Este documento presenta nueve problemas relacionados con el teorema de Pit叩goras. Los problemas probablemente involucran calcular los lados de tri叩ngulos rect叩ngulos o determinar si un tri叩ngulo es rect叩ngulo. El documento parece ser una lista de ejercicios de matem叩ticas sobre el teorema de Pit叩goras para resolver.
1 r batx unitat 3 trigono 2a part november 22 2012Toni Mendez
The document lists 16 entries documenting edits made to a trigonometry document for a class between October 2012 and November 2012, with timestamps showing the edits were made on various dates by different users.
Curvas y tablas_de_crecimiento_fundacion_orbegozoToni Mendez
Este documento presenta curvas y tablas de crecimiento para ni単os y ni単as basadas en estudios longitudinales y transversales realizados en Vizcaya, Espa単a. Incluye gr叩ficas de longitud, peso, per鱈metro craneal, 鱈ndice de masa corporal y velocidad de crecimiento para edades de 0 a 2 a単os y de 2 a 18 a単os, as鱈 como tablas con datos longitudinales y transversales. El objetivo es proporcionar herramientas para evaluar el crecimiento individual y compararlo con patrones de referencia.
1 r batx unitat 3 trigono 1a part october 22 2012Toni Mendez
The document is a log of activity on a trigonometry document called "1R BATX UNITAT 3 Trigono 1a part October 22 2012.gwb". The log shows the document was accessed on 15 separate occasions between October 22nd and November 6th, with various times and dates of access provided.
1 r batx unitat 2 polinomis 2a part october 01 2012Toni Mendez
The document is a 12-page lesson on polynomials from October 1, 2012. It discusses polynomials over 11 pages and is the second part of a unit on polynomials from a 1R BATX class. The lesson covers polynomials through page 11 and is dated Fri Oct 19 2012.
1 r batx unitat 2 polinomis 1a part october 01 2012Toni Mendez
The document appears to be a 25 page lesson on polynomials from a 1R BATX UNITAT 2 class from October 1, 2012. It covers polynomials in the first part and progresses through pages 1 through 25, discussing key concepts and examples related to polynomials over the multiple pages.
The document lists 19 entries with timestamps from September 24, 2012 to October 1, 2012 tracking edits or versions of a document titled "Batx Unitat 1. September 24 2012.gwb". The timestamps indicate the document was worked on over multiple days with most edits taking place from September 24-28, 2012.
1 r batx unitat 3 trigono 2a part november 22 2012Toni Mendez
The document lists 16 entries documenting edits made to a trigonometry document for a class between October 2012 and November 2012, with timestamps showing the edits were made on various dates by different users.
Curvas y tablas_de_crecimiento_fundacion_orbegozoToni Mendez
Este documento presenta curvas y tablas de crecimiento para ni単os y ni単as basadas en estudios longitudinales y transversales realizados en Vizcaya, Espa単a. Incluye gr叩ficas de longitud, peso, per鱈metro craneal, 鱈ndice de masa corporal y velocidad de crecimiento para edades de 0 a 2 a単os y de 2 a 18 a単os, as鱈 como tablas con datos longitudinales y transversales. El objetivo es proporcionar herramientas para evaluar el crecimiento individual y compararlo con patrones de referencia.
1 r batx unitat 3 trigono 1a part october 22 2012Toni Mendez
The document is a log of activity on a trigonometry document called "1R BATX UNITAT 3 Trigono 1a part October 22 2012.gwb". The log shows the document was accessed on 15 separate occasions between October 22nd and November 6th, with various times and dates of access provided.
1 r batx unitat 2 polinomis 2a part october 01 2012Toni Mendez
The document is a 12-page lesson on polynomials from October 1, 2012. It discusses polynomials over 11 pages and is the second part of a unit on polynomials from a 1R BATX class. The lesson covers polynomials through page 11 and is dated Fri Oct 19 2012.
1 r batx unitat 2 polinomis 1a part october 01 2012Toni Mendez
The document appears to be a 25 page lesson on polynomials from a 1R BATX UNITAT 2 class from October 1, 2012. It covers polynomials in the first part and progresses through pages 1 through 25, discussing key concepts and examples related to polynomials over the multiple pages.
The document lists 19 entries with timestamps from September 24, 2012 to October 1, 2012 tracking edits or versions of a document titled "Batx Unitat 1. September 24 2012.gwb". The timestamps indicate the document was worked on over multiple days with most edits taking place from September 24-28, 2012.
4t b i c unitat 3 polinomis. part 2. octubre 2012Toni Mendez
El documento trata sobre la segunda parte de la unidad 3 sobre polinomios. Contiene 20 p叩ginas de notas sobre el tema, con fechas que van desde octubre hasta noviembre de 2012.
4t b i c unitat 2 radicals september 21 2012Toni Mendez
The document lists timestamps for edits made to a file called "4t B i C unitat 2 September 21 2012.gwb" between October 1-9, 2012. There are 28 timestamps listed in chronological order showing when the file was accessed and edited over that period.
4t b i c unitat 2. potencies. september 21 2012Toni Mendez
The document appears to be a log or record of edits made to a file called "4t B i C unitat 2 September 21 2012.gwb" on various dates between September 21, 2012 and October 1, 2012. Entries in the log provide information about the date and time of edits made to the file.
This document appears to be a log of 5 entries made on September 21, 2012 between 9:47 AM and 9:50 AM. The entries are unlabeled and do not provide any context about their purpose or content.
