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Part 1
First they came for the Socialists,
and I did not speak out 
because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I
did not speak out 
because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I did not speak out 
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me -- and there was no
one left to speak for me.
It was Rev. Martin Niemoeller, a German Protestant
Pastor, who initially supported Hitler but later
became an outspoken critic of the Nazis. He was
arrested in 1937 and spent most of the war in
German concentration camps.
The Rise and Fall
of the Third Reich
Mini Doco
 This ten minute  intense and fast paced  mini doco
does a good job explaining the rise of Hitler and well
come back to it in more detail as we go at a slower
pace. Pay attention  it moves through a LOT of detail
quickly  but its worth it.
World War 1 - 1914-1918
 Germany was defeated in World
War 1.
The German people were forced to pay
for the damaged they had caused and to
take the blame for World War 1 as a result
of the Treaty of Versailles. $6.6 billion in
reparations was expected to be paid.
The country fell into a financial depression.
People who are angry, scared, uncertain of the
future are the most vulnerable to new ideas, no
matter how they might sound in a normal
There was a lot of
The German money was
worthless. The people were poor
and desperate for change.
A young man in the German army worked his way up in
leadership. His name was Adolf Hitler.
 Hitler was a powerful speaker! He
was very dramatic and theatrical in
his speeches.
Hitler Speech
You only have to watch a couple of minutes, and you dont have to understand a
word hes saying, to see how he uses his tone, pitch and pace in his speech. You
can see how he was an impressive and emotional speaker.
We know what he was about to do, but in a time of desperation, people wanted
to look to a leader  someone to lead them out of the troubles they were in, to
bring back their national pride when they felt like a defeated people and Hitler
offered that.
 Over a few years Hitler gained a lot
of support for his party from the
German people.
 In 1933 Adolf Hitler became
Chancellor of Germany.
 Hitler and the Nazis army used
bullying and fear to gain control of
both the government and the
German people.
The Third Reich - 1934
 Hitlers last step in achieving total control of
Germany is eased by his willing accomplices,
the senior army commanders. Indifferent to
the naked evidence of criminality in the
government, they welcome the taming of the
SA (The Sturmabteilung, literally Storm
Detachment, functioned as the paramilitary
wing of the Nazi Party. Significant role in
Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and
1930s). When Hindenburg dies on August
2nd, they immediately agree that Hitler will
now combine the roles of president,
chancellor and supreme commander of the
armed forces.
Leader, command, we follow
Allegiances in the Third
 Moreover, the allegiance of the army is now to be
personal. On the very day of Hindenburgs death, each
officer and man in the German army swears by God to
render unconditional obedience to the Fuhrer of the
German Reich and People, Adolf Hitler and to be
ready as a brave soldier, to stake my life at any time for
this oath.
A Vote Occurs
 On August 19th, 1934, a plebiscite is put to the
German people, asking whether Hitler shall
now become head of state as Fuhrer and Reich
Chancellor. More than 38 million voters say
yes, and more than 4 million have the courage
to say no. At the party rally in Nuremburg in
September, Hitler declares that the Nazi
revolution is now complete; and in the next
thousand years there will be no other
revolution in Germany.
The Third Reich emerges
In Nazi Germany, also known as the Third Reich, there was little or no
personal freedom. People were encouraged to report on friends, neighbours
and even family members suspected of disloyalty to the regime.
Propaganda was used to convince citizens of the beliefs of the regime and
to silence critics. Punishments were severe and often involved torture and
internment in concentration camps. Jews were the primary targets of Nazi
persecution. Writers, artists, playwrights, university professors and others
traditionally associated with free thinking were also targets of Nazi
Ceremonies, uniforms, symbols, marches, music and rallies were used by the
Nazis to create a sense of belonging. There was a particular attempt to
gain support of young people through organisations such as Hitler Youth.
The huge Nuremburg rallies held in the 1930s played an important role in
gaining popular support for the Third Reich.
(4 min  Life in Nazi Germany)
(2min  The influence of the rise of Hitlers power)
Third Reich cont
 Hitler was so confident that the Third Reich would last a thousand
years that he had much of what happened documented so that the
great history of the Third Reich would live on.
 This meant many important documents and records could be used
later in prosecutorial trials as evidence during the Nuremburg Trials.
