Balassa Lilla - Klausz Melinda: A k旦z旦ss辿gi m辿dia m辿r辿se - Hogyan elemezd a mutat坦kat 辿s hozz ki t旦bbet oldalaidb坦l?
A k旦nyv megrendelhet:
Ha egy kicsit odafigyel端nk statisztik叩inkra, rengeteg fejleszt辿st tudunk eszk旦z旦lni ak叩r fizetett piackutat叩s 辿s el辿gedetts辿gvizsg叩lat n辿lk端l is. A k旦z旦ss辿gi m辿dia m辿r辿sbl ugyanis szinte minden kider鱈thet, t旦bbek k旦z旦tt az is, hogy mia v叩s叩rl坦ink sz叩m叩ra a legfontosabb? Milyen t鱈pus炭 tartalmat kedvelnek legink叩bb? Melyek a trendek az adott 端zlet叩gban?
De vajon melyik adatot 辿rdemes m辿rni 辿s hogyan? Melyik fel端leten milyen mutat坦k vannak 辿s mit jelentenek egy叩ltal叩n az eges mutat坦k? A 5. k旦nyv辿ben ezekre a k辿rd辿sekre keress端k a v叩laszt 辿s seg鱈tj端k az olvas坦kat a k旦z旦ss辿gi m辿dia m辿rsz叩mainak meg辿rt辿s辿ben 辿s helyes haszn叩lat叩ban a Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube 辿s m辿g megannyi fel端let eset辿ben.
Ebben a tanulm叩nyban a v叩ltoz坦k k旦z旦tti kapcsolatot (faktorelemz辿st), 辿s kit旦ltkre vonatoz坦 klasztereket mutatjuk be. A nyert klaszterek tov叩bbi elemz辿se sor叩n azt vett端k 辿szre, hogy a saj叩t 旦n叩ll坦 tartalomk辿sz鱈t辿s helyett 辿s/vagy mellett, ink叩bb 叩tvett tartalmakat koordin叩lnak a k旦z旦ss辿gi oldalakon. Azt a k旦vetkeztet辿st tudjuk levonni, hogy a Z gener叩ci坦s fiatalok t旦bbs辿ge 叩tveszi, 辿s tov叩bb鱈tja (k辿rd辿s, vagy sz撤r n辿lk端l) a tartalmat, amelyet egy kisebb ar叩nyt kitev r辿teg k辿sz鱈t, vagy oszt meg. Nem 辿rdemes csak az akt鱈v felhaszn叩l坦kra 旦sszpontos鱈tani, ha nagyobb t旦meget szeretn辿nk el辿rni, mert az akt鱈vakat az 叩tlag megkeres辿s nem 辿rinti meg. Nem oszt meg sim叩n, csak akkor, ha mag叩t is ki tudja fejezni a megoszt叩sban. Ahogy kiemelt端k a passz鱈v csoport nem homog辿n, tov叩bbi kutat叩sra lenne sz端ks辿g, hogy kibontsuk, mik辿pp lehetne sz辿les鱈teni a megc辿lzand坦k k旦r辿t, hogy a kommunik叩ci坦 maxim叩lis hat辿konys叩got 辿rjen el. Emellett a hirdetnek pontosan kell l叩tnia, mi a kamp叩ny c辿lja, ki a c辿lcsoport. El辿rni a fiatalokat, vagy v辿lem辿nyt adni 叩t?
Melanie K. Goetz is a water utility consultant specializing in public communications. With over 30 years of experience, she helps water utilities and governments effectively communicate the value of water to the public. She develops long-term communication plans, implements rate changes, and conducts outreach campaigns across North America. Currently, her clients include various water utilities, watersheds, and wastewater organizations.
Este documento proporciona una receta para hacer pan sin gluten expreso con Thermomix en 11 pasos. Incluye ingredientes como claras de huevo, agua, vinagre, aceite de oliva, sirope de arroz y levadura prensada. Las instrucciones detallan c坦mo montar las claras, mezclar los ingredientes h炭medos y secos por separado y luego juntos, amasar la masa, formar barras, ponerlas en bolsas para hornear con aceite y cocinar a 220 grados durante 30 minutos.
Blogger es una herramienta que permite crear y publicar blogs sobre cualquier tema de manera sencilla. Adem叩s, permite integrar otros programas y redes sociales como Google Docs, Google+, Amazon y m叩s para ampliar las posibilidades del blog. Blogger es 炭til tanto para personas como empresas que deseen darse a conocer de forma gratuita.
