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Christopher R. Stones
Professor of Psychology
Skill-Set: Behavioural Management Specialist
Professional Society Membership:
International Academy of Behavioural Medicine, Counselling and Psychotherapy (USA)
British Psychological Society (BPS) (Associate Fellow)
Chartered Clinical Psychologist (BPS)
Psychological Society of South Africa (Executive Council member for 5 years)
South African Society for Clinical Psychology
Society for Psychotherapy Research (UK)
South African Institute for Psychotherapy (Consultant Psychotherapist)
Professional Board Registration:
Registered with the Professional Board for Psychology, under the auspices of the Health Professions
Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Clinical Psychologist (active) and a Research Psychologist
As a registered Clinical Psychologist, my professional behaviour and practice are governed by the Code
of Practice as set out by the Professional Board for Psychology and the Psychological Society of South
Management and Organizational Experience:
 Head of the Department of Psychology at Rhodes University for 12 years;
 Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences (RU) for 5 years;
 Directly involved in the organizational establishment of the MTN Centre for Crime Prevention
Studies (attached to the Psychology Department at Rhodes University). The MTN sponsorship
was for a five year period, from 1999 to 2004;
 Head of the Postgraduate Research programme (Psychology) at the University of Johannesburg
for 5 years;
 Behavioural Management Specialist at the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) - from 2006 to 2014;
 Visiting Professor: Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management, University of
Johannesburg  2015 onwards.
Each of these positions entailed working with large groups of people and with a range of stakeholders,
with specific organizational parameters, goals and deliverables.
In this regard, I also have post-graduate certificate courses (from the Department of Management and
Investec Business School, Rhodes University) in three domains: Human Resource Management;
Strategic Management; and Financial Management.
Outside the university context, my ongoing engagement with the organizational sector since 2006 has
occurred at various levels and within a variety of organizations, primarily the Special Investigating Unit
(HR and Internal Integrity Unit) and by way of secondment, from 2009 to 2011, the Asset Forfeiture Unit
(Johannesburg Office). Additionally, over the years I have, from time to time, worked on a commissioned
basis with Pasco Risk Management (Bryanston).
Page | 2
Consistent with an operational model and organizational culture which promotes a multi-disciplinary
approach, the expertise I offer aims to provide a coherent and integrated psychological service in the
following domains:
Psychological and Psycho-Emotional Assessments:
 Psycho-emotional assessment of the management cohort:
o Intakes (newly-appointed and promotions);
o Follow-up of managers - as and when required (e.g. iro potential, capacity and fit).
 Ad hoc assessments in respect of issues that might arise from time to time (e.g., disciplinary,
incompatibility and incapacity issues, etc);
 Psycho-emotional profile generation of candidates for senior positions and related high
responsibility posts on the basis of information supplied in referee reports;
 Extended climate assessments primarily managed through being regularly present in the clients
local office environment in order to build rapport and camaraderie with office members during
which time a transparent climate assessment is undertaken. The outcome of this kind of climate
assessment is usually reliable, and the implementation of recommendations effective, because
there tends to be office ownership of the process.
Human Behavioural Risk Assessment:
 Integrity Profiling (Individually based):
Given my professional background as a Clinical Psychologist and having over 30 years of
practical experience, I have found it preferable, and effective, when screening for integrity and
behavioural risk-proneness to understand the personality dynamics (and risk-taking tendencies) of
an employee through using an integrated and coherent combination of one-on-one interviews
together with projective assessment techniques. The risk-index of the assessment outcomes is
considered within the work context.
 Job Profile Behavioural Risk Analysis (Organizationally based):
This kind of risk assessment is based on understanding the psychological and personality
attributes that are best suited for a particular job profile. Inherently associated with these various
psycho-emotional traits are likely behaviours that, depending upon the overall work environment
and the employees immediate context, might pose integrity and other associated behavioural
risks to the organization.
Evaluation of witness credibility:
Under cross-examination and when giving evidence in general, witnesses are understandably prone to
anxiety, and may  unconsciously or deliberately - underplay or exaggerate the extent of their knowledge
about certain events or occurrences, or their own importance within an organizational hierarchy.
Appropriate assessment of the likely risk of this occurring is paramount to any legal proceedings.
Psychobiographical Profiling:
A fundamental psychological and behavioural science principle is that our thought processes, mind-set,
attitudes and values as well as behaviour patterns and actions arise out of our personal, family and social
history and, importantly, are generally consistent over time so that  to an extent  our behaviour is
Accepting this principle and having sufficient and relevant information about a persons early life context
(birth order, religious background, schooling, family dynamics, etc), as well as recent and current activities
and contexts, it becomes possible to generate a behavioural profile of probable and likely responses to
any given situation. This dynamic behavioural profile can be used as an adjunct to aid to negotiations,
interviews and so on.
Page | 3
Executive and Management Coaching:
This entails a series of one-on-one personalized and regular engagements with managers during which
the focus is on self-development, particularly within the work role.
Experiential Workshops:
Our personal styles and the processes we use in communication, decision-making, planning, problem-
solving and so on, influence the effectiveness of interpersonal relationships, especially in group settings
where teamwork is paramount. This is especially important in the office environment where individuals,
each with their own unique personalities, work together for several hours of each day, week after week,
month after month and possibly year after year. Managers, for instance, would be better equipped to
manage their work environments if the energy needed for management was not perhaps wasted on
dysfunctional interaction
The workshop methodology is based on interactive learning, i.e., learners will learn by doing, and
participants use examples from their own environments, thus ensuring that the learning is anchored in the
The kinds workshops offered have been in the following areas:
Office Dynamics; Interpersonal skills; Conflict Management; Communication Skills; Team spirit and
culture; Self-Reflection and Awareness; Diversity (in the broadest possible sense).

