Hail explanation pieces written by the students of 1/2CPcetrola
Hail forms when strong winds carry water droplets high into the sky, where they freeze into balls or layers of ice. As the hailstones grow heavier and the winds weaken, they eventually fall back down to the ground as hail. The freezing process causes the water droplets to build up into larger hailstones, sometimes growing as large as golf balls before becoming too heavy for the winds to support and falling.
The document summarizes what was learned from reading the book "Snail and Turtle are Friends" by S.M. King. It discusses how the book uses ellipses to create pauses, how borders can influence feelings of coziness vs openness, and how the main characters' friendship is based on spending time together. It also notes lessons about having shared and different interests with friends, onomatopoeia, compromise, and the color palette used in the book's illustrations.
This document provides information on several topics related to ecology and culture. It discusses the Aral Sea and how it may once again become a port in 2011. It then summarizes the history of the Aral Sea and how it has experienced environmental degradation. The document also discusses events at the Renaissance Amsterdam Hotel to celebrate Earth Hour and Environmental Awareness Month in April, including turning off non-essential lights and offering a "go green" package. Additionally, it mentions Marriott International supporting the "International Year of Forests" in 2011 and focusing on protecting 1.4 million acres of endangered rainforest. The document continues with information on Singapore as an island state and major port located between Malaysia and Indonesia, and how it has
This document provides information about the history and environmental impact of the shrinking of the Aral Sea located between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. It discusses how the Soviet Union diverted water from the rivers feeding the sea in the 1960s to irrigate cotton fields, causing the sea to lose over 75% of its water and splitting into two bodies of water. This has led to ecological and health issues as dust and chemicals from the dried seabed are spread by winds. The document also shares photos and descriptions of explorations of the dried former seabed and surrounding areas, and details the cultural and economic changes to communities that relied on the sea.
Wat is Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen (MVO) en ISO 26000?, door Sabin...Agoria
The document discusses corporate social responsibility and what drives companies to invest in CSR. It outlines two main principles of CSR - taking responsibility for a company's social and environmental impacts, and identifying and interacting with stakeholders. It also discusses ISO 26000 guidance which outlines seven core subjects of CSR: organizational governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues, and community involvement.
Novotny & Company is a Houston-based firm that has helped commercial, residential, and business property owners secure fair property tax assessments for over 20 years. The document discusses how a property tax consultation can help eliminate errors in a property's tax assessment by taking into account specific factors like a business property's age, condition, and exemptions. It also notes that business property taxation includes items used to produce income like office furniture, fixtures, supplies, and inventory. The document encourages business owners to visit NovotnyCompany.com for more information on their property tax consultation services.
Hail explanation pieces written by the students of 12 cpcetrola
Hail is formed when water droplets are carried up into the sky by strong winds. As the droplets rise higher, they enter colder areas of the atmosphere and freeze into balls of ice. The hailstones grow in size as they continue rising and having layers of ice form upon them. Eventually, the hailstones become too heavy for the winds to support and they fall back to earth as precipitation.
The document discusses how the digital world has changed the traditional model of how companies attract and engage with customers. In the old world, companies focused mainly on attracting new customers through advertising, while customer experience and word-of-mouth sharing did not matter as much. However, with the rise of the internet and social media, word-of-mouth now has a greater impact and ability to shape perceptions, and companies must focus on the overall customer experience in order to trigger positive sharing. Budgets are now shifting from traditional advertising to social media strategies.
Hail explanation pieces written by the students of 1/2CPcetrola
Hail forms when strong winds carry water droplets high into the sky, where they freeze into balls or layers of ice. As the hailstones grow heavier and the winds weaken, they eventually fall back down to the ground as hail. The freezing process causes the water droplets to build up into larger hailstones, sometimes growing as large as golf balls before becoming too heavy for the winds to support and falling.
The document summarizes what was learned from reading the book "Snail and Turtle are Friends" by S.M. King. It discusses how the book uses ellipses to create pauses, how borders can influence feelings of coziness vs openness, and how the main characters' friendship is based on spending time together. It also notes lessons about having shared and different interests with friends, onomatopoeia, compromise, and the color palette used in the book's illustrations.
