1. Dokumen tersebut merupakan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas IX di SMPN 2 Sungai Liput. RPP ini membahas pelajaran mendengarkan berdasarkan teks berbentuk naratif berjudul "A Fox and Goat".
This document discusses analyzing needs for English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses versus General English (GE) courses. It states that all language courses are based on a perceived need. While ESP and GE may seem similar in theory, they differ in practice. The key difference is that ESP involves an awareness of a specific need or target situation for using English, whereas GE needs are less clearly defined. A thorough needs analysis should gather information on target needs like language functions needed and learning needs to make the course engaging. The analysis framework examines why, how, what, who, where, and when the language will be used. Determining learning needs also considers how learners learn best and available resources.
This document discusses L2 learning and teaching. It defines L2 as any language learned after one's first language. There is disagreement about whether L2 knowledge consists of underlying rules, linguistic patterns/structures, or a means of communication. Learners acquire L2 through innate capacity, prior knowledge, processing input, interaction, restructuring knowledge, and automatization. Success varies due to social context, experience, the relationship between L1 and L2, age, aptitude, motivation, and instruction quality. Near-native competence is unlikely in pronunciation for older learners and requires extensive varied input and feedback. Implications include considering learners' goals, priorities, dimensions of learning, strengths/limitations, and incremental progress
The document discusses transitivity analysis and the key components of analyzing clauses: processes, participants, and circumstances. It explains the main types of processes - material, mental, verbal, and relational - and provides examples from dialog texts. Participants in material processes are defined as the actor, goal, recipient, and beneficiary. The document also provides examples of analyzing clauses based on these transitivity components.
This document discusses key concepts related to learner language:
1) Learners develop "interlanguages" with their own internal rules as they acquire a new language based on intake from input.
2) Generalization, transfer from their first language, and internal sequences influence how learners develop these interlanguage rules.
3) Studies show learners acquire certain grammatical features like morphemes in predictable sequences, though variation exists between individuals.
Children VS Adult in Second-Language LearningRosmawatiwati2
Children are generally better than adults at learning a second language in natural situations due to three key psychological factors: memory ability, motor skills, and an ability to learn through induction. However, adults are better than children at learning a second language in a classroom setting due to their greater ability to learn through explicit instruction and their cognitive maturity which helps them function better in a formal learning environment. The best conditions for second language learning are in an environment where both natural situations outside the classroom and formal classroom learning can be utilized, such as learning English in an English-speaking community/country.
This document discusses the linguistic concepts of dialect, register, and style. It defines register as varieties of language defined by their social use, such as the registers of scientific or religious language. Dialect refers to varieties according to the user. The document explores the relationships and overlaps between these concepts. It examines factors that influence register, such as formality, topic, and social roles. Models of analyzing registers along dimensions like field, mode, and tenor are discussed. The principles of stylistic variation and how style relates to formality are also summarized.
The document discusses mood elements in clauses, including the subject, finite element, and residue. It provides examples of different clause types based on the presence or absence of a subject and the positioning of the subject and finite element. These include declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamative clauses. The document also discusses modal verbs and their uses for indicating probability and obligation. Exercises are provided to practice identifying mood elements and changing modal verb forms.
Kelompok 6 semprag (cooperation and implicature)donawidiya
The document discusses semantics and pragmatics, specifically cooperation and implicature. It defines cooperation as how components of a system work together, and implicature as something inferred from an utterance that is not necessary for its truth. Implicatures can be canceled or strengthened based on context. The cooperative principle and Grice's maxims are explained, along with conversational implicature, scalar implicature, particularized implicature, and properties of implicature like defeasibility. Hedges are also defined as devices that lessen impact.
Deixis refers to expressions like pronouns and demonstratives whose meaning depends on the context of the utterance. There are several types of deixis: person deixis refers to pronouns like I, you, he; place or spatial deixis includes terms like here, there; temporal or time deixis involves expressions of time like now, then. Discourse deixis refers to expressions used within a conversation or discourse. Social deixis encodes social information about status. Deixis helps situate speakers and addressees in relation to each other and the surrounding context through indexical expressions.
RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (introducing-speaking skill )santi damayanti
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Aspek/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)
Kelas/Semester : VII (Tujuh) /Gasal
Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 40 menit
Jenis Teks : Teks Transaksional/ Interpersonal
Tema : Introducing yourself and other people
Standar Kompetensi : 3. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Kompetensi Dasar : 3.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyapa orang yang belum/ sudah di kenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri/ orang lain, dan memerintah atau larangan.
Indikator : Menggunakan ungkapan memperkenalkan diri sendiri/
Orang lain.