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Skill Set - C R Stones

  • 1. Christopher R. Stones Professor of Psychology Skill-Set: Behavioural Management Specialist Qualifications: MSc PhD MSAIP IABMCP C Psychol AFBPsS Professional Society Membership: International Academy of Behavioural Medicine, Counselling and Psychotherapy (USA) British Psychological Society (BPS) (Associate Fellow) Chartered Clinical Psychologist (BPS) Psychological Society of South Africa (Executive Council member for 5 years) South African Society for Clinical Psychology Society for Psychotherapy Research (UK) South African Institute for Psychotherapy (Consultant Psychotherapist) Professional Board Registration: Registered with the Professional Board for Psychology, under the auspices of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Clinical Psychologist (active) and a Research Psychologist (dormant). Ethics: As a registered Clinical Psychologist, my professional behaviour and practice are governed by the Code of Practice as set out by the Professional Board for Psychology and the Psychological Society of South Africa. Management and Organizational Experience: Head of the Department of Psychology at Rhodes University for 12 years; Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences (RU) for 5 years; Directly involved in the organizational establishment of the MTN Centre for Crime Prevention Studies (attached to the Psychology Department at Rhodes University). The MTN sponsorship was for a five year period, from 1999 to 2004; Head of the Postgraduate Research programme (Psychology) at the University of Johannesburg for 5 years; Behavioural Management Specialist at the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) - from 2006 to 2014; Visiting Professor: Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management, University of Johannesburg 2015 onwards. Each of these positions entailed working with large groups of people and with a range of stakeholders, with specific organizational parameters, goals and deliverables. In this regard, I also have post-graduate certificate courses (from the Department of Management and Investec Business School, Rhodes University) in three domains: Human Resource Management; Strategic Management; and Financial Management. Outside the university context, my ongoing engagement with the organizational sector since 2006 has occurred at various levels and within a variety of organizations, primarily the Special Investigating Unit (HR and Internal Integrity Unit) and by way of secondment, from 2009 to 2011, the Asset Forfeiture Unit (Johannesburg Office). Additionally, over the years I have, from time to time, worked on a commissioned basis with Pasco Risk Management (Bryanston).
  • 2. Page | 2 Consistent with an operational model and organizational culture which promotes a multi-disciplinary approach, the expertise I offer aims to provide a coherent and integrated psychological service in the following domains: Psychological and Psycho-Emotional Assessments: Psycho-emotional assessment of the management cohort: o Intakes (newly-appointed and promotions); o Follow-up of managers - as and when required (e.g. iro potential, capacity and fit). Ad hoc assessments in respect of issues that might arise from time to time (e.g., disciplinary, incompatibility and incapacity issues, etc); Psycho-emotional profile generation of candidates for senior positions and related high responsibility posts on the basis of information supplied in referee reports; Extended climate assessments primarily managed through being regularly present in the clients local office environment in order to build rapport and camaraderie with office members during which time a transparent climate assessment is undertaken. The outcome of this kind of climate assessment is usually reliable, and the implementation of recommendations effective, because there tends to be office ownership of the process. Human Behavioural Risk Assessment: Integrity Profiling (Individually based): Given my professional background as a Clinical Psychologist and having over 30 years of practical experience, I have found it preferable, and effective, when screening for integrity and behavioural risk-proneness to understand the personality dynamics (and risk-taking tendencies) of an employee through using an integrated and coherent combination of one-on-one interviews together with projective assessment techniques. The risk-index of the assessment outcomes is considered within the work context. Job Profile Behavioural Risk Analysis (Organizationally based): This kind of risk assessment is based on understanding the psychological and personality attributes that are best suited for a particular job profile. Inherently associated with these various psycho-emotional traits are likely behaviours that, depending upon the overall work environment and the employees immediate context, might pose integrity and other associated behavioural risks to the organization. Evaluation of witness credibility: Under cross-examination and when giving evidence in general, witnesses are understandably prone to anxiety, and may unconsciously or deliberately - underplay or exaggerate the extent of their knowledge about certain events or occurrences, or their own importance within an organizational hierarchy. Appropriate assessment of the likely risk of this occurring is paramount to any legal proceedings. Psychobiographical Profiling: A fundamental psychological and behavioural science principle is that our thought processes, mind-set, attitudes and values as well as behaviour patterns and actions arise out of our personal, family and social history and, importantly, are generally consistent over time so that to an extent our behaviour is predictable. Accepting this principle and having sufficient and relevant information about a persons early life context (birth order, religious background, schooling, family dynamics, etc), as well as recent and current activities and contexts, it becomes possible to generate a behavioural profile of probable and likely responses to any given situation. This dynamic behavioural profile can be used as an adjunct to aid to negotiations, interviews and so on.
  • 3. Page | 3 Executive and Management Coaching: This entails a series of one-on-one personalized and regular engagements with managers during which the focus is on self-development, particularly within the work role. Experiential Workshops: Our personal styles and the processes we use in communication, decision-making, planning, problem- solving and so on, influence the effectiveness of interpersonal relationships, especially in group settings where teamwork is paramount. This is especially important in the office environment where individuals, each with their own unique personalities, work together for several hours of each day, week after week, month after month and possibly year after year. Managers, for instance, would be better equipped to manage their work environments if the energy needed for management was not perhaps wasted on dysfunctional interaction The workshop methodology is based on interactive learning, i.e., learners will learn by doing, and participants use examples from their own environments, thus ensuring that the learning is anchored in the workplace. The kinds workshops offered have been in the following areas: Office Dynamics; Interpersonal skills; Conflict Management; Communication Skills; Team spirit and culture; Self-Reflection and Awareness; Diversity (in the broadest possible sense). ===================