chicken and eggDr. Vijay Swami 1. The document compares the nutritional contents of eggs and chicken to various fruits and vegetables. It provides charts showing the amounts of important nutrients like protein, vitamins, minerals in 100g of each food.
2. Eggs are shown to be high in many nutrients like choline, iron, essential amino acids, protein, folic acid, zinc and calories compared to fruits. Chicken also has higher amounts of many nutrients than fruits.
3. When compared to vegetables, eggs and chicken again have more protein, essential amino acids, folic acid, zinc, calories and fat than vegetables like potatoes, spinach and cauliflower. However, some vegetables are higher than eggs/chicken in nutrients like iron, vitamin
#Mood on-the-go!Sandeep BhaskarThe document describes an app called "mood-on-the-go" that was created for an Apigee hackathon. The app uses motion sensors and analytics to detect a user's mood and then automatically suggests and plays the best song recommendations from YouTube based on their mood and location. It utilizes Apigee SDK, YouTube Player SDK, and Google Location Services.
chicken and eggDr. Vijay Swami 1. The document compares the nutritional contents of eggs and chicken to various fruits and vegetables. It provides charts showing the amounts of important nutrients like protein, vitamins, minerals in 100g of each food.
2. Eggs are shown to be high in many nutrients like choline, iron, essential amino acids, protein, folic acid, zinc and calories compared to fruits. Chicken also has higher amounts of many nutrients than fruits.
3. When compared to vegetables, eggs and chicken again have more protein, essential amino acids, folic acid, zinc, calories and fat than vegetables like potatoes, spinach and cauliflower. However, some vegetables are higher than eggs/chicken in nutrients like iron, vitamin
#Mood on-the-go!Sandeep BhaskarThe document describes an app called "mood-on-the-go" that was created for an Apigee hackathon. The app uses motion sensors and analytics to detect a user's mood and then automatically suggests and plays the best song recommendations from YouTube based on their mood and location. It utilizes Apigee SDK, YouTube Player SDK, and Google Location Services.
Digital law pwpt with zachBPIER02Digital law governs technology use and defines illegal acts like file sharing without permission, pirating software, creating viruses, hacking, identity theft, and copyright infringement. The document outlines these violations of digital law and provides definitions for illegal file sharing, pirating software, creating viruses, hacking, identity theft, and copyright infringement. It concludes by listing sources for further information on digital law.
Contact Discovery - Chinmay Chavan - Sourcing LabSourcingAddaThis document discusses various tools and methods for contact discovery and finding email addresses and phone numbers of potential contacts. It outlines resources like, ZoomInfo, Google search, Facebook, Github, and LinkedIn which allow searching for contact information based on filters like name, company, title, location. Google search techniques include searching within a company domain or using email format databases. Facebook allows finding personal emails through a user's address. Github search allows filtering github profiles by location and keywords. Additional LinkedIn tools are also listed for direct outreach.
Tec medef rapport national annuel 2014 - 17 mars 2015MEDEF - Mouvement des Entreprises de FranceObservatoire Tendance Emploi Compétence (TEC) : observatoire Medef sur les projets de recrutements, les emplois non pourvus et les besoins en compétences et en formation des entreprises françaises. Synthèse annuelle 2014 - 17 mars 2015
Digital Rights and Responsibilitiesmikaylarae17The document discusses several topics related to digital rights and responsibilities including cyber bullying, internet safety, netiquette, plagiarism, reporting offenders, digital law, rules for using technology in school, and the overall importance of digital rights and responsibilities. Key points covered include how cyber bullying can threaten identity and involve predatory activities; the importance of being aware of online threats, crimes, and risks for internet safety; using appropriate language and structure when communicating online; understanding plagiarism and its consequences; knowing how and when to report online offenses; comprehending laws around copyright, piracy, identity theft and scams; and how school policies aim to keep students safe online and on track.
Tweetem za Ocean - konwersacja i konwersja na Twitterze #zagranicoKarolina KurcwaldKilka słów o tym, jak - na przykładzie GetResponse - polska firma może prowadzić działania na Twitterze, by pozyskiwać klientów zagranicznych (a zwłaszcza tych z ojczyzny Twittera) przy wykorzystaniu zarówno działań organicznych jak i płatnej reklamy.
