The document discusses connectivity technologies that enable connected vehicles. It provides examples of applications for connected vehicles in urban and interurban areas that improve efficiency, safety, and sustainability. Connected vehicle technologies allow for wireless asset management solutions that optimize maintenance schedules based on real-time vehicle sensor data.
The document discusses connectivity technologies that enable connected vehicles. It provides examples of applications for connected vehicles in urban and interurban areas that improve efficiency, safety, and sustainability. Connected vehicle technologies allow for wireless asset management solutions that optimize maintenance schedules based on real-time vehicle sensor data.
The document discusses a PhD project called S-City that aims to understand how information and communication technologies (ITS) can impact mobility and safety while addressing privacy issues. It outlines how ITS has the potential to enhance mobility through information, monitoring, localization, identification, authorization, and communication technologies. However, these applications raise privacy concerns regarding lack of control over personal information, risk of social exclusion, and compromising of privacy. Examples are given of privacy issues around data retention by transportation agencies and mobile phone tracking. The document argues that privacy is important for individuals' well-being and democratic societies, and that its loss can result in harm.
The document discusses transport policy and funding challenges faced by the International Transport Forum (ITF). It notes that the ITF is an inter-governmental organization with 54 member countries that focuses on global transport policy issues and provides comparative statistics and research. It states that transport policy is difficult due to its impact on people's lives and different stakeholder interests. A mix of policy tools is needed, including supply, regulation, pricing, and information strategies. Funding transport requires balancing long-term impacts versus short-term results and considering who benefits and pays for investments. Knowledge sharing across countries is important given the complex nature of these issues.
This document discusses transport security and provides definitions and context. It summarizes regulatory initiatives at international levels, such as by the UN, EU, and IRU. It defines transport security as protecting infrastructure, goods, and people from deliberate attacks, as opposed to transport safety which includes general safeguarding from any harm. International regulatory bodies have proposed various security considerations for vehicle regulations, infrastructure networks, dangerous goods transport, and border crossings to strengthen transport security.
This document summarizes a presentation on the impact of water on road degradation. It discusses a research project studying water movement in road structures and presents field observations from moisture monitoring programs. Specifically, it shows how moisture levels varied with depth and temperature over time. Charts are also shown comparing measured stiffness values from road tests to gravimetric moisture content readings. Finally, it describes an instrumented test section and procedure used to study the effects of water on measured responses like pressure, strain and deflection.
The document discusses unsaturated water flow in pavements. It aims to understand how water moves through pavement structures, how long it remains, and what factors control moisture conditions. It compares saturated versus unsaturated flow, and notes unsaturated flow is slower. It describes using actual pavement geometries and material properties in a finite element model to calibrate predictions of water content from sensors to observed field data. The model is adjusted based on precipitation data and material densities to improve prediction accuracy at different sensor locations within the pavement structure.
1. EasyWay ITS Deployment Roadmap
Link旦ping 9 jan 2009
Christian Udin, Sweco ITS
2. Presentationens inneh奪ll
Bakgrund kring de europeiska arbetet inom ITS
Kort om EasyWay
EasyWay ITS Deployment Roadmap
Resultat fr奪n arbetet
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 2
3. Helt nya f旦ruts辰ttningar
H奪rdvaru /
perspektiv St旦tta Pre MIP
perspektiv bilindustrin
Industriell MIP 2001-2006
Ett europeiskt MIP 2007-2013
perspektiv EasyWay
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 3
4. EasyWay
Focus p奪 implementering av
Europeiska ITS tj辰nster
Godstransporter (nytt omr奪de)
Intelligent infrastruktur (ICT)
Mer fokus p奪 co-modality mot tidigare
Best奪r av 23 l辰nder (21 MS+2)
Budget: 2000 M (80 % av l辰nderna
och 20 % fr奪n EU)
2007- 2009 (-2013)
Uppdelat i 8 regionala delar
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 4
5. EasyWay:s struktur
Political EasyWay towards sustainable mobility
issues Increase safety - Improve mobility - Reduce pollution
Solutions to
Groups, Evaluation and Dissemination
study A5 - European studies
A6 Project Management, Expert
Solutions to A1 Traveller A2 Traffic A3 Freight
deploy Information management and logistic
Services Services services
Supporting A4 Connected ICT infrastructure
infrastructure (Monitoring, processing and data exchange infrastructure)
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 5
7. European studies
Needs Deployment
European Deployment
Studies Guidelines
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 7
8. European Studies
ES 1 Europe wide Traveller Information continuity and co-modality
ES 2 Europe wide Traffic and Network management and co-modality
ES 3 Europe wide Freight and Logistics services
ES 4 VMS Harmonisation
ES 6 European ITS Deployment Roadmap
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 8
9. EasyWay ITS Deployment Roadmap
Sverige (VV) ansvariga f旦r en
European study: EasyWay ITS
Deployment Roadmap.