3r c unitat 3. Polinomis. october. 2012Toni Mendez
The document appears to be notes from a class on polynomials from October 2012. It consists of 23 pages of notes taken on different dates in October and November 2012, covering polynomial topics like addition, subtraction and factorization of polynomials.
The document appears to be a log of edits made to a file called "3r C Unitat 2. September 25 2012.gwb" on various dates in September and October 2012, as it lists the page number and date/time for 20 separate entries spanning from October 2nd to October 11th 2012.
Pissarra digital. 3r c unitat 1. Nombres enters. 2012Toni Mendez
The document appears to be a log or record containing 12 entries documenting modifications or additions made to a file called "3r C Unitat 1. September 25 2012.gwb" on various dates between September 25, 2012 and October 2, 2012. Each entry includes the date and time of the change and the page number out of 12 total pages.
Pissarra digital. 3r c unitat 1. Nombres enters. 2012Toni Mendez
Solucionari 4 ab 3r tr 3r p correl probabilitat 31 05 2012 (2)
NOM I COGNOMS: _________________________________ 30 DE MAIG DE 2012
1. A Helsinki, al mes dabril, un venedor de gelats pren nota del n尊 de gelats venuts i
la temperatura mitjana en diferents dies i omple el seg端ent quadre. (2,5 punts)
N尊 de
Temperatura gelats
en 尊C venuts
Xi Yi Xi*Yi Xi^2 Yi^2
10 21 210 100 441
11 33 363 121 1089
12 40 480 144 1600
13 51 663 169 2601
14 60 840 196 3600
Totals 60 205 2556 730 9331
(0,1 p) Mitjana X =12 (0,1 p) Mitjana Y = 41
(0,2 p) Varincia y = 185,2
(0,2 p) Varincia x =2
(0,2 p) Covarincia xy = 19,2
(0,2 p) Coeficient de correlaci坦 r =0,9976214
Recta de regressi坦: y = mx + n (0,2 p) m=9,6 (0,2 p) n=-74,2
(0,1 p) Equaci坦: Y=9,6X-74,2
(0,1 p) Quin tipus de correlaci坦 hi ha entre les dues variables?:
Correlaci坦 lineal forta
(0,15 p) Dacord amb lequaci坦 de la recta que has trobat, quin valor dY (n尊 de gelats) li
correspondria per una X=12尊C?
Y=9,6*12-74,2= 41 gelats.
(0,2 p) Quina diferencia en % hi ha entre aquest valor dY i el de la taula?
41-40=1 gelat de diferencia. 1/40*100= 2,5%
(0,15 p) Quin valor de Y li pertocaria si la X valgu竪s 20尊C?
Y=9,6*20-74,2= 118 gelats.
Dibuixa el n炭vol de punts i la recta de regressi坦 que has trobat.(0,4p)
Completa la grfica amb un t鱈tol i etiqueta els eixos adequadament.
NOM I COGNOMS: _________________________________ 30 DE MAIG DE 2012
Venda de gelats per dia a Helsinki. Mes d'abril
60 60,2
50 50,6
n尊 gelats
40 41
33 Teoric
30 31,4
20 21,8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
2. (0,5 p) Indica l'espai mostral dels experiments aleatoris seg端ents:
a) Tirar 2 monedes i veure si surt C=cara o X=creu en cada una:
E= { CC, XX, CX, XC }
b) Treure una bola d'una bossa amb 4 boles vermelles, 2 de verdes i una de blava i mirar el
color: Treure vermella,
E= { Treure Vermella, Treure Verda, Treura Blava }
3. (0,5 p)Indica la probabilitat dels esdeveniments seg端ents de l'experi竪ncia tirar un
a) Quina 辿s la probabilitat d'obtenir 2?: 1/6
b) Quina 辿s la probabilitat de no obtenir 4?: 5/6
c) Quina 辿s la probabilitat d'obtenir 3 o 6?: 2/6=1/3
d) Quina 辿s la probabilitat d'obtenir menys de 5?: 4/6 o 2/3
e) Quina 辿s la probabilitat de treure un valor que sigui ni parell ni m炭ltiple de 3 ? 2/6=1/3
4. (0,5 p)En tirar un dau considerem els esdeveniments A = {1, 2,3,5} i B = {2,4,6}.
Indica els elements dels esdeveniments:
a) A B = 1, 2,3,4,5,6}
b) A B ={2}
c) A ={4,6}
d) A B ={1, 3,4,5,6}
e) Ni A ni B={res}
5. (0,25 p)a) El sistema de control de qualitat d'una fbrica de bombetes retira 8
bombetes de cada 2000 unitats produ誰des. Quina 辿s la probabilitat que una bombeta
produ誰da no sigui defectuosa?:
NOM I COGNOMS: _________________________________ 30 DE MAIG DE 2012
(0,25 p)b) Un home t辿 un 20% de probabilitats (p=0,20) de transmetre el gen K duna
malaltia per via hereditaria. Una dona t辿 un 30% (p=0,30) de transmetre el mateix
gen K. Per a que el fill estigui malalt ha de rebre el gen per part de pare i mare
simultniament (K i K). Quina probabilitat tenen de tenir un fill malalt?
P(K i K)=0,20*0,30=0,06=6%
6. Una urna cont辿 5 boles vermelles, 4 boles blanques i 7 boles grogues.
a) (0,25 p)Quina 辿s la probabilitat d'extreure dues boles consecutives de color
vermell? Sense reposici坦.
P(B i B)=5/16*4/15=0,083=8,33%
b) (0,25 p)Quina 辿s la probabilitat de que siguin de color groc? Amb reposici坦.
P(G i G)=7/16*7/16=0,1914=19,14%