This document provides tips for creating effective PowerPoint slides by avoiding common pitfalls. It addresses how to structure slides with outlines and bullet points, use fonts, colors, backgrounds, and graphs appropriately, and check for spelling and grammar errors. The key recommendations are to keep slides concise with 1-2 slides per minute; use point form, large font, and high contrast colors; include titles and labels on graphs; and conclude by summarizing main points and inviting questions.
Agroecolog鱈a en Nicaragua: La diversificaci坦n de sistemas productivos frente ...Katharina Schiller
El documento describe los sistemas agroecol坦gicos en Nicaragua y sus beneficios para enfrentar el cambio clim叩tico. La agroecolog鱈a promueve la diversificaci坦n de cultivos y pr叩cticas que aumentan la resistencia de los sistemas productivos. A pesar de los desaf鱈os como la falta de recursos, los agricultores nicarag端enses ya utilizan una variedad de pr叩cticas agroecol坦gicas y entienden los principios de este enfoque. Se recomienda fortalecer la agroecolog鱈a mediante el apoyo a los
1. O documento discute a avalia巽達o neuropsicol坦gica de crian巽as, descrevendo m辿todos e testes usados para avaliar fun巽探es cognitivas como intelig棚ncia, mem坦ria e linguagem.
2. Testes como o WISC, WPPSI e RAVLT s達o usados para avaliar diferentes aspectos do desenvolvimento cognitivo e identificar poss鱈veis problemas.
3. A avalia巽達o neuropsicol坦gica fornece informa巽探es valiosas para diagn坦stico, tratamento e orienta巽達o educacional de crian巽as.
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Marcus Tober | Illuminating Consumer Intent Without ...Distilled
This document discusses new approaches to search engine optimization (SEO) that focus on relevance and user intent rather than outdated tactics. It recommends analyzing industries individually and focusing on creating comprehensive, relevant content that matches user intentions rather than targeting specific keywords. It also discusses how machine learning and artificial intelligence are changing what factors like backlinks may influence rankings and how to stay relevant in the face of new challenges like redundancy and differences between mobile and desktop search.
KALISINDH THARMAL POWER PLANT report by Neeraj PatidarNeeraj Patidar
This document provides an overview of the Kalisindh Thermal Power Project located in Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India. The 1200 MW project uses coal as its primary fuel and has 2 units, each capable of generating 600 MW of electricity. It obtains water from the Kalisindh dam and uses a Rankine cycle to convert the chemical energy in coal into thermal energy and then electrical energy through the boiler, turbine, and generator.
This document discusses the benefits of collaboration between different types of libraries. It argues that working together allows libraries to share resources and expertise, providing more support and relevance while reducing stress. Various types of potential partnerships are described, such as programming partnerships between academic and public libraries or resource sharing between public libraries and local schools. The document encourages librarians to think of their patrons rather than just themselves and to break down barriers between different types of libraries. Partnerships at conferences and creating "library buddies" are presented as ways to strengthen collaborative relationships.
Scratch is a free visual programming language developed at MIT to make programming accessible for ages 8 and up. It allows users to create interactive stories, games, and animations by dragging and dropping blocks that represent programming commands. Scratch is widely used in classrooms and has over 15 million registered users. Research shows it helps develop skills like creativity, logical thinking, and an understanding of basic programming concepts.
What defines Generations Y & Z? With influence over $10 trillion globally in spending both directly and indirectly, it's more important than ever to understand how these generations think and feel. In this presentation, I highlight the 7 most important characteristics of Generations Y & Z for marketers and technologists to understand, based on my 15 years of youth research.
Google Places - Global Approach ISS 2012Lisa Myers
My presentation from ISS (International Search Summit) London 2012 on Google Places - Global Approach. How to optimise your Google Places account: citation building, getting reviews, dealing with verification and bulk uploads.
Weil Sie Ihre Kunden m旦gen
Warum sollte jemand gerade bei Ihnen Kunde werden und Ihre Dienstleistung buchen? Wer sind geeignete Kunden f端r Sie und wie positionieren Sie sich aus Sicht Ihrer Kunden gegen端ber den Mitbewerbern?
Hier wird schnell klar, dass es nicht auf die Methoden oder 束Werkzeuge損 ankommt, die man zur Verf端gung hat, sondern darauf, dass Kundenbed端rfnisse pr辰zise erkannt und die Vorteile f端r den konkreten Kunden vermittelt werden.
