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Suzanne Vesely's


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Presentation can be downloaded as PDF (viewable with Adobe Reader) and
PPT (Microsoft PowerPoint). See Actions menu in the lower left corner for
                       Table of Contents

際際滷                                  油
1 Title and introduction
2 Table of contents
3 Objective, headline, and areas
of interest
4 Qualifications
6 Education
10 Technical / laboratory / QA /
QC experience

                           Technician / Analyst
                            Environmental Laboratory

Areas of interest:油Water油and油air油quality.油油Environmental,油ecological,油and油biological油
Objective statement:油I油seek油a油position油in油which油I油would油apply油and油further油develop油skills油
Key qualifications:
      o Rigorous academic background in laboratory sciences油
      o Highly relevant coursework in natural resource and environmental
      o Strong technical experience

Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, 2 years of postbaccalaureate studies (undergraduate) in
Wildlife Science, and 1 year of predoctoral studies in D.M.D. program.
Solid foundation in physical sciences and microbiology.
Advanced knowledge of biological sciences, including human biology.
Experienced in collecting, entering, analyzing, and summarizing chemical, biological, statistical,
and physical data.
Understanding of and hands-on experience with various laboratory tests, methods, procedures,
techniques, instrumentation, and equipment.
Very good to outstanding performance in all physical science and nearly all major courses as
undergraduate and postbaccalaureate student.
Experience working with materials such as metals, amalgams, polymers, composite resins, waxes,
and ceramics through preclinical coursework.
Successful experience performing laboratory / QA / QC / water quality tests and procedures. In
QA / QC positions, achieved performance standards in fast-paced environment.
Over 1 year of experience as biological technician.
Solid foundation in ecology and wildlife and fisheries science.
Knowledge of important environmental and natural resource Acts and policies, including Clean
Water Act, Water Quality Act of 1987, and CERCLA/Superfund.
Proven ability to quickly learn laboratory skills and technologies.
Qualifications,            Continued

Accurate and complete data collection and entry.油
Strong analytical and math skills.
Knowledge of laboratory safety.
Statistical analysis and methods.
Analyze and interpret data, documentation, manuals, and verbal and written instructions.
Experience reporting trends and providing input into development/improvement of processes and
Compile, analyze, and synthesize data and information from various sources.
Skilled in use of databases, on-line systems, and e-mail.
Proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Windows and Internet.
Using Excel 2003, currently re-taking Microsoft Press courses Excel 97 Step by Step and Excel 97
Step by Step, Advanced Topics.
Track record of outstanding attendance and excellent quality and productivity.
As demonstrated in work and academic environments, adept at written and verbal communication.
Manage administrative tasks and work activities effectively.
4 months of experience as electronic assembler.
Completed Statistical Process Control and 3 week wafer processing training courses in 3/1996.
Recent experience includes over 3 years inbound customer support, business to business customer
service, new business and individual account set-up, outbound tele-sales, survey interviewing, and
administrative support.

Oregon State University, Corvallis,油Oregon
Oregon State University's undergraduate programs in the biological and agricultural sciences,
including biology and fisheries and wildlife science, are highly ranked nationally.
Postbaccalaureate studies in Wildlife Science,油9/1992-6/1993,油
Bachelor of Science in Biology, 6/1988
Key academic achievements:
      o Graduated with High Scholarship.
      o Very good to outstanding performance in all physical science and nearly all major courses
        as undergraduate and postbaccalaureate student.
      o Excellent performance in statistics, calculus, accounting, and economics courses.
      o Very good to outstanding scores on all research proposals, term papers, reports, and
Education highlights: Education Highlights
Education,   Continued

Oregon State University                     油
Most relevant courses:                      油
With lab L                                  油
General Chemistry (3 terms) L               Genetics
Quantitative Chemistry (lab) L              General Biochemistry (2 terms)
Organic Chemistry (3 terms)                 Embryology L
Organic Chemistry Lab L                     Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy L
General Physics (3 terms) L                 Mammalian Physiology (2 terms) L
Principles of Statistics (2 terms)          Herpetology L
Introduction to Statistical Methods L       Systematic Botany L
Methods of Data Analysis L                  Wildlife Techniques L
Differential Calculus                       Wildlife Biology: Mammals L
Integral Calculus                           Wildlife Biology: Birds L
Multivariable Calculus and Vectors          Ichthyology L
General Microbiology                        Introduction to Population Dynamics L
General Microbiology Lab L                  Fisheries and Wildlife Resource Ecology
Pathogenic Microbiology Lab L               Management of Big Game Animals L
Biology (3 terms) L                         Wildlife Ecology (Writing Intensive Course)
Comparative Animal Behavior                 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
Cell Biology L                              and Policy
General Ecology                             Grassland Ecosystems
Developmental Biology油                      Basic Accounting and Financial Analysis
Course descriptions: Courses

