Adsorptive Removal Of Dye From Industrial Dye Effluents Using Low-Cost Adsorb...IJERA Editor
Industrial, agricultural, and domestic activities of humans have affected the environmental system, resulting in drastic problems such as global warming and the generation of wastewater containing high concentration of pollutants. As water of good quality is a precious commodity and available in limited amounts, it has become highly imperative to treat wastewater for removal of pollutants. In addition, the rapid modernization of society has also led to the generation of huge amount of materials of little value that have no fruitful use. Such materials are generally considered as waste, and their disposal is a problem. The utilization of all such materials as low-cost adsorbents for the treatment of wastewater may make them of some value. An effort has been made to give a brief idea about the low-cost alternative adsorbents with a view to utilizing these waste/low-cost materials in the treatment of wastewater.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang aturan main untuk sebuah kuis, termasuk tidak menggunakan keyboard dan hak cipta dilindungi. Kemudian memberikan pertanyaan tentang cara memutuskan koneksi saat menutup PC dan manfaat jaringan seperti berkomunikasi dan berbagi data. Terakhir memberikan instruksi cara mengecek koneksi jaringan menggunakan perintah ping.
Development of Abrasive Selection Model/Chart for Palm Frond Broom Peeling Ma...IJERA Editor
A model for predicting the friction required by a palm frond broom peeling machine for effective peeling of palm leaf to broom bristle and a chart for selecting the best abrasive material for this machines peeling operation were developed in this study using mechanistic modeling method. The model quantified the relationship between the coefficient of friction and other operational parameters of this machine while the abrasives selection chart constitutes a plot of this measured friction parameter against the abrasive materials used in palm frond broom peeling machine fabrication. The values of the coefficient of friction of palm leaf on different abrasive materials used in this plot were determined from experimental study of the effect of moisture content level of naturally withered palm leaves (uninfluenced by external forces) on their coefficient of friction with the abrasives. Results revealed the average moisture content of palm leaf this machine can peel effectively as 6.96% and also that the roughest among the abrasives that approximate the coefficient of friction for a specific design of this peeling machine gives maximum peeling efficiency. Thus, the roughest among the abrasive materials that approximate the coefficient of friction for a specific design of this machine should be selected and used for its fabrication and operation.
Green Roofs and Green Building Rating SystemsIJERA Editor
The environmental benefits for green building from the Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED)
and Ecology, Energy, Waste, and Health (EEWH) rating systems have been extensively investigated; however,
the effect of green roofs on the credit-earning mechanisms is relatively unexplored. This study is concerned with
the environmental benefits of green roofs with respect to sustainability, stormwater control, energy savings, and
water resources. We focused on the relationship between green coverage and the credits of the rating systems,
evaluated the credits efficiency, and performed cost analysis. As an example, we used a university building in
Keelung, Northern Taiwan. The findings suggest that with EEWH, the proposed green coverage is 5075%,
whereas with LEED, the proposed green coverage is 100%. These findings have implications for the application
of green roofs in green building.
A report on Groundwater quality studies in Malwa region of Punjab, MUKTSARIJERA Editor
Punjab is the most cultivated state in India with the highest consumption of fertilizers. Muktsar district is one of them. Economy of the district is based on the Agriculture crops and 80% population of the district is engaged in Agriculture. Sri Muktsar Sahib is situated in the cotton belt of Punjab. Paddy, Wheat, Sugarcane, Oilseeds, Pulses and vegetables are also cultivated in this area. This paper highlights the analysis of groundwater quality parameters and compares its suitability for irrigation and drinking purpose. Water samples were collected from hand-pumps at different depth in October 2010. . Water samples were analysed for almost all major cations, anions, dissolved heavy metals and turbidity. parameters like total hardness, EC, magnesium ratio, were calculated on the basis of chemical data. A questionnaire was also used to investigate perception of villagers on taste and odour. The heavy metals studied in industrial area of Muktsar were Mercury, arsenic and lead. Comparison of the concentration of the chemical constituents with WHO (world health organization) drinking water standards of 2004 , ICMR limits and various classifications show that present status of groundwater in Muktsar is not suitable for drinking. Higher totalhardness (TH) and total dissolved solids at numerous places indicate the unsuitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation. Results obtained in this forms baseline data for the utility of groundwater. No clear correlation between the quality parameters studied here and perceived quality in terms of satisfactory taste response were obtained at electrical conductivity values higher than the threshold minimum acceptable value.
