사회혁신이란무엇이며,왜 필요하며,어떻게 추진하는가-재프 멀건(2011)JINI-JUNG사회혁신(Social Innovation) = 사회운동 + 비즈니스 혁신
사회혁신에는 아직 전문가나 교수가 없다. 오직 더 잘 이해하기 위해 연구하는 실천가들이 있을뿐, 사회혁신분야에서는 누구든지 관찰자로 남지 않고 참여자가 될 수 있다._제프 멀건
Practical Strategies to Designing Engaging PortalsKanwal KhippleThis document outlines a presentation on designing engaging portals. It introduces the speaker and their experience building Office 365 and SharePoint solutions. The presentation agenda discusses getting executive buy-in, running effective requirement workshops, and UX strategies. It also covers diffusion of innovation adoption curves and how to increase adoption. Effective requirement gathering techniques are explained, like using personas and empathy maps. The presentation emphasizes designing for the user experience and personalization. Metrics and a roadmap for success are recommended to drive results.
의료 혁신의 가치-배성윤(2011-7-13)Sung Yoon Bae강연제목: 의료 혁신의 가치
강연일자: 2011년 7월 13일
강연주최: 강북삼성병원 헬스케어 이노베이션 센터
주요내용: 혁신의 개념과 의료 혁신이 필요한 이유, 의료 혁신의 역사와 가치, 의료의 미래를 바꿀 10대 혁신, 의료기기 및 진단장비의 역할, 가치창출형 의료서비스 혁신의 사례
Diffusion of InnovationSiddhesh ParabPresentation consists of the core theory of diffusion of innovation followed by 3 case studies :
1) Diffusion of tetra cycline in the healthcare system and the effect of social factors on the same
2) Diffusion of Atorvastatin in healthcare system
3) Diffusion of Prozac in healthcare system and the dark side of pharma industry
Rogers' diffusion of innovations modelabajabaaRogers' Diffusion of Innovations model outlines five factors that influence the adoption of new ideas: (1) attributes of the innovation such as its relative advantage and complexity, (2) the type of decision (individual or collective), (3) communication channels (mass media or interpersonal), (4) the social system including norms and opinion leaders, and (5) the degree of promotion by change agents. The rate of adoption depends on how an innovation is perceived along these factors within a social system over time.
Diffusion and adoption of innovationAnimesh GuptaThis document discusses the diffusion of innovation, including definitions of key concepts like new products, diffusion, adoption, and the innovation adoption process. It outlines the 5 stages of the adoption process: awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption/rejection. It also describes the characteristics that influence the diffusion of innovations like relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. Finally, it provides a profile of consumer innovators and compares their characteristics to non-innovators.
Diffusion of innovationAbhishek RajThis document provides an overview of the diffusion of innovation theory and consumer adoption processes. It discusses key concepts like the stages of innovation adoption (innovators, early adopters, etc.), characteristics that influence diffusion, and the awareness-interest-evaluation-trial-adoption consumer decision process. It also profiles different types of early adopters like opinion leaders, market mavens, change leaders, and technophiles who influence wider adoption. The document concludes by noting applications for marketing research, new product development, and product reviews.
Diffusion of Innovations - A Summary 2009 - Les RobinsonBTO EducationalA summary of Diffusion of Innovations
Les Robinson
Fully revised and rewritten Jan 2009
Diffusion of Innovations seeks to explain how innovations are taken up in a population.
An innovation is an idea, behaviour, or object
that is perceived as new by its audience.
Diffusion of Innovations offers three valuable insights into the process of social change:
- What qualities make an innovation spread successfully.
- The importance of peer-peer conversations and peer networks.
- Understanding the needs of different user segments.
These insights have been tested in more than 6000 research studies and field tests, so they are amongst the most reliable in the social
Diffusion Of InnovationAditya008Diffusion of Innovation theory examines how, why, and the rate at which new ideas and technologies spread through cultures over time. The key aspects of the theory include the innovation, communication channels, time, and the social system. Adoption of innovations follows an S-curve as they are first adopted by innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. Factors like relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability influence adoption rates.