Vides aizsardz朝bas un re庁ionls att朝st朝bas ministrijas piedvjums uzmjiem Ekonomikas ministrija
Vides aizsardz朝bas un re庁ionls att朝st朝bas ministrijas piedvjums uzmjiem
Andris Egl朝tis, Vides aizsardz朝bas un re庁ionls att朝st朝bas ministrija
2015.gada 1.decembris, R朝ga
Fishing has many health benefits such as exercise, vitamin D from sunlight, and lower stress levels. It also allows you to create lifelong friendships and contribute to conservation efforts, as many fishermen actively support environmental causes. Most importantly, fishing is a fun hobby and recreational activity.
Tervezd meg vel端nk a 2023-as 辿ved social media strat辿gi叩j叩t!
Trendek, tartalmak, 炭j social media fel端letek 辿s megold叩sok - Te felk辿sz端lt辿l 2023-ra?
vterveznkkel nem csup叩n kit旦ltend feladatlapokat, hanem seg辿dleteket 辿s konkr辿t p辿ld叩kat is kapsz minden k旦z旦ss辿gi m辿dia fel端letre.
A 70 oldalas 辿vtervezt itt tudod megv叩s叩rolni tov叩bbi k旦nyveink mellett:
Melanie K. Goetz is a water utility consultant specializing in public communications. With over 30 years of experience, she helps water utilities and governments effectively communicate the value of water to the public. She develops long-term communication plans, implements rate changes, and conducts outreach campaigns across North America. Currently, her clients include various water utilities, watersheds, and wastewater organizations.
Este documento proporciona una receta para hacer pan sin gluten expreso con Thermomix en 11 pasos. Incluye ingredientes como claras de huevo, agua, vinagre, aceite de oliva, sirope de arroz y levadura prensada. Las instrucciones detallan c坦mo montar las claras, mezclar los ingredientes h炭medos y secos por separado y luego juntos, amasar la masa, formar barras, ponerlas en bolsas para hornear con aceite y cocinar a 220 grados durante 30 minutos.
Blogger es una herramienta que permite crear y publicar blogs sobre cualquier tema de manera sencilla. Adem叩s, permite integrar otros programas y redes sociales como Google Docs, Google+, Amazon y m叩s para ampliar las posibilidades del blog. Blogger es 炭til tanto para personas como empresas que deseen darse a conocer de forma gratuita.
This document provides tips for creating effective PowerPoint slides by avoiding common pitfalls. It addresses how to structure slides with outlines and bullet points, use fonts, colors, backgrounds, and graphs appropriately, and check for spelling and grammar errors. The key recommendations are to keep slides concise with 1-2 slides per minute; use point form, large font, and high contrast colors; include titles and labels on graphs; and conclude by summarizing main points and inviting questions.
Agroecolog鱈a en Nicaragua: La diversificaci坦n de sistemas productivos frente ...Katharina Schiller
El documento describe los sistemas agroecol坦gicos en Nicaragua y sus beneficios para enfrentar el cambio clim叩tico. La agroecolog鱈a promueve la diversificaci坦n de cultivos y pr叩cticas que aumentan la resistencia de los sistemas productivos. A pesar de los desaf鱈os como la falta de recursos, los agricultores nicarag端enses ya utilizan una variedad de pr叩cticas agroecol坦gicas y entienden los principios de este enfoque. Se recomienda fortalecer la agroecolog鱈a mediante el apoyo a los
1. O documento discute a avalia巽達o neuropsicol坦gica de crian巽as, descrevendo m辿todos e testes usados para avaliar fun巽探es cognitivas como intelig棚ncia, mem坦ria e linguagem.
2. Testes como o WISC, WPPSI e RAVLT s達o usados para avaliar diferentes aspectos do desenvolvimento cognitivo e identificar poss鱈veis problemas.
3. A avalia巽達o neuropsicol坦gica fornece informa巽探es valiosas para diagn坦stico, tratamento e orienta巽達o educacional de crian巽as.
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Marcus Tober | Illuminating Consumer Intent Without ...Distilled
This document discusses new approaches to search engine optimization (SEO) that focus on relevance and user intent rather than outdated tactics. It recommends analyzing industries individually and focusing on creating comprehensive, relevant content that matches user intentions rather than targeting specific keywords. It also discusses how machine learning and artificial intelligence are changing what factors like backlinks may influence rankings and how to stay relevant in the face of new challenges like redundancy and differences between mobile and desktop search.
KALISINDH THARMAL POWER PLANT report by Neeraj PatidarNeeraj Patidar
This document provides an overview of the Kalisindh Thermal Power Project located in Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India. The 1200 MW project uses coal as its primary fuel and has 2 units, each capable of generating 600 MW of electricity. It obtains water from the Kalisindh dam and uses a Rankine cycle to convert the chemical energy in coal into thermal energy and then electrical energy through the boiler, turbine, and generator.
