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Ch. 2 Powerpoint
     By Lauren
                                             *Matter is everything
                                           that takes up space and
                                          has mass. Everything you
                                            touch, taste, smell, see,
                                          and even things you cant,
                                          is matter. It can be made
                                            of one type of atom or
                                             many types of atoms             Mixture
                                                                         *Matter with properties
   Pure Substances                                                        that can vary and not
                                                                          鍖xed composition. Two
*Matter with 鍖xed, uniform composition.
                                                                         or more substances that
                                                                            you physically mix
    Element                                                                     together.
 *A substance that
cannot be destroyed
 into smaller parts.
                            Compound                      Heterogeneous              Homogeneous
  Only one type of
        atom              *A substance made                 Mixtures                   Mixtures
                           from two or more                                           *The parts in the
                                                        *The parts in the mixture
                           elements in 鍖xed                                           mixture are very
                                                           are very different.
                              proportions.                                            hard to tell apart.
Solutions:            Colloids:              Suspensions:
                   *A colloid contains
                                               *A suspension is a
*A solution is a   particles that are
 homogeneous            in-between
                                                   mixture, it
 mixture when        in size. They do
                                             separates over time. A
  2 or more         not seperate into
                                            great example is oil and
substances are       layers. Fog is a
                                          vineger or sand and water.
   dissolved       colloid. A property
   together.         of a colloid is a
                   scattering of light.
7 examples of physical properties
              *A physical property is used to recognize a material,
                       to select a material for a purpose,
                   or to take apart substences in a mixture.

                           *A materials capacity to
                              permit heat to 鍖ow
                               through it. Some
   Viscosity:                 materials are good          Malleability:
 *A property that           conductors of heat like      *It is when a solid is
determines a liquids        metal, others are not,            able to be
thickness, stickiness,             like wood.              hammered or bent
  and how it 鍖ows.                                              without
 When something is                                       breaking. Most metals
really thick is has a                                        are malleable.
    high viscosity.
 *The comparative resiliance of
  an object scratching another
        Hard as a rock.

         Melting &
     *The temperature when a
 substance changes from a solid
  to a liquid is called its melting
  point. The temperature when a
 liquid substance boils and turns
   into a gas is its boiling point.

*Density is a ratio of a substances
mass to its volume. It can tell you
 if a substance is pure or contains
         other substances.
Using Physical    A physical property is used to recognize a material,
                           to select a material for a purpose,
  Properties:           or to take apart substances in a mixture.

                                              Step 1.
Using Properties                    Decide the propeties to test.
   to Identify                                Step 2.
                                   Test a sample of the unknown.
   Materials:                                 Step 3.
                                          Compare results.

                                    *A property is chosen for the
   Properties to                         material to be used.
 Choose Materials:

                                  * This is when an object changes
                                  physically however the substances
Physical Changes:                 stay the same. An example would
                                        be ice cream melting.
Using Properties to
                             Separate Mixtures:
                     *The two common separation methods are,
                             鍖ltration and distillation.

               Filtration:                                      Distillation:
                                                  *It separates the materials by their
         *It separates the materials
                                                 boiling points. This is used to separate
  based on the size of the particles. If you
                                                particles that are small enough to pass
use a 鍖lter, some particles can be captured
                                                 through a 鍖lter. An example would be
  and some strain through. You would use
                                               you would use distillation when trying to
 鍖ltration when you were panning for gold.
                                                  separate fresh water and seawater.
 An example of when you use 鍖ltration when separating sand
 from water. Pour the sand and water into a test tube and
mix them together. Place a funnel inside the top of a beaker,
  then fold a piece of folded 鍖lter paper and put it in the
 funnel. Pour the test tube full of the sand and water, into
  the funnel and watch the water 鍖ow through the 鍖lter
   paper and the sand collect in the paper. After you have
removed the sand from the 鍖lter paper take the 鍖lter out of
              the beaker and set it out to dry.
   An example of when you use distillation when trying to
separate fresh water from seawater. Heat the seawater until
it changes into a gas. Cool the gas until it changes back into
   a liquid, that is collected into a container. This is able to
happen because the compounds that are dissolved in the sea
    water have a higher boiling point than in fresh water.
An example of when you use evaporation would be separating
    water from sodium chloride. Put the sodium chloride and
  water into a test tube and mix them together. After put it
into an evaporation dish and set the dish onto top of the wire
 stand. Under the wire stand put an alcohol burner and light
it on 鍖re. On the top of the evaporation dish there should be
   steam on the top of the water and the water should have
  small bubbles. After all the water has evaporated from the
              dish take the sodium chloride out.
Chemical Properties:
    A substance is able to burn with the presence of oxygen.

How readily substance chemically combines with another substance.
Recognizing Chemical Changes:
There are three different types of chemical change:
  a change in color, a production in a gas, and the
             formation of a precipitate.
A change in color:                              Production of a gas:
An example is: copper because it                 An example is: vinegar and baking
was shiny but then later it turns                              soda.

                     Formation of a precipitate:
                        An example is: the curdling of milk.
Is a rock a mixture?

          Is candy a pure substance?

Which is a homogeneous mixure; sand, trail mix,

    How would you classify the following;
water, salt, gold, oxygen, milk, wood, soup, glass
What is one way to tell the difference between a
         solution, suspension or colloid?
           Answer - By its ----------
What physical property term would you use to

                 quick sand
If you were trying to 鍖nd a needle is a hay stack,
     what separation method would you use?

