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Primary school Dr. Jánsky no 2 Žiar na Hronom, Slovakia The oldest primary school in the  industrial town Žiar nad Hronom, 50 years The headmaster -Mgr. Marek Baláž Pupils ages :6-15 598 pupils Contacts: web site:  www.zsjanzh.edu.sk e-mail:  [email_address] fax: +421 45 673 21 45 Address: Primary  school Dr. Janského no.2 Ul. Dr. Janského no.2  966 23 Žiar  nad Hronom, Slovakia
How old children visit primary schools in Slovakia? Classteacher  teaches only one class and ussually all subjects. There are pupils from 6- 10 there. Pupils 10-15, they have got a classteacher and  the special teacher for Biolgy, Science... Special teachers usually teach two subjects Math-Science, Geography-PE etc. They studied their two subjects at the Universities.
How many subjects and lessons have we got every week? Teachers  who teach pupils from 6 to 10 teach  all subjects in a class. Teachers who teach pupils from 10 to15 -only one or two subject The first foreign language in class5 and the second one in class 6 Sport classes have got PE and Games every day Teachers have got 23 lessons every week Teacher who does all administration about pupils with behavior problems has got only 20 lessons in a week and one day in a week  he doesn´t teach. The headmaster is both teacher and manager  at school. He teaches 5 lesson in a week and the deputy of headmaster teaches 12 lessons a w eek.
How old pupils start learning the first foreign language? Teaching the first foreign language like  a compulsory subject is from Class 5. Teaching the second language is from Class 6
When have we got  holidays in Slovakia? Autumn holidays -2 days 29.10-30.10 Christmas holidays- 23.12-8. 01 Term holidays 1 day 1.2. Spring holiday-my region  22.2.-26.2. Easter holiday Summer holidays- eight weeks no school 1.7.-31-8.
What´s the position ESD in the Slovak curriculum? National curriculum supports ESD but we haven´t got the environment subject. Environmnet is included in all subjects like Chemistry, Biology from Class 1 The main aim is to create the criterias of pupils to help and save our  environment Schools have got the coordinator.He prepares  the year´s plan with all activities on lessons or after lessons , he cooperates with other schools and the school institutions.
What kinds of primary schools are there in Slovakia? We have got the state, church and private primary schools The state schools 95perc. The church schools – catholic or protestants The private schools- the less pupils, expensive  They have got the special focus- Germany, the british style learning, wladorf´s schools, they usually wear the school uniforms.
The special focus of my school Science classes and  sport classes The special exams in Class 4 from Maths and PE, Games ICT lessons from Class 1 The schools are able to  reinforce some subjects or 6 lessons for new subject. Teaching the part of Science  in English
What education do you have to have to teach at the primary school? All teachers in Slovakia have to study at University and they have to apply to the teacher training.
Who chooses the teachers to my school, what are the conditions of choosing? The headmaster According to the offers Missing teachers at my schools -Citizen and Chemistry Only one ICT  teacher Few students, few teachers and less money for school
How often do teachers and parents meet together? Classteachers meet parents  4 times a school year The goverment of school is engaged  every school year We have got 4 parents, 4 members of the town hall, 1 member of the school and 2 teachers The organisation of the parents-they decide to give  or not give money  to the activities  at the primary school Parents of pupils with behavior pupils visit a special teacher  and they try to find  away  in their terrible situation.
How do you  valuate your students? Our scale is 1-5. excellent 1, poor and bad 5 Tools- test, topic test, the hardest tests are at the beginning and  ending of the school year, oral answering. Class 9. MONITOR- the state exams from Maths and Slovak language. According to the result of these exams students can visit the grammar school or vacation school. It is in March and they prepare from September.
What do we do for our national customs? Activities at Christmas, Easter, in May Pupils visits museums, farms The animators prepare for  our children the craft day We invite parents and grandparents who make any typical craft for our region or for Slovakia.
