria Primary School in Bulgaria strives to maintain Bulgarian culture while incorporating modern European educational practices. The school has 28 years of experience in bilingual education and participates in international projects to exchange experiences with other countries. It offers a variety of extracurricular activities for students in areas like music, dance, art, sports and foreign languages. The school aims to educate students in a spirit of tolerance, acceptance and friendship.
This document provides information about Archangelos Lakatamia Gymnasium school in Nicosia, Cyprus. It has been operating since 1994 with 350 students across 6 grades. The school has 52 teachers and various classrooms, laboratories, and athletic facilities. It participates in programs like Eco-Schools for environmental education, Erasmus+ for teaching solar power, and holds various events like Move Week, European Language Day, and a Research and Innovation Week.
Can Palmer School is a public kindergarten and primary school in Viladecans, Catalonia, Spain. It has been running an inclusion project for students with special needs since 1986. The school aims to promote respect, cooperation, and tolerance. It has various classrooms and workshops where students develop skills through activities like cooking, shopping, secretarial work, and raising chicks. Students also participate in traditional celebrations and projects focused on sustainability like growing their own food and reducing waste.
This document provides an evaluation of a student exchange program between schools in Spain, Italy, Turkey, Finland and France focused on the themes of environmentalism, health, and volunteering. It summarizes the activities during the exchange, which included workshops on recycling, hiking, and meeting with local organizations, as well as cultural visits. The teams from each country provide positive feedback, praising the Spanish hosts for their warm welcome and well-planned, enriching program that helped students learn beyond the classroom.
This document proposes a teaching garden program linking schools in North Carolina and Uganda to promote academic learning, cultural exchange, and address food and water scarcity. The program would develop garden components at each school for science, math, literacy and other subjects. Students would share data and cultural presentations to build understanding between the schools. The long-term goals are to enhance each school's garden and establish an ongoing partnership for mutual learning and addressing issues like nutrition, water access and environmental stewardship.
Our activities in the school year 2013/2014sonabencova
This document summarizes the activities of the Comenius Project 2013-2015 between Tilgnerova School in Bratislava, Slovakia and partnership schools in Turkey, Croatia, Poland, and Bulgaria. The following key activities are described:
- Students introduced their schools and countries through presentations and researched their partner countries.
- The schools collaborated to create a joint project logo and dictionary in their languages.
- Students learned about traditional Slovak crafts like beekeeping and participated in cultural activities around Christmas traditions.
- Mobility exchanges were organized where students visited and learned about the culture in Croatia and Turkey.
- Throughout the project, students engaged in crafts, cooking, dance, and other
- The document summarizes the activities and discussions that took place during a 3-day staff training meeting in Bidston, UK as part of the CREACTION! 2018-2020 Erasmus+ project.
- Partner schools from Turkey, Italy, Finland, Spain, and France attended and presented on their education systems, special needs strategies, and projects they had completed.
- Activities included workshops on special needs teaching, visits to UK classes, language lessons, cooking, sports, and discussions on sharing best practices between schools.
- Participants found it a valuable experience to learn from each other and see different education approaches in action. The host school hoped all teachers learned how to engage students with special needs.
- The document summarizes the activities and discussions that took place during a 3-day staff training meeting in Bidston, UK as part of the CREACTION! 2018-2020 Erasmus+ project.
- Partner schools from Turkey, Italy, Finland, Spain, and France attended and presented on their education systems and activities completed in the project so far.
- Workshops were held on special education needs strategies and the British education system. Teachers also provided language classes and participated in cooking, sports, and cultural activities with students.
