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2305 Edmunds Ave.
Modesto, CA 95350
(209) 505-0255
Robert P. Sereno
Objective Food Process Chemist / Analyst seeking a managerial or supervisory
position where food safety knowledge, scientific background, process
knowledge, and personal communication skills can be used to aid in the
growth and development of a Food Industry Company.
Highlights  Food Safety, Chemistry, Microbiology, Analytical, and Supervisory Skills
 10 Years Food Industry Experience  Quality Assurance Department
 In Depth Problem Solving, Corrective Action/Preventative Action (CAPA)
and Continuous Improvement Knowledge
 Understanding of Process Design, Flow and Purpose
 Ability to Work With Multiple Departments Including Plant Floor,
Operations, Engineering, Quality Assurance, and Upper Management
 Experienced in SQF, HACCP, GMPs, and all Quality and Food Safety
Accomplishments  Initiated the Dalhart Site Whey Chemistry labs by designing the lab layout
and securing instruments and consumables through vendors. Interviewed
/ hired the initial Dalhart Whey Chemistry Lab staff and trained on
processes and procedures.
 Starting member of the Continuous Improvement Team and aided in the
creation of the CAPA, PIN (used to report production food safety
violations), and PLAS (production loss accounting) systems.
 Creation and execution of all routine QA reports (corporate and site)
through the use of Business Intelligence Software, Crystal Reports, and
MS Excel to produce a one truth for QA reporting for upper levels of
Experience 2005  2015 Hilmar Cheese Company Hilmar, CA
Corporate Process Performance Analyst (2014  2015)
 Analyzed, reported and interpreted process performance parameters
such as milk producer quality / standardization, cheese IP/FP
performance, microbial and pathogen testing, under grade / product on
hold trends, analytical trends, etc.
 Supported the Sales and Customer Service group for customer inquiries
and complaints by supplying process control and nutritional data. Had
direct communication with customers for complaint responses.
 Assisted Corporate and Site Operations, QA, R&D, and Cheese
Technical Services in root cause and corrective actions of quality defects
utilizing Pareto charts, Kaizen, and other CI tools.
 Investigated CAPAs, environmental trace backs, IP microbial high counts,
sanitation violations etc. and ensured validation and effectiveness of
corrections applied.
Corporate Chemist (2012  2014)
 Responsible for the analytical method performance and operations of the
Hilmar and Dalhart site cheese and whey chemistry labs including SPC.
 Development and creation of lab SOPs, training documents, calibration
records, maintenance records, process flow, and sample logs in
accordance to ISO and SQF standards.
 Reformed the sampling / compositing process to more accurately
represent the finished product for both chemistry and micro analysis.
Quality Assurance / Production Control Analyst (2009 2012)
 Review and analysis of all daily in-process and finished lab testing for
rapid notification of trends for immediate and long term action plans.
 Frequent interactions with all levels of management in all departments for
project based analysis, trend analysis, ROI, pareto analysis, comparative
analysis, and data flow needs and requirements.
 Member of the lactose and protein process teams that developed new
manufacturing processes and products.
Whey Chemistry Lab Supervisor (2006  2009)
 Supervision of 14 lab staff members, including five 24/7 in-process
micro/chem technicians.
 Management of laboratory budget, supplies, ordering, lab schedules,
overtime hours, technician reviews/ appraisals, and instrument repair and
 Restructured laboratory technician shifts and duties / responsibilities to
better handle the growing need of the company, while keeping the same
head count.
ICP Chemist (2005  2006)
 Development of short chain fatty acid analysis by GC, sulfur by ICP,
ammonia by ISE probe, hydrogen sulfide air sampling, and Alpha-
Lactalbumin / Beta-Lactoglobulin whey protein quantification by gel size
exclusion HPLC.
 Analysis of ICP metals, lactose / sugar profile by HPLC, and wet
chemistry testing (total protein content, moisture, ash, clarity, etc.) for
whey and lactose products.
1999  2005 GeoAnalytical Laboratories, Inc Modesto, CA
Laboratory Technician (1999  2005)
 Inorganic and Organic analysis of water, soil, and hazardous waste
samples using EPA certified methodology.
Education 20022005 CSU Stanislaus Turlock, CA
 Earned ACS certified B.S. of Chemistry and minor in Biology.
 Graduated Summa Cum Laude (3.91 G.P.A.)
 Deans Award for Academic Excellence (Top Chemistry Student)
2001-2002 Modesto Junior College Modesto, CA
 Chemistry student of the year 2002.