Extensive Propaganda
 One of the most popular ways Hitler and the Nazis
managed to do what they did was through telling the
German people about all that was wrong with the
Jewish population. How it was their fault that they
were in the state they were in, how they were taking all
the money, how their shops were taking German
money, about their racial inferiority to the Aryan race
etc. The following slides show some images of
propaganda that were used.
Behind the enemy forces
Fights for the leader and the people
Illustrated the idea that the Jews were
somehow behind/controlling everything.
(In Russian)
Safe says  Secular Wealth
The bottom says  ate a wolfapparently.
Im guessing its a metaphor.
Fall of the Third Reich
 Open criticism of the regime was suppressed by the
Gestapo (secret state police) and the Security Service
(SD) of the Nazi party, but Hitler's government was
popular with most Germans. There was, however, some
German opposition to the Nazi state, ranging from
nonconformity to the attempt to kill Hitler on July 20,
 The Allies defeated Nazi Germany and forced a
German surrender on May 8, 1945.
Nazi Power
According to www.historyplace.com -
 How many Germans were actually
card-carrying Nazi Party members?
 Before Hitler seized power (in 1933)
only 850,000 out of 66 million
Germans were card-carrying Nazis.
After the Nazi seizure of power, there
was a big surge in membership. At its
peak, Party membership reached 8
million out of 80 million Germans in
'Greater Germany' or about ten
percent of the population.
Part 2
Lets be honest
Close your eyes and answer this with your hand up -
 Who has ever stereotyped someone because of their
gender, race, religion?
 Who has ever bullied someone?
 Harassed someone because of their race, colour, religion,
sexual preference etc?
 Physically violated another person because of who they are?
(not something they have done)
 Destroyed their property?
 Threatened them?
Well come back to this in in a moment.
What is a genocide?
 Genocide" means any of the following acts committed
with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national,
ethnical, racial or religious group, as such
 (a) Killing members of the group;
 (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of
the group;
 (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life
calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole
or in part;
 (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within
the group;
 (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another
Pyramid of Hate
U9gMoNSA (4min intro to the War and
Between 1933 and 1945 10-11 million people
(Jews and others) were persecuted and
murdered as a result of Nazism and the Third
2/3 of all the Jews in Europe and
eastern Russia had been
eliminated, approximately 6 million
in all.
What was The Holocaust?
 Holocaust actually means:
 a sacrifice consumed by fire
 But nowadays it refers to -
 the mass slaughter of European
civilians, especially Jews, by the
Nazis during World War II
In 1933 the first concentration camp opened.
Anyone who opposed Hitler or the Nazis
were arrested and taken to concentration
camps. There they were worked to death,
beaten, or killed.
(6min 30sec - The deportation of Jews from Hungary and Lodz to
Auschwitz Birkenau, 1944
Hitler was a racist. He believed there should be a master
race of physically fit, racially pure people.
In order to make room for superior white people those
who were inferior had to be removed.
Who were sent to
concentration camps?
 The Disabled
 Slavic Peoples
 Jehovahs Witnesses
Rise of the Third Reich and the Holocaust
Hitler and other Nazi leaders considered the
Jewish people particularly dangerous to the
He said it was the Jews who were responsible for
all the problems that existed in their society.
Once I really am in power,
my first and foremost task
be the annihilation of the
Jewsuntil all Germany has
been completely cleansed of
-Adolf Hitler, 1922
Source unknown  and potentially questionable
light of the little doco we are about to watch.
The Final Solution
 The Nazis frequently used euphemistic
language to disguise the true nature of their
crimes. They used the term Final Solution to
refer to their plan to annihilate the Jewish
people. It is not known when the leaders of
Nazi Germany definitively decided to
implement the "Final Solution." The genocide,
or mass destruction, of the Jews was the
culmination of a decade of increasingly severe
discriminatory measures.
upc (12min  The Development of the Final
As time went by Jews were
forbidden to own
.. couldnt own 沿姻看沿艶姻岳霞
and werent allowed to do their jobs.
Jews were not allowed to
ride buses, trains, or taxis.
They were forced to wear the Star
of David to identify themselves.
Jews were forced to leave their homes and as
time went by they were sent to concentration or
death camps.
