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Mark S. Trego
Work Address Permanent Address
14524 32nd St. 9579 Pony Lake Rd. N.W.
Clear Lake, MN. 55319 Bemidji,MN. 56601
mstrego632@yahoo.com mstrego632@yahoo.com
C – 218/209-5520 C - 218/209-5520
H - 218/751-5427 H - 218/751-5427
ProfessionalExperiences - Full Time Positions
Process Improvement Engineer
Minnesota Department of Public Safety 10/12 – 4/15
The position was to ensure permanence of Phase 1 & 2 efforts and further expand those efforts from a
program level into a division level which included all three programs and the administrativeunit.
 Trainingof personnel
 Standardization of process
ï‚· Documentation of process
ï‚· Develop Standard OperatingProcedures (SOPs)
 Statistical Process Control (SPC)
 Deming’s Problem SolvingSteps of DMAIC/PDSA
 Process Flowcharts/ValueStreamMapping
 Develop Structured On the Job TrainingPlatforms (SOJTs)
 Train the Trainer to support SOJT
 Turnaround Time for Vehicle Services - further reduction and maintenance of turnaround time
from 105 days to below 40 days for 28 months (61% reduction)
 Workforce expansion - costand process justification of additional personnel through
development of metrics
 Genesis project - project to begin basic data entry into mainframe by deputy registrars
 SPC of Division Metrics - further accumulation of programlevel metrics into program level
management tools and subsequently into division-level metrics/management tools to provide
statistical process control.
 Driver Services and Support Services Process Improvement Teams (PITs)
 Development of additional programPITs
 Training ofPIT members in lean/six sigma methodologies
 Training inprocessimprovement effort projects throughDMAIC/PDSAmethodologies
 Set up share point andcommunicationtools/paths for inter-PIT communicationandfor
communicationto DVS personnel
 Project Management
 IVR Project - Team member and advisor
 ImagingProject - Team Leader and advisor
 Floorplan Layouts - Developed floorplansto supportprocess improvement efforts
 Division Organizational Chart - Developed org chartof entire division with breakdowns
by program
Weld Engineer (Corporate)
DMI Industries, Inc. 6/12 – 10/12
The position was atcorporate level to provideweld program leadership for 600+personnel of the
corporate level,middle management, engineering, QA/QC and production personnel for three production
facilities in Tulsa,OK,West Fargo,N.D., and Fort Erie, Ontario in the areas of weld code compliance(AWS
D1.1, ASME B&PV, AWS D1.5, CWB & ISO)
 Providecorporate level leadership involving600 plus skilled labor personnel,production level
supervisors,middlemanagement and upper level management in code welding and fabrication
principlesto manufacture wind tower heavy fabricationsand rail carpressurevessels.
 AWS CWE - Provide production level technical level training
 Develop WPSs
 AWS CWI - Qualify through Procedure Qualification (WPSs) and PerformanceQualification
 Capital equipment evaluation/acquisition
 Weld success ratetracking
 Weld personnel skill development
 Root CauseAnalysis of all nonconformances
 Management of all functions directly or indirectly relativeto welding. In conjunction with
developing and managingthe vision of production welding,
 Interpret customer requirements as per engineering drawings,purchaseorders,weld code and
ISO standards.
 Accumulate/review/manage NDE (UT reports )data to forecast trends in equipment/product
lines/personnel of nonconformances
 Followingtrends in technology in alternativeenergy, trends in welding and fabrication
equipment and to develop alternativebut parallel production products usingtheexisting
resources of equipment, personnel,floor spaceand budget.
Process Improvement Engineer
Minnesota Department of Public Safety 11/11 – 6/12
The position has been developed for the Driver and VehicleServices Division to analyze,document, and
standardizeprocess flow to reduce the process cycletime (VehicleServices Turnaround Time).
 Trainingof personnel
 Standardization of process
ï‚· Documentation of process
ï‚· Develop Standard OperatingProcedures (SOPs)
 Statistical Process Control (SPC)
 Deming’s Problem SolvingSteps of DMAIC/PDSA
 Process Flowcharts/ValueStreamMapping
 Develop Structured On the Job TrainingPlatforms (SOJTs)
 Train the Trainer to support SOJT
 Process CycleTime - Turnaround Time for VehicleServices - reduction and maintenance of
turnaround time from 77 days to below 62 days
 Workforce expansion - costand process justification of additional personnel through
development of metrics
 SPC of Division Metrics - further accumulation of programlevel metrics into program level
management tools and subsequently into division-level metrics/management tools to provide
statistical process control.
