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Quantum Calculations
Computational chemistry :
 a branch of chemistry that uses computers to assist
in solving chemical problems.
 uses the results of theoretical
chemistry, incorporated into efficient computer
programs, to calculate the structures and properties
of molecules and solids.
 it can (in some cases) predict hitherto unobserved
chemical phenomena.
 widely used in the design of new drugs and
Computational chemistry background
Basically two ways to calculate molecular structure:
1. Molecular Mechanics
( MM )
2. Quantum Mechanics
( QM )
Quantum calculations and calculational chemistry
Molecular Mechanics method:
 It views the molecule as a collection of atoms held
together by bonds and expresses the molecular
energy in terms of force constants for bond
bending and stretching and other parameters.
 Does not use a molecular Hamiltonian operator
or wave function.
 can be applied to proteins and other large
biological molecules.
potential energy of molecules is calculated based
on a given force field .
The potential energy of the molecular system:
E = E covalent + E non-covalent
Quantum mechanics
Based on the Schr旦dinger Equation:
H率 = E率
Hamiltonian operator for a molecule:
H = KN + Ke + VNN + VNe + Vee
 Use the Born-Oppenheimer approximation
 second approximation:
el = 1 2 3  
i = j=1 Cij j
a) semi-empirical methods
(AM1, PM3, PPP, INDO, MINDO, ...)
b) non empirical methods :
 Ab Initio
 Density Functional Theory ( DFT )
Semi-empirical methods:
Use a simpler Hamiltonian than correct molecular
 Semi-empirical quantum chemistry methods are
based on the Hrtree-Fock formalism, but make
many approximations and obtain some
parameters from empirical data.
 model only the valence electrons
 limited to hundred of atoms
 can be used to study ground and excited
molecular states
 an example is the Huckel MO treatment of
conjugated hydrocarbons
non empirical methods :
 do not require empirical parameters .
 can be used for any molecular system .
 limited to tens of atoms .
 can be used to study ground and excited
molecular states .
Ab initio methods:
 use the correct Hamiltonian .
 Not use experimental data other than the values of the
fundamental physical constants.
 The simplest type of ab initio electronic structure calculation
is the Hartree Fock (HF) scheme, in which the correlated
electronelectron repulsion is not specifically taken into
account; only its average effect is included in the calculation.
 As the basis set size is increased, the energy and wave
function tend towards a limit called the HartreeFock limit.
 an example is a Hartree-Fock SCF calculation.
Density Functional Theory (DFT) :
 Its a new method
 Not use wave function
 In DFT, the total energy is expressed in terms of the total
one electron density rather than the wave function.
 there is an approximate Hamiltonian and an approximate
expression for the total electron density.
 Some methods combine the density functional exchange
functional with the HartreeFock exchange term and are
known as hybrid functional methods.
 Most popular DFT method is B3LYP. (Becke 3Parameter
method for calculating that part of the molecular energy
due to overlapping orbitals, plus the LeeYangParr method
of accounting for correlation.)
 Program packages in molecular electronic
structure calculations :
1. Gaussian 2. Gamess
5. Mopac
Molecular structure and properties
visualization programs:
1. GaussView 2. Molekel
3. Raswin 4. Hyperchem
5. Molden
Gaussian is arguably the most-used computational
quantum-chemistry program. It does electronic-structure
calculations and standard quantum chemical calculations.
Among the methods available are semi-empirical
methods (such as CNDO), Hartree-Fock (restricted and
unrestricted), MPn (Mollar-Plesset perturbation theory of
order n=2,3,4), CI (Configuration-Interaction), CC (Coupled-
Cluster), Multi-configurational SCF (such as CAS-SCF) and
various DFT (Density-Functional Theory) methods and
Gaussian Capabilities:
It can be used to obtain electronic
properties, molecular geometries, vibrational
frequencies, orbitals, reaction profiles, IR and
Raman spectra, Polarizabilities, Thermochemical
analysis, Atomic charges, Dipole moment, Electron
affinities, Electrostatic potential and much more
Quantum calculations and calculational chemistry
Quantum calculations and calculational chemistry
Quantum calculations and calculational chemistry
Quantum calculations and calculational chemistry
Energies for Particle in a Gaussian Potential Well

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Quantum calculations and calculational chemistry

  • 2. Computational chemistry : a branch of chemistry that uses computers to assist in solving chemical problems. uses the results of theoretical chemistry, incorporated into efficient computer programs, to calculate the structures and properties of molecules and solids. it can (in some cases) predict hitherto unobserved chemical phenomena. widely used in the design of new drugs and materials.
