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Sarmad Ali Khan
Accountant / Chartered Manager
D.O.B.: 18-Dec-1989
Nationality: Pakistani
Location: Dubai, UAE
Visa Status: Resident visa
Language: Urdu, English
Marital Status: Single
Mobile: +971567548159
Email: Sarmad_khan52@yahoo.com
A confident, multi-skilled & capable accountant with excellent knowledge of finance & accounting procedures. With an
experience in Finance, IT, Retail & Telecommunication Industries. Exceptional analytical & problem solving skills & able to
provide financial information to all areas of the business whilst ensuring that all management information is accurate. Now
looking for a new & challenging accountancy position, one which will make best use of my skills and knowledge gained
from ACCA and MBA & also further my development.
To gain experience in accounts, audit or management, so that I can share my breadth of knowledge, experience and abilities
effecting mutual employee and employer growth and success.
United Arab Emirates Chartered Accountant (UAECA member) Jun 16
(Accountants & Auditors Association - AAA Member, UAE)
MCMI  Member of Chartered Management Institute Dec 14
(Chartered Management Institute, London, UK)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Dec 14
(Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Business School, UK)
Associate Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA Member) July 13
(London, UK)
BSc (Hon) in Applied Accounting In Progress
(Oxford Brookes University, UK)
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration July 14
(Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Business School, UK)
Post Graduate Certificate in Business Administration Dec 13
(Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Business School, UK)
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Advance Diploma in Accounting and Finance Feb 12
(London, UK)
Certified Accountant Technician (CAT) Dec 09
(School of Accountancy SKANS Islamabad)
Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) Jun 08
1st Division Federal Board (Army Public Degree College, Multan)
Matriculation (Computer Sciences) Jun 06
1st Division Federal Board (Army Public School Malir Cantt, Karachi)
Accountant / Audit Associate Jun 15- Present
Ishtiaq Rana Chartered Accountants, Dubai, UAE (Ranked amongst Top 10 Chartered Firms in Dubai)
Role Details:
 Preparing Financial Statements for the year end and providing auditing services according to the International
Standards of Accounting and Auditing.
 Maintaining Ledgers and Accounts for the clients.
 Auditing the accounts, Asset Valuation and Inventory checks.
 Managed accounts payable, accounts receivable, and payroll departments.
 Generated budgets and forecasts on a quarterly basis and presented to the management team.
 Managed financial departments with responsibility for Budgets, Forecasting, Payroll, Accounts Payables and
Business Accounts Manager Nov 13  Apr 15
Dixons Retail, London, UK (Currys PcWorld is the leading Electronics and IT store in UK)
Role Details:
 Manage existing account base pro-actively using company account management processes ensuring the store has a
developing account base. In addition, managed all customer quotations, in-date and current.
 Accountable for completing all allocated account management calls, ensuring both customer and colleagues are
aware of current business promotions.
 To approach, qualify and delight our business customers with our value added services
 Deliver world class customer service and actively coach and motivate colleagues to support the delivery of business
to business (B2B) key performance indicators (KPIs). Ensuring all colleagues are qualifying for business,
enhancing the customer experience, encouraging repeat spend and driving group profitability.
 Achieve personal and overall B2B sales and margin targets by maximising all selling opportunities in line with the
B2B KPIs and supporting the delivery of the store budget.
 To create Value Added Tax (VAT) invoices and maintain sales ledger.
 Sonys expert advisor.
Page 2 of 4
 To remain up to date with the Products Training.
Key Achievements:
 Ranked amongst the Top 20 UK Business Advisor for the whole company.
 Top colleague of the period for hitting the revenue, profit margin and quality sales target.
 Awarded customer champion medal.
Assistant ERP and Finance Manager Jun 13- Sep 13
Inbox Business Pvt Ltd, Islamabad, Pakistan (Leading IT Company which is in partnership with Microsoft)
Role Details:
 Preparing sales invoices & the upkeep of an accurate accounts filing system.
 Preparation and input of month end journal vouchers. Inputting, matching, batching and coding of invoices.
 Debtor and Creditor reconciliations. Preparation of various reports for senior managers.
 Responsible for financial accounts including budgets and cash-flow.
 Supervising junior financial staff.
 Responsible for KPI analysis and evaluation of costs and margins.
 Conducting regular business reviews of financial performance.
 Proactively identifying business improvement opportunities. Fixed Asset accounting, reconciliations and
depreciation journals. Ensuring that information is accurately collated & entered into systems.