 Vehicle Services Process Improvement Teams (PITs)
 Trainingof PIT members in lean/six sigma methodologies
 Trainingin process improvement effort projects through DMAIC/PDSA methodologies
 Set up sharepoint and communication tools/paths for inter-PITcommunication and for
communication to DVS personnel
 SPC of VS Metrics - accumulation of programlevel metrics into programlevel management tools
to providestatistical process control (SPC) rootcauseanalysis and problem-solving.
The transaction process had escalated to 77 days of turnaround time. The process had not been formally
documented, the process trackingmetrics were not accurateor valid and the trainingprogramconsisted
of scattered portions of hand written and typed notes that lacked standard formatting and delivery.To
complicatethe process issues,theveteran workforce is nearingretirement and there is not a plan
developed to address the loss of their production and the loss of their acquired knowledge and skills.
ManufacturingEngineer/CWI/Source Inspection
Curtiss-Wright APSD (Advanced Products & Systems Division) 11/10 – 11/11
The project was to develop heavy fabricationsfor the Advanced Arresting Gear of the new Ford class
aircraftcarriersin accordancewith NAVSEA (U.S. Navy Sea Command) weld standards 248/271/278.
 Audit all aspects of sourceinspection
 Audit QA/QC of all components/materials provided by the 1st,2nd and 3rd tier fabricators
 Audit/witness Hold Point Inspections
 Audit/witness of GSI procedures
 Audit/witness of weld inspectors
 Audit/witness of weld personnel to ensure compliancewith WPSs and with weld code
 Review/audit WPSs
 Development of fixturing for fabrication process
 Development of weld sequencingfor fabrication process
 Day to day interaction/communication/liaising with fabricator’ssales & management staff,
fabricator’s engineeringstaff and the U.S. Navy
In all,the objective was to provideoversight of the fabrication processto ensure that the customer’s (U.S.
Navy-end use customer, General Atomics-firsttier prime contractor) standards were met through quality
of material,quality of workmanship,interpretation of purchaseorders,interpretation of standards and
quality of finished product.
Project Manager/Coordinator/Instructor
Minnesota State Community & Technical Colleges 3/09 – 8/11
The project was to administer alternativeenergy manufacturingtrainingthrough the use of $3.2 million of
federal stimulus funds from the Dept. of Labor. There were four aspects of the trainingwhich included
alternativeenergy manufacturing,wind energy maintenance, green retrofitting and entrepreneuri al
training.Personal responsibilities included:
 Identifying,interviewing and contractingof 24 qualified trainers/instructors
 Developing pay rates for instructors determined from experience and education level
 Scheduling 24 instructors for all four trainingevents on a concurrent timeline
 Acquisition process for all required materialsand floor space
 Development of contracts
 Monitoringclassrooms
 Interaction/problemsolving/liaising with grantrecipientand contractors
 Interaction/problem-solvingwith instructors and students
 Trackingand submittingtimesheets and expense reports for all contracted personnel for payroll
and to the accountingdivision to ensure the financial parameters of the project/grantwere
 Periodic/Milestoneprojectreports were required to satisfy thegrantor and MSCTC. Contractors
of the grant included Minnesota State Community & Technical Colleges (Primary Contractor),MN
West Community Colleges, International Union of Carpenter’s, Dunwoody College of Technology,
plus approximately 20-25 personnel (Instructors,Engineers,Analysts,and Programmers)
contracted to provide classroominstruction.
Manager of Training& Technical Development
Pequot Tool & Mfg., Inc. 3/08 – 3/09
The objective was to develop internal trainingfor machinists. The machinisttrainingwas developed to
includeall skill levels fromprospectiveapplicantto journeyman machinist. In addition,parallel
responsibility determined by management were to provideweld engineer functions in accordancewith
AWS Structural weld codes, resistanceweld code, aerospaceweld code and various military standards.
Manager of Training& Technical Development
 Development of pre-employment assessments to identify prospectiveapplicants for employment
 Trainingwould be identified from that assessmentand from subsequent trainingand
 All levels of the skill ladder wereidentified, documented and standardized into a trainingformat
which was supplemented by onlinetrainingprovided by outside vendors.
 Further trainingwas developed for some of the metal formingequipment, robotic welder and
company-wide MicrosoftOutlook training.
 Board of Managers Member that controlled all aspects of businessfor the company which
included financial,personnel and technical based decisionsalongwith maintainingthe vision and
direction of the company.
Weld Engineer Functions
 Development of WPSs
 AWS CWI - Implementing qualification/certification process
 Development of weld procedure and sequencing of weld joints for Fanuc robotic applications
 Workingwith robot programmers to develop effective arm manipulation
 Development of ball lock plates,turntablereceiver plates and working with design engineers to
develop appropriatefixturingall in support of the Lincoln/Fanuc weld cell
 Weld projects included subassemblies used in the manufacture of General Dynamic’s M1A1
Abrams Main Battle Tank and Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
Teamworks Inc. 9/03 – 3/08
The objective was to providemanufacturers with industrial engineeringsupportthrough:
 Standardization and documentation of processes
 Development of trainingplatforms
 Execution of said training platforms
 Trainingof trainers
 AWS CWI - Entire gamut of weld engineer/inspector support
 AWS CWE - Train personnel for certified welding
Larger projects included McNeilus Truck Mfg. (Dodge Center, MN), PolarisIndustries (Roseau,MN),
Shooting Star Casino (Mahnomen, MN), WASP Inc.(Glenwood, MN) and Team Industries (Bagley,MN,
Park Rapids,MN, Cambridge, MN, Audubon, MN, Baxter, MN). The McNeilus Truck Mfg. project included
documentation and standardization of all metal formingprocess and final assembly processes.ThePolaris
project included task documentation and standardization of the manual (Lincoln Powerwave) and robotic
(Miller/Motoman) welding cells in the weldingdepartment. The projects were either grantfunded using
federal, state and regional fundingstreams or privately funded by the customer. Some of the projects
were jointly funded usinga variety of fundingstreams.
Responsibilities included:
 Monitoringand managing the financial aspects of the project
 Monitoringdispersements
 Managingadditional personnel
o included engineeringsupport
o analysts andcorporate trainers,
o ensuringall objectives were met to the satisfaction ofthe customer andthe grantor
o acquisitionof equipment, material and floor space
o trackingandreporting the progressof individuals, andproject status reports.
ProfessionalExperiences - PartTime Projects
Supplier Quality Field Engineer (recent part time privatesector contractwork)
Lockheed Martin Corporation 10/13-Present
I am contracted as a Supplier Quality Field Engineer to provide LMC-SCS with:
purchaseorder compliance
engineering drawings compliance
statement of work compliance
AWS CWI - in process inspections
NAVSEA 248/271/278 (U.S. Navy Sea Command)
Mil Std 2035
ABS NVR 8-3-2 (American Bureau of Shipping)
final inspection
load testing & factory acceptance testing
final inspection for shipment
In-Process and Final Assembly inspection of stern ramp (Internal Bulwarks),stern doors (External Hull Bulwarks)
and internal overhead craneheavy fabrications for the U.S. Navy LCS (Littoral Combat Ship) projectat the
supportingvendors fabrication facility located in Iron River,MI, Rhinelander, WI and Ontonagon, MI. The auditof
weld maps, auditof weld logs,auditof weld inspections,performingvisual weld inspection as per NAVSEA
248/271/278,firstarticleinspection,final inspectionsand releasingparts for payment through LMC P2P arepart
of the responsibilities alongwith witnessingof Factory Acceptance Testing and Load Testing.
Lockheed Martin Corporation 7/13 – 12/13
I was contracted as a Field Engineer to LMC-SCS to provideAWS CWI to supportthe LMC Business Unit:MST –
Moorestown on the Q53 projectat a fabrication facility located in BigLake, MN. The primary objectiveis to
ensure complianceof:
engineering drawings
statement of work
final inspection
machined components by the fabricator and supportingvendors
auditof probe reports, parts lists,rawmaterial certifications,finish processcertification and compliance
acceptance/releaseparts for payment through LMC P2P arepart of the responsibilities.
Lockheed Martin Corporation 1/13 – 9/13
I was contracted as a Field Engineer to LMC-SCS to provideAWS Certified Weld Inspection to support the LMC
Business Unit:MST – Moorestown on the Aegis Ashore project at a fabrication facility located in BigLake, MN.
