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1 090 Canal St. Decatur, GA 30032 PKBelanger@gmail.com 865.300.1068
The Home Depot
Current Merchandising Manager
 Responsible for leading a team that improved sales goals (positive comp) in key classes
 Played a key role in the stores successful fiscal 2015 year
 Teaching/coaching/training associates to improve their business acumen
 Educated associates in understanding retail metrics and how to improve merchandising business
2012-2015  HR Manager
 Accountable for writing effective, weekly, store schedule for over 200 associates, covering between 3900-
6600 forecasted hours, depending on the season
 Processed paperwork for background checks, drug screenings, transfers, promotions and terminations
 Responsible for hiring, orientation, training and development of all hourly associates
 Effectively implementing all company and state HumanResource rules, regulations and laws
2011-2012 Merchandising Manager
 Improved Merchandising Dept P&L numbers above store and district goal/plan
 Maintained a profitable and productive dept while still working towards advancing my product knowledge
 Earned top Product Knowledge Certification in 3 different departments
 Received highest Customer Service Award in less than 2 years.
2010-2011  Customer Service Associate
 Successfully promoted and taught Do-It-Yourself Clinics in 4 different departments
 Awarded Associate of the Month
Wonderworks Dinner Show
2007-2009  Lighting Director and Resident Lighting Designer
 Collaborated with design team on a multi-million dollar production
 Designed light show for a working theater with a musical play
 Operated light board for 7 shows a week all 3 years
 Maintained lighting equipment for the shows 3 year run
Tennessee Stage Company- 501(c) 3 non-profit
2004-2007  Technical Director and Resident Designer
 Successfully managed Technical Department budget within goals
 Designed sets for the stage and lights for all shows throughout each calendar year
 Coordinated grassroots program to help meet the expense of running the company
 Director of the summer Shakespeare Clinic for At Risk Youth and instructed several classes
 Supervised construction crews of up to 60 people building sets and installing lighting equipment
Clarence Brown Theater
2003-2009  Lighting Designer and Lighting Technician
 Worked in partnership with design team for over 90 different shows
 Performed duties with integrity and the highest level of dependability
 Highly motivated individual who is also a skilled problem-solver and can effectively multi-task
 Passionate about volunteerism and community outreach programs
 Excellent written and oral communication skills
 Experienced in computer systems: Microsoft Office, Power Point, Word, Audio and Video editing,
Windows, Internet research, AutoCAD, Vector Works, 20/20
 Sr. programmer for ETC Expression Light Boards
University of Tennessee, Knoxv ille, Tennessee
 Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies concentration in Civil Liberties, Minor in Criminal Justice
 Bachelor of Arts in Theater Design and Technology, Minor in Philosophy

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  • 1. PHYLLIS BELANGER 1 090 Canal St. Decatur, GA 30032 PKBelanger@gmail.com 865.300.1068 WORK EXPERIENCE: The Home Depot Current Merchandising Manager Responsible for leading a team that improved sales goals (positive comp) in key classes Played a key role in the stores successful fiscal 2015 year Teaching/coaching/training associates to improve their business acumen Educated associates in understanding retail metrics and how to improve merchandising business 2012-2015 HR Manager Accountable for writing effective, weekly, store schedule for over 200 associates, covering between 3900- 6600 forecasted hours, depending on the season Processed paperwork for background checks, drug screenings, transfers, promotions and terminations Responsible for hiring, orientation, training and development of all hourly associates Effectively implementing all company and state HumanResource rules, regulations and laws 2011-2012 Merchandising Manager Improved Merchandising Dept P&L numbers above store and district goal/plan Maintained a profitable and productive dept while still working towards advancing my product knowledge Earned top Product Knowledge Certification in 3 different departments Received highest Customer Service Award in less than 2 years. 2010-2011 Customer Service Associate Successfully promoted and taught Do-It-Yourself Clinics in 4 different departments Awarded Associate of the Month Wonderworks Dinner Show 2007-2009 Lighting Director and Resident Lighting Designer Collaborated with design team on a multi-million dollar production Designed light show for a working theater with a musical play Operated light board for 7 shows a week all 3 years Maintained lighting equipment for the shows 3 year run Tennessee Stage Company- 501(c) 3 non-profit 2004-2007 Technical Director and Resident Designer Successfully managed Technical Department budget within goals Designed sets for the stage and lights for all shows throughout each calendar year Coordinated grassroots program to help meet the expense of running the company Director of the summer Shakespeare Clinic for At Risk Youth and instructed several classes Supervised construction crews of up to 60 people building sets and installing lighting equipment Clarence Brown Theater 2003-2009 Lighting Designer and Lighting Technician Worked in partnership with design team for over 90 different shows Performed duties with integrity and the highest level of dependability SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: Highly motivated individual who is also a skilled problem-solver and can effectively multi-task Passionate about volunteerism and community outreach programs Excellent written and oral communication skills Experienced in computer systems: Microsoft Office, Power Point, Word, Audio and Video editing, Windows, Internet research, AutoCAD, Vector Works, 20/20 Sr. programmer for ETC Expression Light Boards HRIS EDUCATION: University of Tennessee, Knoxv ille, Tennessee Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies concentration in Civil Liberties, Minor in Criminal Justice Bachelor of Arts in Theater Design and Technology, Minor in Philosophy