1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:
a. Mengungkapkan perkenalan diri sendiri secara berterima baik formal maupun informal.
b. Mengungkapkan perkenalan orang lain secara berterima baik formal maupun informal.
c. Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain.
d. Membedakan penggunaan this and that.
e. Menjawab dan merespon pertanyaan berdasarkan suatu percakapan.
Social Factors and Second Language Acquisition - Anaheim UniversityAdriana Helena Mu単oz
This document provides an overview of social factors that influence second language acquisition. It discusses different social contexts of L2 learning including immersion, segregation, official language contexts, and more. It also summarizes Schumann's acculturation model which proposes that the degree of social and psychological distance between the L2 learner and target language group will influence L2 acquisition. Finally, it briefly introduces Gardner's socio-educational model and discusses how both individual and external social factors can impact motivation and language learning.
(1) Deixis refers to the use of words or expressions whose meanings depend on the context of the utterance, such as who is speaking, their location in space and time, gestures, or the topic of discussion. Common deictic expressions include pronouns, demonstratives, temporal adverbs, and articles.
(2) Deixis is important in pragmatics and conversation analysis because it concerns how the structure of language relates to the context in which it is used. Deictic expressions point to elements either in the immediate physical context ("proximal") or not ("distal").
(3) There are different types of deixis, including personal deixis referring to people, temporal
This document discusses key concepts in sentence semantics and propositional logic. It defines sentences, utterances and propositions. A proposition is conceived as an abstract string of words that can be true or false depending on the state of affairs. The document also discusses truth conditions and how knowing the meaning of a sentence involves knowing when it is true or false. It introduces concepts of formal semantics like models and model theory. Finally, it discusses word meaning, propositions, entailment, predicate logic and propositional logic.
This chapter discusses discourse analysis approaches to pronunciation and intonation for language teachers. It covers traditional views of pronunciation teaching focusing on phonemes but notes issues with this when applied to natural discourse. Most of the chapter focuses on intonation, exploring traditional views of rhythm, word stress, prominence, and intonational units. It examines grammatical, attitudinal and interactive approaches to understanding the meanings conveyed by intonation patterns. The key point is that intonation is best understood from an interactive viewpoint as signaling the flow and information structure of discourse rather than conveying fixed attitudes.
Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai genre teks bahasa Inggris beserta ciri-ciri kebahasaannya, seperti recount, narrative, descriptive, procedure, dan report. Ditekankan bahwa setiap genre memiliki tujuan komunikatif dan struktur teks yang berbeda untuk memfasilitasi komunikasi yang efektif.
This document discusses reference and inference in pragmatics. It explains that words themselves do not refer to anything directly, but rather people use words to refer to people and things. For successful reference to occur, listeners must make inferences to connect what is said to what is meant. Reference involves both the speaker's intention to identify something and the listener's recognition and interpretation of that intention through inferences based on context and shared background knowledge.
The document discusses first language acquisition and second language acquisition. It defines a first language as the language learned from birth or in early childhood. It notes that a person can have more than one first language. Second language acquisition refers to learning additional languages after the first one. Key aspects of second language acquisition discussed include the target language being learned, as well as linguistic, psychological, and social frameworks for studying the process of second language acquisition.
This document discusses various types of spoken discourse including transactions, topics, interactional vs transactional talk, stories and speech grammar. Transactions help manage longer stretches of conversation using boundary markers. Topics are bounded by topic and transaction markers. Stories are often told collaboratively and listeners actively engage through responses. Spoken language can contain grammatical features not accepted in writing such as verbless clauses, ellipses and agreement errors.
Ringkasan dari dokumen RPP/Lesson Plan Bahasa Inggris SMA adalah: (1) dokumen ini merupakan lesson plan untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas XI tentang recount text, (2) materi pelajaran mencakup pengertian, struktur, dan contoh recount text, (3) siswa diajak menganalisis dan membuat contoh recount text sederhana.
This document discusses language learners and learner language. It defines learner language as the written or spoken language produced by a language learner. Researchers study learner language to understand how a learner's internal language representations develop over time. Errors in learner language are important to analyze, as they reveal how the learner's grammar is developing. The document outlines different ways to identify, describe, explain, and evaluate errors made by language learners. It also discusses developmental patterns in learner language, such as common acquisition stages and sequences. Variability in learner language is influenced by linguistic, situational, and psycholinguistic contexts.