Education,   Continued   油
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland,油Oregon
The School of Dentistry is ranked #2 nationally.
Predoctoral studies, Doctor of Dental Medicine program,
油                                            油
Most relevant courses:
油                                            油
With lab L
Physiology BS
                                             Introduction to Dental Materials (3 terms)
Biochemistry BS
                                             PC L
General Histology BS L
                                             Fixed Prosthodontics Technique (3 terms)
Oral Histology BS L
                                             PC L
Gross Anatomy BS L
                                             Operative Technique PC
Head and Neck Anatomy BS L
                                             Operative Technique Lab PC L
Neuroanatomy BS L
                                             Periodontal Technique PC L
Dental Anatomy PC
                                             Principles of Oral Radiology PC L
Dental Anatomy Lab PC L
                                             Oral Examination Technique PC L
Biology of Inflammation BS
BS Basic Science | PC Preclinical
Education,            Continued   油
Oregon Health & Science University
Hands-on experience and skills | Key knowledge areas in addition to basic sciences:
Microscopy and dissections.
Nature and composition of dental materials, physical properties of materials used in dentistry and
medicine, indications for and proper use of dental materials, and basic material science theories as
they relate to use of metals, ceramics, and polymers in dentistry.
Experience with metals, including gold, waxes, ceramics, porcelain, polymers, elastomers, tooth
preparation, dental articulators, dental instruments, dental laboratory equipment, dental handpieces,
casts, impressions, and provisionals.
Experience creating metal restorations, including full contour wax-up, remargination, investing,
casting, divesting, fitting, and finishing.
Experience with contact soldering, constructing provisional using custom matrix, preparing metal-
ceramic substructures, and creating full gold crown preparation.
Experience with cavity preparation and use of amalgams and composite resins, including creating
amalgam and composite resin restorations.
Introduction to physics of radiology, radiology biology, and radiographic technique. Experience with
radiographic techniques.
-OHSU School of Dentistry Web site
Technical / Laboratory / QA / QC Experience

 U.S. Forest Service,油Chiloquin油Ranger油District,油Chiloquin,油Oregon
Biological Technician,油GS-0404-05,油7/1999-11/1999
Member of 4 person survey crew; individual and shared duties.
Collected cover and forage data for deer model analyses. Estimated % cover. Identified cover and
forage species. Assigned code to each survey area based on % cover and dominant cover species.
Conducted bitterbrush surveys and collected and analyzed bitterbrush samples for deer forage and
plant health analyses.
Bitterbrush sample analysis: Enumerated and determined biomass of new shoots for each station.
Determined dry biomass of new shoots for each station. For bitterbrush root samples, measured
diameter and enumerated growth rings with microscope to determine age.
Verified location of northern goshawk nests and nesting pairs.
Recorded data in survey forms.
Entered data into Oracle databases.
Collected data with GPS to document location of survey sites.油
Technical / Laboratory / QA / QC Experience, Continued

Uniforce Temporary Personnel,油Tigard,油Oregon
Client company: Japan Aviation Electronics, Tualatin,油Oregon
JAE Oregon is a world-class manufacturer of technologically advanced, high quality electrical
connectors. Connectors produced at the Tualatin, Oregon facility are shipped throughout the
world for use in a variety of automotive and telecommunications applications. -JAE Oregon Web
Electronic Assembler,油12/1995-3/1996
Worked independently with close supervision.
Assembled electronic parts manually and with machines.

Environmental laboratory technician / analyst
Google Sites resume
Biological scientist / Natural resource specialist / Ecologist /
Environmental scientist / Biological technician
Google Blogger blog resume
Google Sites resume油
Google Docs document resume
Blogs and social media
Facebook page

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Resume Presentation -- Technician / Analyst -- Environmental Labo