Innovation diffusion (Everett Rogers)Sandhya JohnsonRogers' diffusion of innovations theory proposes that an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system. The key elements are the innovation itself, communication channels, time, and the social system. Innovations that are perceived as having greater relative advantage, compatibility, trialability, observability, and less complexity will be adopted more rapidly. Early diffusion research studies investigated the spread of hybrid corn and new drugs. Subsequent studies examined opinion leadership, communication channels, and the five stages of the innovation-decision process: knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation. Criticisms of diffusion research include a pro-innovation bias and issues of equality in diffusion.
New era New creativeYongJune CHAE새로운 크리에이티브는 어떤 모습을 하고 있을까요? 그 타입을 *Brand Hacking *Gamefication *Everything goes Social *Always beta 으로 분류해 다양한 사례와 함께 소개해 보았습니다.
파괴적기술승원 하Session1 - 2007년
(1) Amazon – Kindle
(2) Google - android
(3) 삼성전자와 한국전자통신연구원
(4) Life Saver Bottle
Session2 - 2008년
(1)Groupon – Social commerce
(2)Intel – Atom
(3)Apple – Mac book Air
Session3 - 2009년
(1) Honda-HYBRID CAR
(3)SamSung- LED TV
Session4 – 2010년
(1) Google - driverless car
(2) Apple – I pad
(3) Samsung - Smart TV
(4) MS – Kinect
Session5 – 2011년
(1) IBM – Watson System
(2) Futura medical - CSD 500
(3)Apple – I Cloud
(4)Apple - Siri
How to build a platform effectivelyMike (Manho) WonThis document revisits how Naver has shifted their platform strategy and walks you through on how to build an effective platform from the ground.
4차 산업혁명과 소프트웨어 강의 Hakyong Kim초등학교 3-4학년을 대상으로 4차 산업혁명과 소프트웨어 교육에 대한 강연을 해달라고 해서 준비했던 자료입니다. 아직 어린 아이들에게 4차 산업혁명이라는 개념과 관련 기술들을 소개해야 하고, 또 자연스럽게 소프트웨어와 코딩이 무엇이고 왜 이들을 공부해야 하는지 소개해 달라고 해서 만든 것입니다.
어렵게 설명하는 것보다는 아이들이 잘 알고 있는 또봇이나 터닝메카드를 이용해서 4차 산업혁명과 관련 기술들을 소개했구요, 4장에 1장씩 동영상을 넣어서 관심을 유도했습니다. 그리고, 인공지능 설명할 때에는 인공지능 스피커를 가지고 데모를 보여주고 앞으로의 인공지능은 어떻게 동작할 지에 대해 이야기 해보라고 하니 녀석들 말 많더군요 ㅋㅋ
Diffusion of InnovationSiddhesh ParabPresentation consists of the core theory of diffusion of innovation followed by 3 case studies :
1) Diffusion of tetra cycline in the healthcare system and the effect of social factors on the same
2) Diffusion of Atorvastatin in healthcare system
3) Diffusion of Prozac in healthcare system and the dark side of pharma industry
Rogers' diffusion of innovations modelabajabaaRogers' Diffusion of Innovations model outlines five factors that influence the adoption of new ideas: (1) attributes of the innovation such as its relative advantage and complexity, (2) the type of decision (individual or collective), (3) communication channels (mass media or interpersonal), (4) the social system including norms and opinion leaders, and (5) the degree of promotion by change agents. The rate of adoption depends on how an innovation is perceived along these factors within a social system over time.
Diffusion and adoption of innovationAnimesh GuptaThis document discusses the diffusion of innovation, including definitions of key concepts like new products, diffusion, adoption, and the innovation adoption process. It outlines the 5 stages of the adoption process: awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption/rejection. It also describes the characteristics that influence the diffusion of innovations like relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. Finally, it provides a profile of consumer innovators and compares their characteristics to non-innovators.
