Il marketing esperienziale vede nel cliente il primo capitale finanziario. Il consumo 竪 visto come un'esperienza. Allora il marketing deve capire queste dinamiche e, attraverso i moduli strategici - SEM - esperienziali farli vivere nella mente del cliente. Il customer experience management - CEM - 竪 il management che deve strategicamente elaborare e mettere in pratica l'esperienza del cliente
The document is a presentation about makerspaces and the maker movement. It discusses concepts like the long tail theory, prosumers, DIY and commons-based peer production. It outlines different types of maker facilities, services, and enablers. Makers are defined as 21st century inventors who combine new technologies, open source, and online collaboration to create new products or services. Examples of maker projects include robotics, drones, industrial automation, medicine, art and more. The presentation promotes the Treviso Arduino User Group and concludes by asking "what do you want to make?".