              What is a property?

          What is paint an example of?

                What is matter?

  What is an example of a physical change of a
             colloid liquid to a solid?
Is pure sugar a pure substance?

Approximately how many elements are
        there in the world?

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  • 1. Ch. 2 Powerpoint By Lauren
  • 2. Matter *Matter is everything that takes up space and has mass. Everything you touch, taste, smell, see, and even things you cant, is matter. It can be made of one type of atom or many types of atoms Mixture *Matter with properties Pure Substances that can vary and not 鍖xed composition. Two *Matter with 鍖xed, uniform composition. or more substances that you physically mix Element together. *A substance that cannot be destroyed into smaller parts. Compound Heterogeneous Homogeneous Only one type of atom *A substance made Mixtures Mixtures from two or more *The parts in the *The parts in the mixture elements in 鍖xed mixture are very are very different. proportions. hard to tell apart.
  • 3. Solutions: Colloids: Suspensions: *A colloid contains *A suspension is a *A solution is a particles that are heterogeneous homogeneous in-between mixture, it mixture when in size. They do separates over time. A 2 or more not seperate into great example is oil and substances are layers. Fog is a vineger or sand and water. dissolved colloid. A property together. of a colloid is a scattering of light.
  • 4. 7 examples of physical properties *A physical property is used to recognize a material, to select a material for a purpose, or to take apart substences in a mixture. Conductivity: *A materials capacity to permit heat to 鍖ow through it. Some Viscosity: materials are good Malleability: *A property that conductors of heat like *It is when a solid is determines a liquids metal, others are not, able to be thickness, stickiness, like wood. hammered or bent and how it 鍖ows. without When something is breaking. Most metals really thick is has a are malleable. high viscosity.
  • 5. Hardness: *The comparative resiliance of an object scratching another object. Hard as a rock. Melting & Boiling Points: *The temperature when a substance changes from a solid to a liquid is called its melting point. The temperature when a liquid substance boils and turns into a gas is its boiling point. Density: *Density is a ratio of a substances mass to its volume. It can tell you if a substance is pure or contains other substances.
  • 6. Using Physical A physical property is used to recognize a material, to select a material for a purpose, Properties: or to take apart substances in a mixture. Step 1. Using Properties Decide the propeties to test. to Identify Step 2. Test a sample of the unknown. Materials: Step 3. Compare results. Using *A property is chosen for the Properties to material to be used. Choose Materials: * This is when an object changes physically however the substances Physical Changes: stay the same. An example would be ice cream melting.
  • 7. Using Properties to Separate Mixtures: *The two common separation methods are, 鍖ltration and distillation. Filtration: Distillation: *It separates the materials by their *It separates the materials boiling points. This is used to separate based on the size of the particles. If you particles that are small enough to pass use a 鍖lter, some particles can be captured through a 鍖lter. An example would be and some strain through. You would use you would use distillation when trying to 鍖ltration when you were panning for gold. separate fresh water and seawater.
  • 8. Filtration: An example of when you use 鍖ltration when separating sand from water. Pour the sand and water into a test tube and mix them together. Place a funnel inside the top of a beaker, then fold a piece of folded 鍖lter paper and put it in the funnel. Pour the test tube full of the sand and water, into the funnel and watch the water 鍖ow through the 鍖lter paper and the sand collect in the paper. After you have removed the sand from the 鍖lter paper take the 鍖lter out of the beaker and set it out to dry.
  • 9. Distillation: An example of when you use distillation when trying to separate fresh water from seawater. Heat the seawater until it changes into a gas. Cool the gas until it changes back into a liquid, that is collected into a container. This is able to happen because the compounds that are dissolved in the sea water have a higher boiling point than in fresh water.
  • 10. Evaporation: An example of when you use evaporation would be separating water from sodium chloride. Put the sodium chloride and water into a test tube and mix them together. After put it into an evaporation dish and set the dish onto top of the wire stand. Under the wire stand put an alcohol burner and light it on 鍖re. On the top of the evaporation dish there should be steam on the top of the water and the water should have small bubbles. After all the water has evaporated from the dish take the sodium chloride out.
  • 11. Chemical Properties: Flammability: A substance is able to burn with the presence of oxygen. Reactivity: How readily substance chemically combines with another substance.
  • 12. Recognizing Chemical Changes: There are three different types of chemical change: a change in color, a production in a gas, and the formation of a precipitate.
  • 13. A change in color: Production of a gas: An example is: copper because it An example is: vinegar and baking was shiny but then later it turns soda. green. Formation of a precipitate: An example is: the curdling of milk.
  • 14. Is a rock a mixture? Is candy a pure substance? Which is a homogeneous mixure; sand, trail mix, lemonade? How would you classify the following; water, salt, gold, oxygen, milk, wood, soup, glass
  • 15. What is one way to tell the difference between a solution, suspension or colloid? Answer - By its ----------
  • 16. What physical property term would you use to describe: syrup copper quick sand water
  • 17. If you were trying to 鍖nd a needle is a hay stack, what separation method would you use? What is a property? What is paint an example of? What is matter? What is an example of a physical change of a colloid liquid to a solid?
  • 18. Is pure sugar a pure substance? Approximately how many elements are there in the world?

Editor's Notes