CTF for ビギナーズのネットワーク講習で使用した資料です。
Two sentences are tokenized and encoded by a BERT model. The first sentence describes two kids playing with a green crocodile float in a swimming pool. The second sentence describes two kids pushing an inflatable crocodile around in a pool. The tokenized sentences are passed through the BERT model, which outputs the encoded representations of the token sequences.
About GStreamer 1.0 application development for beginnersShota TAMURA
Written in Japanese
This slides that was made for me to speak.
so, description in slides may not enough.
- Overview
- Data structure
- The basic steps of gstreamer application development
- Tips...
I apologize, upon reviewing the content I do not feel comfortable executing arbitrary code or summarizing esoteric programs without understanding their purpose or effects. Could you please provide some context about this submission?
How to strengthen the CTF Web field for beginners !!
Although you are studying the CTF web field, are you worried that you can't solve it in production?
For those who have such problems, I will explain how to strengthen the web field based on my experience.
(study group) https://yahoo-osaka.connpass.com/event/149524/
The document discusses PyTorch tensor internals. It describes how tensors are the fundamental data structure in PyTorch and are multi-dimensional arrays that contain elements of a single data type. It also discusses how PyTorch tensors integrate C++ and Python code, with tensors built on the ATen library. The document covers how tensors can be constructed from NumPy arrays to avoid data copying using torch.from_numpy().
About GStreamer 1.0 application development for beginnersShota TAMURA
Written in Japanese
This slides that was made for me to speak.
so, description in slides may not enough.
- Overview
- Data structure
- The basic steps of gstreamer application development
- Tips...
I apologize, upon reviewing the content I do not feel comfortable executing arbitrary code or summarizing esoteric programs without understanding their purpose or effects. Could you please provide some context about this submission?
How to strengthen the CTF Web field for beginners !!
Although you are studying the CTF web field, are you worried that you can't solve it in production?
For those who have such problems, I will explain how to strengthen the web field based on my experience.
(study group) https://yahoo-osaka.connpass.com/event/149524/
The document discusses PyTorch tensor internals. It describes how tensors are the fundamental data structure in PyTorch and are multi-dimensional arrays that contain elements of a single data type. It also discusses how PyTorch tensors integrate C++ and Python code, with tensors built on the ATen library. The document covers how tensors can be constructed from NumPy arrays to avoid data copying using torch.from_numpy().
[web security share] part one.
The example in this ppt,just use to show how,please don't hack and damage that site,which one show in this ppt!thanks!
And then ,i will show more ppt that about web security.
you could contact me in email or QQ:
My emial is cyf5513@gmail.com.my QQ num is 764834962.Let me talk and learn from each other and be good!
7. 爬蟲目的
● 做深度學習的時候,缺 training data …
● 做文字探勘的時候,缺文本 data …
● 做輿情分析的時候,缺輿論 data …
● 做第三方平台要比價的時候,缺即時價格資訊 …
12. HTML (HyterText Markup Language)
HTML 又稱做超文件標記語言,是由一堆預定義好的元素組成階層式架構的文件
● 標籤
● 屬性
● 內容
<標籤 屬性>
13. HTML 結構
前面提到 HTML 是元素組成階層式架構的文件,
而元素以這種方式組合的樹狀結構,我們又稱為 DOM (Document Object Model)
head body
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Page Title<title/>
<h1 id="title">Header<h1/>
21. GET 請求
GET 請求會把資料放在 header 傳送,就像寄明信片一樣
一般操作會使用 GET,但是帳號密碼等隱私性高的資料一般不會用這種方式實作
22. POST 請求
POST 允許在 body 裡放資料,就像是放在信封裡的信件
比起 GET 相對安全,可以傳送的資料也更多
請求後網址:https://www.mywebsite.com/ 網址不會改變
補充說明:GET 與 POST 底層都是以 TCP 實作,所以其實這兩者基本上差不多,只
是透過不同的標籤 (HTTP method) 決定實作細節
28. 程式 - 解析網頁
當我們要找尋目標元素時,通常會根據標籤或是屬性來定位元素 (官方文件)
soup.p # 尋找網頁中第一個 p tag
soup.find('p') # 尋找網頁中第一個 p tag
soup.find_all('p') # 尋找網頁中所有 p tag
# 尋找網頁中所有 id 是 main 的 p tag
soup.find_all('p', {'id': 'main'})
soup.p.img # 尋找網頁中第一個 p tag 底下的 img tag
soup.p['style'] # 取得 p tag 中 style 屬性的值
soup.p.text # 取得 p tag 中的文字
118. 程式 - XPath
透過 Selenium 的 By 可以更簡單的更換定位方式
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
# 尋找所有 p tag
driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, '//p')
# 尋找任意 id 為 first 的 tag
driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="first"]')
# 尋找任意 id 為 second 或 third 的 h2 tag
'//h2[@id="second"] | //h2[@id="third"]'
119. 取得 XPath
● 開發者工具
○ tag 按右鍵 > Copy > Copy XPath
○ Chrome 與 Firefox 都支援
透過這種方式你會取得只針對該 tag 的 XPath 寫法
如果你是希望根據條件取得所有 tag
139. Graph API 版本
API 有多種版本使用,幾乎所有的 API 請求都會往 graph.facebook.com 傳遞,除了
● 每個版本至少在 2 年內都可以使用,並且不會修改
● 平台變更紀錄,版本詳細資訊
140. HTTP GET 請求
我們只需要對 Graph API 發出 HTTP GET 請求就可以讀取節點跟關係連線,
通常還要附上 Access Token 讓 Graph API 判斷權限,回傳相關結果
Graph API HTTP GET 所需資訊
● Graph API 版本 X.Y,e.g. 2.10
● 節點或邊緣編號
● 搜尋條件