  • 1. Suzanne Vesely's RESUME PRESENTATION Includes: Text resume sections Audio narration Audio files are on my Google Sites site Google Docs Resume Presentation Audio Files Speaker notes See Actions menu Presentation can be downloaded as PDF (viewable with Adobe Reader) and PPT (Microsoft PowerPoint). See Actions menu in the lower left corner for options.油油油油油
  • 2. Table of Contents 際際滷 油 1 Title and introduction 2 Table of contents 3 Objective, headline, and areas of interest 4 Qualifications 5 6 Education 7 8 9 10 Technical / laboratory / QA / QC experience 11 12油
  • 3. Technician / Analyst Environmental Laboratory 油 Areas of interest:油Water油and油air油quality.油油Environmental,油ecological,油and油biological油 toxicology.油油Environmental油chemistry油and油microbiology.油油Hydrocarbon油chemistry.油油 Agricultural油chemistry油and油microbiology. 油 Objective statement:油I油seek油a油position油in油which油I油would油apply油and油further油develop油skills油 and油knowledge油gained油through油my油university油education油and油positions油I油have油held油to油help油 achieve油organizational油goals油and油make油an油individual油contribution油to油the油environmental油 stewardship油of油our油nation油and油the油planet. 油 Key qualifications: o Rigorous academic background in laboratory sciences油 o Highly relevant coursework in natural resource and environmental management油 o Strong technical experience
  • 4. Qualifications 油 Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, 2 years of postbaccalaureate studies (undergraduate) in Wildlife Science, and 1 year of predoctoral studies in D.M.D. program. Solid foundation in physical sciences and microbiology. Advanced knowledge of biological sciences, including human biology. Experienced in collecting, entering, analyzing, and summarizing chemical, biological, statistical, and physical data. Understanding of and hands-on experience with various laboratory tests, methods, procedures, techniques, instrumentation, and equipment. Very good to outstanding performance in all physical science and nearly all major courses as undergraduate and postbaccalaureate student. Experience working with materials such as metals, amalgams, polymers, composite resins, waxes, and ceramics through preclinical coursework. Successful experience performing laboratory / QA / QC / water quality tests and procedures. In QA / QC positions, achieved performance standards in fast-paced environment. Over 1 year of experience as biological technician. Solid foundation in ecology and wildlife and fisheries science. Knowledge of important environmental and natural resource Acts and policies, including Clean Water Act, Water Quality Act of 1987, and CERCLA/Superfund. Proven ability to quickly learn laboratory skills and technologies. 油
  • 5. Qualifications, Continued Accurate and complete data collection and entry.油 Strong analytical and math skills. Knowledge of laboratory safety. Statistical analysis and methods. Analyze and interpret data, documentation, manuals, and verbal and written instructions. Experience reporting trends and providing input into development/improvement of processes and products. Compile, analyze, and synthesize data and information from various sources. Skilled in use of databases, on-line systems, and e-mail. Proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Windows and Internet. Using Excel 2003, currently re-taking Microsoft Press courses Excel 97 Step by Step and Excel 97 Step by Step, Advanced Topics. Track record of outstanding attendance and excellent quality and productivity. As demonstrated in work and academic environments, adept at written and verbal communication. Manage administrative tasks and work activities effectively. 4 months of experience as electronic assembler. Completed Statistical Process Control and 3 week wafer processing training courses in 3/1996. Recent experience includes over 3 years inbound customer support, business to business customer service, new business and individual account set-up, outbound tele-sales, survey interviewing, and administrative support.
  • 6. Education Oregon State University, Corvallis,油Oregon Oregon State University's undergraduate programs in the biological and agricultural sciences, including biology and fisheries and wildlife science, are highly ranked nationally. 油 Postbaccalaureate studies in Wildlife Science,油9/1992-6/1993,油 9/1993-6/1994 Bachelor of Science in Biology, 6/1988 油 Key academic achievements: o Graduated with High Scholarship. o Very good to outstanding performance in all physical science and nearly all major courses as undergraduate and postbaccalaureate student. o Excellent performance in statistics, calculus, accounting, and economics courses. o Very good to outstanding scores on all research proposals, term papers, reports, and essays. 油 Education highlights: Education Highlights 油
  • 7. Education, Continued 油 Oregon State University 油 Most relevant courses: 油 油 With lab L 油 General Chemistry (3 terms) L Genetics Quantitative Chemistry (lab) L General Biochemistry (2 terms) Organic Chemistry (3 terms) Embryology L Organic Chemistry Lab L Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy L General Physics (3 terms) L Mammalian Physiology (2 terms) L Principles of Statistics (2 terms) Herpetology L Introduction to Statistical Methods L Systematic Botany L Methods of Data Analysis L Wildlife Techniques L Differential Calculus Wildlife Biology: Mammals L Integral Calculus Wildlife Biology: Birds L Multivariable Calculus and Vectors Ichthyology L General Microbiology Introduction to Population Dynamics L General Microbiology Lab L Fisheries and Wildlife Resource Ecology Pathogenic Microbiology Lab L Management of Big Game Animals L Biology (3 terms) L Wildlife Ecology (Writing Intensive Course) Comparative Animal Behavior Natural Resource and Environmental Economics Cell Biology L and Policy General Ecology Grassland Ecosystems Developmental Biology油 Basic Accounting and Financial Analysis Course descriptions: Courses 油 油 油油
