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WebPerformanceOptimizationWPOstevesouders.com/docs/web20expo-20100505.pptxslideshare.net/souders/souders-wpo-web20expoDisclaimer: This content does not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer.flickr.com/photos/mubashir/2616724942/
carsonified.com/blog/business/fred-wilsons-10-golden-principles-of-successful-web-apps/1. Speed - First and foremost, we believe that speed is more than a feature. Speed is the most important feature.
Yahoo!	0.4 sec slower	traffic  5-9%slideshare.net/stoyan/dont-make-me-wait-or-building-highperformance-web-applicationsslideshare.net/stoyan/yslow-20-presentation
blog.mozilla.com/metrics/category/website-optimization/shaved 2.2 seconds off the average page load time and increased download conversions by 15.4%!
en.oreilly.com/velocity2009/public/schedule/detail/7709blog.mozilla.com/metrics/category/website-optimization/shaved 2.2 seconds off the average page load time and increased download conversions by 15.4%!
Site speed in search rankScreen shot of blog postwe've decided to take site speed into account in our search rankings.googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2010/04/using-site-speed-in-web-search-ranking.html
WebPerformanceOptimizationWPOdrives trafficimproves UXincreases revenuereduces costsflickr.com/photos/pedromourapinheiro/3123885534/
top 10 WPO predictions#10: fast-by-defaultCMSs
PHP, Rails, Python
cloud  AWS, GAE
JS libraries
browsers, servers, proxiesflickr.com/photos/eole/380316678/
top 10 WPO predictions#9: visibility into the browserJS, CSS, paint, DOM
Speed Tracerflickr.com/photos/eole/380316678/
top 10 WPO predictions#8: consolidationtools
top 10 WPO predictions#7: TCP, HTTPSPDY
resource packagesflickr.com/photos/eole/380316678/
top 10 WPO predictions#6: standardsterminology
top 10 WPO predictions#5: industry organizationsprofessional groups
training, certification
standards bodies
top 10 WPO predictions#4: dataInternet Performance Archive
network parameters
top 10 WPO predictions#3: greenShopzilla  half the servers
Netflix  half the bandwidth

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Editor's Notes

  • #4: Fred Wilson is Managing Partner of two venture capital firms, Flatiron Partners (Yoyodyne, Geocities) and Union Square Ventures (Twitter, delicious,Etsy, Feedburner).SpeedInstant utilitySoftware is mediaLess is moreMake it programmableMake it personalRESTfulDiscoverabilityCleanPlayful
  • #8: if were able to achieve a similar performance boost across ourothertoplanding pages, well drive in excess of 60 million yearly Firefox downloads.
  • #9: This was a ~5 second speed up.
  • #11: Time measurements from real users.
  • #18: coops similar to anti-spam coop, imagine Google Ajax Libraries API also supported on AWS,
  • #37: http://stevesouders.com/blog/2009/10/19/http-archive-specification-firebug-and-httpwatch/
  • #40: Time measurements from real users.
  • #48: YtseJam Photography, "Going nowhere fast", http://www.flickr.com/photos/thatguyfromcchs08/2300190277/