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o2nd December 2015
To Whom lt Mav Concern
Reference for Navneet Singh Mehta. Director - Airtel Monev and Sales & Distribution
Navneet Singh joined Airtel Seychelles in April 2007 as a member of the Network Team. He joined as the
Node Owner for lN & VAS Services, Working as System Administrator taking care of O&M Activities,
daily configurations, new projects & their feasibility and reports.
The rate at which Navneet adapted to the country, its people and the culture was something that
surprised many of us. He proved to be very broad in his thinking, flexible in his approach and always
ready to adapt to whatever situation he found himself in.
Though a technical person by nature of profession. Navneet has excellent people skills. His
communication, influencing and presentation skills are above expectations. His work discipline and
ability to follow through all tasks assigned till completion is greatly admired.
Navneet has excelled in his technical role in Seychelles, but alongside his main role, the above skills
identified rendered him to be a team player on cross functional projects. As such over the years Navneet
has played key roles in the following:
Here he developed and delivered in-house training tailored for the network team, Sales and CSD team
on products, services and technical matters.
He also supports the HR department due to limited resources with various projects such as with a green
belt Six Sigma project on Employee Engagement, with delivering various training modules to all
functions e.g: on Motivation, Fraud Awareness etc all to ensure full compliance to all Head Office
Training Requests, and assist the dept deliver functional training needs. He is regarded as one of our
loyal ln-house trainers.
Due to his role in the company, Navneet ends up understanding all products fully before
launching to the customer base. As such he plays a strong role in supporting Marketing and
Sales in developing sales and marketing strategies, and in also supporting CSD with resolving
customer complaints and using his technical role to improve the quality of the product even
further as a result. He has shown to also have a flare for the front line functions, and surely has
the passion to ensure the customer is satisfied, and that company benefits as'a result. He
Airtel Seychelles Ltd I P.O. Box 1358 lVictoria, Mah6, Seychelles lTel: +248 4600 609 | Email: info@sc.airtel.com I www.airtel.com
supports Finance and Marketing a lot from the Back end with reports, many of which he has to
write in the first place. All his actions result in contributing to other functions, and ultimately
contributing towards improving on efficiency and outcome of the business.
Cross Functional Support
on the extracurricular front, Navneet has been a key participant in Airtel Dreams charity show,
hosted by Airtel Employees. A national theatre show raising fund for the Disabted Centre for
seychelles' He has played key rotes in a number of other company events to include the annual
National Regatta, supporting our Participation in the National Day events etc, Market Visits,
Launch campaigns, ail which are mainry pR and Marketing events.
Airtel Money and Sales & Distribution
More recently, in 20L2, Navneet was transferred and promoted to Airtel Money, sales, and
Distribution Direction. ln this role, Navneet quickly adapted from being an Engineer, to a Front
Line commercial person. He had responsibility to drive the prepaid business, but also to launch
Airtel Money is new innovation and first mobite commerce project in seychelles. Navneet lead
the approval process with the relevant stakeholders, be it central Bank, Ministry of Finance,
Department of lnformation Technology and so on. The approval process was daunting and
involving many negotiations and convincing, which surely put Navneet,s skills to the test.
outcome was positive' Navneet ensured both successful pilot launch and commercial launch of
the product, and has since been ensuring the Airtel Money revenue flows in.
ln summary, Navneet has not just been a determined and dedicated member of the team, but
also a key cross-functional player. He is a grounded person who receives respect. An asset to
the company, and we are confident that he will do as well, if not better, if he is further
challenged in his next venture.
The Management of Airtel seychelles surely wishes him success in his next endeavor.
