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息 2014 Beachbody LLC
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
 Information, trends and the Slight Edge Effect
 What is Shakeology? How does it work?
 What makes it so Ultra Premium?
 The Creators
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
Information and Trends
America has a nutritional
health crisis.
Childhood obesity rates have
tripled in the past three decades,
and the excess weight kids are
carrying these days has
increased the risk of developing
diabetes, heart disease, high
blood pressure, cancer, and
Michelle Obama
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
Information and Trends
America has a nutritional
health crisis.
We are addicted to bad food.
Junk Food Addiction May Be Real
In a study of rats, the more fattening
foods they ate, the more they wanted.
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
Information and Trends
America has a nutritional
health crisis.
We are addicted to bad food.
Real people are getting sick.
Experts now project an entire
generation of kids may die 20
years earlier than their parents
because of diseases caused
by being overweight.
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
Why is this happening?
We dont eat healthy.
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
Food Is Less Nutritious
is degrading
the nutritional
quality of our food.
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
Food Is Less Nutritious
add toxins.
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
Food Is Less Nutritious
Soil depletion
causes nutrient/
mineral deficiency.
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
We are overfed
and undernourished.
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
The Slight Edge Effect
You can trace every
sickness, every disease,
and every ailment to a
mineral deficiency.
 Two-time Nobel Prize Winner
Dr. Linus Pauling
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
The Slight Edge Effect
Slight nutrient deficiencies add up over
time. This issue slowly leads to:
Digestive problems IBS and Colitis
Weight gain Obesity, Diabetes
Mental imbalances Anxiety, Depression
Inflammation Chronic Pain, Arthritis,
Dementia, Heart Disease, Stroke
Premature aging Joint Pain, Wrinkled Skin,
Degenerative Diseases
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
 Joint pain
 Not sleeping well
Lack of fiber
in diet
Lack of energy
Addicted to
and sugar
Too busy to
eat properly
Needs more
nutrition for
Eats out often
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
What is Shakeology?
More than a protein shake.
More than a meal replacement.
More than an antioxidant drink.
More than a probiotics drink.
These are the SMARTEST calories you can put in your body.
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
What is Shakeology?
The Tastiest
Protein Shake
on the planet!
Your Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
What is Shakeology?
It can help you:*
 Increase Energy
 Reduce Cravings
 Lose Weight
 Improve Digestion
Its nutritious like a salad but tastes like a dessert!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
How does it work?
Potent vitamin
nutrient therapy system
Derived from whole foods
- more easily assimilated &
recognized by the body than ones
derived from isolates
Fuels your body with superfoods
from around the world
Helps restore balance and
energy to your whole body
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
What Makes Shakeology
Ultra Premium?
 Potent vitamin nutrient therapy system
derived from whole foods
 Exotic super-foods from around the world
 No artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors
or preservatives
 Acts like a multi-vitamin
 Certified low-glycemic
 Vegan versions available
Results you can see and feel.
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
Over 70 of the Worlds Healthiest Ingredients
Contains powerful superfood ingredients with
an extraordinary vitamin, prebiotic, and digestive
enzyme blend
 Adaptogen herbs
 Sacha inchi
 Camu camu
 Maca root
 Yacon root
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
Shakeology Really Works!
Heres proof from nearly 3,000 daily Shakeology drinkers:*
 93% feel healthier since drinking it.
 86% report increased energy level.
 81% feel it helped reduce their cravings for junk food.
 91% said it helped improve their regularity.**
 81% said Shakeology kept them full until their next meal.
 72% said Shakeology helped them lose weight.
 82% reported improved digestion.
 77% feel more alert and focused throughout their day.
 74% noticed an improvement in their mood.
 97% believe it's a smart investment in their health.
*Based on a survey of 2,769 Shakeology users who drank Shakeology 5 or more times per week and exercised 3 times per week.
**Based on a survey of 1,158 Shakeology users with regularity concerns who drank Shakeology 5 or more times per week and exercised 3 times per week.
Based on a survey of 874 Shakeology users with digestion concerns who drank Shakeology 5 or more times per week and exercised 3 times per week.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
Every ingredient goes
through rigorous
certification and testing
to ensure potent
nutrient concentration.
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
Shakeology Support
Doctors Recommend Shakeology
 Shakeology is supported by the medical community
 Doctors recommend Shakeology to their patients and
drink it themselves
Dr. Matt Janssen
Emergency Room Physician
Dr. Marvin Slepian
Dr. William Katkov
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
Isabelle Daikeler,
Senior Health, Nutrition
& Fitness Consultant
The Creators
Darin Olien,
Nutritional Scientist &
Shakeology Co-Creator
息 2014 Beachbody LLC
Shakeology + Fitness
Benefits of Home Direct
 Conveniently delivered
on time every month
 Super Discount shipping  a
savings of over $12 a month!