  • 3. Computational chemistry background Basically two ways to calculate molecular structure: 1. Molecular Mechanics ( MM ) 2. Quantum Mechanics ( QM )
  • 5. Molecular Mechanics method: It views the molecule as a collection of atoms held together by bonds and expresses the molecular energy in terms of force constants for bond bending and stretching and other parameters.
  • 6. Does not use a molecular Hamiltonian operator or wave function. can be applied to proteins and other large biological molecules. potential energy of molecules is calculated based on a given force field . The potential energy of the molecular system: E = E covalent + E non-covalent
  • 7. Quantum mechanics Based on the Schr旦dinger Equation: H率 = E率 Hamiltonian operator for a molecule: H = KN + Ke + VNN + VNe + Vee Use the Born-Oppenheimer approximation
  • 8. second approximation: el = 1 2 3 i = j=1 Cij j
  • 9. QUANTUM MECHANICAL APROACHES : a) semi-empirical methods (AM1, PM3, PPP, INDO, MINDO, ...) b) non empirical methods : Ab Initio Density Functional Theory ( DFT )
  • 10. Semi-empirical methods: Use a simpler Hamiltonian than correct molecular Hamiltonian Semi-empirical quantum chemistry methods are based on the Hrtree-Fock formalism, but make many approximations and obtain some parameters from empirical data. model only the valence electrons limited to hundred of atoms can be used to study ground and excited molecular states an example is the Huckel MO treatment of conjugated hydrocarbons
  • 11. non empirical methods : do not require empirical parameters . can be used for any molecular system . limited to tens of atoms . can be used to study ground and excited molecular states .
  • 12. Ab initio methods: use the correct Hamiltonian . Not use experimental data other than the values of the fundamental physical constants. The simplest type of ab initio electronic structure calculation is the Hartree Fock (HF) scheme, in which the correlated electronelectron repulsion is not specifically taken into account; only its average effect is included in the calculation. As the basis set size is increased, the energy and wave function tend towards a limit called the HartreeFock limit. an example is a Hartree-Fock SCF calculation.
  • 13. Density Functional Theory (DFT) : Its a new method Not use wave function In DFT, the total energy is expressed in terms of the total one electron density rather than the wave function. there is an approximate Hamiltonian and an approximate expression for the total electron density. Some methods combine the density functional exchange functional with the HartreeFock exchange term and are known as hybrid functional methods. Most popular DFT method is B3LYP. (Becke 3Parameter method for calculating that part of the molecular energy due to overlapping orbitals, plus the LeeYangParr method of accounting for correlation.)
  • 14. Program packages in molecular electronic structure calculations : 1. Gaussian 2. Gamess 3. DeFT 4. DALTON 5. Mopac Molecular structure and properties visualization programs: 1. GaussView 2. Molekel 3. Raswin 4. Hyperchem 5. Molden
  • 15. Gaussian: Gaussian is arguably the most-used computational quantum-chemistry program. It does electronic-structure calculations and standard quantum chemical calculations. Among the methods available are semi-empirical methods (such as CNDO), Hartree-Fock (restricted and unrestricted), MPn (Mollar-Plesset perturbation theory of order n=2,3,4), CI (Configuration-Interaction), CC (Coupled- Cluster), Multi-configurational SCF (such as CAS-SCF) and various DFT (Density-Functional Theory) methods and
  • 16. Gaussian Capabilities: It can be used to obtain electronic properties, molecular geometries, vibrational frequencies, orbitals, reaction profiles, IR and Raman spectra, Polarizabilities, Thermochemical analysis, Atomic charges, Dipole moment, Electron affinities, Electrostatic potential and much more
  • 21. Energies for Particle in a Gaussian Potential Well