Syfte att identifiera ITS tj辰nster f旦r
ett framtida europeiskt
transportsystem som skall
implementeras fr奪n 2010 (EasyWay
fas 2)
November 2007 - November 2009
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 9
10. EasyWay ITS Deployment Roadmap
Arbetet tog sin utg奪ngspunkt fr奪n olika
arbeten och projekt i Europa bl.a. ITS Action
Plan, CEDR Roadmap.
Unders旦kning (survey) bland olika akt旦rer i
Europa kring hur de prioriterar de olika
tj辰nster och kring implementering
Analys av resultat fr奪n unders旦kningen
Utifr奪n resultat och diskussioner inom
arbetsgruppen levererades f旦rslag p奪
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 10
11. EasyWay ITS Deployment Roadmap
F旦rslagen p奪 tj辰nster analyserades av
EasyWay expertgrupper
Workshop:s med olika akt旦rer diskuterade
Utifr奪n detta definierades vad en European
Action och europeisk tj辰nst (Core European
ITS Service) inneb辰r
och identifierades European ITS Actions
8 Core European ITS Services
7 Supporting European Actions
8 Topics for Viability Studies
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 11
12. Definition av Core European ITS Services
Core European EasyWay ITS Services are services for European
Hauliers and Travellers, where road operators play a key role in
their implementation and operation
A Core European ITS service means:
The travellers shall know when to expect it (operating
It shall offer a minimum level of common content and
It shall offer a common look and feel when relevant
Core European ITS Services are considered to be mature enough
and effective enough (in relation to EasyWay objectives) to form
the backbone of deployment activities within EasyWay.
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 12
13. F旦rslag avseende Europeiska tj辰nster
Trafik- Trafikledning Gods- Intelligent
information transporter infrastruktur
System f旦r Strategisk Tillg奪ng till
reseplanering v辰gtrafikledning regelverk
onormala eller
farliga transporter
Trafikant- Trafikstyrning p奪 Intelligent lastbils-
information k辰nsliga v辰gavsnitt parkering
Co-modal St旦rningshantering
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 13
14. F旦rslag avseende Supporting actions
Trafik- Trafikledning Gods- Intelligent
information transporter infrastruktur
Anv辰ndning av VMS Input till V辰gn辰tsdefintion
i strategisk strategisk
trafikledning och v辰gtrafikledning
styrning f旦r korridorer och
Struktur/Ramverk/Re Informations旦verf旦ri
kommendationer f旦r ng
Beslutsst旦dssystem Optimal kvalitet p奪
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 14
15. F旦rslag avseende Topics for Viability Studies
Trafik- Trafikledning Gods- Intelligent
information transporter infrastruktur
Strategisk Harmoniserad Hantering av
v辰gtrafikledning och godsinformations hastighetsgr辰nsinfor
ny tendenser 旦verf旦ring mation
Strategisk Trafikstyrning av Inf旦rande av
v辰gtrafikledning och gods (integrerade kooperativa system
milj旦aspekter system med flera inkluderat
akt旦rer) v辰gavgifter
Riskhantering f旦r
farligt gods
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 15
16. Forts辰ttning
vriga European Studies arbetar med Deployment
Guidelines f旦r tj辰nsterna och Terms of Reference
f旦r supporting actions och viability studies
Parallellt p奪g奪r arbete med att identifiera en Road
Network definition
Workshop organiserat av EasyWay/ERTICO f旦r att
f奪 en bred f旦rankring av tj辰nsterna hos olika
akt旦rer i Europa
Mars/April 2009 leverera Deliverable 3
Guidelines f旦r inf旦randet av Core European
November 2009 leverera ev. Deliverable 4
Guidelines including Technical specifications
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009 16