Класс без вредных привычек. 8 "Б" класс. Кл.рук.: Плахотнюк Н.Н. (22.11.2016)Evgenia Paschenko_ShameyПрезентация о жизни класса на протяжении 4 лет (с 5 класса).
Приложение 2Молодежное Общественное Объединение «Спортивный клуб «Сэнкё»»ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2 К ПОЛОЖЕНИЮ О СОРЕВНОВАНИЯХ
5-го этапа Минской Городской Лиги Каратэ сезона 2017-2018 Ассоциации "Минская Федерация Каратэ" среди детей, кадетов и взрослых.
13 мая 2018 года.
CoLad Eco FriendlyJ SchemmThe Colad Group is committed to being certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), which are leading sustainable forestry certification programs. FSC certification ensures that forest products come from responsibly managed forests and tracked supply chains. SFI promotes sustainable forest management practices that protect resources like water and wildlife habitat. Colad pledges to abide by FSC and SFI standards to support better forestry and protect the environment.
Construccion cajoncristiam paulThis document provides instructions for building a wooden box. It describes selecting and cutting wood boards to the proper dimensions. It also details assembling the box by gluing and nailing the boards together at the corners to form the sides, bottom, and lid of the box. Finally, it mentions adding decorative touches like sanding or staining the finished box.
Verb To BeYsmael LopezThis document provides examples of sentences using common forms of the verb "to be" in English including affirmative and negative forms. It then has fill-in-the-blank sentences for students to practice using these verb forms correctly. Finally, it presents word scrambles that students must reorder to form proper sentences. The overall purpose is to help students learn and practice conjugating the verb "to be" in English.
GraFiorio PortfolioGerardo FiorioEste documento presenta los servicios de merchandising y diseño gráfico de una empresa, incluyendo la producción de remeras, gorras, libretas, termos, banners y flyers, así como servicios de bordado, impresión y edición de video, contactando a Gerardo Fiorio como gerente de marketing.
Dutch Golden AgecvandermolenThe document provides instructions for visiting a museum with exhibits on 17th century Dutch paintings, architecture, artifacts, and science. It includes background information on different aspects of Dutch culture, economy, and global trade during the Dutch Golden Age. Key figures mentioned include Rembrandt, Vermeer, Houtman, Leeuwenhoek, and Tulp.
SPIE Overview for Studentsguest049f16SPIE is an international non-profit organization founded in 1955 with over 16,000 members representing 143 countries. It aims to advance optics and photonics through conferences, publications, and educational programs. SPIE offers over 800 short courses and training programs, operates a job website, and publishes 8 journals and a digital library. It also provides scholarships, grants, and support for student programs including chapters at 141 universities in 27 countries.
Приложение 2Молодежное Общественное Объединение «Спортивный клуб «Сэнкё»»ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2 К ПОЛОЖЕНИЮ О СОРЕВНОВАНИЯХ
5-го этапа Минской Городской Лиги Каратэ сезона 2017-2018 Ассоциации "Минская Федерация Каратэ" среди детей, кадетов и взрослых.
13 мая 2018 года.
CoLad Eco FriendlyJ SchemmThe Colad Group is committed to being certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), which are leading sustainable forestry certification programs. FSC certification ensures that forest products come from responsibly managed forests and tracked supply chains. SFI promotes sustainable forest management practices that protect resources like water and wildlife habitat. Colad pledges to abide by FSC and SFI standards to support better forestry and protect the environment.
Construccion cajoncristiam paulThis document provides instructions for building a wooden box. It describes selecting and cutting wood boards to the proper dimensions. It also details assembling the box by gluing and nailing the boards together at the corners to form the sides, bottom, and lid of the box. Finally, it mentions adding decorative touches like sanding or staining the finished box.
Verb To BeYsmael LopezThis document provides examples of sentences using common forms of the verb "to be" in English including affirmative and negative forms. It then has fill-in-the-blank sentences for students to practice using these verb forms correctly. Finally, it presents word scrambles that students must reorder to form proper sentences. The overall purpose is to help students learn and practice conjugating the verb "to be" in English.