The primary objectiveis to ensure AWS D17.1 weld code compliancein the development of the fabricationsby
the fabricator and supportingvendors.The auditof weld maps, auditof weld logs,auditof weld inspections,
performing visual weld inspection,firstarticleinspection,final inspectionsand releasingparts for payment
through LMC P2P are partof the responsibilities.
Marvin Engineering Inc. 3/13 – 5/13
I contracted one to two days per month to Marvin Engineering of Los Angeles, CA. to provideAWS Certified Weld
Inspection to supporta Raytheon projecton complete radar mounts and enclosures ata fabrication facility of
located in Lapeer, MI. The primary objectives were to:
ensure AWS D1.1 & D1.2 weld code compliance
auditof weld maps
auditof weld logs
auditof weld inspections
AWS CWI - VT to the acceptancecriteria mandated by the engineering drawings and weld code.
Lambert Engineering ConsultingServices 4/13 – Present
I contract to Lambert Engineering ConsultingServices as the Weld Engineer to provideoversight, direction and
management of the weld programrequirements on various US Army Corp of Engineer projects that include:
rehabilitation of spillway gates of Upper Missouri River atthe Fort Peck Dam and at Big Bend Dam
rehabilitation of spillway gates of lower Missouri River
AWS CWI consultation of B-52 munitions bunkers
Some of the responsibilities includeAWS D1.5 code interpretation, development of WPSs,
consultation/advisement of the development of weld maps/weld logs,procedure and performance qualification,
and general oversight of the weldingprogram as required by the project.
In addition,I have worked with numerous small manufacturers in out-stateMinnesota to provide weld skills
development (weld training) in lieu of procedure & performance qualification,basicmath training,blueprint
training,weld symbols training,and procedure/performance qualification testing.
Bemidji State University
Major:IndustrialTechnology (Emphasis:Industrial Engineering)
Degree: Bachelor of Science (Magna cum Laude - 3.72 GPA)
Societyof Manufacturing Engineers
Ottertail Power Corporation
Universityof Minnesota at Crookston
Degree: Associate of AppliedScience
American Welding Society-CertifiedWeldingInspector #06110201
American Welding Society-CertifiedWeldingEducator #0701009E
AmericanSocietyof Nondestructive Testing-ACCPLevel II (VT) #202026

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Resume 6-19-15 (Complete)

  • 1. 1 Mark S. Trego Work Address Permanent Address 14524 32nd St. 9579 Pony Lake Rd. N.W. Clear Lake, MN. 55319 Bemidji,MN. 56601 mstrego632@yahoo.com mstrego632@yahoo.com C – 218/209-5520 C - 218/209-5520 H - 218/751-5427 H - 218/751-5427 ProfessionalExperiences - Full Time Positions Process Improvement Engineer Minnesota Department of Public Safety 10/12 – 4/15 The position was to ensure permanence of Phase 1 & 2 efforts and further expand those efforts from a program level into a division level which included all three programs and the administrativeunit.  Trainingof personnel  Standardization of process ï‚· Documentation of process ï‚· Develop Standard OperatingProcedures (SOPs)  Statistical Process Control (SPC)  Deming’s Problem SolvingSteps of DMAIC/PDSA  Process Flowcharts/ValueStreamMapping  Develop Structured On the Job TrainingPlatforms (SOJTs)  Train the Trainer to support SOJT  Turnaround Time for Vehicle Services - further reduction and maintenance of turnaround time from 105 days to below 40 days for 28 months (61% reduction)  Workforce expansion - costand process justification of additional personnel through development of metrics  Genesis project - project to begin basic data entry into mainframe by deputy registrars  SPC of Division Metrics - further accumulation of programlevel metrics into program level management tools and subsequently into division-level metrics/management tools to provide statistical process control.  Driver Services and Support Services Process Improvement Teams (PITs)  Development of additional programPITs  Training ofPIT members in lean/six sigma methodologies  Training inprocessimprovement effort projects throughDMAIC/PDSAmethodologies  Set up share point andcommunicationtools/paths for inter-PIT communicationandfor communicationto DVS personnel  Project Management  IVR Project - Team member and advisor  ImagingProject - Team Leader and advisor  Floorplan Layouts - Developed floorplansto supportprocess improvement efforts  Division Organizational Chart - Developed org chartof entire division with breakdowns by program