The document discusses the essential components of an effective lesson plan, including objectives to develop language and life skills, appropriate activities and materials, and the typical stages of a lesson from warm-up to evaluation. It notes that objectives, activities, materials, sequencing, pacing, level of difficulty, individual differences, monitoring, and timing should all be considered when planning a lesson. A sample lesson plan template is provided to help organize these components.
The document discusses cooperation and implicature in conversations. It explains that cooperation is the basis for successful conversations, as people try to converse smoothly. Cooperation and implicature are fundamentally linked, as conversations assume people are not trying to confuse or withhold information from each other. Implicature conveys additional meaning beyond what is literally said, which listeners infer. The cooperative principle and Grice's maxims provide guidelines for effective language use. Scalar, particularized, conventional implicatures are discussed as ways additional meanings are communicated.
Rpp kelas X. Expression of asking and giving opinionNMKJ
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) ini membahas materi Expression of Asking and Giving Opinion untuk kelas XI semester 1. RPP ini menjelaskan kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator, tujuan pembelajaran, metode, media, langkah-langkah kegiatan, dan penilaian. Kegiatan pembelajaran meliputi mendengarkan dialog tanya jawab pendapat, berdiskusi dalam kelompok kecil, dan presentasi dialog. Penilaian dilakukan berdasark
The document describes taking a cruise around Hawaii while learning about Hawaiian culture. It discusses how the greeting "Aloha" means love and well-being and represents the state. Passengers on the Norwegian Cruise Line vessel Pride of Aloha are greeted with the question "How are you today?" and a bountiful breakfast spread. The ship travels among Hawaii's islands, allowing passengers to view the bustling tourist areas of Waikiki from the sea and experience the laidback "Aloha spirit" of Hawaii.
The document discusses various methods for assessing listening skills in language learning. It identifies four main types of listening performance: intensive, responsive, selective, and extensive. Some example assessment tasks provided include cloze dictations, information transfer tasks, note-taking, editing discrepancies between written and spoken stimuli, interpretive tasks like answering questions about a story, and retelling or summarizing what was heard. The goal of assessment is to evaluate skills like comprehending sounds, understanding context and meaning, and developing an overall understanding of the auditory input.
The document discusses mood elements in clauses, including the subject, finite element, and residue. It provides examples of different clause types based on the presence or absence of a subject and the positioning of the subject and finite element. These include declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamative clauses. The document also discusses modal verbs and their uses for indicating probability and obligation. Exercises are provided to practice identifying mood elements and changing modal verb forms.
Kelompok 6 semprag (cooperation and implicature)donawidiya
The document discusses semantics and pragmatics, specifically cooperation and implicature. It defines cooperation as how components of a system work together, and implicature as something inferred from an utterance that is not necessary for its truth. Implicatures can be canceled or strengthened based on context. The cooperative principle and Grice's maxims are explained, along with conversational implicature, scalar implicature, particularized implicature, and properties of implicature like defeasibility. Hedges are also defined as devices that lessen impact.
Deixis refers to expressions like pronouns and demonstratives whose meaning depends on the context of the utterance. There are several types of deixis: person deixis refers to pronouns like I, you, he; place or spatial deixis includes terms like here, there; temporal or time deixis involves expressions of time like now, then. Discourse deixis refers to expressions used within a conversation or discourse. Social deixis encodes social information about status. Deixis helps situate speakers and addressees in relation to each other and the surrounding context through indexical expressions.
RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (introducing-speaking skill )santi damayanti
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Aspek/Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)
Kelas/Semester : VII (Tujuh) /Gasal
Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 40 menit
Jenis Teks : Teks Transaksional/ Interpersonal
Tema : Introducing yourself and other people
Standar Kompetensi : 3. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Kompetensi Dasar : 3.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyapa orang yang belum/ sudah di kenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri/ orang lain, dan memerintah atau larangan.
Indikator : Menggunakan ungkapan memperkenalkan diri sendiri/
Orang lain.
1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:
a. Mengungkapkan perkenalan diri sendiri secara berterima baik formal maupun informal.
b. Mengungkapkan perkenalan orang lain secara berterima baik formal maupun informal.
c. Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain.
d. Membedakan penggunaan this and that.
e. Menjawab dan merespon pertanyaan berdasarkan suatu percakapan.
Social Factors and Second Language Acquisition - Anaheim UniversityAdriana Helena Mu単oz
This document provides an overview of social factors that influence second language acquisition. It discusses different social contexts of L2 learning including immersion, segregation, official language contexts, and more. It also summarizes Schumann's acculturation model which proposes that the degree of social and psychological distance between the L2 learner and target language group will influence L2 acquisition. Finally, it briefly introduces Gardner's socio-educational model and discusses how both individual and external social factors can impact motivation and language learning.