 Preparation of bi-weekly invoice and expense claim payment runs. Assist in the preparation of monthly balance
sheet account reconciliations. Inputting of supplier invoices and employee expense claims to the ledgers.
 To present financing plans and resolve any shortcoming in finances.
 Bookkeeping and maintaining sale and purchase ledgers.
Key Achievements:
 Made positive adjustments to the working practices that resulted in an increase in business due to a wider client
Audit Senior Feb 10 - May 13
Sapphire Textile Mills, Lahore, Pakistan (Major Textile Company in Lahore)
Role Details:
 Assisting Audit Head in the Taxation Department.
Page 3 of 4
 Conducts assigned audit engagements successfully from beginning to end.
 Identifies and communicates issues raised, offering recommended solutions relevant to business and risk.
 Supervises junior auditors assigned to engagements providing guidance and overall review of deliverables.
 Ensures audit conclusions are based on a complete understanding of the process, circumstances, and risk.
 Develops audit programs and testing procedures relevant to risk and test objectives.
 Obtains and reviews evidence ensuring audit conclusions are well-documented.
 Ensures adherence at all times to all applicable department and professional standards.
 Communicates assigned tasks to engagement team in a manner that is clear and concise ensuring high quality,
accurate, and efficient results.
 Organizes personal effort along with those of junior auditors to be risk-based, productive, and efficient at all times.
 Ensures adequate focus on personal professional growth relevant to taking on more challenging assignments, in line
with standard audit career progression  proactively seeks relevant Education and training opportunities.
 Performs other related duties as assigned.
Key Achievements:
 Suggested, implemented and re-engineered the internal controls of the company that helped to increase
efficiency by 20 per cent.
 Promoted to Audit Senior within 2 years.
 Good Knowledge of SAGE, MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
 Good typing speed.
 Continuous Process Improvement.
 Vendor, Staff and Customer Relations.
 Training and Leadership
 Graduated with distinction in Project Management.  London in 2015
 Awarded medals in Tennis and Golf in Pakistan Open Championships.
Comic Reading, Playing sports, Electronics research, Instruments playing, music and singing.
Would be provided upon request.
Page 4 of 4

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Resume Sarmad (Member)

  • 1. Sarmad Ali Khan Accountant / Chartered Manager (ACCA UK, UAECA, MBA UK, MCMI UK) D.O.B.: 18-Dec-1989 Nationality: Pakistani Location: Dubai, UAE Visa Status: Resident visa Language: Urdu, English Marital Status: Single Mobile: +971567548159 Email: Sarmad_khan52@yahoo.com PERSONAL SUMMARY A confident, multi-skilled & capable accountant with excellent knowledge of finance & accounting procedures. With an experience in Finance, IT, Retail & Telecommunication Industries. Exceptional analytical & problem solving skills & able to provide financial information to all areas of the business whilst ensuring that all management information is accurate. Now looking for a new & challenging accountancy position, one which will make best use of my skills and knowledge gained from ACCA and MBA & also further my development. OBJECTIVE To gain experience in accounts, audit or management, so that I can share my breadth of knowledge, experience and abilities effecting mutual employee and employer growth and success. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION United Arab Emirates Chartered Accountant (UAECA member) Jun 16 (Accountants & Auditors Association - AAA Member, UAE) MCMI Member of Chartered Management Institute Dec 14 (Chartered Management Institute, London, UK) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Dec 14 (Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Business School, UK) Associate Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA Member) July 13 (London, UK) BSc (Hon) in Applied Accounting In Progress (Oxford Brookes University, UK) Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration July 14 (Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Business School, UK) Post Graduate Certificate in Business Administration Dec 13 (Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Business School, UK) Page 1 of 4
  • 2. Advance Diploma in Accounting and Finance Feb 12 (London, UK) Certified Accountant Technician (CAT) Dec 09 (School of Accountancy SKANS Islamabad) Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) Jun 08 1st Division Federal Board (Army Public Degree College, Multan) Matriculation (Computer Sciences) Jun 06 1st Division Federal Board (Army Public School Malir Cantt, Karachi) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Accountant / Audit Associate Jun 15- Present Ishtiaq Rana Chartered Accountants, Dubai, UAE (Ranked amongst Top 10 Chartered Firms in Dubai) Role Details: Preparing Financial Statements for the year end and providing auditing services according to the International Standards of Accounting and Auditing. Maintaining Ledgers and Accounts for the