Continuing Education:
 ISO 17025 Lead Auditor Course Work
 Member of the ACS (American Chemical Society)
 Statistical Process Control Course Work
 Attended various AOAC and Food Technology Symposiums
Interests Family, Economic Trends, ISL (Iswandi Sports League)
*References available upon request

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  • 1. 2305 Edmunds Ave. Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 505-0255 rpsereno29@gmail.com Robert P. Sereno Objective Food Process Chemist / Analyst seeking a managerial or supervisory position where food safety knowledge, scientific background, process knowledge, and personal communication skills can be used to aid in the growth and development of a Food Industry Company. Highlights Food Safety, Chemistry, Microbiology, Analytical, and Supervisory Skills 10 Years Food Industry Experience Quality Assurance Department In Depth Problem Solving, Corrective Action/Preventative Action (CAPA) and Continuous Improvement Knowledge Understanding of Process Design, Flow and Purpose Ability to Work With Multiple Departments Including Plant Floor, Operations, Engineering, Quality Assurance, and Upper Management Experienced in SQF, HACCP, GMPs, and all Quality and Food Safety Practices Accomplishments Initiated the Dalhart Site Whey Chemistry labs by designing the lab layout and securing instruments and consumables through vendors. Interviewed / hired the initial Dalhart Whey Chemistry Lab staff and trained on processes and procedures. Starting member of the Continuous Improvement Team and aided in the creation of the CAPA, PIN (used to report production food safety violations), and PLAS (production loss accounting) systems. Creation and execution of all routine QA reports (corporate and site) through the use of Business Intelligence Software, Crystal Reports, and MS Excel to produce a one truth for QA reporting for upper levels of management. Experience 2005 2015 Hilmar Cheese Company Hilmar, CA Corporate Process Performance Analyst (2014 2015) Analyzed, reported and interpreted process performance parameters such as milk producer quality / standardization, cheese IP/FP performance, microbial and pathogen testing, under grade / product on hold trends, analytical trends, etc. Supported the Sales and Customer Service group for customer inquiries and complaints by supplying process control and nutritional data. Had direct communication with customers for complaint responses. Assisted Corporate and Site Operations, QA, R&D, and Cheese Technical Services in root cause and corrective actions of quality defects utilizing Pareto charts, Kaizen, and other CI tools. Investigated CAPAs, environmental trace backs, IP microbial high counts, sanitation violations etc. and ensured validation and effectiveness of corrections applied. Corporate Chemist (2012 2014) Responsible for the analytical method performance and operations of the Hilmar and Dalhart site cheese and whey chemistry labs including SPC. Development and creation of lab SOPs, training documents, calibration
  • 2. records, maintenance records, process flow, and sample logs in accordance to ISO and SQF standards. Reformed the sampling / compositing process to more accurately represent the finished product for both chemistry and micro analysis. Quality Assurance / Production Control Analyst (2009 2012) Review and analysis of all daily in-process and finished lab testing for rapid notification of trends for immediate and long term action plans. Frequent interactions with all levels of management in all departments for project based analysis, trend analysis, ROI, pareto analysis, comparative analysis, and data flow needs and requirements. Member of the lactose and protein process teams that developed new manufacturing processes and products. Whey Chemistry Lab Supervisor (2006 2009) Supervision of 14 lab staff members, including five 24/7 in-process micro/chem technicians. Management of laboratory budget, supplies, ordering, lab schedules, overtime hours, technician reviews/ appraisals, and instrument repair and maintenance. Restructured laboratory technician shifts and duties / responsibilities to better handle the growing need of the company, while keeping the same head count. ICP Chemist (2005 2006) Development of short chain fatty acid analysis by GC, sulfur by ICP, ammonia by ISE probe, hydrogen sulfide air sampling, and Alpha- Lactalbumin / Beta-Lactoglobulin whey protein quantification by gel size exclusion HPLC. Analysis of ICP metals, lactose / sugar profile by HPLC, and wet chemistry testing (total protein content, moisture, ash, clarity, etc.) for whey and lactose products. 1999 2005 GeoAnalytical Laboratories, Inc Modesto, CA Laboratory Technician (1999 2005) Inorganic and Organic analysis of water, soil, and hazardous waste samples using EPA certified methodology. Education 20022005 CSU Stanislaus Turlock, CA Earned ACS certified B.S. of Chemistry and minor in Biology. Graduated Summa Cum Laude (3.91 G.P.A.) Deans Award for Academic Excellence (Top Chemistry Student) 2001-2002 Modesto Junior College Modesto, CA Chemistry student of the year 2002. Continuing Education: ISO 17025 Lead Auditor Course Work Member of the ACS (American Chemical Society) Statistical Process Control Course Work Attended various AOAC and Food Technology Symposiums Interests Family, Economic Trends, ISL (Iswandi Sports League) *References available upon request