Smart school initiativesfarhana25The document discusses Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor initiative which aims to transform Malaysia into a modern state by 2020. One program under this initiative is the Smart School Flagship Application, a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Education and Multimedia Development Corporation. The initiative provides ICT expertise to schools and aims to impart a desire for learning to all generations through reinventing teaching/learning processes, management/administration, and equipping stakeholders with technology skills. Some challenges in implementing the Smart School program include a lack of readiness to change, passive students, lack of parent/community involvement, and infrastructure/network limitations.
Smart school initiativesfarhana25The document discusses Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor initiative which aims to transform Malaysia into a modern state by 2020. One program under this initiative is the Smart School Flagship Application, a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Education and Multimedia Development Corporation. The initiative provides ICT expertise to schools and aims to impart a desire for learning to all generations through reinventing teaching/learning processes, management/administration, and equipping stakeholders with technology skills. Some challenges in implementing the Smart School program include a lack of readiness to change, passive students, lack of parent/community involvement, and infrastructure/network limitations.
Adam fox preliminary task and planning & research marked adamfox2052Adam Fox created a music magazine called St. Andrew's Music Magazine for his OCR Media Studies course. The summary provides details on the planning and production process for the front cover and contents page. For the front cover, Adam inserted shapes, images, logos, and text to build out the design in 16 sequential steps. Similarly, Adam built out the contents page in 21 sequential steps, inserting headings, stories, images, and other design elements while maintaining the magazine's branding. The document concludes with Adam noting some minor adjustments made based on feedback.
Preliminary task and planning & research adamfox2052This document provides details on the planning and research done for a music magazine project. It includes steps taken to create the front and back covers. It also discusses the typical production process for magazines including gathering content, layout, proofreading and distribution. Research is presented on established music magazines including their target audiences, conventions and unique selling points. Publisher information is also researched for Q Magazine and Mojo Magazine.
Production planadamfox20521. The magazine production process begins with setting a publication date to work towards.
2. A meeting is then held to decide the magazine's content, including articles and advertisements.
3. Writers are commissioned to write stories by a set deadline, and photographers capture images.
4. The content is edited for accuracy and layout, then sent to the printer for production and distribution.
JamiesHomeCookingSkills_RecipeLayoutAndi DavisThis recipe provides instructions for making a fish tagine served over couscous with a carrot salad. The tagine is made with plaice fillets simmered in a sauce of passata, olives, harissa, and preserved lemon. Couscous is cooked with lemon and mint. For the salad, grated carrots, clementine slices, coriander, olive oil, and harissa-marbled yogurt are tossed together. The tagine, couscous, and salad are served together.
Poster mind mapadamfox2052Adam Fox is creating a poster to promote his soap opera. He considered themes of fear, adventure, and struggle. For the fear theme, he will use an image of the main character Lizzie tied to a tree. He will include the tagline "seeing is deceiving." For the adventure theme, he will composite close-up shots of characters to convey danger. For the struggle theme, he will use a close-up of himself as a character dealing with drug addiction. He will take photos needed for the fear poster and choose a suitable font for the tagline.
Padraig ConnollyPadraig ConnollyThe document discusses how infrastructure like motorways have become detached from place. It argues that the large spacing between motorways and existing villages has led to a decline in communities and an isolation of the infrastructure. The document examines how motorways could work to reconnect with places and enable social interaction rather than just function as a means of transport. It explores how architecture might engage with mobility and movement to help root infrastructure in the landscape and reconnect it to places.
Power vault md32xxi deployment guide for v mware esx4.1 r2laurentgrasThis document provides instructions for configuring Dell PowerVault MD32xxi storage arrays for use with VMware ESX4.1 server software. It discusses new features in vSphere4 like the re-written iSCSI software initiator for better performance, enabling jumbo frames, support for multipathing (MPIO), and third party MPIO support. The document then provides step-by-step configuration instructions for connecting an ESX4.1 server to the PowerVault MD32xxi storage, including setting up vSwitches, adding iSCSI ports, enabling the iSCSI initiator, connecting to the PowerVault array, and creating VMFS datastores. It aims to help administrators familiar with ESX3.5 configuration
Printing discount stickersClive12Promotional Stickers are a single way of communicate a message to your customers, clientele, workers and to the whole earth. Just like any extra promotional creation, you have the liberty to print any communication you desire to on these stickers.
Lección # 27 - ECF - Etapa 1 - AmpliadaIglesia Cristiana Evangelica Luz del Mundo1) Dios puso sueños en el faraón que solo José podía interpretar. José explicó que los sueños predecían años de abundancia y hambruna, y el faraón lo puso a cargo de Egipto.
2) Cuando la hambruna llegó, los hermanos de José fueron a Egipto por comida y José, que ahora era un líder, los reconoció.
3) José reveló su identidad a sus hermanos y los invitó a vivir en Egipto, por lo que la familia de Jacob (Israel) migró allí para escapar
Scenario PlanningThanakrit LersmethasakulScenario planning is a strategic planning method that involves developing stories about potential futures and using those scenarios to test organizational strategies and decisions. It helps organizations consider a wider range of possibilities about how their industry may change in the future. The goal is not to predict the most probable future, but to develop strategic choices that are robust across different plausible futures. The key aspects of scenario planning include telling stories about the future, taking an outside-in perspective to understand forces of change, and examining patterns of change.