  • 2. 2 Weld Engineer (Corporate) DMI Industries, Inc. 6/12 – 10/12 The position was atcorporate level to provideweld program leadership for 600+personnel of the corporate level,middle management, engineering, QA/QC and production personnel for three production facilities in Tulsa,OK,West Fargo,N.D., and Fort Erie, Ontario in the areas of weld code compliance(AWS D1.1, ASME B&PV, AWS D1.5, CWB & ISO)  Providecorporate level leadership involving600 plus skilled labor personnel,production level supervisors,middlemanagement and upper level management in code welding and fabrication principlesto manufacture wind tower heavy fabricationsand rail carpressurevessels.  AWS CWE - Provide production level technical level training  Develop WPSs  AWS CWI - Qualify through Procedure Qualification (WPSs) and PerformanceQualification (personnel)  Capital equipment evaluation/acquisition  Weld success ratetracking  Weld personnel skill development  Root CauseAnalysis of all nonconformances  Management of all functions directly or indirectly relativeto welding. In conjunction with developing and managingthe vision of production welding,  Interpret customer requirements as per engineering drawings,purchaseorders,weld code and ISO standards.  Accumulate/review/manage NDE (UT reports )data to forecast trends in equipment/product lines/personnel of nonconformances  Followingtrends in technology in alternativeenergy, trends in welding and fabrication equipment and to develop alternativebut parallel production products usingtheexisting resources of equipment, personnel,floor spaceand budget. Process Improvement Engineer Minnesota Department of Public Safety 11/11 – 6/12 The position has been developed for the Driver and VehicleServices Division to analyze,document, and standardizeprocess flow to reduce the process cycletime (VehicleServices Turnaround Time).  Trainingof personnel  Standardization of process ï‚· Documentation of process ï‚· Develop Standard OperatingProcedures (SOPs)  Statistical Process Control (SPC)  Deming’s Problem SolvingSteps of DMAIC/PDSA  Process Flowcharts/ValueStreamMapping  Develop Structured On the Job TrainingPlatforms (SOJTs)  Train the Trainer to support SOJT  Process CycleTime - Turnaround Time for VehicleServices - reduction and maintenance of turnaround time from 77 days to below 62 days  Workforce expansion - costand process justification of additional personnel through development of metrics
  • 3. 3  SPC of Division Metrics - further accumulation of programlevel metrics into program level management tools and subsequently into division-level metrics/management tools to provide statistical process control.  Vehicle Services Process Improvement Teams (PITs)  Trainingof PIT members in lean/six sigma methodologies  Trainingin process improvement effort projects through DMAIC/PDSA methodologies  Set up sharepoint and communication tools/paths for inter-PITcommunication and for communication to DVS personnel  SPC of VS Metrics - accumulation of programlevel metrics into programlevel management tools to providestatistical process control (SPC) rootcauseanalysis and problem-solving. The transaction process had escalated to 77 days of turnaround time. The process had not been formally documented, the process trackingmetrics were not accurateor valid and the trainingprogramconsisted of scattered portions of hand written and typed notes that lacked standard formatting and delivery.To complicatethe process issues,theveteran workforce is nearingretirement and there is not a plan developed to address the loss of their production and the loss of their acquired knowledge and skills. ManufacturingEngineer/CWI/Source Inspection Curtiss-Wright APSD (Advanced Products & Systems Division) 11/10 – 11/11 The project was to develop heavy fabricationsfor the Advanced Arresting Gear of the new Ford class aircraftcarriersin accordancewith NAVSEA (U.S. Navy Sea Command) weld standards 248/271/278.  Audit all aspects of sourceinspection  Audit QA/QC of all components/materials provided by the 1st,2nd and 3rd tier fabricators  Audit/witness Hold Point Inspections  Audit/witness of GSI procedures  Audit/witness of weld inspectors  Audit/witness of weld personnel to ensure compliancewith WPSs and with weld code acceptancecriteria  Review/audit WPSs  Development of fixturing for fabrication process  Development of weld sequencingfor fabrication process  Day to day interaction/communication/liaising with fabricator’ssales & management staff, fabricator’s engineeringstaff and the U.S. Navy In all,the objective was to provideoversight of the fabrication processto ensure that the customer’s (U.S. Navy-end use customer, General Atomics-firsttier prime contractor) standards were met through quality of material,quality of workmanship,interpretation of purchaseorders,interpretation of standards and quality of finished product. Project Manager/Coordinator/Instructor Minnesota State Community & Technical Colleges 3/09 – 8/11 The project was to administer alternativeenergy manufacturingtrainingthrough the use of $3.2 million of federal stimulus funds from the Dept. of Labor. There were four aspects of the trainingwhich included alternativeenergy manufacturing,wind energy maintenance, green retrofitting and entrepreneuri al training.Personal responsibilities included:
  • 4. 4  Identifying,interviewing and contractingof 24 qualified trainers/instructors  Developing pay rates for instructors determined from experience and education level  Scheduling 24 instructors for all four trainingevents on a concurrent timeline  Acquisition process for all required materialsand floor space  Development of contracts  Monitoringclassrooms  Interaction/problemsolving/liaising with grantrecipientand contractors  Interaction/problem-solvingwith instructors and students  Trackingand submittingtimesheets and expense reports for all contracted personnel for payroll and to the accountingdivision to ensure the financial parameters of the project/grantwere maintained  Periodic/Milestoneprojectreports were required to satisfy thegrantor and MSCTC. Contractors of the grant included Minnesota State Community & Technical Colleges (Primary Contractor),MN West Community Colleges, International Union of Carpenter’s, Dunwoody College of Technology, plus approximately 20-25 personnel (Instructors,Engineers,Analysts,and Programmers) contracted to provide classroominstruction. Manager of Training& Technical Development Pequot Tool & Mfg., Inc. 3/08 – 3/09 The objective was to develop internal trainingfor machinists. The machinisttrainingwas developed to includeall skill levels fromprospectiveapplicantto journeyman machinist. In addition,parallel responsibility determined by management were to provideweld engineer functions in accordancewith AWS Structural weld codes, resistanceweld code, aerospaceweld code and various military standards. Manager of Training& Technical Development  Development of pre-employment assessments to identify prospectiveapplicants for employment  Trainingwould be identified from that assessmentand from subsequent trainingand assessments.  All levels of the skill ladder wereidentified, documented and standardized into a trainingformat which was supplemented by onlinetrainingprovided by outside vendors.  Further trainingwas developed for some of the metal formingequipment, robotic welder and company-wide MicrosoftOutlook training.  Board of Managers Member that controlled all aspects of businessfor the company which included financial,personnel and technical based decisionsalongwith maintainingthe vision and direction of the company. Weld Engineer Functions  Development of WPSs  AWS CWI - Implementing qualification/certification process  Development of weld procedure and sequencing of weld joints for Fanuc robotic applications  Workingwith robot programmers to develop effective arm manipulation  Development of ball lock plates,turntablereceiver plates and working with design engineers to develop appropriatefixturingall in support of the Lincoln/Fanuc weld cell  Weld projects included subassemblies used in the manufacture of General Dynamic’s M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank and Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
  • 5. 5 ManufacturingAnalyst Teamworks Inc. 9/03 – 3/08 The objective was to providemanufacturers with industrial engineeringsupportthrough:  Standardization and documentation of processes  Development of trainingplatforms  Execution of said training platforms  Trainingof trainers  AWS CWI - Entire gamut of weld engineer/inspector support  AWS CWE - Train personnel for certified welding Larger projects included McNeilus Truck Mfg. (Dodge Center, MN), PolarisIndustries (Roseau,MN), Shooting Star Casino (Mahnomen, MN), WASP Inc.(Glenwood, MN) and Team Industries (Bagley,MN, Park Rapids,MN, Cambridge, MN, Audubon, MN, Baxter, MN). The McNeilus Truck Mfg. project included documentation and standardization of all metal formingprocess and final assembly processes.ThePolaris project included task documentation and standardization of the manual (Lincoln Powerwave) and robotic (Miller/Motoman) welding cells in the weldingdepartment. The projects were either grantfunded using federal, state and regional fundingstreams or privately funded by the customer. Some of the projects were jointly funded usinga variety of fundingstreams. Responsibilities included:  Monitoringand managing the financial aspects of the project  Monitoringdispersements  Managingadditional personnel o included engineeringsupport o analysts andcorporate trainers, o ensuringall