 Online access to 2 free workouts!
息 2014 Beachbody LLC

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Shakeology 101

  • 2. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Agenda Information, trends and the Slight Edge Effect What is Shakeology? How does it work? What makes it so Ultra Premium? The Creators
  • 3. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Information and Trends America has a nutritional health crisis. Childhood obesity rates have tripled in the past three decades, and the excess weight kids are carrying these days has increased the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and asthma. Michelle Obama
  • 4. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Information and Trends America has a nutritional health crisis. We are addicted to bad food. Junk Food Addiction May Be Real In a study of rats, the more fattening foods they ate, the more they wanted.
  • 5. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Information and Trends America has a nutritional health crisis. We are addicted to bad food. Real people are getting sick. Experts now project an entire generation of kids may die 20 years earlier than their parents because of diseases caused by being overweight.
  • 6. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Why is this happening? We dont eat healthy.
  • 7. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Food Is Less Nutritious Industrial agriculture is degrading the nutritional quality of our food.
  • 8. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Food Is Less Nutritious Chemical fertilizers add toxins.
  • 9. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Food Is Less Nutritious Soil depletion causes nutrient/ mineral deficiency.
  • 10. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC We are overfed and undernourished.
  • 11. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC The Slight Edge Effect You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency. Two-time Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Linus Pauling
  • 12. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC The Slight Edge Effect Slight nutrient deficiencies add up over time. This issue slowly leads to: Digestive problems IBS and Colitis Weight gain Obesity, Diabetes Mental imbalances Anxiety, Depression Inflammation Chronic Pain, Arthritis, Dementia, Heart Disease, Stroke Premature aging Joint Pain, Wrinkled Skin, Degenerative Diseases
  • 13. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Overweight/ obese Joint pain Not sleeping well Fatigue Depressed Lack of fiber in diet Digestive problems Irregularity Lack of energy Stressed Moody Addicted to caffeine and sugar Too busy to eat properly Needs more nutrition for workouts Eats out often
  • 14. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC What is Shakeology? More than a protein shake. More than a meal replacement. More than an antioxidant drink. More than a probiotics drink. These are the SMARTEST calories you can put in your body.
  • 15. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC What is Shakeology? The Tastiest Superfood Protein Shake on the planet! Your Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition
  • 16. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC What is Shakeology? It can help you:* Increase Energy Reduce Cravings Lose Weight Improve Digestion Its nutritious like a salad but tastes like a dessert! * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
  • 17. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC How does it work? Potent vitamin nutrient therapy system Derived from whole foods - more easily assimilated & recognized by the body than ones derived from isolates Fuels your body with superfoods from around the world Helps restore balance and energy to your whole body * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
  • 18. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC What Makes Shakeology Ultra Premium? Potent vitamin nutrient therapy system derived from whole foods Exotic super-foods from around the world No artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors or preservatives Acts like a multi-vitamin Certified low-glycemic Vegan versions available Results you can see and feel.
  • 19. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Over 70 of the Worlds Healthiest Ingredients Contains powerful superfood ingredients with an extraordinary vitamin, prebiotic, and digestive enzyme blend Adaptogen herbs Sacha inchi Camu camu Maca root Yacon root
  • 20. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Shakeology Really Works! Heres proof from nearly 3,000 daily Shakeology drinkers:* 93% feel healthier since drinking it. 86% report increased energy level. 81% feel it helped reduce their cravings for junk food. 91% said it helped improve their regularity.** 81% said Shakeology kept them full until their next meal. 72% said Shakeology helped them lose weight. 82% reported improved digestion. 77% feel more alert and focused throughout their day. 74% noticed an improvement in their mood. 97% believe it's a smart investment in their health. *Based on a survey of 2,769 Shakeology users who drank Shakeology 5 or more times per week and exercised 3 times per week. **Based on a survey of 1,158 Shakeology users with regularity concerns who drank Shakeology 5 or more times per week and exercised 3 times per week. Based on a survey of 874 Shakeology users with digestion concerns who drank Shakeology 5 or more times per week and exercised 3 times per week. . * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
  • 21. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Every ingredient goes through rigorous certification and testing to ensure potent nutrient concentration.
  • 22. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Shakeology Support Doctors Recommend Shakeology Shakeology is supported by the medical community Doctors recommend Shakeology to their patients and drink it themselves Dr. Matt Janssen Emergency Room Physician Dr. Marvin Slepian Cardiologist Dr. William Katkov Gastroenterologist
  • 23. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Isabelle Daikeler, Senior Health, Nutrition & Fitness Consultant The Creators Darin Olien, Nutritional Scientist & Shakeology Co-Creator
  • 24. 息 2014 Beachbody LLC Shakeology + Fitness Benefits of Home Direct Conveniently delivered on time every month Super Discount shipping a savings of over $12 a month! Online access to 2 free workouts!