Internship Research Project Mobile Advertising FormsPeter Evers
The document discusses an internship research project on mobile advertising. The project analyzed 50 cases across different countries to link marketing goals to various forms of mobile advertising along the sales funnel. Over 1300 entries across 26 variables were collected and analyzed as part of the research.
The document discusses the difficulty of predicting the future and provides examples of past predictions that turned out to be wrong. It then lists 10 predictions for the future of publishing, suggesting that publishers will need to be flexible, embrace new platforms, and have open and decentralized models to succeed, while closed publishers will struggle. Multiple business models and different consumption experiences on various devices will also shape the future of the industry.
Mobileweb Company provides advanced mobile services to connect brands with consumers. Their mission is to make brands' content, products and services discoverable, accessible and useful for mobile users. They excel at developing mobile services that deliver value to brands and getting brands in front of consumers to drive engagement. Mobileweb offers a configurable mobile platform optimized for any device and mobile search, with features like location services, dynamic content and analytics to prove value for brands.
Andrey Shatrov. Mobile advertising casespotapova 3663
Андрей Шатров, директор отдела продаж компании Wapstart. Александр Гурский, специалист по развитию продуктов WapStart.
Тема: Реклама в мобильном Рунете в кейсах.
Блок-конференция "Медийная реклама", RIW-2010
Final 2013 11 04 financial bootcamp for women the basicsTina Powell
Financial Bootcamp for Women - The Basics. A presentation geared to women beginning to take charge of their financial lives. Simple and easy-to-understand tips.
This document discusses the opportunities in addressable TV advertising. It outlines two goals: understanding the addressable TV market dynamics in the US and how set-top box data can be used for better online ad targeting and vice versa. It then provides an overview of how the living room and TV watching behaviors have changed, as well as the technology infrastructure that is coming together to enable addressability, including set-top box data and smart TVs/devices. The document envisions the potential of an integrated system that uses TV data for targeted ads across online, mobile and TV platforms, and interactions between the platforms, while also noting several challenges that must be addressed first.
Mobile Applications and Mobile AdvertisingMartin Wilson
The document discusses Mobile People, a company that develops mobile applications for directory publishers and media owners. It was established in 2002 with headquarters in Copenhagen and over 50 employees. Mobile People manages advertising networks and develops applications across Europe, North America, Australia and South Africa. The document also discusses trends in the mobile environment, including growth in mobile internet usage and revenues, as well as characteristics of the mobile medium that differentiate it from traditional online usage.
Internship Research Project Mobile Advertising FormsPeter Evers
The document discusses an internship research project on mobile advertising. The project analyzed 50 cases across different countries to link marketing goals to various forms of mobile advertising along the sales funnel. Over 1300 entries across 26 variables were collected and analyzed as part of the research.
The document discusses the difficulty of predicting the future and provides examples of past predictions that turned out to be wrong. It then lists 10 predictions for the future of publishing, suggesting that publishers will need to be flexible, embrace new platforms, and have open and decentralized models to succeed, while closed publishers will struggle. Multiple business models and different consumption experiences on various devices will also shape the future of the industry.
Mobileweb Company provides advanced mobile services to connect brands with consumers. Their mission is to make brands' content, products and services discoverable, accessible and useful for mobile users. They excel at developing mobile services that deliver value to brands and getting brands in front of consumers to drive engagement. Mobileweb offers a configurable mobile platform optimized for any device and mobile search, with features like location services, dynamic content and analytics to prove value for brands.
Andrey Shatrov. Mobile advertising casespotapova 3663
Андрей Шатров, директор отдела продаж компании Wapstart. Александр Гурский, специалист по развитию продуктов WapStart.
Тема: Реклама в мобильном Рунете в кейсах.
Блок-конференция "Медийная реклама", RIW-2010
Final 2013 11 04 financial bootcamp for women the basicsTina Powell
Financial Bootcamp for Women - The Basics. A presentation geared to women beginning to take charge of their financial lives. Simple and easy-to-understand tips.
This document discusses the opportunities in addressable TV advertising. It outlines two goals: understanding the addressable TV market dynamics in the US and how set-top box data can be used for better online ad targeting and vice versa. It then provides an overview of how the living room and TV watching behaviors have changed, as well as the technology infrastructure that is coming together to enable addressability, including set-top box data and smart TVs/devices. The document envisions the potential of an integrated system that uses TV data for targeted ads across online, mobile and TV platforms, and interactions between the platforms, while also noting several challenges that must be addressed first.