This document discusses the benefits of collaboration between different types of libraries. It argues that working together allows libraries to share resources and expertise, providing more support and relevance while reducing stress. Various types of potential partnerships are described, such as programming partnerships between academic and public libraries or resource sharing between public libraries and local schools. The document encourages librarians to think of their patrons rather than just themselves and to break down barriers between different types of libraries. Partnerships at conferences and creating "library buddies" are presented as ways to strengthen collaborative relationships.
Scratch is a free visual programming language developed at MIT to make programming accessible for ages 8 and up. It allows users to create interactive stories, games, and animations by dragging and dropping blocks that represent programming commands. Scratch is widely used in classrooms and has over 15 million registered users. Research shows it helps develop skills like creativity, logical thinking, and an understanding of basic programming concepts.
What defines Generations Y & Z? With influence over $10 trillion globally in spending both directly and indirectly, it's more important than ever to understand how these generations think and feel. In this presentation, I highlight the 7 most important characteristics of Generations Y & Z for marketers and technologists to understand, based on my 15 years of youth research.
Google Places - Global Approach ISS 2012Lisa Myers
My presentation from ISS (International Search Summit) London 2012 on Google Places - Global Approach. How to optimise your Google Places account: citation building, getting reviews, dealing with verification and bulk uploads.
Weil Sie Ihre Kunden m旦gen
Warum sollte jemand gerade bei Ihnen Kunde werden und Ihre Dienstleistung buchen? Wer sind geeignete Kunden f端r Sie und wie positionieren Sie sich aus Sicht Ihrer Kunden gegen端ber den Mitbewerbern?
Hier wird schnell klar, dass es nicht auf die Methoden oder 束Werkzeuge損 ankommt, die man zur Verf端gung hat, sondern darauf, dass Kundenbed端rfnisse pr辰zise erkannt und die Vorteile f端r den konkreten Kunden vermittelt werden.
Vides aizsardz朝bas un re庁ionls att朝st朝bas ministrijas piedvjums uzmjiem Ekonomikas ministrija
Vides aizsardz朝bas un re庁ionls att朝st朝bas ministrijas piedvjums uzmjiem
Andris Egl朝tis, Vides aizsardz朝bas un re庁ionls att朝st朝bas ministrija
2015.gada 1.decembris, R朝ga
Fishing has many health benefits such as exercise, vitamin D from sunlight, and lower stress levels. It also allows you to create lifelong friendships and contribute to conservation efforts, as many fishermen actively support environmental causes. Most importantly, fishing is a fun hobby and recreational activity.
Tervezd meg vel端nk a 2023-as 辿ved social media strat辿gi叩j叩t!
Trendek, tartalmak, 炭j social media fel端letek 辿s megold叩sok - Te felk辿sz端lt辿l 2023-ra?
vterveznkkel nem csup叩n kit旦ltend feladatlapokat, hanem seg辿dleteket 辿s konkr辿t p辿ld叩kat is kapsz minden k旦z旦ss辿gi m辿dia fel端letre.
A 70 oldalas 辿vtervezt itt tudod megv叩s叩rolni tov叩bbi k旦nyveink mellett:
Megtudhatjuk, mit besz辿lnek r坦lunk a social m辿di叩ban?Janos Palinkas
Elad叩som a Kreat鱈v 2013. febru叩r 28-i Gy坦gyszerkommunik叩ci坦s Konferenci叩j叩n.
Az elad叩sban azt j叩rtam k旦r端l, hogy a gy坦gyszeripari c辿gek - k端l旦n旦sen a v辿nyk旦teles term辿keket (RX) gy叩rt坦k - mik辿nt haszn叩lhatj叩k a k旦z旦ss辿gi m辿dia monitoroz叩st kommunik叩ci坦jukban 辿s 端zleti strat辿gi叩jukban.
A konferencia linkje:
Mire j坦 a social m辿dia v叩llalkoz叩sok sz叩m叩ra?
Hogyan haszn叩lj叩k a c辿gek k端lf旦ld旦n?
Milyen platformokat 辿rdemes haszn叩lni?
A Google+, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Foursquare 辿s YouTube bemutat叩sa.
Gyakorlati p辿ld叩k c辿ges k旦z旦ss辿gi m辿dia gyakorlatokra.
Hogyan 叩ll鱈that坦 旦ssze k旦z旦ss辿gi m辿dia h叩l坦 c辿gek sz叩m叩ra?