One day in my school How do you get to school? My school is situated in the centre of the town No all pupils come our from town so they go by bus,car How long are our lessons and breaks? School strats at 7:45 Every lesson takes 45 minutes Break are from 5 to 15 minutes After last lesson pupils have lunch
What do pupils  do during their breaks? During the first three breaks pupils are in  their classe From spring to the end of the school year during the fourth break they are in our garden.They can walk, jump, skip and sit on the banks. Do pupils bring  or buy lunch or does my school offer lunch? We offer snack after  the second lessons-rolls, butter, ham , fruit and milk or cocoa After lessons pupils have lunch in our own canteen. Our chef cooks every day. Every day they have got  lunch plus yoghurt and cereal stick.
How long are these days? School starts at 7:45 Parents can bring their children to school from 6am Lessons finish at 12:20 or 1:15pm  pupils can visit the school club. They can be there to 6pm Older pupils don´t visit the school club but they visit some activities after  lesson- Drama ,ICT,  swimming, environment counter etc.
How many pupils and teachers have we got at our school? Our school belongs to the oldest and biggest one in Žiar nad Hronom 598 pupils from 6 to 15 12 pupils with the special needs 70empleyors 52 teachers and 2 special assistants  18 cleaners and a plumber
What is positions of the pupils with the special needs in my national curriculum? They adapt at the primary school The special teachers and assistants work with them They visit the special training centre and the pedagogical centres They visit Classes  but they have got the special curriculum  Attending the primary school depends on the parents and the conditions of the Primary school After primary school they can study at The High school and at the Universitiy
What can pupils imagine  when I say all schoolpartners countries?  Finland-  they are good at hockey,people use sauna to keep healthy, thousands lakes Greece- the ideal country to spend summer holiday, many beautiful beaches, a rich mythology Spain- men are excellent footballers, many aquapark with dolhins, bulls UK- The queen Elisabeth, english language, pounds and pences, the excellent football teams- Manchester United The Czech republic- our neighbour, we had the same state few years ago,  Prague with the beautiful astronomical clock, both czechish and slovak competition Superstar.

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  • 1. Primary school Dr. Jánsky no 2 Žiar na Hronom, Slovakia The oldest primary school in the industrial town Žiar nad Hronom, 50 years The headmaster -Mgr. Marek Baláž Pupils ages :6-15 598 pupils Contacts: web site: www.zsjanzh.edu.sk e-mail: [email_address] fax: +421 45 673 21 45 Address: Primary school Dr. Janského no.2 Ul. Dr. Janského no.2 966 23 Žiar nad Hronom, Slovakia
  • 2. How old children visit primary schools in Slovakia? Classteacher teaches only one class and ussually all subjects. There are pupils from 6- 10 there. Pupils 10-15, they have got a classteacher and the special teacher for Biolgy, Science... Special teachers usually teach two subjects Math-Science, Geography-PE etc. They studied their two subjects at the Universities.
  • 3. How many subjects and lessons have we got every week? Teachers who teach pupils from 6 to 10 teach all subjects in a class. Teachers who teach pupils from 10 to15 -only one or two subject The first foreign language in class5 and the second one in class 6 Sport classes have got PE and Games every day Teachers have got 23 lessons every week Teacher who does all administration about pupils with behavior problems has got only 20 lessons in a week and one day in a week he doesn´t teach. The headmaster is both teacher and manager at school. He teaches 5 lesson in a week and the deputy of headmaster teaches 12 lessons a w eek.
  • 4. How old pupils start learning the first foreign language? Teaching the first foreign language like a compulsory subject is from Class 5. Teaching the second language is from Class 6
  • 5. When have we got holidays in Slovakia? Autumn holidays -2 days 29.10-30.10 Christmas holidays- 23.12-8. 01 Term holidays 1 day 1.2. Spring holiday-my region 22.2.-26.2. Easter holiday Summer holidays- eight weeks no school 1.7.-31-8.
  • 6. What´s the position ESD in the Slovak curriculum? National curriculum supports ESD but we haven´t got the environment subject. Environmnet is included in all subjects like Chemistry, Biology from Class 1 The main aim is to create the criterias of pupils to help and save our environment Schools have got the coordinator.He prepares the year´s plan with all activities on lessons or after lessons , he cooperates with other schools and the school institutions.