Mobile Applications and Mobile AdvertisingMartin Wilson
The document discusses Mobile People, a company that develops mobile applications for directory publishers and media owners. It was established in 2002 with headquarters in Copenhagen and over 50 employees. Mobile People manages advertising networks and develops applications across Europe, North America, Australia and South Africa. The document also discusses trends in the mobile environment, including growth in mobile internet usage and revenues, as well as characteristics of the mobile medium that differentiate it from traditional online usage.
The document outlines the course structure and content for B.Com. (Hons.) Pt. III. It includes 5 units covering topics like amalgamation and absorption of companies, holding company accounts, financial statement analysis, funds flow analysis, and business valuation and forecasting. It also outlines the course structure and content for 2 elective subjects - Business Entrepreneurship and Marketing, Sales Management & Advertising. The electives include 5 units each on topics such as entrepreneurship development, new venture promotion, financing new ventures, and sales management.
Innovative and professional ba and in gyan vihar university jaipurDr. Trilok Kumar Jain
The document summarizes several degree programs offered by Suresh Gyan Vihar University in Jaipur, India, including:
1. BA (Honors in Economics), which prepares students for civil services and other competitive exams and provides knowledge in economic theory and practice.
2. B.Com (Corporate Secretaryship), which prepares students for careers as corporate secretaries, administrators, and finance professionals by teaching legal and commercial documentation skills.
3. B.Com (Honors in Management Accounting), which prepares students for strategic decision-making related to accounting, finance, operations and more. Students can also pursue the CMA certification through CIMA.
2. 电视与网络视频广告的效果比较
视向互联网迁移,尤其晚上8点到1 点的传统黄金收视高峰已经被在线视频媒体逐渐占据,
他们收看视频内容的方式正日趋多样化,网络也成为一种媒体选择(表2 )。
表1:不同媒体日均触达比率和花费时间对比 表2:每天在线视频平均花费时间(分:秒)
数据来源:尼尔森《上海跨屏研究报告— — 2 1 年上半年》
01 数据来源:尼尔森《上海跨屏研究报告— — 2 1 年上半年》
说明:电视和互联网在家中使用行为 说明:在线视频基于平均家庭每天触达率53
在线视频是指访问优酷网、土豆网、酷6网、P S
P 、乐视网、
新浪视频、P l e o T b 、第一视频
Pi 、Y u u e
3. 电视与网络视频广告的效果比较
表3:美国网络视频贴片广告相对于电视广告和所有网络广告 表4:北美广告主和代理商对于网络视频贴片广告
花费的分别占比,2 0 - 0 3
0 72 1 和电视广告的态度,2 1 - 0 2
0 12 1
数据来源:e ree, 0 9
Mak tr2 0 数据来源:A a . 和D G D Y 0 2
d ptv I I A 《2 1 年Q1视频行业报告》
4. 电视与网络视频广告的效果比较
生活在中国一二线城市,年龄在2 至3 岁的女性消费者是一群拥有高购买力的消费者,
2 5
助广告主做出更好的投放决策。该研究使用了尼尔森的Y u V i P n l
o r oc a e定量问卷调查,
目标群体覆盖全国2 - 5
2 3 岁在电视或视频网站上看过某广告的女性,有效回收样本4 2 0
个。同时使用了秒针的A Mo i r
d nt 工具,监测全国2 - 4
o 0 3 岁网民在优酷、土豆、奇艺上
数据来源:尼尔森《2 1 年未来女性研究》,安吉斯《互联网消费习惯及对于广告的影响》
5. 电视与网络视频广告的效果比较
数据来源:Nil n
es 《都市女性跨媒体广告效果研究报告》,2 1 年
e 00
10. 电视与网络视频广告的效果比较
(J moWo )和调研分析师韩冰洁(IyH n
a o c a )。同时感谢媒介部的数据支持,并感谢
尼尔森 、秒针。
11. 电视与网络视频广告的效果比较
北京 |上海 |广州
网迈广告成立于2 0 年,总部设在上海,在北京和广州设有分支机构。多年的实践和
04 年,总部设在上海,在北京和广州设有分支机构。多年的实践和积
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