The Persecution of the Jews (10min)
Concentration Camps
At the camps
 Prisoners were
forced to do hard
 Prisoners were
 Forced to obey the Nazis,
and were murdered if they
 Prisoners had no control of their own lives
 Many prisoners died as a result of
incarceration and maltreatment
Rise of the Third Reich and the Holocaust
How did the prisoners die?
 Gas chambers
 Death Marches
The Final Numbers -
10-11 million prisoners were murdered
6 million victims were Jews
 Polish Jews killed: 91%
 German Jews killed: 36%
 Total Jews killed in Europe during World War II: 63%
 Soviet soldiers were the first to liberate
concentration camp prisoners in the final
stages of the war. On July 23, 1944, they
entered the Majdanek camp in Poland,
and later overran several other killing
centers. On January 27, 1945, they
entered Auschwitz and there found
hundreds of sick and exhausted
prisoners. The Germans had been forced
to leave these prisoners behind in their
hasty retreat from the camp. Also left
behind were victims' belongings:
348,820 men's suits, 836,255 women's
coats, and tens of thousands of pairs of
(Liberation of Belsen Camp  2min)
v%3DCDxX_OP0G1M&has_verified=1 (2min 30sec 
Liberation Footage of Belsen, a few images the same
as above.)
(6min  Flossenburg Liberation)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5XJkCYs4RI (7min
 Band of Brothers liberation scene)
Words from Survivors
RYDAYY&feature=channel (3min)
dfrTOwU (2min)
 As hard as it might be to imagine, it wasnt all bodies
and bad bits. There were many, many good people
who risked so much to save so many.
Raoul Wallenberg
Oskar Schindler
Irena Sandler
Feng-Shan Ho Hugh OFlaherty
Giorgio PerlascaChiune Sugihara Frank Foley
The Good Parts  there were
 Sir Nicholas Winton  The Man Who Saved 669 Children (2min surprise
TV special  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWd3PYm3XRw or the
extended 60min special for 15min -
 Muslim Imam saves 1000s of Jews in Paris (8min -
 Oskar Schindler Biography (9min
ing_the_Holocaust - this page shows just some of the names and
countries who helped the Jews flee and establish new lives.

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Rise of the Third Reich and the Holocaust

  • 2. First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me. It was Rev. Martin Niemoeller, a German Protestant Pastor, who initially supported Hitler but later became an outspoken critic of the Nazis. He was arrested in 1937 and spent most of the war in German concentration camps.
  • 3. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
  • 4. Mini Doco This ten minute intense and fast paced mini doco does a good job explaining the rise of Hitler and well come back to it in more detail as we go at a slower pace. Pay attention it moves through a LOT of detail quickly but its worth it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO-_HXO7HwY
  • 5. World War 1 - 1914-1918 Germany was defeated in World War 1.
  • 6. The German people were forced to pay for the damaged they had caused and to take the blame for World War 1 as a result of the Treaty of Versailles. $6.6 billion in reparations was expected to be paid.
  • 7. The country fell into a financial depression. People who are angry, scared, uncertain of the future are the most vulnerable to new ideas, no matter how they might sound in a normal situation.
  • 8. There was a lot of unemployment.
  • 9. The German money was worthless. The people were poor and desperate for change.
  • 10. A young man in the German army worked his way up in leadership. His name was Adolf Hitler.
  • 11. Hitler was a powerful speaker! He was very dramatic and theatrical in his speeches.
  • 12. Hitler Speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnpTWKKWQ 1o You only have to watch a couple of minutes, and you dont have to understand a word hes saying, to see how he uses his tone, pitch and pace in his speech. You can see how he was an impressive and emotional speaker. We know what he was about to do, but in a time of desperation, people wanted to look to a leader someone to lead them out of the troubles they were in, to bring back their national pride when they felt like a defeated people and Hitler offered that.
  • 13. Over a few years Hitler gained a lot of support for his party from the German people.
  • 14. In 1933 Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.
  • 15. Hitler and the Nazis army used bullying and fear to gain control of both the government and the German people.
