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Your largest ongoing and future business investment is in human      Why PLateau Learning
capital - people. How do your cost effectively train, develop, and
                                                                     increase Workforce Productivity - Engage and develop your
retain these valuable resources, and link their objectives to the
overall organizational goals related to productivity, operational    workforce to do more tomorrow by:
expenses, and compliance?                                                 Building their strengths
                                                                          Rewarding their accomplishments
Look no further. Prepare people to achieve results and transform
your workforce into a true organizational asset today with Plateau        Increasing their overall effectiveness
                                                                          Linking their objectives to organizational goals

                                                                     Decrease Operational expenses - Effectively manage your
         In addition to the general upgrading of our
                                                                     resources by:
         talent base, we have regulatory training
         requirements from OSHA, DOT FERC, and state                      Housing learning content in a single location
         entities like the Texas Railroad Commission.                     Reducing administrative and training costs
         Training has to differ from state to state. We
                                                                          Creating greater visibility and control of talent across business
         have to keep up with which employees are
         regulated and which arent. Having the LMS
         integrated within the TMS helps us make sure
         we get the right training to the right people.             improve regulatory Compliance - Develop regulatory compliance
                                                                     and readiness by:
         - DCP Midstream
                                                                          Measuring and tracking certification activities
                                                                          Automating the certification and training assignment process
                                                                          Utilizing the multiple e-signatures capability to track complex
                                                                           approval processes that involve more than one approver

                                                                                                                息 2010 Plateau Systems Ltd.
PeOPLe. PerfOrmanCe. resuLts.
What does your organization need from a learning solution to be successful?

abOut PLateau Learning                                                                Download and complete course content from their desktop

Plateau Learning is comprised of five components that work                            Automatically synchronize the results next time they
together to provide you with all the tools you need to implement                       reconnect to the network (LMS)
training initiatives across your organization and reach your goals.                   Ensure complete control over access, protecting confidential
Plateau Learning integrates seamlessly with all products in the                        information
Plateau Talent Management Suite, and includes all core product
capabilities such as Talent Profiles, a competency library that
comes with over 45 general and leadership competencies and                      PLateau virtuaL Learning system
1,000 behavioral indicators, and the Plateau Report Designer.                   Deliver live instruction quickly and cost effectively to employees,
Plateau Learning components include:                                            customers, and partners by:
                                                                                      Providing seamless access, administration and tracking of
PLateau Learning management system (Lms)                                               training
Develop a comprehensive global learning strategy for your                             Delivering presentations and conducting application
organization by:                                                                       demonstrations using a simple web browser
     Delivering training to anyone, anywhere throughout the                          Incorporating multimedia content
                                                                                      Recording training sessions for playback
     Defining and assigning competencies based on known
                                                                                      Supporting any telephone or Voice over IP solutions and real-
      employee information
                                                                                       time collaboration technologies from Adobe Acrobat Connect
     Maintaining records of training delivered for compliance                         Pro, WebEx, LiveMeeting, and Centra into your training
     Providing tests and exams to assess knowledge and provide                 PLateau COntent authOring/LCms
                                                                                Create dynamic, web-based e-learning content by:
     Distributing training scheduling and administration with a
                                                                                      Packaging content quickly into a variety of learning formats
      single centralized application environment
                                                                                       and languages
     Managing multiple currencies and payment methods
                                                                                      Creating subject matter in a rich text editing authoring
     Compiling lists of available, and searchable, training using                     environment (WYSIWYG)
                                                                                      Storing, cataloging, sharing, re-using, and retrieving learning
     Managing competencies  from creation and assignment to                          objects and courses
      assessment, development and tracking
                                                                                      Working within a collaborative environment to design and
     Measuring and tracking certification activities using                            execute training
      Organizational Dashboards that provide point-in-time
                                                                                      Supporting learning standards such as SCORM and AICC
      analysis of Learning Item Completions, Learning Projections,
      Registrations, and Curriculum Status
     Utilizing data localization for data fields - such as Item Titles,
                                                                                PLateau exams
      Descriptions, and Curricula Titles - allowing users to see these          Build effective exams and surveys quickly and easily by:
      fields in their preferred languages
                                                                                      Utilizing various formats such as proctored exams,
                                                                                       randomized questions, objective-based testing, and printed or
PLateau OffLine                                                                        online exams
Provide your mobile workforce with convenient offline                                 Tying answers to questions directly to learning objectives
assessments and the ability to:

                                  4401 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22203        T   866.475.2832     F   703.678.0001   www.plateau.com

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Sinfic Plateau Learning

  • 1. PLateau Learning Your largest ongoing and future business investment is in human Why PLateau Learning capital - people. How do your cost effectively train, develop, and increase Workforce Productivity - Engage and develop your retain these valuable resources, and link their objectives to the overall organizational goals related to productivity, operational workforce to do more tomorrow by: expenses, and compliance? Building their strengths Rewarding their accomplishments Look no further. Prepare people to achieve results and transform your workforce into a true organizational asset today with Plateau Increasing their overall effectiveness Learning. Linking their objectives to organizational goals Decrease Operational expenses - Effectively manage your In addition to the general upgrading of our resources by: talent base, we have regulatory training requirements from OSHA, DOT FERC, and state Housing learning content in a single location entities like the Texas Railroad Commission. Reducing administrative and training costs Training has to differ from state to state. We Creating greater visibility and control of talent across business have to keep up with which employees are units regulated and which arent. Having the LMS integrated within the TMS helps us make sure we get the right training to the right people. improve regulatory Compliance - Develop regulatory compliance and readiness by: - DCP Midstream Measuring and tracking certification activities Automating the certification and training assignment process Utilizing the multiple e-signatures capability to track complex approval processes that involve more than one approver 息 2010 Plateau Systems Ltd.
  • 2. PeOPLe. PerfOrmanCe. resuLts. What does your organization need from a learning solution to be successful? abOut PLateau Learning Download and complete course content from their desktop Plateau Learning is comprised of five components that work Automatically synchronize the results next time they together to provide you with all the tools you need to implement reconnect to the network (LMS) training initiatives across your organization and reach your goals. Ensure complete control over access, protecting confidential Plateau Learning integrates seamlessly with all products in the information Plateau Talent Management Suite, and includes all core product capabilities such as Talent Profiles, a competency library that comes with over 45 general and leadership competencies and PLateau virtuaL Learning system 1,000 behavioral indicators, and the Plateau Report Designer. Deliver live instruction quickly and cost effectively to employees, Plateau Learning components include: customers, and partners by: Providing seamless access, administration and tracking of PLateau Learning management system (Lms) training Develop a comprehensive global learning strategy for your Delivering presentations and conducting application organization by: demonstrations using a simple web browser Delivering training to anyone, anywhere throughout the Incorporating multimedia content organization Recording training sessions for playback Defining and assigning competencies based on known Supporting any telephone or Voice over IP solutions and real- employee information time collaboration technologies from Adobe Acrobat Connect Maintaining records of training delivered for compliance Pro, WebEx, LiveMeeting, and Centra into your training purposes Providing tests and exams to assess knowledge and provide PLateau COntent authOring/LCms certifications Create dynamic, web-based e-learning content by: Distributing training scheduling and administration with a Packaging content quickly into a variety of learning formats single centralized application environment and languages Managing multiple currencies and payment methods Creating subject matter in a rich text editing authoring Compiling lists of available, and searchable, training using environment (WYSIWYG) catalogs Storing, cataloging, sharing, re-using, and retrieving learning Managing competencies from creation and assignment to objects and courses assessment, development and tracking Working within a collaborative environment to design and Measuring and tracking certification activities using execute training Organizational Dashboards that provide point-in-time Supporting learning standards such as SCORM and AICC analysis of Learning Item Completions, Learning Projections, Registrations, and Curriculum Status Utilizing data localization for data fields - such as Item Titles, PLateau exams Descriptions, and Curricula Titles - allowing users to see these Build effective exams and surveys quickly and easily by: fields in their preferred languages Utilizing various formats such as proctored exams, randomized questions, objective-based testing, and printed or PLateau OffLine online exams Provide your mobile workforce with convenient offline Tying answers to questions directly to learning objectives assessments and the ability to: 4401 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22203 T 866.475.2832 F 703.678.0001 www.plateau.com