Analysis of Seismic Performance of Rock Block Structures with STAAD ProIJERA Editor
From olden days until now in our construction filed unreinforced masonry blocks of rocks is used as foundation and super structure wall as load bearing structure. In which blocks are stacked, sometimes being mortared with various cements. Ancient civilizations used locally available rocks and cements to construct rock block columns, walls and edifices for residences, temples, fortifications and infrastructure. Monuments still exist as testaments to the high quality construction by historic cultures, despite the seismic and other potentially damaging geo-mechanical disturbances that threaten them. Conceptual failure modes under seismic conditions of rock block structures, observed in the field or the laboratory, are presented. Our proposed work is analytically is carried out with rock block of 1m by 1m with 200 mm rock block under seismic loading to find out the damaged caused by the Mw 6.7 and 6.0 earthquakes on that block subject to dynamic load. Finally graphical output has generated and suggested for safe construction with more seismic load on rock blocks.
Dynamic Simulation of Chemical Kinetics in MicrocontrollerIJERA Editor
This document summarizes a study that evaluated the performance of dynamic simulations using the Runge-Kutta numerical method on three Arduino microcontroller boards - the ATMEGA 328P and 2560 (both 8-bit) and the SAM3X8E (32-bit ARM Cortex). The study used a first-order chemical reaction kinetic model of a batch reactor as a test case. Results showed processing time was nearly identical for the 8-bit boards but the 32-bit board was 25% faster. Error between the numerical and exact solutions was small and similar across boards. While memory was sufficient, serial output greatly reduced speeds, with speeds up to 16-42 times faster without serial output. The study demonstrated
A Review: Welding Of Dissimilar Metal Alloys by Laser Beam Welding & Friction...IJERA Editor
Welding of dissimilar metals has attracted attention of the researchers worldwide, owing to its many advantages and challenges. There is no denial in the fact that dissimilar welded joints offer more flexibility in the design and production of the commercial and industrial components. Many welding techniques have been analyzed to join dissimilar metal combinations. The objective of this paper is to review two such techniques Laser welding and Friction stir welding. Laser beam welding, a high power density and low energy-input process, employs a laser beam to produce welds of dissimilar materials. Friction stir welding, a solid-state joining process, is also successfully used in dissimilar welding applications like aerospace and ship building industries. This paper summarizes the trends and advances of these two welding processes in the field of dissimilar welding. Future aspects of the study are also discussed.
Adsorptive Removal Of Dye From Industrial Dye Effluents Using Low-Cost Adsorb...IJERA Editor
Industrial, agricultural, and domestic activities of humans have affected the environmental system, resulting in drastic problems such as global warming and the generation of wastewater containing high concentration of pollutants. As water of good quality is a precious commodity and available in limited amounts, it has become highly imperative to treat wastewater for removal of pollutants. In addition, the rapid modernization of society has also led to the generation of huge amount of materials of little value that have no fruitful use. Such materials are generally considered as waste, and their disposal is a problem. The utilization of all such materials as low-cost adsorbents for the treatment of wastewater may make them of some value. An effort has been made to give a brief idea about the low-cost alternative adsorbents with a view to utilizing these waste/low-cost materials in the treatment of wastewater.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang aturan main untuk sebuah kuis, termasuk tidak menggunakan keyboard dan hak cipta dilindungi. Kemudian memberikan pertanyaan tentang cara memutuskan koneksi saat menutup PC dan manfaat jaringan seperti berkomunikasi dan berbagi data. Terakhir memberikan instruksi cara mengecek koneksi jaringan menggunakan perintah ping.
Development of Abrasive Selection Model/Chart for Palm Frond Broom Peeling Ma...IJERA Editor
A model for predicting the friction required by a palm frond broom peeling machine for effective peeling of palm leaf to broom bristle and a chart for selecting the best abrasive material for this machines peeling operation were developed in this study using mechanistic modeling method. The model quantified the relationship between the coefficient of friction and other operational parameters of this machine while the abrasives selection chart constitutes a plot of this measured friction parameter against the abrasive materials used in palm frond broom peeling machine fabrication. The values of the coefficient of friction of palm leaf on different abrasive materials used in this plot were determined from experimental study of the effect of moisture content level of naturally withered palm leaves (uninfluenced by external forces) on their coefficient of friction with the abrasives. Results revealed the average moisture content of palm leaf this machine can peel effectively as 6.96% and also that the roughest among the abrasives that approximate the coefficient of friction for a specific design of this peeling machine gives maximum peeling efficiency. Thus, the roughest among the abrasive materials that approximate the coefficient of friction for a specific design of this machine should be selected and used for its fabrication and operation.