HR & Admin
Airtel Seychelles, PO.Box 1358
Providence, Mahe, SeYchelles
Tel {248)46O0 61 7 Fax d248)460i 602
http:l/af rica.airlel.com/seychelles
Yours sincerely,
&--Maria Pouponneau
HR Director
Airtel Seychelles

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Reference Letter_nsMehta

  • 1. airtet o2nd December 2015 To Whom lt Mav Concern Reference for Navneet Singh Mehta. Director - Airtel Monev and Sales & Distribution Navneet Singh joined Airtel Seychelles in April 2007 as a member of the Network Team. He joined as the Node Owner for lN & VAS Services, Working as System Administrator taking care of O&M Activities, daily configurations, new projects & their feasibility and reports. The rate at which Navneet adapted to the country, its people and the culture was something that surprised many of us. He proved to be very broad in his thinking, flexible in his approach and always ready to adapt to whatever situation he found himself in. Though a technical person by nature of profession. Navneet has excellent people skills. His communication, influencing and presentation skills are above expectations. His work discipline and ability to follow through all tasks assigned till completion is greatly admired. Navneet has excelled in his technical role in Seychelles, but alongside his main role, the above skills identified rendered him to be a team player on cross functional projects. As such over the years Navneet has played key roles in the following: Training Here he developed and delivered in-house training tailored for the network team, Sales and CSD team on products, services and technical matters. He also supports the HR department due to limited resources with various projects such as with a green belt Six Sigma project on Employee Engagement, with delivering various training modules to all functions e.g: on Motivation, Fraud Awareness etc all to ensure full compliance to all Head Office Training Requests, and assist the dept deliver functional training needs. He is regarded as one of our loyal ln-house trainers. Marketing Due to his role in the company, Navneet ends up understanding all products fully before launching to the customer base. As such he plays a strong role in supporting Marketing and Sales in developing sales and marketing strategies, and in also supporting CSD with resolving customer complaints and using his technical role to improve the quality of the product even further as a result. He has shown to also have a flare for the front line functions, and surely has the passion to ensure the customer is satisfied, and that company benefits as'a result. He Airtel Seychelles Ltd I P.O. Box 1358 lVictoria, Mah6, Seychelles lTel: +248 4600 609 | Email: info@sc.airtel.com I www.airtel.com
  • 2. supports Finance and Marketing a lot from the Back end with reports, many of which he has to write in the first place. All his actions result in contributing to other functions, and ultimately contributing towards improving on efficiency and outcome of the business. Cross Functional Support on the extracurricular front, Navneet has been a key participant in Airtel Dreams charity show, hosted by Airtel Employees. A national theatre show raising fund for the Disabted Centre for seychelles' He has played key rotes in a number of other company events to include the annual National Regatta, supporting our Participation in the National Day events etc, Market Visits, Launch campaigns, ail which are mainry pR and Marketing events. Airtel Money and Sales & Distribution More recently, in 20L2, Navneet was transferred and promoted to Airtel Money, sales, and Distribution Direction. ln this role, Navneet quickly adapted from being an Engineer, to a Front Line commercial person. He had responsibility to drive the prepaid business, but also to launch AirtelMoney. Airtel Money is new innovation and first mobite commerce project in seychelles. Navneet lead the approval process with the relevant stakeholders, be it central Bank, Ministry of Finance, Department of lnformation Technology and so on. The approval process was daunting and involving many negotiations and convincing, which surely put Navneet,s skills to the test. outcome was positive' Navneet ensured both successful pilot launch and commercial launch of the product, and has since been ensuring the Airtel Money revenue flows in. ln summary, Navneet has not just been a determined and dedicated member of the team, but also a key cross-functional player. He is a grounded person who receives respect. An asset to the company, and we are confident that he will do as well, if not better, if he is further challenged in his next venture. The Management of Airtel seychelles surely wishes him success in his next endeavor. HR & Admin Oairtet Airtel Seychelles, PO.Box 1358 Providence, Mahe, SeYchelles Tel {248)46O0 61 7 Fax d248)460i 602 http:l/af rica.airlel.com/seychelles Yours sincerely, &--Maria Pouponneau HR Director Airtel Seychelles