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Benjamin E. Svikhart
P.O. Box 3063 Iowa City, IA 52246
(801) 349 5942
University of Iowa,IowaCity, IA GPA:3.6/4.0
Major:Industrial Engineering Graduation Date: Spring 2017
Minor:Business Administration Presidents List: Junior year
QualityEngineer,Intern Andersen Corp., North Branch, MN May.2016  Aug. 2016
 Collected samples in preparation for 8 DOEs toevaluate effectivenessof current screw chase geometries
and created objectivemeasurement methods to control them
 Lead 2 A3 Projects around implementing standardized quality testing procedures
 Communicated with colleagues and customers in effortto provide and define a specificationthat willmeet
assembly needs, and one that can be measured during fabricationaccording to standard procedures
ManufacturingEngineer,Co-opWhirlpoolCorp.,Amana, IA Jan. 2015  Aug. 2015
 Designed and implemented assembly fixture, saving 204 seconds per unit, yielding approximately $90,000
in labor savings annually
 Aided in design and implementation of new shelf ladder fastener, which was projected to reduce scratch
defects by 36%, saving approximately $30,000 in labor (not including lost units) annually
 Built database in MS Access to trackall incomplete BIR units ($6.2 million of inventory in Aug, 2015)
 Audited and redesigned 4 workstations in final assembly to comply with ergonomic standards
SupplierQualityEngineer,Co-opWhirlpoolCorp.,Amana, IA Jun. 2014  Dec. 2014
 Managed and responded to quality issues for52 different Manufacturers in 72 different locations
throughout the United States and Mexico
 Reviewed 147 PPAP applications fromsuppliers and trackedall Mega-Launch PPAP documentation
through SharePoint application for Amana Operations
 Orchestrated plant wide first part approval audit system used to audit and control all materials entering
 Worked withSupplier Development/Quality team to conductprocess audit of an external corporation
(supplier) resulting in quality improvements of approximately 30% after 1 year
 Involvedin solving 25 major supply side quality issues impacting Amana Operations
UndergraduateResearcher,University of IowaCollege of Engineering Aug. 2016  Present
 Leading research effortin application of functional data towards financial engineering problem
GreekWeekand Internal CollectionsChairman,Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Jan. 2013  May.2016
 Assembled committee of 3 fellow members to delegate workin preparation for Greek Week events
 Presented goals and needs of committee to the entire chapter and other Greek organizations
 Coached fellow fraternity members in effortto reduce fines and delinquencies in professional manner
PrimaryFundraisingGroup,Charity Golf Outing, WhirlpoolCorp. Amana, IA 2014  2015
 Coordinated several fundraisers, providing $1,307 for Charities in the community
 Engaged full time staff, Amana Leadership Team, Suppliers, and other Co-ops to participate in golf outing
CustomerServiceAdvisor,Mister Hotshine Carwash Salt Lake City, UT Aug. 2011  Aug. 2012
 Recommended service options for 200-800 customers per day and led state in sales as youngest advisor
Technical Skill andComputerBasedKnowledge:
 Data Systems: SAP, SharePoint, MS Access, MS Excel, SQL, Google Sheets, MS Outlook,Arena Simulation
 Programming Languages and CAD Software:R, VBA, HTML, PHP,C, MatLab, AutoCad , Creo Parametric,

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  • 1. Benjamin E. Svikhart P.O. Box 3063 Iowa City, IA 52246 benjamin-svikhart@uiowa.edu (801) 349 5942 Education: University of Iowa,IowaCity, IA GPA:3.6/4.0 Major:Industrial Engineering Graduation Date: Spring 2017 Minor:Business Administration Presidents List: Junior year EngineeringWorkExperience: QualityEngineer,Intern Andersen Corp., North Branch, MN May.2016 Aug. 2016 Collected samples in preparation for 8 DOEs toevaluate effectivenessof current screw chase geometries and created objectivemeasurement methods to control them Lead 2 A3 Projects around implementing standardized quality testing procedures Communicated with colleagues and customers in effortto provide and define a specificationthat willmeet assembly needs, and one that can be measured during fabricationaccording to standard procedures ManufacturingEngineer,Co-opWhirlpoolCorp.,Amana, IA Jan. 2015 Aug. 2015 Designed and implemented assembly fixture, saving 204 seconds per unit, yielding approximately $90,000 in labor savings annually Aided in design and implementation of new shelf ladder fastener, which was projected to reduce scratch defects by 36%, saving approximately $30,000 in labor (not including lost units) annually Built database in MS Access to trackall incomplete BIR units ($6.2 million of inventory in Aug, 2015) Audited and redesigned 4 workstations in final assembly to comply with ergonomic standards SupplierQualityEngineer,Co-opWhirlpoolCorp.,Amana, IA Jun. 2014 Dec. 2014 Managed and responded to quality issues for52 different Manufacturers in 72 different locations throughout the United States and Mexico Reviewed 147 PPAP applications fromsuppliers and trackedall Mega-Launch PPAP documentation through SharePoint application for Amana Operations Orchestrated plant wide first part approval audit system used to audit and control all materials entering facility Worked withSupplier Development/Quality team to conductprocess audit of an external corporation (supplier) resulting in quality improvements of approximately 30% after 1 year Involvedin solving 25 major supply side quality issues impacting Amana Operations LeadershipExperiences UndergraduateResearcher,University of IowaCollege of Engineering Aug. 2016 Present Leading research effortin application of functional data towards financial engineering problem GreekWeekand Internal CollectionsChairman,Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Jan. 2013 May.2016 Assembled committee of 3 fellow members to delegate workin preparation for Greek Week events Presented goals and needs of committee to the entire chapter and other Greek organizations Coached fellow fraternity members in effortto reduce fines and delinquencies in professional manner PrimaryFundraisingGroup,Charity Golf Outing, WhirlpoolCorp. Amana, IA 2014 2015 Coordinated several fundraisers, providing $1,307 for Charities in the community Engaged full time staff, Amana Leadership Team, Suppliers, and other Co-ops to participate in golf outing CustomerServiceAdvisor,Mister Hotshine Carwash Salt Lake City, UT Aug. 2011 Aug. 2012 Recommended service options for 200-800 customers per day and led state in sales as youngest advisor Technical Skill andComputerBasedKnowledge: Data Systems: SAP, SharePoint, MS Access, MS Excel, SQL, Google Sheets, MS Outlook,Arena Simulation Programming Languages and CAD Software:R, VBA, HTML, PHP,C, MatLab, AutoCad , Creo Parametric,