GraFiorio PortfolioGerardo FiorioEste documento presenta los servicios de merchandising y diseño gráfico de una empresa, incluyendo la producción de remeras, gorras, libretas, termos, banners y flyers, así como servicios de bordado, impresión y edición de video, contactando a Gerardo Fiorio como gerente de marketing.
Dutch Golden AgecvandermolenThe document provides instructions for visiting a museum with exhibits on 17th century Dutch paintings, architecture, artifacts, and science. It includes background information on different aspects of Dutch culture, economy, and global trade during the Dutch Golden Age. Key figures mentioned include Rembrandt, Vermeer, Houtman, Leeuwenhoek, and Tulp.
SPIE Overview for Studentsguest049f16SPIE is an international non-profit organization founded in 1955 with over 16,000 members representing 143 countries. It aims to advance optics and photonics through conferences, publications, and educational programs. SPIE offers over 800 short courses and training programs, operates a job website, and publishes 8 journals and a digital library. It also provides scholarships, grants, and support for student programs including chapters at 141 universities in 27 countries.
trunal resume 2Trunal DongareTrunalPawansinghDongare is looking for a challenging career that utilizes his technical and analytical skills. He has a B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from Sant Gadge baba Amravati University with 68.69% and is proficient in CAD, vehicle overhauling, and C language. His areas of interest include quality management and automobile production. His final year project involved fabricating a mini solar dish and thermal power unit to generate electricity using a Stirling engine.
Anatomia del angulo iridocornealPaco ValdesEste documento describe la anatomía del ángulo iridocorneal. Resume que el ángulo iridocorneal tiene forma elipsoidal y limites en la superficie posterior de la córnea, superficie anterior del iris y porción pupilar del cristalino. Detalla las estructuras del ángulo como la línea de Schwalbe, canal de Schlemm, malla trabecular, espolón escleral y procesos iridianos.
StoryEulalia ConesaEl documento describe una animación en cuatro pantallas que cuenta la historia personal y familiar de Eulalia. La primera pantalla presenta fotos e información sobre su niñez y juventud. La segunda pantalla muestra fotos de su boda, su primer coche y el nacimiento de sus hijos. La tercera pantalla presenta una furgoneta llena de sus hijos y nietos. La cuarta y última pantalla muestra dos círculos estrellados con mensajes antes de que un cohete desaparezca en la esquina superior derecha.
Causas+desempleoRobert GallegosEl documento analiza los factores que influyeron en el aumento de la tasa de desempleo en Ecuador entre septiembre de 2008 y septiembre de 2009. Utilizando la técnica de descomposición de Blinder-Oaxaca, determinó que el incremento se debió principalmente a factores externos como la crisis económica mundial y la reducción del consumo en EEUU, más que a cambios en las características del mercado laboral ecuatoriano. De hecho, los cambios en la oferta y demanda de trabajo contribuyeron a mitigar los
15. Городская спартакиада младших школьников
(5 видов)
1. Легкоатлетический кросс – участники - ученики
3«В»класса,кл.рук.Ватутина Н.В.
2. Лыжные гонки – участники - ученики 4»В»
класса,кл.рук. Бахтиярова Т.Г.
3. «Веселые старты» - участники - ученики
3«В»класса,кл.рук.Ватутина Н.В.
4. Подвижная игра «Перестрелка» - участники -
ученики 4«Г»класса,кл.рук.Куликова Р.В.
5. Ритмическая гимнастика - участники - ученики
4»В» класса,кл.рук. Бахтиярова Т.Г.
Всем огромное спасибо за помощь в организации
и подготовке участников.
19. Планы на следующий учебный год:
- Участие в городской спартакиаде младших школьников
- Участие во всех школьных соревнований
- Активное участие родителей в спортивных праздниках