En gennemgang af udviklingen indenfor sociale medier, set fra b奪de et teoretisk og kommercielt synspunkt.
A review of the social media evolution, from both a theoretical and commercial point of view.
If you have questions or need the presentation in english, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Marco Zoi is an Italian illustrator and photographer who lives and works between Rome and Tuscany. He creates surreal images and portraits using a mixture of his photography, digital painting, and sometimes 3D elements. Zoi studied photography in London and Rome and has worked as a freelance photographer in Milan for magazines, including as an assistant photographer for Vogue studios.
Expo 2015 - Social Media Organic Happy Hour Giusy Aloe
"Organic social media day" un aperitivo informale dedicato ai Social Media Manager di tutte le realt presenti in EXPO.
Organizzato da BolognaFiere e AlceNero c/o Biodiversity park
Conference contenus mobiles pour ECM Belfast en mars 2014Fran巽ois Perroy
Pr辿sentation de ma conf辿rence pour les contenus mobiles pour les villes touristiques d'Europe pr辿sent辿e Belfast en 2014 pour le compte du blog www.etourisme.info et ECM.
The document provides instructions on adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators. It explains that when adding or subtracting fractions, you copy the denominator and then perform the operation on the numerators. Several examples are worked through, demonstrating how to identify the denominator, copy it, and then add or subtract the numerators. The key steps are to check if the denominators are the same before working the problem, and to always copy the denominator when writing the answer.
This document provides a report on a 3-day national training workshop held in Indonesia from May 23-25, 2013. The workshop aimed to train 45 secondary school teachers from various regions in Indonesia on how to implement the Face to Faith program, which uses online tools and video conferencing to promote interfaith and intercultural understanding among students. Over the three days, teachers learned about the RESPECT principles of the program, how to use the online platform and video conferencing tools, and how to develop action plans to implement Face to Faith modules and activities in their own schools. They also participated in live video calls with teachers in other countries. At the end of the workshop, teachers provided feedback and discussed anticipated challenges in applying what they
Marco Zoi is an Italian illustrator and photographer who lives and works between Rome and Tuscany. He creates surreal images and portraits using a mixture of his photography, digital painting, and sometimes 3D elements. Zoi studied photography in London and Rome and has worked as a freelance photographer in Milan for magazines, including as an assistant photographer for Vogue studios.
Expo 2015 - Social Media Organic Happy Hour Giusy Aloe
"Organic social media day" un aperitivo informale dedicato ai Social Media Manager di tutte le realt presenti in EXPO.
Organizzato da BolognaFiere e AlceNero c/o Biodiversity park
Conference contenus mobiles pour ECM Belfast en mars 2014Fran巽ois Perroy
Pr辿sentation de ma conf辿rence pour les contenus mobiles pour les villes touristiques d'Europe pr辿sent辿e Belfast en 2014 pour le compte du blog www.etourisme.info et ECM.
The document provides instructions on adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators. It explains that when adding or subtracting fractions, you copy the denominator and then perform the operation on the numerators. Several examples are worked through, demonstrating how to identify the denominator, copy it, and then add or subtract the numerators. The key steps are to check if the denominators are the same before working the problem, and to always copy the denominator when writing the answer.
This document provides a report on a 3-day national training workshop held in Indonesia from May 23-25, 2013. The workshop aimed to train 45 secondary school teachers from various regions in Indonesia on how to implement the Face to Faith program, which uses online tools and video conferencing to promote interfaith and intercultural understanding among students. Over the three days, teachers learned about the RESPECT principles of the program, how to use the online platform and video conferencing tools, and how to develop action plans to implement Face to Faith modules and activities in their own schools. They also participated in live video calls with teachers in other countries. At the end of the workshop, teachers provided feedback and discussed anticipated challenges in applying what they
4. Sociale medier p奪 dagsordenen Vi valgte f淡rst
Twitter som base
Blogspot politikerblog
platform til politiker/boger
YouTube til vores video
platform til borger/borger
dialog nyhedsperspektiv
Vi valgte herefter
Facebook fordi
debatten foreg奪r
Vores eget
sociale medie
5. Barrierer og udfordringer - Internt i organisationen
Viljen mangler ikke, men det g淡r
Evnen til og viden om at bruge sociale medier strategisk -
men samtidig anerkende formen og dens kaos.
Forst奪elsen for, at involvering ikke kommer fra en
kommunikationsafdeling alene men fra hjertet.
Ressourcerne hvordan flytter vi ressourcer fra andre
traditionelle kommunikationsformer, n奪r de stadig
eftersp淡rges. T淡r vi lukke andre kanaler?
At se lyset. Er det ikke bare en dille eller so ein ding?
6. Barrierer og udfordringer fra omverdenen
Andre vaner de borgere, der involverer sig, g淡r det
ofte p奪 nordjyske.dk, blogs, facebook, hvordan f奪r vi
dem til at opdage os?
Skepsis - Meget fint, meeeeen lytter de nu til det, jeg
har at sige hvordan f奪r vi borgerne til at stole p奪
St淡vet image hvem vil v脱re ven med en kommune
p奪 facebook? hvordan f奪r vi borgerne til at synes
om os?
7. Hvordan g淡r vi i det daglige?
Pr淡ver at huske p奪, at alle emner er
potentielle emner til de sociale medier.
Vi underviser og pr脱ger organisationen
til at bruge medierne.
Vi agerer startmotorer og
f淡dselshj脱lpere for processen men
organisationen/politikerne skal eje den,
involvere sig og b脱re den videre.
Vi spreder os - lader de sociale medier
spille sammen med de traditionelle.
Prioriterer ressourcer til
overv奪gning/involvering i de sociale
8. Vores Quick Guide til Sociale Medier
1. Involvering skaber involvering. Jo mere vi giver, jo mere
f奪r vi igen.
2. Vores omgivelser skal ikke finde os - vi finder dem.
3. Vi skal turde at v脱re i direkte kontakt med omverdenen.
Ikke noget fedtspilleri!
4. Der skal v脱re reelt indhold bag vores aktioner relevans
og gennemsigtighed ellers l淡ber folk skrigende v脱k, n奪r
de opdager, at det hele er en ballon med varm luft.
5. Vi skal kunne skifte kurs over natten. Omstilling og
tilpasning er en afg淡rende faktor.
6. Vi skal give slip og nyde eller i hvert fald acceptere at
det sociale liv p奪 nettet ikke lader sig styre, men reelt er det
rene kaos.
9. Fremtiden - vores yndlingsscenarie
Vi er en kendt og naturlig deltager i de sociale
netv脱rk og bruger af de digitale dialogmuligheder.
Vi skaber relationer mellem borgere, virksomheder og
os som kommune.
Vi styrker n脱rdemokratiet ved at v脱re d辿r, hvor
dialogen og debatten foreg奪r - og t淡r at g奪 ind i den.
..og vi har en strategi for det!