Green Roofs and Green Building Rating SystemsIJERA Editor
The environmental benefits for green building from the Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED)
and Ecology, Energy, Waste, and Health (EEWH) rating systems have been extensively investigated; however,
the effect of green roofs on the credit-earning mechanisms is relatively unexplored. This study is concerned with
the environmental benefits of green roofs with respect to sustainability, stormwater control, energy savings, and
water resources. We focused on the relationship between green coverage and the credits of the rating systems,
evaluated the credits efficiency, and performed cost analysis. As an example, we used a university building in
Keelung, Northern Taiwan. The findings suggest that with EEWH, the proposed green coverage is 5075%,
whereas with LEED, the proposed green coverage is 100%. These findings have implications for the application
of green roofs in green building.
A report on Groundwater quality studies in Malwa region of Punjab, MUKTSARIJERA Editor
Punjab is the most cultivated state in India with the highest consumption of fertilizers. Muktsar district is one of them. Economy of the district is based on the Agriculture crops and 80% population of the district is engaged in Agriculture. Sri Muktsar Sahib is situated in the cotton belt of Punjab. Paddy, Wheat, Sugarcane, Oilseeds, Pulses and vegetables are also cultivated in this area. This paper highlights the analysis of groundwater quality parameters and compares its suitability for irrigation and drinking purpose. Water samples were collected from hand-pumps at different depth in October 2010. . Water samples were analysed for almost all major cations, anions, dissolved heavy metals and turbidity. parameters like total hardness, EC, magnesium ratio, were calculated on the basis of chemical data. A questionnaire was also used to investigate perception of villagers on taste and odour. The heavy metals studied in industrial area of Muktsar were Mercury, arsenic and lead. Comparison of the concentration of the chemical constituents with WHO (world health organization) drinking water standards of 2004 , ICMR limits and various classifications show that present status of groundwater in Muktsar is not suitable for drinking. Higher totalhardness (TH) and total dissolved solids at numerous places indicate the unsuitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation. Results obtained in this forms baseline data for the utility of groundwater. No clear correlation between the quality parameters studied here and perceived quality in terms of satisfactory taste response were obtained at electrical conductivity values higher than the threshold minimum acceptable value.
Analysis of Seismic Performance of Rock Block Structures with STAAD ProIJERA Editor
From olden days until now in our construction filed unreinforced masonry blocks of rocks is used as foundation and super structure wall as load bearing structure. In which blocks are stacked, sometimes being mortared with various cements. Ancient civilizations used locally available rocks and cements to construct rock block columns, walls and edifices for residences, temples, fortifications and infrastructure. Monuments still exist as testaments to the high quality construction by historic cultures, despite the seismic and other potentially damaging geo-mechanical disturbances that threaten them. Conceptual failure modes under seismic conditions of rock block structures, observed in the field or the laboratory, are presented. Our proposed work is analytically is carried out with rock block of 1m by 1m with 200 mm rock block under seismic loading to find out the damaged caused by the Mw 6.7 and 6.0 earthquakes on that block subject to dynamic load. Finally graphical output has generated and suggested for safe construction with more seismic load on rock blocks.
Dynamic Simulation of Chemical Kinetics in MicrocontrollerIJERA Editor
This document summarizes a study that evaluated the performance of dynamic simulations using the Runge-Kutta numerical method on three Arduino microcontroller boards - the ATMEGA 328P and 2560 (both 8-bit) and the SAM3X8E (32-bit ARM Cortex). The study used a first-order chemical reaction kinetic model of a batch reactor as a test case. Results showed processing time was nearly identical for the 8-bit boards but the 32-bit board was 25% faster. Error between the numerical and exact solutions was small and similar across boards. While memory was sufficient, serial output greatly reduced speeds, with speeds up to 16-42 times faster without serial output. The study demonstrated
A Review: Welding Of Dissimilar Metal Alloys by Laser Beam Welding & Friction...IJERA Editor
Welding of dissimilar metals has attracted attention of the researchers worldwide, owing to its many advantages and challenges. There is no denial in the fact that dissimilar welded joints offer more flexibility in the design and production of the commercial and industrial components. Many welding techniques have been analyzed to join dissimilar metal combinations. The objective of this paper is to review two such techniques Laser welding and Friction stir welding. Laser beam welding, a high power density and low energy-input process, employs a laser beam to produce welds of dissimilar materials. Friction stir welding, a solid-state joining process, is also successfully used in dissimilar welding applications like aerospace and ship building industries. This paper summarizes the trends and advances of these two welding processes in the field of dissimilar welding. Future aspects of the study are also discussed.