(1) Deixis refers to the use of words or expressions whose meanings depend on the context of the utterance, such as who is speaking, their location in space and time, gestures, or the topic of discussion. Common deictic expressions include pronouns, demonstratives, temporal adverbs, and articles.
(2) Deixis is important in pragmatics and conversation analysis because it concerns how the structure of language relates to the context in which it is used. Deictic expressions point to elements either in the immediate physical context ("proximal") or not ("distal").
(3) There are different types of deixis, including personal deixis referring to people, temporal
This document discusses key concepts in sentence semantics and propositional logic. It defines sentences, utterances and propositions. A proposition is conceived as an abstract string of words that can be true or false depending on the state of affairs. The document also discusses truth conditions and how knowing the meaning of a sentence involves knowing when it is true or false. It introduces concepts of formal semantics like models and model theory. Finally, it discusses word meaning, propositions, entailment, predicate logic and propositional logic.
This chapter discusses discourse analysis approaches to pronunciation and intonation for language teachers. It covers traditional views of pronunciation teaching focusing on phonemes but notes issues with this when applied to natural discourse. Most of the chapter focuses on intonation, exploring traditional views of rhythm, word stress, prominence, and intonational units. It examines grammatical, attitudinal and interactive approaches to understanding the meanings conveyed by intonation patterns. The key point is that intonation is best understood from an interactive viewpoint as signaling the flow and information structure of discourse rather than conveying fixed attitudes.
Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai genre teks bahasa Inggris beserta ciri-ciri kebahasaannya, seperti recount, narrative, descriptive, procedure, dan report. Ditekankan bahwa setiap genre memiliki tujuan komunikatif dan struktur teks yang berbeda untuk memfasilitasi komunikasi yang efektif.
This document discusses reference and inference in pragmatics. It explains that words themselves do not refer to anything directly, but rather people use words to refer to people and things. For successful reference to occur, listeners must make inferences to connect what is said to what is meant. Reference involves both the speaker's intention to identify something and the listener's recognition and interpretation of that intention through inferences based on context and shared background knowledge.
The document discusses first language acquisition and second language acquisition. It defines a first language as the language learned from birth or in early childhood. It notes that a person can have more than one first language. Second language acquisition refers to learning additional languages after the first one. Key aspects of second language acquisition discussed include the target language being learned, as well as linguistic, psychological, and social frameworks for studying the process of second language acquisition.
This document discusses various types of spoken discourse including transactions, topics, interactional vs transactional talk, stories and speech grammar. Transactions help manage longer stretches of conversation using boundary markers. Topics are bounded by topic and transaction markers. Stories are often told collaboratively and listeners actively engage through responses. Spoken language can contain grammatical features not accepted in writing such as verbless clauses, ellipses and agreement errors.
Ringkasan dari dokumen RPP/Lesson Plan Bahasa Inggris SMA adalah: (1) dokumen ini merupakan lesson plan untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas XI tentang recount text, (2) materi pelajaran mencakup pengertian, struktur, dan contoh recount text, (3) siswa diajak menganalisis dan membuat contoh recount text sederhana.
This document discusses language learners and learner language. It defines learner language as the written or spoken language produced by a language learner. Researchers study learner language to understand how a learner's internal language representations develop over time. Errors in learner language are important to analyze, as they reveal how the learner's grammar is developing. The document outlines different ways to identify, describe, explain, and evaluate errors made by language learners. It also discusses developmental patterns in learner language, such as common acquisition stages and sequences. Variability in learner language is influenced by linguistic, situational, and psycholinguistic contexts.
The document discusses the essential components of an effective lesson plan, including objectives to develop language and life skills, appropriate activities and materials, and the typical stages of a lesson from warm-up to evaluation. It notes that objectives, activities, materials, sequencing, pacing, level of difficulty, individual differences, monitoring, and timing should all be considered when planning a lesson. A sample lesson plan template is provided to help organize these components.
The document discusses cooperation and implicature in conversations. It explains that cooperation is the basis for successful conversations, as people try to converse smoothly. Cooperation and implicature are fundamentally linked, as conversations assume people are not trying to confuse or withhold information from each other. Implicature conveys additional meaning beyond what is literally said, which listeners infer. The cooperative principle and Grice's maxims provide guidelines for effective language use. Scalar, particularized, conventional implicatures are discussed as ways additional meanings are communicated.