Diffusion of innovationAbhishek RajThis document provides an overview of the diffusion of innovation theory and consumer adoption processes. It discusses key concepts like the stages of innovation adoption (innovators, early adopters, etc.), characteristics that influence diffusion, and the awareness-interest-evaluation-trial-adoption consumer decision process. It also profiles different types of early adopters like opinion leaders, market mavens, change leaders, and technophiles who influence wider adoption. The document concludes by noting applications for marketing research, new product development, and product reviews.
Diffusion of Innovations - A Summary 2009 - Les RobinsonBTO EducationalA summary of Diffusion of Innovations
Les Robinson
Fully revised and rewritten Jan 2009
Diffusion of Innovations seeks to explain how innovations are taken up in a population.
An innovation is an idea, behaviour, or object
that is perceived as new by its audience.
Diffusion of Innovations offers three valuable insights into the process of social change:
- What qualities make an innovation spread successfully.
- The importance of peer-peer conversations and peer networks.
- Understanding the needs of different user segments.
These insights have been tested in more than 6000 research studies and field tests, so they are amongst the most reliable in the social
Diffusion Of InnovationAditya008Diffusion of Innovation theory examines how, why, and the rate at which new ideas and technologies spread through cultures over time. The key aspects of the theory include the innovation, communication channels, time, and the social system. Adoption of innovations follows an S-curve as they are first adopted by innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. Factors like relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability influence adoption rates.
Innovation diffusion (Everett Rogers)Sandhya JohnsonRogers' diffusion of innovations theory proposes that an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system. The key elements are the innovation itself, communication channels, time, and the social system. Innovations that are perceived as having greater relative advantage, compatibility, trialability, observability, and less complexity will be adopted more rapidly. Early diffusion research studies investigated the spread of hybrid corn and new drugs. Subsequent studies examined opinion leadership, communication channels, and the five stages of the innovation-decision process: knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation. Criticisms of diffusion research include a pro-innovation bias and issues of equality in diffusion.
New era New creativeYongJune CHAE새로운 크리에이티브는 어떤 모습을 하고 있을까요? 그 타입을 *Brand Hacking *Gamefication *Everything goes Social *Always beta 으로 분류해 다양한 사례와 함께 소개해 보았습니다.
파괴적기술승원 하Session1 - 2007년
(1) Amazon – Kindle
(2) Google - android
(3) 삼성전자와 한국전자통신연구원
(4) Life Saver Bottle
Session2 - 2008년
(1)Groupon – Social commerce
(2)Intel – Atom
(3)Apple – Mac book Air
Session3 - 2009년
(1) Honda-HYBRID CAR
(3)SamSung- LED TV
Session4 – 2010년
(1) Google - driverless car
(2) Apple – I pad
(3) Samsung - Smart TV
(4) MS – Kinect
Session5 – 2011년
(1) IBM – Watson System
(2) Futura medical - CSD 500
(3)Apple – I Cloud
(4)Apple - Siri
How to build a platform effectivelyMike (Manho) WonThis document revisits how Naver has shifted their platform strategy and walks you through on how to build an effective platform from the ground.
4차 산업혁명과 소프트웨어 강의 Hakyong Kim초등학교 3-4학년을 대상으로 4차 산업혁명과 소프트웨어 교육에 대한 강연을 해달라고 해서 준비했던 자료입니다. 아직 어린 아이들에게 4차 산업혁명이라는 개념과 관련 기술들을 소개해야 하고, 또 자연스럽게 소프트웨어와 코딩이 무엇이고 왜 이들을 공부해야 하는지 소개해 달라고 해서 만든 것입니다.
어렵게 설명하는 것보다는 아이들이 잘 알고 있는 또봇이나 터닝메카드를 이용해서 4차 산업혁명과 관련 기술들을 소개했구요, 4장에 1장씩 동영상을 넣어서 관심을 유도했습니다. 그리고, 인공지능 설명할 때에는 인공지능 스피커를 가지고 데모를 보여주고 앞으로의 인공지능은 어떻게 동작할 지에 대해 이야기 해보라고 하니 녀석들 말 많더군요 ㅋㅋ
[IoT] MAKE with Open H/W + Node.JS - 1stPark JonggunIoT 시대에 Opensource H/W 와 NodeJS 를 이용하여 누구나 나만의 H/W + S/W + Service 를 만들기 위한 교육 과정을 만들어 보았습니다.