objectives were met to the satisfaction ofthe customer andthe grantor o acquisitionof equipment, material and floor space o trackingandreporting the progressof individuals, andproject status reports. ProfessionalExperiences - PartTime Projects Supplier Quality Field Engineer (recent part time privatesector contractwork) Lockheed Martin Corporation 10/13-Present I am contracted as a Supplier Quality Field Engineer to provide LMC-SCS with: purchaseorder compliance engineering drawings compliance statement of work compliance AWS CWI - in process inspections NAVSEA 248/271/278 (U.S. Navy Sea Command) Mil Std 2035 ABS NVR 8-3-2 (American Bureau of Shipping) firstarticleinspection final inspection load testing & factory acceptance testing final inspection for shipment In-Process and Final Assembly inspection of stern ramp (Internal Bulwarks),stern doors (External Hull Bulwarks) and internal overhead craneheavy fabrications for the U.S. Navy LCS (Littoral Combat Ship) projectat the
  • 6. 6 supportingvendors fabrication facility located in Iron River,MI, Rhinelander, WI and Ontonagon, MI. The auditof weld maps, auditof weld logs,auditof weld inspections,performingvisual weld inspection as per NAVSEA 248/271/278,firstarticleinspection,final inspectionsand releasingparts for payment through LMC P2P arepart of the responsibilities alongwith witnessingof Factory Acceptance Testing and Load Testing. Lockheed Martin Corporation 7/13 – 12/13 I was contracted as a Field Engineer to LMC-SCS to provideAWS CWI to supportthe LMC Business Unit:MST – Moorestown on the Q53 projectat a fabrication facility located in BigLake, MN. The primary objectiveis to ensure complianceof: purchaseorder engineering drawings statement of work firstarticleinspection final inspection machined components by the fabricator and supportingvendors auditof probe reports, parts lists,rawmaterial certifications,finish processcertification and compliance acceptance/releaseparts for payment through LMC P2P arepart of the responsibilities. Lockheed Martin Corporation 1/13 – 9/13 I was contracted as a Field Engineer to LMC-SCS to provideAWS Certified Weld Inspection to support the LMC Business Unit:MST – Moorestown on the Aegis Ashore project at a fabrication facility located in BigLake, MN. The primary objectiveis to ensure AWS D17.1 weld code compliancein the development of the fabricationsby the fabricator and supportingvendors.The auditof weld maps, auditof weld logs,auditof weld inspections, performing visual weld inspection,firstarticleinspection,final inspectionsand releasingparts for payment through LMC P2P are partof the responsibilities. Marvin Engineering Inc. 3/13 – 5/13 I contracted one to two days per month to Marvin Engineering of Los Angeles, CA. to provideAWS Certified Weld Inspection to supporta Raytheon projecton complete radar mounts and enclosures ata fabrication facility of located in Lapeer, MI. The primary objectives were to: ensure AWS D1.1 & D1.2 weld code compliance auditof weld maps auditof weld logs auditof weld inspections AWS CWI - VT to the acceptancecriteria mandated by the engineering drawings and weld code. Lambert Engineering ConsultingServices 4/13 – Present I contract to Lambert Engineering ConsultingServices as the Weld Engineer to provideoversight, direction and management of the weld programrequirements on various US Army Corp of Engineer projects that include: rehabilitation of spillway gates of Upper Missouri River atthe Fort Peck Dam and at Big Bend Dam rehabilitation of spillway gates of lower Missouri River AWS CWI consultation of B-52 munitions bunkers Some of the responsibilities includeAWS D1.5 code interpretation, development of WPSs, consultation/advisement of the development of weld maps/weld logs,procedure and performance qualification, and general oversight of the weldingprogram as required by the project.
  • 7. 7 In addition,I have worked with numerous small manufacturers in out-stateMinnesota to provide weld skills development (weld training) in lieu of procedure & performance qualification,basicmath training,blueprint training,weld symbols training,and procedure/performance qualification testing. Education Bemidji State University Major:IndustrialTechnology (Emphasis:Industrial Engineering) Degree: Bachelor of Science (Magna cum Laude - 3.72 GPA) Scholarships Societyof Manufacturing Engineers Ottertail Power Corporation Universityof Minnesota at Crookston Major:DiversifiedAgriculture Degree: Associate of AppliedScience Certifications(Current): American Welding Society-CertifiedWeldingInspector #06110201 American Welding Society-CertifiedWeldingEducator #0701009E AmericanSocietyof Nondestructive Testing-ACCPLevel II (VT) #202026