  • 16. The Third Reich - 1934 Hitlers last step in achieving total control of Germany is eased by his willing accomplices, the senior army commanders. Indifferent to the naked evidence of criminality in the government, they welcome the taming of the SA (The Sturmabteilung, literally Storm Detachment, functioned as the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party. Significant role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s). When Hindenburg dies on August 2nd, they immediately agree that Hitler will now combine the roles of president, chancellor and supreme commander of the armed forces. Leader, command, we follow
  • 17. Allegiances in the Third Reich Moreover, the allegiance of the army is now to be personal. On the very day of Hindenburgs death, each officer and man in the German army swears by God to render unconditional obedience to the Fuhrer of the German Reich and People, Adolf Hitler and to be ready as a brave soldier, to stake my life at any time for this oath.
  • 18. A Vote Occurs On August 19th, 1934, a plebiscite is put to the German people, asking whether Hitler shall now become head of state as Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor. More than 38 million voters say yes, and more than 4 million have the courage to say no. At the party rally in Nuremburg in September, Hitler declares that the Nazi revolution is now complete; and in the next thousand years there will be no other revolution in Germany.
  • 19. The Third Reich emerges In Nazi Germany, also known as the Third Reich, there was little or no personal freedom. People were encouraged to report on friends, neighbours and even family members suspected of disloyalty to the regime. Propaganda was used to convince citizens of the beliefs of the regime and to silence critics. Punishments were severe and often involved torture and internment in concentration camps. Jews were the primary targets of Nazi persecution. Writers, artists, playwrights, university professors and others traditionally associated with free thinking were also targets of Nazi persecution. Ceremonies, uniforms, symbols, marches, music and rallies were used by the Nazis to create a sense of belonging. There was a particular attempt to gain support of young people through organisations such as Hitler Youth. The huge Nuremburg rallies held in the 1930s played an important role in gaining popular support for the Third Reich.
  • 20. Clips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkD9YkpPNV0 (4 min Life in Nazi Germany) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kbu8cqBdNtg (2min The influence of the rise of Hitlers power)
  • 21. Third Reich cont Hitler was so confident that the Third Reich would last a thousand years that he had much of what happened documented so that the great history of the Third Reich would live on. This meant many important documents and records could be used later in prosecutorial trials as evidence during the Nuremburg Trials.
  • 22. Extensive Propaganda One of the most popular ways Hitler and the Nazis managed to do what they did was through telling the German people about all that was wrong with the Jewish population. How it was their fault that they were in the state they were in, how they were taking all the money, how their shops were taking German money, about their racial inferiority to the Aryan race etc. The following slides show some images of propaganda that were used.
  • 23. Behind the enemy forces Fights for the leader and the people
  • 24. Illustrated the idea that the Jews were somehow behind/controlling everything.
  • 25. Selection! (In Russian) Safe says Secular Wealth The bottom says ate a wolfapparently. Im guessing its a metaphor.
  • 26. Fall of the Third Reich Open criticism of the regime was suppressed by the Gestapo (secret state police) and the Security Service (SD) of the Nazi party, but Hitler's government was popular with most Germans. There was, however, some German opposition to the Nazi state, ranging from nonconformity to the attempt to kill Hitler on July 20, 1944. The Allies defeated Nazi Germany and forced a German surrender on May 8, 1945.
  • 27. Nazi Power According to www.historyplace.com - How many Germans were actually card-carrying Nazi Party members? Before Hitler seized power (in 1933) only 850,000 out of 66 million Germans were card-carrying Nazis. After the Nazi seizure of power, there was a big surge in membership. At its peak, Party membership reached 8 million out of 80 million Germans in 'Greater Germany' or about ten percent of the population.
  • 29. Lets be honest Close your eyes and answer this with your hand up - Who has ever stereotyped someone because of their gender, race, religion? Who has ever bullied someone? Harassed someone because of their race, colour, religion, sexual preference etc? Physically violated another person because of who they are? (not something they have done) Destroyed their property? Threatened them? Well come back to this in in a moment.
  • 30. What is a genocide? Genocide" means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
  • 33. Between 1933 and 1945 10-11 million people (Jews and others) were persecuted and murdered as a result of Nazism and the Third Reich.
  • 34. 2/3 of all the Jews in Europe and eastern Russia had been eliminated, approximately 6 million in all.
  • 35. What was The Holocaust? Holocaust actually means: a sacrifice consumed by fire But nowadays it refers to - the mass slaughter of European civilians, especially Jews, by the Nazis during World War II
  • 36. In 1933 the first concentration camp opened. Anyone who opposed Hitler or the Nazis were arrested and taken to concentration camps. There they were worked to death, beaten, or killed.