Akash newAkash BhaleraoAkash Bhalerao is seeking a position as an Application Support Engineer. He has a BE in Computer Engineering from PG Moze College of Engineering and certifications in CCNA and DSSE. His experience includes over 2 years at Knoxed Infotech Private Limited, where he assisted clients with technical issues related to e-commerce platforms like Amazon and eBay. His responsibilities included product management, website development, and client support. He has skills in networking, operating systems, databases, web technologies, and programming. His education qualifications include a BE in Computer Engineering and secondary education qualifications of Higher Secondary and Secondary.
Nazwa lokalizacji
Site name
Fibris S.A.
37-700 Przemyśl, ul. Ofiar Katynia 17
Miasto / Gmina
Town / Commune
Province (Voivodship)
Area of property
Maksymalna dostępna powierzchnia (w jednym
kawałku) [ha]
Max. area available (as one piece) [ha]
2,34 ha
Kształt działki
The shape of the site
Zbliżony do kwadratu
similar to the square
Możliwości powiększenia terenu (krótki opis)
Possibility for expansion (short description)
1,89 ha
Orientacyjna cena gruntu [PLN/m2
włączając 23% VAT
Approx. land price [PLN/m2
including 23% VAT
Cena do negocjacji
subject to negotiation
Właściciel / właściciele
Fibris S.A.
Aktualny plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego
Valid zoning plan (Y/N)
Przeznaczenie w miejscowym planie
zagospodarowania przestrzennego
Teren przemysłowy
industrial area
Klasa gruntów wraz z powierzchnią [ha]
Soil class with area [ha]
Ba/tereny przemysłowe
Ba/ industrial area
Różnica poziomów terenu [m]
Differences in land level [m]
Teren płaski
Flat area
Obecne użytkowanie
Present usage
Fibris S.A.
Zanieczyszczenia wód powierzchniowych
i gruntowych (T/N)
Soil and underground water
pollution (Y/N)
Poziom wód gruntowych [m]
Underground water level [m]
Brak danych
No data available
Czy były prowadzone badania geologiczne
terenu (T/N)
Were geological research done (Y/N)
2. Ryzyko wystąpienia zalań lub obsunięć terenu
Risk of flooding or land slide (Y/N)
Przeszkody podziemne (T/N)
Underground obstacles (Y/N)
Przeszkody występujące na powierzchni terenu
Ground and overhead obstacles (Y/N)
Istniejące ograniczenia ekologiczne (T/N)
Ecological restrictions (Y/N)
Budynki i zabudowania na terenie (T/N)
Buildings / other constructions on site (Y/N)
Transport links
Droga dojazdowa do terenu (rodzaj drogi
i jej szerokość)
Access road to the plot (type and width of access
Droga publiczna, ul. Ofiar Katynia,
szerokość w liniach rozgraniczających około
12 m.
Public road; Ofiar Katynia street; within
road demarcation lines about 12 m wide
Autostrada / droga krajowa [km]
Nearest motorway / national road [km]
20 km
Porty rzeczne i morskie w odległości do 200 km
Sea and river ports located up to 200 km
Kolej [km]
Railway line [km]
W terenie bocznica kolejowa z torem UE
(300 m linia kolejowa do Krównik z torem
Railway siding with the UE track (300 m,
railway track in the Krówniki direction,
altogether with UA track) within the area
Bocznica kolejowa [km]
Railway siding [km]
Krówniki 1,5 km
Najbliższe lotnisko międzynarodowe [km]
Nearest international airport [km]
Rzeszów-Jasionka 100 km
International Rzeszów – Jasionka Airport
100 km
Najbliższe miasto wojewódzkie [km]
Nearest province capital [km]
Rzeszów 80 km
Elektryczność na terenie (T/N)
Electricity (Y/N) T
Odległość przyłącza od granicy terenu
Connection point (distance from
boundary) [m]
Voltage [kV]
Dostępna moc
Available capacity [MW]
3. Gaz na terenie (T/N)
Gas (Y/N)
Odległość przyłącza od granicy działki
Connection point (distance from
boundary) [m]
Wartość kaloryczna
Calorific value [MJ/Nm3
Średnica rury
Pipe diameter [mm]
Dostępna objętość
Available capacity [Nm3
Woda na terenie (T/N)
Water supply (Y/N)
T, wodociąg miejski ul. Ofiar Katynia
Y, city water supply main, Ofiar Katynia
Odległość przyłącza od granicy terenu
Connection point (distance from
boundary) [m]
Dostępna objętość
Available capacity [m3
Kanalizacja na terenie (T/N)
Sewage discharge (Y/N)
Odległość przyłącza od granicy terenu
Connection point (distance from
boundary) [m]
Dostępna objętość
Available capacity [m3
Oczyszczalnia ścieków na terenie bądź
w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie
Treatment plant (Y/N)
Telefony (T/N)
Telephone (Y/N)
Odległość przyłącza od granicy terenu
Connection point (distance from
boundary) [m]
prepared by
Andrzej Ner
Tel: 16 675 96 32
Kom: 661-914-122
Osoby do
Contact person
Andrzej Ner
Tel: 16 675 96 32
Kom: 661-914-122