- In their evaluations, teachers found the exchange insightful and said they learned about engaging students with special needs. The host school said students embraced learning about other cultures from international teachers over the
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
Reordering Rules in Odoo 17 Inventory - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In Odoo 17, the Inventory module allows us to set up reordering rules to ensure that our stock levels are maintained, preventing stockouts. Let's explore how this feature works.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Computer Network Unit IV - Lecture Notes - Network LayerMurugan146644
Lecture Notes - Unit IV - The Network Layer
Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Computer Network concepts, tailored for final year B.Sc. Computer Science students affiliated with Alagappa University. This document covers fundamental principles and advanced topics in Computer Network. PDF content is prepared from the text book Computer Network by Andrew S. Tenanbaum
Key Topics Covered:
Main Topic : The Network Layer
Sub-Topic : Network Layer Design Issues (Store and forward packet switching , service provided to the transport layer, implementation of connection less service, implementation of connection oriented service, Comparision of virtual circuit and datagram subnet), Routing algorithms (Shortest path routing, Flooding , Distance Vector routing algorithm, Link state routing algorithm , hierarchical routing algorithm, broadcast routing, multicast routing algorithm)
Other Link :
1.Introduction to computer network - /slideshow/lecture-notes-introduction-to-computer-network/274183454
2. Physical Layer - /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-ii-the-physical-layer/274747125
3. Data Link Layer Part 1 : /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-iii-the-datalink-layer/275288798
Target Audience:
Final year B.Sc. Computer Science students at Alagappa University seeking a solid foundation in Computer Network principles for academic.
About the Author:
Dr. S. Murugan is Associate Professor at Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi. With 23 years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science, Dr. S. Murugan has a passion for simplifying complex concepts in Computer Network
This document is intended for educational purposes only. The content presented here reflects the authors understanding in the field of Computer Network
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
TLE 7 - 3rd Topic - Hand Tools, Power Tools, Instruments, and Equipment Used ...RizaBedayo
Projekt Comenius w sp nr 5
1. Szkoa Podstawowa nr 5 w odzi
93-193 坦d添
ul. czycka 23
tel./ fax 42 681 79 06
Comenius Project
2. Title of the project: Improving social
contact in and out of school
Time: 1.08.2011 31.07.2013
Plan of the Project:
Integration students meeting
School Voluntary Service
Christmas Eve table in the classroom
Competition Promotion of our school
Pupils Festival
Competition Easy, Healthy, Colourful salad
Competition Cookery book
Visit of the partnership schools
Olympic games of the partnership schools
4. Integration students meeting
3b class received a grant and organized picnic for
parents, students and teachers. They enjoyed
together and had good time all afternooon.
5. Integration students meeting
3b class received a grant and organized picnic for
parents, students and teachers. They enjoyed
together and had good time all afternooon.
6. Integration students meeting
3b class received a grant and organized picnic for
parents, students and teachers. They enjoyed
together and had good time all afternooon.
7. Integration students meeting
3b class received a grant and organized picnic for
parents, students and teachers. They enjoyed
together and had good time all afternooon.
9. Christmas Eve table in the classroom
Parents, students and teachers have prepared
Christmas Eve Supper in our classrooms.
10. Competition Promotion of our school
We made competition works about our
school and Comenius Project:
- Posters
- Presentations
- Performances
- Logo of the Comenius Project.
11. Competition Promotion of our school
The best Logo of the Comenius Project.
Now we are wearing T-shirts with logo which won.
12. Pupils Festival in our school
Festival took place on the 21st of March,
We presented our special skills and talents.
13. Festival took place on the 21st of March,
We presented our special skills and talents.
Pupils Festival in our school
15. Competition
Easy, Healthy, Colourful salad
Each class prepared recipes for salad
and made salad according to them.
16. Competition Cookery book
Each class prepared recipes for Chrismas Dinner,
Christmas Eve Supper or Easter Breakfast.
We would like to make a Cookery book.
18. Visit of the partnership schools
Today we have a great honour to welcome all
students and teachers from the partnership
Our school is the host of the meeting.
We invite our guests to take part in all activities,
which will take place in our school today:
- Seminar meeting
- Competition - Easy, healthy, colourful salad
- Origami workshop and Art workshop
Have a good time!!
19. Justyna Piwowar is 11, 4a
Joanna Hajn is 11, 4a
Thank you for your attention
Marta Bracka is 11, 4a
Agata Waliszewska is 11, 4a