Company Mapping - Nitesh Kumar - Sourcing LabSourcingAddaThe document discusses company mapping, which involves exploring the management and resources of target companies to create lists of qualified candidates. It recommends mapping competitors and partners to benchmark talent and build pipelines. Specific tools for company mapping include LinkedIn, Xing, company websites, and Meetup to search for candidates by skill, title, and level within mapped firms. The conclusion restates that company mapping aids both understanding the market and improving niche skills sourcing.
Поняття про глобальну мережу Інтернет - 6 клас (урок№28)Sanya DzhedzheraПоняття про глобальну мережу Інтернет. Основні служби Інтернету. Поняття Всесвітнього павутиння. Поняття веб-сайту, веб-сторінки, її адреси. Гіперпосилання
Halogenos 19 03-13delangelow luevanoLos halógenos se forman cuando uno o más átomos de flúor, cloro, yodo o bromo sustituyen átomos de hidrógeno en un hidrocarburo. Son abundantes en la naturaleza y se usan en la industria química como disolventes, anestésicos, insecticidas y refrigerantes. Los alcoholes contienen un grupo hidroxilo y se usan como disolventes y combustibles. Las aminas derivan del amoníaco y se clasifican como primarias, secundarias o terciarias depend
Enchentes 2 BMaria Teresa Iannaco GregoEste documento discute os impactos das enchentes e métodos para previsão e controle. Ele explica o que são enchentes, como ocorrem com mais frequência em áreas urbanas, e os danos que podem causar dependendo da densidade populacional afetada. Também aborda métodos estatísticos para calcular a probabilidade de enchentes e obras de infraestrutura para reduzir danos.
Representation of Gender 2015Naamah HillThis document discusses gender representation in the media and contains questions to help analyze stereotypes. It includes a starter activity where students list adjectives to describe males and females and identify negative stereotypes. Students are asked how they would use camera work, sound, editing, and mise-en-scene to represent common male and female stereotypes in a television drama. They then analyze a clip from Sherlock to identify how gender is portrayed and whether stereotypes are reinforced or challenged through the use of technical elements. Finally, it poses questions to help students argue how the media represents and promotes certain gender stereotypes, and how stereotypes can be challenged.
Nazwa lokalizacji
Site name
ٰę działki nr 739/188, 739/187,
Straszecin plot no 739/188, 739/187, 739/186
Miasto / Gmina
Town / Commune
Gmina Żyraków
Zyrakow Municipality
Powiat dębicki
Dębica County
Province (Voivodship)
Województwo Podkarpackie
Podkarpackie Region
Area of property
Maksymalna dostępna powierzchnia (w jednym
kawałku) [ha]
Max. area available (as one piece) [ha]
1,32 ha
Kształt działki
The shape of the site
Kształt nieregularny
Irregular shape
Możliwości powiększenia terenu (krótki opis)
Possibility for expansion (short description)
Orientacyjna cena gruntu [PLN/m2
włączając 23% VAT
Approx. land price [PLN/m2
including 23% VAT
54 PLN/m2
Właściciel / właściciele
Owner(s) Gmina Miasta Dębica
City of Debica
Aktualny plan zagospodarowania
przestrzennego (T/N)
Valid zoning plan (Y/N)
Przeznaczenie w miejscowym planie
zagospodarowania przestrzennego
Usługi komercyjne.
Commercial service.
Klasa gruntów wraz z powierzchnią [ha]
Soil class with area [ha]
Ps IV - 0,6934
Lz/Ps - 0,5436
Bi - 0,0848
Grunty posiadają zgodę na wyłączenie z
produkcji rolnej i leśnej
Ps IV - 0,6934
Lz/Ps - 0,5436
Bi - 0,0848
Land is agreed to be excluded from the
agricultural and forestry use
Różnica poziomów terenu [m]
Differences in land level [m]
Teren płaski
Flat area
Obecne użytkowanie
Present usage
Zanieczyszczenia wód powierzchniowych
i gruntowych (T/N)
Soil and underground water
pollution (Y/N)
2. Poziom wód gruntowych [m]
Underground water level [m]
Brak danych
No data
Czy były prowadzone badania geologiczne
terenu (T/N)
Were geological research done (Y/N)
Ryzyko wystąpienia zalań lub obsunięć terenu
Risk of flooding or land slide (Y/N)
Przeszkody podziemne (T/N)
Underground obstacles (Y/N)
Przeszkody występujące na powierzchni terenu
Ground and overhead obstacles (Y/N)
Linia energetyczna średniego napięcia
Medium voltage power line
Istniejące ograniczenia ekologiczne (T/N)
Ecological restrictions (Y/N)
Budynki i zabudowania na terenie (T/N)
Buildings / other constructions on site (Y/N)
Pozostałości budynku drewnianego.