This document provides information on several topics related to ecology and culture. It discusses the Aral Sea and how it may once again become a port in 2011. It then summarizes the history of the Aral Sea and how it has experienced environmental degradation. The document also discusses events at the Renaissance Amsterdam Hotel to celebrate Earth Hour and Environmental Awareness Month in April, including turning off non-essential lights and offering a "go green" package. Additionally, it mentions Marriott International supporting the "International Year of Forests" in 2011 and focusing on protecting 1.4 million acres of endangered rainforest. The document continues with information on Singapore as an island state and major port located between Malaysia and Indonesia, and how it has
This document provides information about the history and environmental impact of the shrinking of the Aral Sea located between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. It discusses how the Soviet Union diverted water from the rivers feeding the sea in the 1960s to irrigate cotton fields, causing the sea to lose over 75% of its water and splitting into two bodies of water. This has led to ecological and health issues as dust and chemicals from the dried seabed are spread by winds. The document also shares photos and descriptions of explorations of the dried former seabed and surrounding areas, and details the cultural and economic changes to communities that relied on the sea.
Wat is Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen (MVO) en ISO 26000?, door Sabin...Agoria
The document discusses corporate social responsibility and what drives companies to invest in CSR. It outlines two main principles of CSR - taking responsibility for a company's social and environmental impacts, and identifying and interacting with stakeholders. It also discusses ISO 26000 guidance which outlines seven core subjects of CSR: organizational governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues, and community involvement.
Novotny & Company is a Houston-based firm that has helped commercial, residential, and business property owners secure fair property tax assessments for over 20 years. The document discusses how a property tax consultation can help eliminate errors in a property's tax assessment by taking into account specific factors like a business property's age, condition, and exemptions. It also notes that business property taxation includes items used to produce income like office furniture, fixtures, supplies, and inventory. The document encourages business owners to visit NovotnyCompany.com for more information on their property tax consultation services.
Hail explanation pieces written by the students of 12 cpcetrola
Hail is formed when water droplets are carried up into the sky by strong winds. As the droplets rise higher, they enter colder areas of the atmosphere and freeze into balls of ice. The hailstones grow in size as they continue rising and having layers of ice form upon them. Eventually, the hailstones become too heavy for the winds to support and they fall back to earth as precipitation.
The document discusses how the digital world has changed the traditional model of how companies attract and engage with customers. In the old world, companies focused mainly on attracting new customers through advertising, while customer experience and word-of-mouth sharing did not matter as much. However, with the rise of the internet and social media, word-of-mouth now has a greater impact and ability to shape perceptions, and companies must focus on the overall customer experience in order to trigger positive sharing. Budgets are now shifting from traditional advertising to social media strategies.
4. Phishing
Phishing web gune batean zure
informazioa peskatzea da . Pertsona
batek web orri horrek bezala bidaltzen dizu
mezu bat non esaten dizu problema bat
eduki dutela zuen datu bankarioekin eta
orduan pertsona geratzen da zure datuekin
5. Zabo posta (spam)
Zabor-posta (Spam ingelesez) hartzailearen baimenik gabe bidalitako
mezuak dira. Normalean posta elektronicoan badago karpeta bat
posta elektroniko horiek gordetzeko
6. Birusak
Birusa erabiltzailearen baimenik edo ezagutzarik gabe
eta automatikoki bere burua kopiatuz, konputagailuaren
funtzionamendu normala aldatzea helburu duen
programa da.Hiru fase ditu:
-Sartu sisteman
-Kopiatu edo ugaldu
-Kalteak egin
7. Troiarrak
Troiako zaldi edo troiako
konputagailu-sareen arloan bi
txandatako erasoaren egitura duen
malwarea da. Izena Homeroren
olerkiaren arabera eman zitzaion,
troiako gerran eginiko erasoa
8. Harrak
Birus hau duplikatzeko gaitasuna dauka. Harrak
erabiltzen du sistema eragile baten zati automatikoa eta
orduan hori ordenagailua relentizatzen du
9. Password crack
Pass Word Crack-ak Informatikaren arloan sistema edo super
erabiltzailearen pasahitza lapurtzeko erabiltzen den teknika multzoa
edo prozezua da
10. Firewall
Firewall edo suebakia oinarrizko
aldez aurretiko neurria da, sareko
segurtasuna hobetzeaz gain,
kontrolerako eta zentsurarako
erabili daitekeena. Gaur egun
ordenagailuak etengabe daude
Internetera konektaturik, milaka
programa arriskutsu eta
kaltegarrien eskuetatik gertu.
Hauek ordenagailua gainkargatzen
dute, izorratzera heldu arte.