The Opportunity of Using Wind to Generate Power as a Renewable Energy:"Case o...IJERA Editor
The demand ofsustainable energy is increased daily by expanding our cities and creating new cities and suburbswith huge towers besides increasing in population,moreover the environment and human life is threatening by the pollutions resulted from energy generation. For this reason the researchersattracted todevelop renewable energy and explore its large benefits and unit capacity. Wind power is one of the clean renewable energy resources.Therefore the importance of implementing this resource in Kuwait draws our attention to make this research to emphasis on the technical and economic aspects due to acceptable environmental conditions. Whereas, in some areas of the world, such as in Japan, has some geographical and electrical restrictions such as power fluctuating for land wind generation. And the introductionof large amount of wind power generation tends to be extremely difficult and even impossible in some location. This research is aimed to concentrate on the visibility of utilizing the wind energy as complementary source for the existing steam and gas turbine power stations in Kuwait, furthermore point out the economical perspectives that will guide us to take the right decision. The location of wind farms is very important in this aspect where we cannot build such projects inside the cities between buildings besides meeting the minimum requirements for economic generation. The study prove to us that even at a location which is almost close to the inhabitants buildings ( Kuwait airport ) can get accepted results the historical data was collected from the weather station at internet. The implementation of wind turbine farms is foreseen to be economic in generation for long run and encouragestepping up toward putting the infrastructure design. Furthermoreit is an opportunity for creating new job vacancies.
Electronic bands structure and gap in mid-infrared detector InAs/GaSb type II...IJERA Editor
We present here theoretical study of the electronic bands structure E (d1) of InAs (d1=25 )/GaSb (d2=25 ) type
II superlattice at 4.2 K performed in the envelope function formalism. We study the effect of d1 and the offset ,
between heavy holes bands edges of InAs and GaSb, on the band gap Eg (), at the center of the first Brillouin
zone, and the semiconductor-to-semimetal transition. Eg (, T) decreases from 288.7 meV at 4.2 K to 230 meV
at 300K. In the investigated temperature range, the cut-off wavelength 4.3 m c 5.4 m situates this sample
as mid-wavelength infrared detector (MWIR). Our results are in good agreement with the experimental data
realized by C. Cervera et al.
4. PhishingPhishing
Phishing web gune batean zure
informazioa peskatzea da . Pertsona
batek web orri horrek bezala bidaltzen
dizu mezu bat non esaten dizu
problema bat eduki dutela zuen datu
bankarioekin eta orduan pertsona
geratzen da zure datuekin
5. Zabo postaZabo posta (spam)
Zabor-posta (Spam ingelesez) hartzailearen baimenik gabe bidalitako
mezuak dira. Normalean posta elektronicoan badago karpeta bat
posta elektroniko horiek gordetzeko
6. BirusakBirusak
Birusa erabiltzailearen baimenik edo ezagutzarik gabe
eta automatikoki bere burua kopiatuz, konputagailuaren
funtzionamendu normala aldatzea helburu duen
programa da.Hiru fase ditu:
-Sartu sisteman
-Kopiatu edo ugaldu
-Kalteak egin
7. TroiarrakTroiarrak
Troiako zaldi edo troiako
konputagailu-sareen arloan bi
txandatako erasoaren egitura duen
malwarea da. Izena Homeroren
olerkiaren arabera eman zitzaion,
troiako gerran eginiko erasoa
8. HarrakHarrak
Birus hau duplikatzeko gaitasuna dauka. Harrak
erabiltzen du sistema eragile baten zati automatikoa eta
orduan hori ordenagailua relentizatzen du
9. Password crackPassword crack
Pass Word Crack-ak Informatikaren arloan sistema edo super
erabiltzailearen pasahitza lapurtzeko erabiltzen den teknika multzoa
edo prozezua da
11. FirewallFirewall
Firewall edo suebakia oinarrizko
aldez aurretiko neurria da, sareko
segurtasuna hobetzeaz gain,
kontrolerako eta zentsurarako erabili
daitekeena. Gaur egun ordenagailuak
etengabe daude Internetera
konektaturik, milaka programa
arriskutsu eta kaltegarrien eskuetatik
gertu. Hauek ordenagailua
gainkargatzen dute, izorratzera heldu