Plateforme d'enseignement à distance : efrontKhaled Fayala
Ce rapport présente un projet qui consiste à créer deux espaces de cours sur deux plateformes d’enseignement à distance différentes. L’objectif de notre travail est de comparer ces deux plateformes (Moodle et eFront) après avoir effectué une étude théorique et pratique. La comparaison se faite en se basant sur un ensemble de critères mis en évidence dans chaque plateforme.
How to Improve Visual Rendering Quality in VR - Unite Copenhagen 2019Unity Technologies
VR allows for an entirely new level of immersion, leading to more thrilling and engaging content to be delivered and is growing rapidly. Despite this, VR, especially on mobile, currently contains a number of limitations, which can make it an unrealistic, unconvincing and, sometimes, an uncomfortable experience. Virtual reality (VR) is a new way to deliver thrilling and engaging content and allows for a deep level of immersion. Despite this, VR, especially on mobile, currently has several limitations, which can make it an unrealistic, unconvincing and, sometimes, an uncomfortable experience. To achieve the true potential of VR, these limitations must be either solved or mitigated. Ways of mitigating these limitations include optimal alpha compositing approaches, texture filtering techniques and bump mapping methods for use with VR content. In these slides, technology company Arm will outline how to improve the rendering quality of your VR content, describing the most common pitfalls and bad practices, before providing clear examples and mitigation solutions of how to best overcome them.
Ryan O'Shea - ARM
Game development is challenging due to many front-end platforms and issues with sessions not scaling. Long polling and socket programming are alternatives to sessions, but require protocol and database considerations. Open-source alternatives like Reddwarf Server exist, but writing your own server is not recommended. SmartFox Server provides listener-based APIs and client libraries but does not scale and is expensive. Social game companies like Zynga and King use various stacks including Rails, Redis, Erlang and AWS. NoSQL databases like Redis and Riak can be better alternatives than relational databases for games.
How to Improve Visual Rendering Quality in VR - Unite Copenhagen 2019Unity Technologies
VR allows for an entirely new level of immersion, leading to more thrilling and engaging content to be delivered and is growing rapidly. Despite this, VR, especially on mobile, currently contains a number of limitations, which can make it an unrealistic, unconvincing and, sometimes, an uncomfortable experience. Virtual reality (VR) is a new way to deliver thrilling and engaging content and allows for a deep level of immersion. Despite this, VR, especially on mobile, currently has several limitations, which can make it an unrealistic, unconvincing and, sometimes, an uncomfortable experience. To achieve the true potential of VR, these limitations must be either solved or mitigated. Ways of mitigating these limitations include optimal alpha compositing approaches, texture filtering techniques and bump mapping methods for use with VR content. In these slides, technology company Arm will outline how to improve the rendering quality of your VR content, describing the most common pitfalls and bad practices, before providing clear examples and mitigation solutions of how to best overcome them.
Ryan O'Shea - ARM
Game development is challenging due to many front-end platforms and issues with sessions not scaling. Long polling and socket programming are alternatives to sessions, but require protocol and database considerations. Open-source alternatives like Reddwarf Server exist, but writing your own server is not recommended. SmartFox Server provides listener-based APIs and client libraries but does not scale and is expensive. Social game companies like Zynga and King use various stacks including Rails, Redis, Erlang and AWS. NoSQL databases like Redis and Riak can be better alternatives than relational databases for games.