  • 8. Education, Continued 油 Oregon Health & Science University, Portland,油Oregon The School of Dentistry is ranked #2 nationally. 油 油 Predoctoral studies, Doctor of Dental Medicine program, 8/1988-6/1989 油 油 Most relevant courses: 油 油 With lab L Physiology BS 油 Introduction to Dental Materials (3 terms) Biochemistry BS PC L General Histology BS L Fixed Prosthodontics Technique (3 terms) Oral Histology BS L PC L Gross Anatomy BS L Operative Technique PC Head and Neck Anatomy BS L Operative Technique Lab PC L Neuroanatomy BS L Periodontal Technique PC L Dental Anatomy PC Principles of Oral Radiology PC L Dental Anatomy Lab PC L Oral Examination Technique PC L Biology of Inflammation BS 油 BS Basic Science | PC Preclinical
  • 9. Education, Continued 油 Oregon Health & Science University Hands-on experience and skills | Key knowledge areas in addition to basic sciences: 油 Microscopy and dissections. Nature and composition of dental materials, physical properties of materials used in dentistry and medicine, indications for and proper use of dental materials, and basic material science theories as they relate to use of metals, ceramics, and polymers in dentistry. Experience with metals, including gold, waxes, ceramics, porcelain, polymers, elastomers, tooth preparation, dental articulators, dental instruments, dental laboratory equipment, dental handpieces, casts, impressions, and provisionals. Experience creating metal restorations, including full contour wax-up, remargination, investing, casting, divesting, fitting, and finishing. Experience with contact soldering, constructing provisional using custom matrix, preparing metal- ceramic substructures, and creating full gold crown preparation. Experience with cavity preparation and use of amalgams and composite resins, including creating amalgam and composite resin restorations. Introduction to physics of radiology, radiology biology, and radiographic technique. Experience with radiographic techniques. 油 -OHSU School of Dentistry Web site
  • 10. Technical / Laboratory / QA / QC Experience U.S. Forest Service,油Chiloquin油Ranger油District,油Chiloquin,油Oregon Biological Technician,油GS-0404-05,油7/1999-11/1999 油 Member of 4 person survey crew; individual and shared duties. Collected cover and forage data for deer model analyses. Estimated % cover. Identified cover and forage species. Assigned code to each survey area based on % cover and dominant cover species. Conducted bitterbrush surveys and collected and analyzed bitterbrush samples for deer forage and plant health analyses. Bitterbrush sample analysis: Enumerated and determined biomass of new shoots for each station. Determined dry biomass of new shoots for each station. For bitterbrush root samples, measured diameter and enumerated growth rings with microscope to determine age. Verified location of northern goshawk nests and nesting pairs. Recorded data in survey forms. Entered data into Oracle databases. Collected data with GPS to document location of survey sites.油 油
  • 11. Technical / Laboratory / QA / QC Experience, Continued Uniforce Temporary Personnel,油Tigard,油Oregon Client company: Japan Aviation Electronics, Tualatin,油Oregon JAE Oregon is a world-class manufacturer of technologically advanced, high quality electrical connectors. Connectors produced at the Tualatin, Oregon facility are shipped throughout the world for use in a variety of automotive and telecommunications applications. -JAE Oregon Web site 油 Electronic Assembler,油12/1995-3/1996 Worked independently with close supervision. Assembled electronic parts manually and with machines.
  • 12. Links Environmental laboratory technician / analyst Google Sites resume 油 Biological scientist / Natural resource specialist / Ecologist / Environmental scientist / Biological technician Google Blogger blog resume Google Sites resume油 Google Docs document resume 油 Blogs and social media WolfBlog Facebook page 油 油 油 油 油

Editor's Notes

  • #2: 油 際際滷 1 Hello I am Suzanne Vesely. Thank you for viewing my resume presentation.油 First I will briefly go over what my presentation includes--my presentation includes text resume sections--I have not included any videos, but there is audio narration for each slide--to listen to the audio narration you will need to play the audio files, which can be found on my油Google Sites油site.油 See 際際滷 1 for the link.油 You can also view speaker notes to read along with what I am saying--simply go to the Actions menu in the lower left corner and click on show speaker notes.油 Proceed to the next slide.
  • #4: 際際滷油3 I will now describe the type of work I am油seeking, areas I am interested in, and, in general terms,油my qualifications油for this type of work.油 I am currently seeking a technician or entry-level油analyst position with an environmental laboratory or consulting firm.