상상했던 아이디어를 Raspberry Pi 기반으로 나만의 IoT 제품을 현실로 만들어 보세요.
Lesson 1 - Introduction : IoT개요, Opensource H/W, 라즈베리파이 기초
Lesson 2 - Linux : Raspberry Pi 에서 리눅스 활용하기
Lesson 3 - Node.JS : Raspberry Pi 에서 Node.JS 로 프로그래밍 하기
Lesson 4 - Sensor : GPIO 를 Node.JS 로 동작시켜 센서 제어하기
Lesson 5 - Project : Raspberry Pi 로 스마트폰 + 무선 IoT 오디오 제작
챕터가 완성되는대로 추가적으로 공유하겠습니다.
Circulus Site - http://www.circul.us
Circulus Group - http://group.circul.us
The effect of the involvement of industry in the classChangone KimThe document summarizes a study on involving industry in university classes to solve real-world problems. Students at Keimyung University in Korea worked in teams to develop solutions for problems presented by local businesses. Compared to a control group in a traditional lecture-based class, students in the problem-led class showed significantly higher gains in self-leadership skills, self-efficacy, and teamwork abilities. Both students and participating businesses benefited from applying classroom learning to solve real issues. The study suggests industry involvement in problem-based university courses can effectively develop students' competencies while helping local firms.
3. 혁신이란
개인이나 그것을 수용하는 단위가 새롭다고 인
식한 아이디어나 방법이나 물건(로저스, 혁신의
4. 혁신이란
발명은 “꽃”이고 혁신은 잡초다
(밥 메트칼프)
이더넷의 아버지 로버트 밥 매트칼프(Robert Bob Metcalfe)는 이더넷을 최초로 설계한 사
람으로 '이더넷의 아버지'로 불린다. 1946년 뉴욕 브룩클린에서 태어났으며, 1979년에
는 네트워크 장비 회사인 3COM을 설립했다.
5. 웹밴
8억 달러 투자 후
2년 만에 파산
1천만원이 넘는 [애플 리사]
가격과 1회 충전 가격 : 10,000달러
으로 39km까지만 판매대수 : 2만 여대만이
주행할 수밖에 없 팔린 채 단종
었던 배터리 문제
12. 혁신의 특징
위험-구입하거나 활용하는데 따르는 위험
선택권-사용자의 선택을 제한, 다른 위험을 축소
이미지-사용자에 비치는 이미지
능력-mp3플레이어의 용량
분리성-사이트라이선스 구입전 1인 사용자판 시험
비용대비 효과-20%할인 카푸치노쿠폰을 1km거리의 커피숍
상호 운용성
상호의존성 –아노트 디지털 펜과 특수 종이
구축과 신뢰성-우주호텔
장려금 및 보조금
13. 새로움 vs. 혁신
세계최초 10%
회사에 새로운 것 20%
제품 계열 확장
17. 2001년 혁신제품 사례
조금씩 마실 수 있는 주둥이가 달린 종이 포장에
담긴 전자레인지용 “홀짝홀짝 캠벨수프”
샌드위치 빵에 끈끈한 글씨나 그림을 쓸 수 있는
“재미있는 파케이 눌러짜는 색깔 마가린”
색깔이 바뀌는 매니큐어액
기네스 드라우트 맥주
신제품의 실패확률 80%
18. 변화의 분위기
창조적 아이디어를 격려하는 분위기
경제 상황
기술주도-p2p 음악파일
파괴적 본성
격변과 안정
19. Mp3 플레이어
컴팩트 디스크
디스크 저장용량/ 파일공유기술/프래시메모리 가격/
하드디스크 소형화
제조시설, 컨텐츠의 개발, 표준화
20. 수용자의 부류
혁신 수용자 2.5%
선각 수용자 13.5%
전기 다수 수용자 34%
후기 다수 수용자 34%
지각 수용자 16%