Rpp kelas X. Expression of asking and giving opinionNMKJ
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) ini membahas materi Expression of Asking and Giving Opinion untuk kelas XI semester 1. RPP ini menjelaskan kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator, tujuan pembelajaran, metode, media, langkah-langkah kegiatan, dan penilaian. Kegiatan pembelajaran meliputi mendengarkan dialog tanya jawab pendapat, berdiskusi dalam kelompok kecil, dan presentasi dialog. Penilaian dilakukan berdasark
The document describes taking a cruise around Hawaii while learning about Hawaiian culture. It discusses how the greeting "Aloha" means love and well-being and represents the state. Passengers on the Norwegian Cruise Line vessel Pride of Aloha are greeted with the question "How are you today?" and a bountiful breakfast spread. The ship travels among Hawaii's islands, allowing passengers to view the bustling tourist areas of Waikiki from the sea and experience the laidback "Aloha spirit" of Hawaii.
The document discusses various methods for assessing listening skills in language learning. It identifies four main types of listening performance: intensive, responsive, selective, and extensive. Some example assessment tasks provided include cloze dictations, information transfer tasks, note-taking, editing discrepancies between written and spoken stimuli, interpretive tasks like answering questions about a story, and retelling or summarizing what was heard. The goal of assessment is to evaluate skills like comprehending sounds, understanding context and meaning, and developing an overall understanding of the auditory input.
Rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas X ini membahas tentang menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif tentang orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah serta menyunting teks deskriptif tersebut. Pembelajaran dilakukan secara koperatif dengan membentuk kelompok kecil untuk mengamati, menanya, mengumpulkan informasi, mengasosiasikan, dan mengkomunik
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) ini membahas pelaksanaan pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa di SMP tentang ketrampilan hidup. RPP tersebut menjelaskan standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, indikator, tujuan pembelajaran, materi ajar, metode dan langkah pembelajaran, serta penilaian siswa. Pembelajaran diarahkan agar siswa mampu menulis mengenai ketrampilan hidup.
Rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran ini membahas pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas IX tentang membaca teks narrative. Tujuan pembelajaran adalah agar siswa dapat membaca teks narrative dengan intonasi yang tepat dan memahami struktur generik serta makna teksnya. Materi yang diajarkan adalah teks narrative pendek berjudul "The Frog King". Metode pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah Three-Phase Technique dan kegiatan pembelajaran ter
Rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) ini membahas pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas X tentang teks naratif berupa cerita pendek. Materi akan disampaikan dalam dua pertemuan dengan berbagai kegiatan seperti mengamati, bertanya, mengeksplorasi, berdiskusi, dan presentasi. Tujuannya adalah agar siswa dapat memahami unsur-unsur dalam teks naratif berupa cerita pendek.
Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai genre teks bahasa Inggris dan ciri-ciri kebahasaannya. Di antaranya adalah recount, narrative, descriptive, procedure, report, dan discussion beserta tujuan komunikatif, struktur teks, dan ciri kebahasaannya.
Puji dan syukur selalu kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberikan rahmat dan karunia-Nya sehingga Kumpulan Cerpen dari para siswa-siswi SMA Negeri 2 Muara Badak para perlombaan Sumpah pemuda tahun 2024 dengan tema Semangat Persatuan dan Kebangkitan dan perlombaan hari Guru tahun 2024 dengan tema Guru yang menginspirasi, membangun masa depan ini dapat dicetak. Diharapkan karya ini menjadi motivasi tersendiri bagi peserta didik SMA Negeri 2 Muara Badak yang lain untuk ikut berkarya mengembangkan kreatifitas. Kumpulan Cerpen ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menunjang Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) juga sebagai buku penunjang program Literasi Sekolah (LS) untuk itu, saya sebagai Kepala SMA Negeri 2 Muara Badak sangat mengapresiasi hadirnya buku ini.
Repositori Elib Perpustakaan Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN)Murad Maulana
PPT ini dipresentasikan dalam acara Diseminasi repositori perpustakaan BAPETEN yang diselenggarakan oleh Kepala Pusat Pengkajian Sistem dan Teknologi
Pengawasan Instalasi dan Bahan Nuklir (P2STPIBN) pada tanggal 25 Februari 2025
Jakarta Pasca Ibu Kota Negara - Majalah TelstraDadang Solihin
Banyak pertanyaan tentang bagaimana nasib Jakarta setelah tidak menjadi Ibu Kota Negara lagi. Sebagian besar masyarakat berkomentar bahwa Jakarta akan menjadi pusat bisnis. Jakarta diproyeksikan akan menjadi pusat ekonomi nasional pasca pemindahan ibu kota negara. Tentunya hal ini akan membuat Jakarta tetap akan menjadi magnet bagi investor, masyarakat ataupun pemerintah. Kawasan penyangga Jakarta seperti Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi diproyeksikan akan menjadi kawasan aglomerasi dengan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cukup besar.