  • 37. Clips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubZH1j_zDMk (6min 30sec - The deportation of Jews from Hungary and Lodz to Auschwitz Birkenau, 1944
  • 38. Hitler was a racist. He believed there should be a master race of physically fit, racially pure people.
  • 39. In order to make room for superior white people those who were inferior had to be removed.
  • 40. Who were sent to concentration camps? Jews Homosexuals Gypsies The Disabled Slavic Peoples Jehovahs Witnesses
  • 42. Hitler and other Nazi leaders considered the Jewish people particularly dangerous to the Germans. He said it was the Jews who were responsible for all the problems that existed in their society.
  • 43. Once I really am in power, my first and foremost task be the annihilation of the Jewsuntil all Germany has been completely cleansed of Jews. -Adolf Hitler, 1922 Source unknown and potentially questionable light of the little doco we are about to watch.
  • 44. The Final Solution The Nazis frequently used euphemistic language to disguise the true nature of their crimes. They used the term Final Solution to refer to their plan to annihilate the Jewish people. It is not known when the leaders of Nazi Germany definitively decided to implement the "Final Solution." The genocide, or mass destruction, of the Jews was the culmination of a decade of increasingly severe discriminatory measures. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPXPjZur upc (12min The Development of the Final Solution)
  • 45. As time went by Jews were arrested
  • 47. .. couldnt own 沿姻看沿艶姻岳霞
  • 48. and werent allowed to do their jobs.
  • 49. Jews were not allowed to ride buses, trains, or taxis.
  • 50. They were forced to wear the Star of David to identify themselves.
  • 51. Jews were forced to leave their homes and as time went by they were sent to concentration or death camps. The Persecution of the Jews (10min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpdJhA5aJk A
  • 53. At the camps Prisoners were forced to do hard labor Prisoners were starved Forced to obey the Nazis, and were murdered if they disobeyed Prisoners had no control of their own lives Many prisoners died as a result of incarceration and maltreatment
  • 55. How did the prisoners die? Gas chambers Cremation Starvation Malnutrition Torture Death Marches
  • 56. The Final Numbers - 10-11 million prisoners were murdered 6 million victims were Jews Percentages: Polish Jews killed: 91% German Jews killed: 36% Total Jews killed in Europe during World War II: 63%
  • 57. Liberation Soviet soldiers were the first to liberate concentration camp prisoners in the final stages of the war. On July 23, 1944, they entered the Majdanek camp in Poland, and later overran several other killing centers. On January 27, 1945, they entered Auschwitz and there found hundreds of sick and exhausted prisoners. The Germans had been forced to leave these prisoners behind in their hasty retreat from the camp. Also left behind were victims' belongings: 348,820 men's suits, 836,255 women's coats, and tens of thousands of pairs of shoes.
  • 58. Clips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KCKagd6Ihk (Liberation of Belsen Camp 2min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDxX_OP0G1M&o ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3F v%3DCDxX_OP0G1M&has_verified=1 (2min 30sec Liberation Footage of Belsen, a few images the same as above.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czbUP6cl2NE (6min Flossenburg Liberation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5XJkCYs4RI (7min Band of Brothers liberation scene)
  • 59. Words from Survivors http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ER1s RYDAYY&feature=channel (3min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2iE dfrTOwU (2min)
  • 60. Imagine As hard as it might be to imagine, it wasnt all bodies and bad bits. There were many, many good people who risked so much to save so many. Raoul Wallenberg Oskar Schindler Irena Sandler Feng-Shan Ho Hugh OFlaherty Giorgio PerlascaChiune Sugihara Frank Foley
  • 61. The Good Parts there were many. Sir Nicholas Winton The Man Who Saved 669 Children (2min surprise TV special https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWd3PYm3XRw or the extended 60min special for 15min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0aoifNziKQ Muslim Imam saves 1000s of Jews in Paris (8min - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQnUawwUTpI) Oskar Schindler Biography (9min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhLkDhr-njc) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Individuals_and_groups_assisting_Jews_dur ing_the_Holocaust - this page shows just some of the names and countries who helped the Jews flee and establish new lives.