Hogyan lesz m辿rhet az aktivit叩s 辿s a ROI a k旦z旦ss辿gi m辿di叩ban?
nm叩rka = "Amit m叩sok mondanak r坦lunk, amikor kil辿p端nk a szob叩b坦l." Mindenkinek van 辿nm叩rk叩ja. Ennek ellen辿re kevesen ford鱈tanak figyelmet 辿nm叩rk叩juk 辿p鱈t辿s辿re. Rengeteg vannak 炭gy, hogy el辿g v辿gezni端k a munk叩jukat 辿s egyszer majd csak f旦lfedezi ket valaki. De hi叩ba tehets辿gesek, nem v叩lnak ismertt辿 a gyenge 辿nm叩rk叩juk miatt.
Ezeken a di叩kon kicsit ut叩na tudsz n辿zni, hogy mirl is besz辿lek. Gondolkozz el rajtuk 辿s 辿p鱈tsd tudatosan az saj叩t m叩rk叩dat!
Gonda D叩vid
Brandfestival elad叩s: egy influencer egy端ttm撤k旦d辿s alatt, hogyan integr叩ljuk megfelelen a m叩rk叩nkat/term辿k端nket/szolg叩ltat叩sunkat, illetve hogyan n旦velj端k a teljes aktivit叩s hat辿konys叩g叩t? K辿zai B辿la - Brandfestival 2018.10.19.
2. Social Media ereje
1. Figyelem: meghalljuk a fogyaszt坦kat
2. V叩lasz: 辿p鱈thetj端k a h鱈rnev端nket
3. El辿r辿s: a v辿lem辿nyvez辿rekkel t旦bb embert el辿r端nk
4. Lead: 辿rdekldk gener叩l叩sa
9. A legt旦bb social marketing akci坦 mi辿rt sikertelen?
Mert majdnem ANNYI social media szak辿rt
van, ah叩ny ember HASZNLJA a social
10. De ez tov叩bbra is MARKETING , csak social media
Ami azt jelenti, hogy PROFI
MARKETINGESK 辿rik el a legnagyobb
11. Mint p辿ld叩ul nagyobb m叩rkaismeret, nagyobb
term辿k辿lm辿ny 辿s megn旦vekedett elad叩s.
s NEM CSAK t旦bb Facebook like 辿s Twitter k旦vet.
12. Hogyan?
Integr叩ljuk a social erfesz鱈t辿seket a t旦bbi
marketing tev辿kenys辿gbe
Nagy 旦tleteket alkotunk a social m辿di叩ba,
webre 辿s mobilra
A f坦kusz a rajong坦 bevon叩s 辿s nem csak a
rajong坦k sz叩ma
A legmodernebb eszk旦z旦kkel megtal叩ljuk a
v辿lem辿nyvez辿reket 辿s speci叩lis nekik k辿sz鱈t端nk
26. Felhaszn叩lt kommunik叩ci坦s eszk旦z旦k
Hol tudunk publik叩lni?
Social networking oldalak: twitter, google+, facebook,
instagramm, bebo stb.
Partner oldalak: tgp sites, k辿pgal辿ri叩k
Video sharing oldalak, tube oldalak, adult blogok,
Photo sharing oldalak: (adult),
instagramm, deviantART, Flickr etc.
27. Az elindul叩s
1. Fogalmazzuk meg hogy ki vagyunk 辿s hol tartunk most
Egyr辿szt: mivel foglalkozunk, pontosan meghat叩rozva.
M叩sr辿szt: l叩togat坦sz叩mok, tartalmaink, partnereink,
forgalmi forr叩sok, memberek stb.
28. Az elindul叩s
2. Hat叩rozzuk el, hogy hova akarunk eljutni
Ne pontos sz叩mokat t撤zz端nk ki, hanem
v叩gyakat. P辿ld叩ul:
- a legjobbak szeretn辿nk lenni x ter端leten
29. Az elindul叩s
3. T撤zz端nk ki c辿lokat
Ne pontos sz叩mokat t撤zz端nk ki, hanem c辿lokat.
- Ahhoz hogy a legjobbak legy端nk x ter端leten,
n旦veln端nk kell y-t. Mostant坦l ez a c辿lunk.
30. Az elindul叩s
5. Vizsg叩ljuk meg a konkurenseket
Tudjuk meg, hogy ki miben a legjobb, mik a
k旦vetend legjobb p辿ld叩k (tartalom,
design, aktivit叩s).
31. Az elindul叩s
6. Tartalmak 辿s kreat鱈vok elk辿sz鱈t辿se
Ha m叩r tudjuk mit szeretn辿k, l辿tre is kell
hozni. Majd j旦het a target叩l叩s,
optimaliz叩l叩s, napi postol叩s..