clients. Auditing the accounts, Asset Valuation and Inventory checks. Managed accounts payable, accounts receivable, and payroll departments. Generated budgets and forecasts on a quarterly basis and presented to the management team. Managed financial departments with responsibility for Budgets, Forecasting, Payroll, Accounts Payables and Receivables. Business Accounts Manager Nov 13 Apr 15 Dixons Retail, London, UK (Currys PcWorld is the leading Electronics and IT store in UK) Role Details: Manage existing account base pro-actively using company account management processes ensuring the store has a developing account base. In addition, managed all customer quotations, in-date and current. Accountable for completing all allocated account management calls, ensuring both customer and colleagues are aware of current business promotions. To approach, qualify and delight our business customers with our value added services Deliver world class customer service and actively coach and motivate colleagues to support the delivery of business to business (B2B) key performance indicators (KPIs). Ensuring all colleagues are qualifying for business, enhancing the customer experience, encouraging repeat spend and driving group profitability. Achieve personal and overall B2B sales and margin targets by maximising all selling opportunities in line with the B2B KPIs and supporting the delivery of the store budget. To create Value Added Tax (VAT) invoices and maintain sales ledger. Sonys expert advisor. Page 2 of 4
  • 3. To remain up to date with the Products Training. Key Achievements: Ranked amongst the Top 20 UK Business Advisor for the whole company. Top colleague of the period for hitting the revenue, profit margin and quality sales target. Awarded customer champion medal. Assistant ERP and Finance Manager Jun 13- Sep 13 Inbox Business Pvt Ltd, Islamabad, Pakistan (Leading IT Company which is in partnership with Microsoft) Role Details: Preparing sales invoices & the upkeep of an accurate accounts filing system. Preparation and input of month end journal vouchers. Inputting, matching, batching and coding of invoices. Debtor and Creditor reconciliations. Preparation of various reports for senior managers. Responsible for financial accounts including budgets and cash-flow. Supervising junior financial staff. Responsible for KPI analysis and evaluation of costs and margins. Conducting regular business reviews of financial performance. Proactively identifying business improvement opportunities. Fixed Asset accounting, reconciliations and depreciation journals. Ensuring that information is accurately collated & entered into systems. Preparation of bi-weekly invoice and expense claim payment runs. Assist in the preparation of monthly balance sheet account reconciliations. Inputting of supplier invoices and employee expense claims to the ledgers. To present financing plans and resolve any shortcoming in finances. Bookkeeping and maintaining sale and purchase ledgers. Key Achievements: Made positive adjustments to the working practices that resulted in an increase in business due to a wider client base. Audit Senior Feb 10 - May 13 Sapphire Textile Mills, Lahore, Pakistan (Major Textile Company in Lahore) Role Details: Assisting Audit Head in the Taxation Department. Page 3 of 4
  • 4. Conducts assigned audit engagements successfully from beginning to end. Identifies and communicates issues raised, offering recommended solutions relevant to business and risk. Supervises junior auditors assigned to engagements providing guidance and overall review of deliverables. Ensures audit conclusions are based on a complete understanding of the process, circumstances, and risk. Develops audit programs and testing procedures relevant to risk and test objectives. Obtains and reviews evidence ensuring audit conclusions are well-documented. Ensures adherence at all times to all applicable department and professional standards. Communicates assigned tasks to engagement team in a manner that is clear and concise ensuring high quality, accurate, and efficient results. Organizes personal effort along with those of junior auditors to be risk-based, productive, and efficient at all times. Ensures adequate focus on personal professional growth relevant to taking on more challenging assignments, in line with standard audit career progression proactively seeks relevant Education and training opportunities. Performs other related duties as assigned. Key Achievements: Suggested, implemented and re-engineered the internal controls of the company that helped to increase efficiency by 20 per cent. Promoted to Audit Senior within 2 years. SPECIALIZED SKILLS Good Knowledge of SAGE, MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel. Good typing speed. Continuous Process Improvement. Vendor, Staff and Customer Relations. Training and Leadership OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS Graduated with distinction in Project Management. London in 2015 Awarded medals in Tennis and Golf in Pakistan Open Championships. OTHER INTERESTS Comic Reading, Playing sports, Electronics research, Instruments playing, music and singing. REFERENCES Would be provided upon request. Page 4 of 4