The remnants of a building made of wood.
Transport links
Droga dojazdowa do terenu (rodzaj drogi
i jej szerokość)
Access road to the plot (type and width of
access road)
Droga powiatowa-. 10 m
County road- 10 m
Autostrada / droga krajowa [km]
Nearest motorway / national road [km]
Droga krajowa nr 4 - 5 km
Droga wojewódzka Dębica - Mielec - 5 km
Projektowana autostrada - 2 km
National Road no 4 – 5 km
Provincial Road (Dębica-Mielec) –5 km
Highway under construction A4 – 2 km
Porty rzeczne i morskie w odległości do 200 km
Sea and river ports located up to 200 km
Kolej [km]
Railway line [km]
Dębica - 3 km
Bocznica kolejowa [km]
Railway siding [km]
Dębica - 3 km
Najbliższe lotnisko międzynarodowe [km]
Nearest international airport [km]
Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy Rzeszów –
Jasionka – 66 km
International Rzeszow-Jasionka Airport –66
Najbliższe miasto wojewódzkie [km]
Nearest province capital [km]
Rzeszów - 56 km
Rzeszow- 56 km
Elektryczność na terenie (T/N)
Electricity (Y/N)
Odległość przyłącza od granicy terenu
Connection point (distance from
boundary) [m]
3. Existing
Voltage [kV]
Szczegóły do uzgodnienia z Zakładem
Details to be agreed with the Energetic Plant
Dostępna moc
Available capacity [MW]
Szczegóły do uzgodnienia z Zakładem
Details to be agreed with the Energetic Plant
Gaz na terenie (T/N)
Gas (Y/N)
Odległość przyłącza od granicy działki
Connection point (distance from
boundary) [m]
Obok działki.
Next to the plot.
Wartość kaloryczna
Calorific value [MJ/Nm3
Do ustalenia z Zakładem Gazowniczym
To be determined with Gas Plant
Średnica rury
Pipe diameter [mm]
Do ustalenia z Zakładem Gazowniczym
To be determined with Gas Plant
Dostępna objętość
Available capacity [Nm3
Do ustalenia z Zakładem Gazowniczym
To be determined with Gas Plant
Woda na terenie (T/N)
Water supply (Y/N)
Odległość przyłącza od granicy terenu
Connection point (distance from
boundary) [m]
Obok działki.
Next plot.
Dostępna objętość
Available capacity [m3
Szczegóły do uzgodnienia z Zakładem
Wodociągów i Kanalizacji.
Details to be agreed with the Water and
Sewerage Service
Kanalizacja na terenie (T/N)
Sewage discharge (Y/N)
Odległość przyłącza od granicy terenu
Connection point (distance from
boundary) [m]
Obok działki.
Next to the plot.
Dostępna objętość
Available capacity [m3
Szczegóły do uzgodnienia z Zakładem
Wodociągów i Kanalizacji.
Details to be agreed with the Water and
Sewerage Service
Oczyszczalnia ścieków na terenie bądź
w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie
Treatment plant (Y/N)
Telefony (T/N)
Telephone (Y/N)
Odległość przyłącza od granicy terenu
Connection point (distance from
boundary) [m]
Brak danych
No data
4. Osoba
prepared by
Imię, nazwisko, stanowisko, tel., tel. komórkowy, e-mail, znajomość języków obcych
Małgorzata Orzech, Konsultant ds. inwestycji,
tel.: 17 857 71 00, tel. kom.: 501 943 221,
znajomość języków obcych: słaba znajomość j. angielskiego
Małgorzata Orzech, Investment Consultant,
phone: 17 857 71 00, mobile: 501 943 221,
foreign languages: basic English
Osoby do
Contact person
Imię, nazwisko, stanowisko, tel., tel. komórkowy, e-mail, znajomość języków obcych
Urszula Kaźmierczyk, Inwestycje,
tel.: 14 683 82 73
znajomość języków obcych: j. angielski
Urszula Kaźmierczyk, Investments,
phone14 683 82 73
foreign languages: English