Semoga Modul Ajar Seni Musik Kelas VIII ini bisa menjadi referensi untuk kalian dan bermanfaat untuk bersama. Aamiin...
Salam Manis
Widya Mukti Mulyani
Buku 1 tentang orang Hukum perdata Universitas Negeri Semarangiztawanasya1
1. 1
( R P P )
Nama Sekolah : SMPN 2 SUNGAI LIPUT
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Satuan Pendidikan : SMP / MTs
Kelas / Semester : IX / 2 (Genap)
NIM : 141100805
Jurusan / Prodi : Tarbiyah / PBI
Unit / Semester : 1 / VI
Mata Kuliah : Method of Teaching English
Dosen Pembimbing : CUT INTAN MEUTIA, MA
2. 2
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran
Nama Sekolah : SMPN 2 SUNGAI LIPUT
Kelas/Semester : IX / 2 (Genap)
Nama Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Skill/Fokus : Mendengarkan
Pertemuan Ke : 8 (Kedelapan)
Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit
Materi Pembelajaran : Narrative Text (A Fox and Goat)
I. Standart Kompetensi
Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek
sederhana berbentuk narrative dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.
II. Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara
akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk:
- Narrative
- Report
III. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Kognitif
a. Produk : Mengetahui dengan benar isi teks Narrative.
b. Proses : Memahami makna di dalam teks Narrative.
3. 3
2. Psikomotor
a. Mendengarkan isi dari teks Narrative.
b. Merespon dan memahami berbagai konteks dari teks Narrative.
3. Afektif (karakter social dan individu)
a. Karakter :
- Ikut serta dalam setiap aktifitas pembelajaran selama dalam proses
- Bertanggung jawab terhadap tugas yang diberikan.
b. Sikap :
- Ikut serta dalam proses pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada learner-
- Bertanya dengan sopan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di dalam kelas.
- Mendengar pendapat orang lain dengan baik tanpa menyanggah atau
- Berkomunikasi dengan baik, atau apa yang harus diucapkan, di mana dan
kepada siapa.
- Berpendapat secara baik dalam diskusi.
IV. Indikator
- Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi informasi penting yang terdapat dalam teks
esei berbentuk Narrative dengan tepat.
- Siswa dapat menentukan pernyataan benar atau salah sesuai dengan teks
esei berbentuk Narrative dengan tepat.
- Siswa dapat mengklasifikasikan informasi yang terdapat dalam teks esei
berbentuk Narrative dari teks yang telah diberikan.
- Siswa dapat membandingkan pilihan kata, ragam bahasa dan ilustrasi dari
teks esei berbentuk Narrative yang di baca.
4. 4
- Siswa dapat menulis teks esei berbentuk Narrative berdasarkan ilustrasi
yang diberikan guru.
V. Mode Pembelajaran
1. Metode : Lexical Approach
2. Teknik : Simulation
VI. Materi Pembelajaran
Narrative Text
Purpose :
Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to
tell stories or past events and entertain the readers.
Generic Structure of News Item :
A narrative text consists of the following structure:
1. Orientation : Introducing the participants and
informing the time and the place
2. Complication : Describing the rising crises which the
participants have to do with
3. Resolution : Showing the way of participant to solve
the crises, better or worse
Tense : Past Tense
5. 5
a. Listen and repeat, then find the meaning of these phrases
1. One after another : .......... 6. At last : ........
2. By and by : .......... 7. Looked for : ........
3. Come down : .......... 8. Walked about : ........
4. Get out : ..........
5. Jump down : ..........
b. Narrative text, Listen to the casssette/notebook or your teacher.
Try to understand the story.
A Fox and Goat
Have you ever heard any stories about foxes? A Fox is told about as a sly
animal which like to cheat others by tricks.
One hot summer day when all the ponds and rivers were dry, a fox walked
about to look for water to drink . At last he found an old well in which there was a
little water. But the well was very deep, and the water was out of his reach.
Narrative Text
Language Feature of Narrative :
In Narrative Text, there are some characteristics are as follows:
1. Using the Action Verb in the Past Tense form. For example: climbed,
Turned, Brought, etc.
2. Using specific nouns as a personal pronoun, certain animals and
objects in the story. For example: the king, the queen, and so on.
3. Using adjectives which form the noun phrase. For example: long
black hair, two red apples, etc.
4. Using Time and Conjunctions connectives to sequence events. For
example: then, before, after, soon, etc.
