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noixi Junior High School
 Anoixi State Junior High School was established in
1981. It is a state Junior High School in Anoixi,
situated about 30 km to the north of Athens, the
capital of Greece.
 All Junior High Schools in Greece have three grades.
Our school has 9 classes with about 200 students at
the age of 12 to 15.
 Our students learn English as a first foreign language
and have to choose between French and German for
a second foreign language.
Anoixi State Junior High School Presentation
What is there in our school?
 We have 9 classes, an assembly room, a school
canteen,a computer class, a technology class, an art
class, a science lab and a small school library.
 In the schoolyard there are a Volleyball and a
basketball court. When the weather is bad, we use
our indoors Sports hall.
Our Schoolday
 Every day we have a 7 period school lessons, from
8:20 to 14:05.
 There are two short breaks (5 minutes) and four
longer ones (10 minutes).
 After school is over, which means after 14:05, many
of our students participate in extra curricular
 There is a variety of programmes every year. These are
the ones that were implemented during 2014-2015:
 Environmental project
 English newspaper
 Sexual education
 Theatre club
 School choir
 Traditional and modern dance
 Seminars on learning difficulties aiming at informing
parents and fellow teachers on the issue
 E-twinning projects
 Educational field trips to places of archaeological,
cultural and vocational interest
 Erasmus+ programme
 Sports Day where students had the opportunity to
practise different sports
Our Canteen
painted by our own students!
Our Environmental group at work!
Anoixi State Junior High School Presentation
Our Art class
Our school choir and orchestra at the national
school festival
Erasmus+ KA1
Our Project
Our school participates
in a european project
(Schoolyears 2014-
Some of our teachers are
receiving special training
in different european
countries. Our main
focus is how to reduce or
even avoid early school
You can see here our

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Anoixi State Junior High School Presentation

  • 2. OUR SCHOOL Anoixi State Junior High School was established in 1981. It is a state Junior High School in Anoixi, situated about 30 km to the north of Athens, the capital of Greece. All Junior High Schools in Greece have three grades. Our school has 9 classes with about 200 students at the age of 12 to 15. Our students learn English as a first foreign language and have to choose between French and German for a second foreign language.
  • 4. What is there in our school? We have 9 classes, an assembly room, a school canteen,a computer class, a technology class, an art class, a science lab and a small school library. In the schoolyard there are a Volleyball and a basketball court. When the weather is bad, we use our indoors Sports hall.
  • 5. Our Schoolday Every day we have a 7 period school lessons, from 8:20 to 14:05. There are two short breaks (5 minutes) and four longer ones (10 minutes). After school is over, which means after 14:05, many of our students participate in extra curricular activities.
  • 6. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES There is a variety of programmes every year. These are the ones that were implemented during 2014-2015: Art Environmental project English newspaper Sexual education Theatre club School choir Orchestra Traditional and modern dance
  • 7. OTHER ACTIVITIES Seminars on learning difficulties aiming at informing parents and fellow teachers on the issue E-twinning projects Educational field trips to places of archaeological, cultural and vocational interest Erasmus+ programme Sports Day where students had the opportunity to practise different sports
  • 9. painted by our own students!
  • 13. Our school choir and orchestra at the national school festival
  • 20. Erasmus+ KA1 Our Project Our school participates in a european project (Schoolyears 2014- 2016). Some of our teachers are receiving special training in different european countries. Our main focus is how to reduce or even avoid early school leaving. You can see here our logo: