Exemples de textos instructiusalbertroselloThis document provides 3 links to online resources: 1) A UN spreadsheet for tracking Joint Operations Center activities, 2) A manual for an instructional text, and 3) A presentation on an Easter bunny bread recipe workshop for reading.
Per què cauen les dentsEscola11set The document discusses a conversation among young students about why their teeth fall out. They share stories about losing teeth and growing new ones. They demonstrate misunderstandings about teeth and ask questions to learn more. They then watch an educational video that explains teeth are made of a hard outer layer and inner pulp, and that cavities are caused by bacteria if teeth are not cleaned properly. It clarifies how many teeth humans have and that baby teeth fall out to be replaced by permanent teeth.
Projecte Gats P5 Escola Nova CervellóescolanovacervelloThe students in class P-5 began a project to learn about cats. They discussed what they already knew about cats, such as how many bones cats have compared to humans. The students then explored what skeletons look like for cats and humans. They observed a human skeleton in the classroom and watched a video that explained the human skeletal system. The students discussed key points about bones and skeletons from the video. They also learned that while most cats have tails, there is a breed called the Manx cat that is born without a tail.
L’Alimentació Dels AnimalsGLJRAquesta presentació ens servirà per a poder conèixer a grans trets la classificació dels animals segons la seva alimentació.
Banderí ens coneixem mésJúlia AllèsThis document appears to be a form for a child to fill out basic information about themselves. It asks for their name, favorite drawing, color, food, animal, birthday, and school class. The form is repeated multiple times with only these fields and no other context provided.
Taller de lectura: Fer inferènciesBeatriu PalauA partir de les endevinalles de tardor aprendrem a fer inferències en un text descriptiu. Trobareu també un referent d'aula.
Projecte gatsescolanovacervelloThe students in class P4 A have chosen to name their class "Els Gats" (The Cats). They have been learning about cats through books, videos, and observations. Some of the key things they have learned about cats include their physical characteristics like teeth, eyes, ears, claws; what they eat; how they play and live; and different cat breeds and colors. The students plan to continue their research on veterinarians and other topics related to cats.
Normes d'ortografia pel cicle inicialBiblioteca Sant JordiRrecull de normes d'ortografia que l'alumnat de cicle inicial, segons el currículum de primària, haurien d'assolir, interioritzar i aplicar.
Projecte Gats P5 Escola Nova CervellóescolanovacervelloThe students in class P-5 began a project to learn about cats. They discussed what they already knew about cats, such as how many bones cats have compared to humans. The students then explored what skeletons look like for cats and humans. They observed a human skeleton in the classroom and watched a video that explained the human skeletal system. The students discussed key points about bones and skeletons from the video. They also learned that while most cats have tails, there is a breed called the Manx cat that is born without a tail.
L’Alimentació Dels AnimalsGLJRAquesta presentació ens servirà per a poder conèixer a grans trets la classificació dels animals segons la seva alimentació.
Banderí ens coneixem mésJúlia AllèsThis document appears to be a form for a child to fill out basic information about themselves. It asks for their name, favorite drawing, color, food, animal, birthday, and school class. The form is repeated multiple times with only these fields and no other context provided.
Taller de lectura: Fer inferènciesBeatriu PalauA partir de les endevinalles de tardor aprendrem a fer inferències en un text descriptiu. Trobareu també un referent d'aula.
Projecte gatsescolanovacervelloThe students in class P4 A have chosen to name their class "Els Gats" (The Cats). They have been learning about cats through books, videos, and observations. Some of the key things they have learned about cats include their physical characteristics like teeth, eyes, ears, claws; what they eat; how they play and live; and different cat breeds and colors. The students plan to continue their research on veterinarians and other topics related to cats.
Normes d'ortografia pel cicle inicialBiblioteca Sant JordiRrecull de normes d'ortografia que l'alumnat de cicle inicial, segons el currículum de primària, haurien d'assolir, interioritzar i aplicar.
Pares i alumnes davant l'esoRamon BarlamPresentació de Lidia Biescas per a la reunió de pares de 1r d'ESO de Cal Gravat 'Aprendre a l'era de la distracció'.