5. Using Adverbs and adverbial Phrase to indicate the location of the
incident or event. For example: here, in the mountain, happily ever
after, and so on.
6. 6
He tried again to reach it, and last he fell in but he could not get out. He was
just like a prey in a trap.
By and by a goat came to the well and saw the fox in it. He asked the fox, what
is the water like down there?
The water is very nice, and I cannot stop drinking it, said the fox. why not
come down and try it?
Down jumped the goat at once. As soon he jumped down, the fox jumped on
his back and go out of the well.
Taken from New Standard English Reader.
(Bahasa Inonesia)
Seekor Rubah dan Kambing
Pernahkah Anda mendengar cerita tentang rubah? seekor diceritakan tentang
sebagai hewan licik yang suka menipu orang lain dengan trik.
Suatu hari musim panas ketika semua kolam dan sungai yang kering, rubah
berjalan sekitar untuk mencari air minum. Akhirnya ia menemukan sebuah sumur
tua di mana ada sedikit air. Tapi sumur itu sangat dalam, dan air itu keluar dari
Dia mencoba lagi untuk mencapai itu, dan terakhir ia jatuh tapi ia tidak bisa
keluar. Dia hanya seperti mangsa dalam perangkap.
Dengan dan oleh kambing datang ke sumur dan melihat rubah di dalamnya.
Dia bertanya rubah, "apa air seperti di bawah sana?"
"Air ini sangat bagus, dan saya tidak bisa berhenti minum," kata rubah.
"Mengapa tidak turun dan mencobanya?"
Melompat kebawah kambing dengan sekali. Begitu ia melompat turun, rubah
melompat di punggungnya dan pergi keluar dari sumur.
Di ambil dari New Standard English Reader
7. 7
c. Analisis Narrative Text (A Fox and Goat)
1. The Vocabulary :
Able fell Jar story
Bill Flew Jumped Thought
Cheat Found Pond Trick
Crow Fox Reach Tried
Deep Goat Saw Walked
dropped Heard sly Well
2. Generic Structure of Narrative Text
a) First Paragraph : Orientation
b) Second Paragraph : Orientation
c) Third Paragraph : Complication
d) Fourth Paragraph : Complication
e) Fifth Paragraph : Complication
f) Sixth Paragraph : Resolution
3. Language Features :
1. Use action verbs : walked, look for, reach, drinking, jumped, and etc
2. Use saying verbs : asked and said
3. Use adverb : well and summer
4. Tense : Past
Positif Negatif Interrogative
8. 8
Simple S + to
S + to be
(was/were) + not
+ ....
to be (was/were)
+ s + ......?
Continouos S + was/were + v-
S + was/were+
not + v-ing
was/were + s
+ v-ing?
Perfect S + had + v-3 S + had + not + v-3 had +s+v-3?
S + had been+ v-
S + had not been +
had +s + been +
VII. Media : Tools, book, notebook, speaker, and colored card.
VIII. Kegiatan Belajar-Mengajar
Kegiatan Penjelasan
Kegiatan Awal (Pre Activity)
1. - Guru mengucapkan salam.
- Guru mulai mengabsen kehadiran siswa.
- Guru mengajak para siswa berdoa sebelum memulai
- Guru menanyakan kepada siswa beberapa pertanyaan
Have you ever heard tale or legend?
What are the tale or the legend ever you heard?
- Kemudian, guru meminta beberapa orang siswa untuk
memberikan tanggapan tentang dongeng atau legenda yang
mereka sebutkan.
- Guru menanyakan jenis teks dari dongeng atau legenda yang
ditanyakan kepada para siswa.
10 menit
Kegiatan Inti (While Activity)
9. 9
1. - Sebelum menyampaikan materi, guru meminta para siswa
untuk duduk teratur dan baik serta tenang agar belajar
bisa lebih fokus.
- Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran yang akan
dibicarakan yaitu mengenai Narrative Text.
- Guru melakukan tanya jawab mengenai Narrative Text.
Secara teratur dan sopan dengan menggunakan bahasa
Inggris, namun tidak mengutamakan grammar (dengan
maksud dapat menstimulasi para siswa untuk aktif
menggunakan bahasa inggris).
20 Menit
25 Menit
2. - Guru membagi siswa menjadi beberapa kelompok yang
terdiri dari 5 orang siswa dalam setiap kelompok dan
memberikan kopian/kertas yang berisikan phrases kepada
para siswa:
- One after another : ..........
- At last : ........
- By and by : ..........
- Looked for : ........
- Come down : ..........
- Walked about : ........
- Get out : ..........
- Jump down : ..........