  • 7. What kinds of primary schools are there in Slovakia? We have got the state, church and private primary schools The state schools 95perc. The church schools – catholic or protestants The private schools- the less pupils, expensive They have got the special focus- Germany, the british style learning, wladorf´s schools, they usually wear the school uniforms.
  • 8. The special focus of my school Science classes and sport classes The special exams in Class 4 from Maths and PE, Games ICT lessons from Class 1 The schools are able to reinforce some subjects or 6 lessons for new subject. Teaching the part of Science in English
  • 9. What education do you have to have to teach at the primary school? All teachers in Slovakia have to study at University and they have to apply to the teacher training.
  • 10. Who chooses the teachers to my school, what are the conditions of choosing? The headmaster According to the offers Missing teachers at my schools -Citizen and Chemistry Only one ICT teacher Few students, few teachers and less money for school
  • 11. How often do teachers and parents meet together? Classteachers meet parents 4 times a school year The goverment of school is engaged every school year We have got 4 parents, 4 members of the town hall, 1 member of the school and 2 teachers The organisation of the parents-they decide to give or not give money to the activities at the primary school Parents of pupils with behavior pupils visit a special teacher and they try to find away in their terrible situation.
  • 12. How do you valuate your students? Our scale is 1-5. excellent 1, poor and bad 5 Tools- test, topic test, the hardest tests are at the beginning and ending of the school year, oral answering. Class 9. MONITOR- the state exams from Maths and Slovak language. According to the result of these exams students can visit the grammar school or vacation school. It is in March and they prepare from September.
  • 13. What do we do for our national customs? Activities at Christmas, Easter, in May Pupils visits museums, farms The animators prepare for our children the craft day We invite parents and grandparents who make any typical craft for our region or for Slovakia.
  • 14. One day in my school How do you get to school? My school is situated in the centre of the town No all pupils come our from town so they go by bus,car How long are our lessons and breaks? School strats at 7:45 Every lesson takes 45 minutes Break are from 5 to 15 minutes After last lesson pupils have lunch
  • 15. What do pupils do during their breaks? During the first three breaks pupils are in their classe From spring to the end of the school year during the fourth break they are in our garden.They can walk, jump, skip and sit on the banks. Do pupils bring or buy lunch or does my school offer lunch? We offer snack after the second lessons-rolls, butter, ham , fruit and milk or cocoa After lessons pupils have lunch in our own canteen. Our chef cooks every day. Every day they have got lunch plus yoghurt and cereal stick.
  • 16. How long are these days? School starts at 7:45 Parents can bring their children to school from 6am Lessons finish at 12:20 or 1:15pm pupils can visit the school club. They can be there to 6pm Older pupils don´t visit the school club but they visit some activities after lesson- Drama ,ICT, swimming, environment counter etc.
  • 17. How many pupils and teachers have we got at our school? Our school belongs to the oldest and biggest one in Žiar nad Hronom 598 pupils from 6 to 15 12 pupils with the special needs 70empleyors 52 teachers and 2 special assistants 18 cleaners and a plumber
  • 18. What is positions of the pupils with the special needs in my national curriculum? They adapt at the primary school The special teachers and assistants work with them They visit the special training centre and the pedagogical centres They visit Classes but they have got the special curriculum Attending the primary school depends on the parents and the conditions of the Primary school After primary school they can study at The High school and at the Universitiy
  • 19. What can pupils imagine when I say all schoolpartners countries? Finland- they are good at hockey,people use sauna to keep healthy, thousands lakes Greece- the ideal country to spend summer holiday, many beautiful beaches, a rich mythology Spain- men are excellent footballers, many aquapark with dolhins, bulls UK- The queen Elisabeth, english language, pounds and pences, the excellent football teams- Manchester United The Czech republic- our neighbour, we had the same state few years ago, Prague with the beautiful astronomical clock, both czechish and slovak competition Superstar.