Untuk di isi, dengan mendengarkan cassette yang
diputar hingga beberapa kali.
- Setelah memutar cassette beberapa kali, guru membagikan
kopian A Fox and Goat kepada para siswa dan kemudian
membahas hasil isian tersebut. Dan siswa diharuskan
mencari kata-kata yang dianggap sulit yang kemudian
mereka harus menterjemahkan kata-kata sulit itu dengan
menggunakan Kamus B. Inggris sebagai peningkatan
kosa kata.
- Setelah itu, Guru memerintahkan beberapa orang siswa
10. 10
untuk membaca teks A Fox and Goat dan meminta
siswa/i lainnya untuk memberikan ide cerita dari setiap
paragraph secara bergantian.
- Guru membantu menterjemahkan teks tersebut dengan
cara Potongan per potongan (collocation/phrases)
dari sebuah kalimat dan bukan kata per kata.
- Guru meminta siswa untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dan
memberikan tanggapan terhadap cerita a fox and goat
dengan menggunakan potongan lexical
- Guru memperkenalkan gagasan potongan lexical dan
memerintahkan para setiap kelompok untuk menulis
phrase baru dipapan tulis
- Guru memberikan beberapa IDIOM yang berkenaan
dengan teks tersebut.
3. - Sebagai pendalaman materi dan agar dapat membuat para
siswa aktif serta suasana kelas menjadi asik, Guru
memberikan Games.
- games berupa tebak phrases/idioms setelah mereka
dapat menebak phrases/idioms tersebut, mereka diharuskan
mampu menciptakan/membuat kalimat dari phrases
yang mereka tebak itu.
- guru memberikan hadiah kepada para siswa.
20 Menit
4 - Setelah itu, Guru memberikan soal tentang A clever Crow
kepada para siswa melalui media notebook/speaker dan
menginstruksikan para siswa agar fokus dan rileks ketika
mendengarkan soal yang diputarkan melalui media, sehingga
dalam proses pendalaman materi tercipta suasana yang
- Setelah pemutaran soal melalui media selesai, guru meminta
beberapa siswa untuk mengumpulkan tugas mereka dan
memeriksa secara bersama-sama.
10 Menit
11. 11
Kegiatan Akhir (Post Activity)
1. - Guru mengulang kembali dalam menjelaskan tujuan teks
Narratie dengan menanyakan apakah semua siswa sudah
mengerti terhadap materi tersebut.
- Guru memberikan tugas untuk dikerjakan dirumah masing-
- Guru mengajak para siswa untuk membuat kesimpulan
secara bersama-sama dan kemudian berdoa.
- Guru mengucapkan salam sebelum pulang.
5 Menit
IX. Sumber Pembelajaran
Buku Cetak Ganeca Exact (Smart Steps) An English Textbook for Junior High
School Grade IX (Hal: 132-134)
X. Evaluasi
a. Listen and complete the passage by numbering the words provided
A Clever Crow
One day a crow was very tired and thirsty. He ..... everywhere for
some water to drink, but he could not find ..... any. at last he ..... an old jar
in which there was a little water. The jar was so tall and the water was so
low that he ...... not ..... it with his short bill.
He ...... for a while. Then he ...... way to pick up some stones. He ..... the
stones into the jar one after another, and the water ...... up higher. At last
the crow was able to ..... as much as he liked.
12. 12
b. Make your own Narrative Text and out one of this making the
following instructions you have learned.
1. You are at home. You have to look for a tale or fable in your village by
interview your parent. You have to write down by structure and feature.
2. You have to write down based on the result of your interview. Dont take
the Narrative Text in the book or internet. So, dont be same each other.
XI. Penilaian
Teknik = Tes Tertulis
Bentuk = Fill The blank
Banyak soal = 10
Nilai Maksimal = 100
1. Satu jawaban benar mendapatkan skor 10.
2. Dua jawaban benar mendapatkan skor 20.
3. Tiga jawaban benar mendapatkan skor 30.
4. Empat jawaban benar mendapatkan skor 40.
5. Lima jawaban benar mendapatkan skor 50.
6. Enam jawaban benar mendapatkan skor 60.
7. Tujuh jawaban benar mendapatkan skor 70.
8. Delapan jawaban benar mendapatkan skor 80.
9. Sembilan jawaban benar mendapatkan skor 90.
10.Sepuluh jawaban benar mendapatkan skor 100.
13. 13
Mengetahui, Sungai Liput, 14 Juni 2014
Kepala Sekolah SMPN 2 Sungai Liput Guru Bidang Studi,
NIP: 19680302 199806 1 007 NIM: 141100805